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Happy Thanksgiving to the Cloak Room. Say something nice.

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One thing here.  I tried to reedit this but was timed out before I could complete it.


I used the word "you" while discussing how Democrat talking heads react to the idea of voter I.D. after rereading this, that makes it sound like I am accusing Troph of making this argument, I wasn't.  That was on me for not proof reading this better and having my computer freeze up on me at the end of this post before I could save it and thus forth having to retype the whole thing in again is not an excuse for this.  My apologies if you read this and took it personally Troph.  That wasn't my intention.

  • Fuck You 1

regarding the ease with which someone could get an ID, i'll offer this...

my niece obtained her learner's permit a few years ago. 

my sister had a car, a job that allowed her time off, a computer and printer, and money... and it was still a huge time and money consuming effort that caused more than one angry frustrated rant on her part.

and that had nothing to do with the actual drivers ed or test part.

it was an eye opening experience for her. she'd previously been ambivalent about voter id laws ('sure, makes sense'), but after that experience her exact words were 'this is some kind of BULLSHIT, how is a poor person with two jobs supposed to do all this??'

there must be an easier way if that is to be the law.

6 minutes ago, BLKNSTY said:

there is a 0% chance he believes Lincoln was a better president than Trump.

There is zero percent chance you are correct.  I like Trump but he hasn't been a better president than Lincoln.  Hell, he hasn't been a better president than Reagan and the jury could still be out on whether he will be a better president than Clinton.  Trump could very well turn out to be just as important as Lincoln and Reagan were in American history, if America is paying attention.  Trump's ultimate legacy should be showing the country just how much power that is supposed to reside in the hands of the Representatives, Senators, and Presidents the Amercian people elect into political power has actually been transferred into the hands of unelected bureaucrats and government officials who were not placed into their positions by the vote of the American people.  And like all political power, once you give it to someone else you are going to have to pay hell to get it back.  However for this to be true "we the people" are going to have to wake up and pull our heads out of our asses.

  • Fuck You 1
9 minutes ago, mchookem said:

regarding the ease with which someone could get an ID, i'll offer this...

my niece obtained her learner's permit a few years ago. 

my sister had a car, a job that allowed her time off, a computer and printer, and money... and it was still a huge time and money consuming effort that caused more than one angry frustrated rant on her part.

and that had nothing to do with the actual drivers ed or test part.

it was an eye opening experience for her. she'd previously been ambivalent about voter id laws ('sure, makes sense'), but after that experience her exact words were 'this is some kind of BULLSHIT, how is a poor person with two jobs supposed to do all this??'

there must be an easier way if that is to be the law.

Maybe it's the state I live in or the fact that the counties I have resided in have been small to medium sized population wise but I have never had an issue getting a driver's license.  Now registration, tags, vehicle taxes, and all of that DMV poo is another issue but actual driver's license offices have been a piece of cake.

  • Fuck You 1

As the resident “tranny” you know you lost me at the alphabet slams. You have no idea what you are talking about. You insulted me and many of my friends with that drivel. You insulted my kids and my partner. And that’s just wrong. Yeah, it’s morally wrong.


You proclaim as though you are an authority on the subject but you are not. And your source is Frank Zappa? Really?


And the ignoring of science and reducing it to an intellectual “psychobabble” position in light of the lived experience of others and the consensus of the scientific community shows you are not only able but completely willing to ignore reality.


Like I told my dad on the way out the door, you’re entitled to your opinion and you can shout it as loud as you want, there is not one liberal that will take that away from you. But what you also are entitled to are the consequences of your statements.


In 2019 science and reason should prevail. It should not be an option to ignore or believe otherwise. For those that do ignore it, they should be called out.







  • Like 4
Maybe it's the state I live in or the fact that the counties I have resided in have been small to medium sized population wise but I have never had an issue getting a driver's license.  Now registration, tags, vehicle taxes, and all of that DMV poo is another issue but actual driver's license offices have been a piece of cake.

You do understand other people have their own experience right? Your anecdotal experience is not wisdom and truth, it’s your experience as presumably a white man. Think about that. Blacks, gays, trannies like me, legal immigrants, kids of illegal immigrants, women, we don’t live in a white man’s world. And you deny any issues but you support regimes that are systematic in their desire to oppress.


