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Digital Building Directory


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Explain Like I’m 5. 

I need to set up a building directory for an office that I own. About 20 tenants. 

I don’t need anything fancy - just an LED monitor that lists the business and the office suite. Perhaps date and time and maybe weather to keep it from just being a static display. 

Is it as simple as buying a cheap LED TV and a plugging in a USB stick? Do I need specific hardware? Is there something that lets me update remotely?

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You could setup a TV as a monitor with a small PC on it and then you could show whatever you wanted. We have those all over our mill and they are constantly updating them with new info. If you have a secretary that would be close, they could have a wireless keyboard and mouse if they needed to make changes.

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It’s going to be mounted on wall without the ability to put a PC in a cabinet or anything. I was hoping I could find some sort of stick computer/WiFi dongle type of thing I could plug into the USB port or an HDMI port if possible. 

HP makes a mini desktop that is basically 7W x 7D x 1.5H. (http:// https://store.hp.com/us/en/pdp/hp-prodesk-600-g4-desktop-mini-pc?intel=8gi3&jumpid=cs_com_nc_ns&utm_medium=cs&utm_source=ga&utm_campaign=INT_COMM_I3_LGM_BR&utm_content=sp&adid=312654808982&addisttype=gpla&4HG95UT%23ABA&gclid=Cj0KCQiAoIPvBRDgARIsAHsCw08sYuXeoQEJ2J3sWm2QCeN-PdXXGiBS72hL_zlCgSoLsrhka_etgsYaAka0EALw_wcB&gclsrc=aw.ds Mount the tv to the wall and put some Velcro strips on the desktop and the wall. It will mount nicely directly behind the tv and most people won’t even notice it. Your other option is to have someone run a HDMI/display port cable from the place where your PC is to where you mount the tv.

Other wireless options Google Chromecast or a wireless dongle like this: https://www.bestbuy.com/site/iogear-wireless-hdmi-tv-connection-kit-black/6214325.p?skuId=6214325&ref=212&loc=1&ref=212&loc=1&gclid=Cj0KCQiAoIPvBRDgARIsAHsCw09dPRaLhSQDVzVh-N4Aq4Qxb1KTSg9eiRlimCy_W7W_N_sTAb-bLGwaAiXoEALw_wcB&gclsrc=aw.ds
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We use Chromebits at work with all of our mounted TV sets (around 20) to display menus, guest information, etc.  They are cheap and easy to setup.

Here's a company that sells a signage service that runs on a Chromebit along with a brief tutorial on setting one up.




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