As one example, you do know in the Deep South they are closing offices for DLs close to poor African American communities where the combination of work schedules, family obligations and transportation challenges make it much harder to get a license, right? Claim budget cuts but it’s not white communities loosing convenient locations, it’s black democratic voters.


That means less democratic voters. Less voters period.


Is that consistent with our values of democracy? No. It’s racism, period. It’s wrong, it’s reprehensible.


When I talk about political integrity this is it. So is your side step of others experience. We live in a pluralistic and secular society. All Americans belong at the table. Not just the white men and those that acquiesce to your exclusionary system.

  • Like 2
i appreciate the time and effort it took to write all that. quite revelatory. 

This. Please keep posting stuff like that. It’s a glimpse inside the non-reality based world that dominates these days.

As for Trump - he’s blatantly violated the emoluments clause, he’s engaged in violations of campaign finance laws, he’s withheld congressional appropriated funds for national security matters, he’s refused to comply with lawful subpoenas, hes knowingly engaged with Russians in the 2016 election, he’s paid hush money to a prostitute also in violation of campaign finance laws and these are only those items we know about the rational world has proven.

Happy to have a president like Bush again to debate the merits of policy but what we have is an immoral, even amoral man in the White House who has gutted the state department, ignores the intelligence community, refuses to honor the lawful demands of Congress - subpoena power and power of the purse. He lies on Twitter, he executes foreign policy while reacting to fox and friends via twitter without consulting his military chiefs, he’s set back the EPA decades, he insults governors and state leaders, he has used the press Corp privileges to punish those he does not like in the media. The list goes on.

He is an anathema to our Constitution and to our way of life. Not because he’s “conservative” as he’s hardly that. He’s an anathema because he has no concern for honoring and living by our values principles or governing charters.

He is an existential threat to American democracy.

  • Like 4
One thing here.  I tried to reedit this but was timed out before I could complete it.
I used the word "you" while discussing how Democrat talking heads react to the idea of voter I.D. after rereading this, that makes it sound like I am accusing Troph of making this argument, I wasn't.  That was on me for not proof reading this better and having my computer freeze up on me at the end of this post before I could save it and thus forth having to retype the whole thing in again is not an excuse for this.  My apologies if you read this and took it personally Troph.  That wasn't my intention.

You thought I was insulted by the ID stuff?

I don’t even know how to respond to that.
46 minutes ago, EMAWesome said:

I have no problems with sexual orientation, gays, lesbians, or bis...  You are either a man or a woman.  You are either male or female and the deciding factor is your biology... A fish is a fish no matter how much it thinks it is a bird.  It's the same concept only applied with sexes instead of species.

You clearly do have a problem with sexual orientation. While Troph was born with male parts, her orientation is female. She does not identify as another species.

The notion of systematic racism still existing in this country is utter nonsense. 

Housing, education, criminal justice, gerrymandering policies say otherwise.

I ask for a list of these great institutions that Trump is dismantling and specific examples of how Trump is making our world dangerous.

Demanding fealty from the Department of Justice and behaving as if that entity was there to defend him.

Putting an incompetent aggy in charge of the Department of Energy, which said aggy has expressed a desire to abolish.

Neutering the State Department and leaving hundreds of high level positions unfilled.

DeVos, who doesn't believe in public education, is head of the Department of Education.

Calling the legitimacy of our elections into question prior to even having a vote.

Most every foreign policy decision favors Putin.

The standard counterargument is that people who need to get an I.D.(and in this context the "people" are ALWAYS black and brown people) don't know where to go or how to get an I.D.  

The elderly, young, and poor (especially in large cities where waits are hours long) often have great difficulty in getting IDs.

The real reason why Democrats are so anti-I.D. to vote is because the concept makes it harder for the Democrats to herd in illegal aliens, people who have already voted, people who do not reside in the district, dead people, and anyone else ineligible to vote. 

This is an outright lie. There is very little evidence of systemic or rampant voter fraud in this country. Of those that I can think of in Texas over the last few years, two have been perpetrated by Republican women, and one was a recently released felon who didn't know she wasn't allowed to vote.

Democrats have controlled the House since 2018.  There is actually plenty in the way of infrastructure, criminal and justice reform, economically jump starting inner cities and the like that Trump would be willing to cooperate with them on and try to work out solutions to these issues. 

[A]s of November 15, the House has passed nearly 400 bills, not including resolutions. But the House Democratic Policy and Communications Committee estimates 80 percent of those bill have hit a snag in the Senate...

This has led to House Democrats decrying McConnell’s so-called “legislative graveyard,” a moniker the Senate majority leader has proudly adopted. McConnell calls himself the “grim reaper” of Democratic legislation he derides as socialist, but many of the bills that never see the Senate floor are bipartisan issues, like a universal background check bill, net neutrality, and reauthorizing the Violence Against Women Act.

Although we’re not going to list all 400 bills for brevity’s sake, here’s a list of major bills and resolutions the House has passed so far.

Health care

  • House Resolution 259 — Medicaid Extenders Act of 2019
  • H.R. 271 — Condemning the Trump Administration’s Legal Campaign to Take Away Americans’ Health Care
  • H.R. 986 — Protecting Americans with Preexisting Conditions Act of 2019
  • H.R. 987 — Strengthening Health Care and Lowering Prescription Drug Costs Act
  • H.R. 1520, the Purple Book Continuity Act (bill aimed at lowering the cost of prescription drugs)
  • H.R. 1503, the Orange Book Transparency Act of 2019 (bill aimed at lowering the cost of prescription drugs)

Civil rights

  • H.R. 1 — For the People Act of 2019
  • H.R. 5 — Equality Act
  • H.R. 6 — American Dream and Promise Act
  • H.R. 7 — Paycheck Fairness Act
  • H.R. 124 — Expressing opposition to banning service in the Armed Forces by openly transgender individuals

Gun control

  • H.R. 8 — Bipartisan Background Checks Act of 2019
  • H.R. 1112 — Enhanced Background Checks Act of 2019


  • H.R. 9 — Climate Action Now Act
  • H.R. 1331 — Local Water Protection Act
  • S. 47 — National Resources Management Act
  • H.R. 2578 — National Flood Insurance Program Extension Act of 2019
  • H.R. 205, 1146, 1941 — Banning Offshore Drilling on Atlantic, Pacific, Eastern Gulf and ANWR Coasts

Military/foreign affairs

  • H.R. 840 — Veterans’ Access to Child Care Act
  • H.J. Res. 37 — Directing the removal of United States Armed Forces from hostilities in the Republic of Yemen that have not been authorized by Congress
  • S.J. Res. 7 — To direct the removal of United States Armed Forces from hostilities in the Republic of Yemen that have not been authorized by Congress
  • H.R. 31 — Caesar Syria Civilian Protection Act of 2019
  • H.J. Res. 30 — Disapproving the President’s proposal to take an action relating to the application of certain sanctions with respect to the Russian Federation
  • H.R. 4695 — Protect Against Conflict by Turkey Act
  • H.R. 676 — NATO Support Act
  • H.R. 549 — Venezuela TPS Act

Mueller report

  • H. Con. Res. 24 — Expressing the sense of Congress that the report of Special Counsel Mueller should be made available to the public and to Congress

Other major legislation

  • H.R. 1585 — Violence Against Women Reauthorization Act of 2019
  • H.R. 987 — Raise the Wage Act
  • H.R. 1500 — Consumers First Act
  • H.R. 1994 — SECURE Act/Gold Star Family Tax Relief Act
  • H.R. 2722 — Securing America’s Federal Elections (SAFE) Act
  • H.R. 4617 — Stopping Harmful Interference in Elections for a Lasting Democracy (SHIELD) Act
  • H.R. 1644 — Save the Internet Act of 2019
  • H.R. 2157 — Supplemental Appropriations Act, 2019
  • H.R. 397 — Rehabilitation for Multiemployer Pensions Act (The Butch Lewis Act)
  • H.R. 2513 — The Corporate Transparency Act
  • H.R. 269 — Pandemic and All-Hazards Preparedness and Advancing Innovation Act of 2019
  • H.R. 251 — Chemical Facility Anti-Terrorism Standards Program Extension Act
  • S.24 — Government Employee Fair Treatment Act of 2019
  • H.R. 430 — TANF Extension Act of 2019
  • Concurring in the Senate Amendments to HR 251 — Chemical Facility Anti-Terrorism Standard Program Extension Act
  • H.R. 790 — Federal Civilian Workforce Pay Raise Fairness Act of 2019
  • HJ Res. 46 — Relating to a national emergency declared by the President on February 15, 2019
  • H Res. 183 — Condemning anti-Semitism as hateful expressions of intolerance that are contradictory to the values and aspirations that define the people of the United States and condemning anti-Muslim discrimination and bigotry against minorities as hateful expressions of intolerance that are contrary to the values and aspirations of the United States, as amended
  • H Res. 194 — Rule Providing for Consideration of H.R. 1644 and H.R. 2021
  • H.R. 2480 — Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act
  • H.R. 375 — To amend the Indian Reorganization Act of 1934 to reaffirm the authority of the Secretary of the Interior to take land into trust for Indian Tribes (also known as the “Carcieri Fix”)


I do not form these opinions by watching Fox News or by listening to Rush Limbaugh. 


You are either sadly misinformed or a liar. I'm going with the latter.

  • Like 1
51 minutes ago, EMAWesome said:

 Maybe it's the state I live in or the fact that the counties I have resided in have been small to medium sized population wise but I have never had an issue getting a driver's license.



I wonder what it must be like to live in a world where you're wrong about literally everything. It must be confusing as hell.

Words of advice to our resident know-absolutely-nothing, EMAW:

  1. Do not vote.
  2. Do not procreate.
  3. Stop posting.
6 minutes ago, troph said:

You do understand other people have their own experience right? Your anecdotal experience is not wisdom and truth, it’s your experience as presumably a white man. Think about that. Blacks, gays, trannies like me, legal immigrants, kids of illegal immigrants, women, we don’t live in a white man’s world. And you deny any issues but you support regimes that are systematic in their desire to oppress.

As one example, you do know in the Deep South they are closing offices for DLs close to poor African American communities where the combination of work schedules, family obligations and transportation challenges make it much harder to get a license, right? Claim budget cuts but it’s not white communities loosing convenient locations, it’s black democratic voters.

That means less democratic voters. Less voters period.

Is that consistent with our values of democracy? No. It’s racism, period. It’s wrong, it’s reprehensible.

You live in whatever world you choose to live in.  There is no "white man's world."  No two white men are the same just as no two of any other type of people are the same.  There is either only one world that we all live in or every single person on this planet lives in their own particular world.  I'll accept either statement but I will not accept anything in between.  Believing in this in between crap is why everyone is so pissed at everyone else in this country today.  (At least on social media, in real life we still get along with each other for the most part if we can keep our pants zipped up and stay out of political pissing wars in our everyday real lives.)  No two people anywhere share the exact same life experiences because no two people anywhere live the exact same life (Siamese twins possibly being excepted.)

I'm not meaning to sound like an ass here but self-pity gets you nowhere in life.  I was born a month premature and had a speech defect that required going to a speech therapist from kindergarten through second grade.  I was made fun of by other kids a lot but my parents basic response was pretty much "You can prove what they say about you is wrong or you can prove what they say about you is right.  In the end it is all up to you."  Of course my parents lived through the Great Depression, the Dust Bowl, World War II and the Cold War.  Their lives were way rougher than mine and way rougher than most people lives in the last forty to fifty years at the very least.  That is pretty much my standard for how bad do I or anyone else have it.  I've never had a silver spoon in my mouth or spent one second on a yacht.  My name is never going to be on any university building or medical center but compared to what my parents and grandparents went through it has been a piece of cake and I have nothing to complain about no matter what issues I had to deal with as a child.


Also who is they?  It's not the federal government (which is the only thing Trump has authority in) because the federal government doesn't issue drivers licenses.  There is no United States driving license, only state driving licenses.   Your beef is with either state, county, or local officials, not Trump.

  • Fuck You 1
36 minutes ago, troph said:

As for Trump - he’s blatantly violated the emoluments clause, he’s engaged in violations of campaign finance laws, he’s withheld congressional appropriated funds for national security matters, he’s refused to comply with lawful subpoenas, hes knowingly engaged with Russians in the 2016 election, he’s paid hush money to a prostitute also in violation of campaign finance laws and these are only those items we know about the rational world has proven.

Happy to have a president like Bush again to debate the merits of policy but what we have is an immoral, even amoral man in the White House who has gutted the state department, ignores the intelligence community, refuses to honor the lawful demands of Congress - subpoena power and power of the purse. He lies on Twitter, he executes foreign policy while reacting to fox and friends via twitter without consulting his military chiefs, he’s set back the EPA decades, he insults governors and state leaders, he has used the press Corp privileges to punish those he does not like in the media. The list goes on.

He is an anathema to our Constitution and to our way of life. Not because he’s “conservative” as he’s hardly that. He’s an anathema because he has no concern for honoring and living by our values principles or governing charters.

He is an existential threat to American democracy.

The one part I will agree with you on is that he is no conservative.  He is a populist.  However, outside of Rand Paul (and maybe Ted Cruz and Mike Lee on every other Tuesday and Thursday)  there are no conservatives, at least in the Senate,  anywhere on Capital Hill.  The reality with our society today is that you can not get elected by promising not to give anyone free stuff.  It's the political version of the old George Carlin routine.  Their free stuff is shit and our free shit is stuff and we as a society have made it so both parties have to play it.  If you don't believe me name either a Republican or a Democrat that has won the Iowa caucus on a platform that included removing ethanol subsidies.  If you are a conservative you would believe in this but if you are a conservative who makes a living growing corn in Iowa you don't believe in this.  Everyone wants to cut everyone else's free stuff.  No one wants to cut their own free stuff.

  • Fuck You 1
4 minutes ago, EMAWesome said:

You live in whatever world you choose to live in.  There is no "white man's world."  No two white men are the same just as no two of any other type of people are the same. 

You just typed this, asshole: "I have no problems with sexual orientation, gays, lesbians, or bis...  You are either a man or a woman.  You are either male or female and the deciding factor is your biology... A fish is a fish no matter how much it thinks it is a bird.  It's the same concept only applied with sexes instead of species."

There is either only one world that we all live in or every single person on this planet lives in their own particular world.  I'll accept either statement but I will not accept anything in between.  Believing in this in between crap is why everyone is so pissed at everyone else in this country today.  (At least on social media, in real life we still get along with each other for the most part if we can keep our pants zipped up and stay out of political pissing wars in our everyday real lives.)  No two people anywhere share the exact same life experiences because no two people anywhere live the exact same life (Siamese twins possibly being excepted.)

Then stop supporting politicians that legislate their values on others, asshole.

I was born a month premature and had a speech defect that required going to a speech therapist from kindergarten through second grade.  I was made fun of by other kids a lot but my parents basic response was pretty much "You can prove what they say about you is wrong or you can prove what they say about you is right.

Until kindergarten, I pronounced Ls between vowels as a G and my Cs were like Ts. But what does that have to do with anything, asshole?

In the end it is all up to you."  Of course my parents lived through the Great Depression, the Dust Bowl, World War II and the Cold War.  Their lives were way rougher than mine and way rougher than most people lives in the last forty to fifty years at the very least.  That is pretty much my standard for how bad do I or anyone else have it.  I've never had a silver spoon in my mouth or spent one second on a yacht.  My name is never going to be on any university building or medical center but compared to what my parents and grandparents went through it has been a piece of cake and I have nothing to complain about no matter what issues I had to deal with as a child.

Many people are still poor, asshole.

Also who is they?  It's not the federal government (which is the only thing Trump has authority in) because the federal government doesn't issue drivers licenses.  There is no United States driving license, only state driving licenses.   Your beef is with either state, county, or local officials, not Trump.

It's your Republican Party that's doing this shit, asshole.



he got elected because he started saying the quiet stuff out loud. The same stuff Atwater said had to be talked around, that free stuff, y'know cutting social services. As soon as he said to build the wall and started running down brown people he was in. It's never been about deficits or cutting spending. it was about making life harder for people that don't have much to begin with. Fat contracts to Blackwater? No problem. 


36 minutes ago, troph said:



You thought I was insulted by the ID stuff?

I don’t even know how to respond to that.



Well I made it sound like I was accusing you of making that argument.  When I posted that I  had no idea what your position on the issue was or what argument you would make to support it.  I was commenting on the classic argument that you hear in the media every time the subject comes up.  I shouldn't have written it in a way that made it sound like I was accusing you of making the argument before you ever make an argument to begin with.

  • Fuck You 1
8 minutes ago, bolverk said:


?  No two gay people are the same, no two lesbians are the same.  No two anything that is not an exact clone of each other is the same.  We are all unique individuals.  You can't judge any of those individuals by what another individual with the same sexual orientation, skin color, or any other characteristic does.  Science wise though there is male or female, there is no other on the menu.  Men can not get pregnant and women can not scratch their balls.  Noah made room for two of everything on the ark, one male and one female, not three, not four, not five million, six hundred thousand three hundred fifty six, two.

  • Fuck You 1
8 minutes ago, EMAWesome said:

?  No two gay people are the same, no two lesbians are the same.  No two anything that is not an exact clone of each other is the same.  We are all unique individuals.  You can't judge any of those individuals by what another individual with the same sexual orientation, skin color, or any other characteristic does.  Science wise though there is male or female, there is no other on the menu.  Men can not get pregnant and women can not scratch their balls.  Noah made room for two of everything on the ark, one male and one female, not three, not four, not five million, six hundred thousand three hundred fifty six, two.

Yes, everyone is unique. Stop treating everyone as if they were the same.

Also, Noah's Ark was a myth based on the Epic of Gilgamesh. Besides, it would be impossible for two of every vertebrate to fit on a boat that size. It's science.


  • Like 1
2 hours ago, EMAWesome said:

I'm not meaning to sound like an ass here but self-pity gets you nowhere in life. 

 "there’s never been a time in the history of our country where somebody was so mistreated as I have been." - Donald Trump

"Look, it's been acknowledged. Although they do say Abraham Lincoln was treated really badly. I must say that's the one. If you can believe it, Abraham Lincoln was treated supposedly very badly. But nobody's been treated badly like me." - Donald Trump

"There has been no President in the history of our Country who has been treated so badly as I have." - Donald Trump

"I unfairly get audited by the I.R.S. almost every single year. I have rich friends who never get audited. I wonder why?" - Donald Trump

"My daughter Ivanka has been treated so unfairly by @Nordstrom. She is a great person -- always pushing me to do the right thing! Terrible!" - Donald Trump

"A REAL scandal is the one sided coverage, hour by hour, of networks like NBC & Democrat spin machines like Saturday Night Live. It is all nothing less than unfair news coverage and Dem commercials. Should be tested in courts, can’t be legal? Only defame & belittle! Collusion?" - Donald Trump

"Well, you know, it's really a tough situation because my son spent, I guess, over 20 hours testifying about something that Mueller said was 100 percent okay. And now they want him to testify again. I don't know why. I have no idea why, but it seems very unfair to me." - Donald Trump




  • Like 5

Forget it dude. Irony is deader than a doorknob. They truly don’t get it. Every accusation is a confession, all that.

They hold Donald trump - yes, that Donald Trump - up as a great hero of swamp-draining and anti-corruption. As a can-do no-self-pith hero. As a strategic genius. Seriously, everything he’s not...they worship him for being that. I half expect them to proclaim him to be the most beautiful, slender young woman to have ever lived. It would be perfectly on-brand.

  • Like 1

It’s funny he thinks I have self pity. You think I make it in this life and on this board because I pity myself?

That really fucking arrogant actually. We call it Pride for a reason.

Yes, everyone is unique. Stop treating everyone as if they were the same.
Also, Noah's Ark was a myth based on the Epic of Gilgamesh. Besides, it would be impossible for two of every vertebrate to fit on a boat that size. It's science.

Using Noah’s ark in an argument that there is no scientific basis for my existence is rich in something.

That’s not filled with one ounce of logic just insults and absurdity, ad hominem attacks and “I said so” rationale. It’s kind of funny you claim no logic positions and your argument to quash the liburls is “because I said so” as if that carries any weight at all.


But hey. You got me bro. You got me good.


So here’s my logic challenge to you:


name one legitimate scientific / accreditation organization of any widespread acceptance in the medical, psychological or psychiatric fields that claims transgender folks’ expression and existence should be dismissed as simple depression or delusion.


And I’ll give you a head start - the answer is none.


Oh that’s right, it’s a librul conspiracy.


Roll my fucking eyes.




Posted (edited)

Your entire existence is your allegiance to Trump and the GOP. Your whole identity is owning the libs. Get a fucking life, bro. 

Edited by Js1

I hope all y'all severely damaged fucks managed to pass a little good time with some kin.

I know my severely damaged ass did. It was good. None of the old folks acted crotchety. The younguns, if woke, were not jittery. One dude in the middle (not me, surprisingly) made some half-hearted stab at politicalness, but all he got from anybody was an "Oh You" eye roll.

  • Like 1
On 12/1/2019 at 10:18 AM, BLKNSTY said:

there is a 0% chance he believes Lincoln was a better president than Trump.

Well, I'm waiting for Armybrat to tell us of his personal experiences with Lincoln before I decide

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