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57 minutes ago, Brisketexan said:


As I was reading through the comments, most of them were normal thoughts on what the arguments looked like, etc.  But then...there were a handful that were utterly batshit.  "I would never find in favor of an insurance company because they're part of a global syndicate controlled by the Queen of England, and they run the drug trade and child sex trafficking rings at her behest."  And seriously, that was (paraphrased) one of the comments. 

LaRouche dogma. 


Just watched some of the Q crowd in Pennsylvania. It’s like Bobby Boucher dad went on a massive gangbang and knocked up 200 women one night. Education in the country is so fucked up.

  • Haha 1

Here's what's really going on.

Q = Q*Bert = Trump



Q*Bert was designed by Warren Davis and Jeff Lee. "Warren" refers to President Warren G. Harding, who shared Trump's taste for outside women and real go-getter friends. Lee stands for Robert E., whose statue many good people fought for in Charlottesville. And then you mix the rest of their names up and you get Jeff Davis.  

Q*Bert, who is orange, starts at the top of the pyramid -- he is like the eye over the pyramid on the dollar, which is a Masonic / Illuminati symbol. Trump was born at the top of a pyramid and has many dollars, and like Q*Bert, he has bravely and patriotically descended to a land of many dangers out of a sense of duty. 

There are 28 squares Q*Bert must repaint.   The squares more accurately are blocks, as they give the illusion of being 3-D. Many people say Trump plays "3-D chess." Q*Bert is very much like 3D chess.

There are 28 Hebrew letters in Genesis 1:1, and in Hebrew Gematria,  the number 28 corresponds to the word koakh, which means "power," or "energy."

Remember, Q*Bert wants to change the essence of those 28 squares as he descends from the pinnacle and towards a void.

Well get this: In neo-Nazi circles, twenty-eight indicates Blood and Honor (28 = BH - B - second letter of the alphabet and H - the eighth letter)

A close-up of a Q*Bert machine appears in the film Moscow on the Hudson, in which Robin Williams played a Russian circus performer named Vladimir who defected to America. In the film, the film pits the FBI agains the KGB.

Vladimir Putin was a member of the KGB when the film was released in April 1984. Just two months before the film was released, Soviet Premier and former KGB director Yuri Andropov died in office. And so did his successor Konstantin Chernenko, who was succeeded by Boris Yeltsin, and finally Putin, who had orchestrated all of this and seized power only when the time was right. And most chillingly of all, this was the big-screen debut of Yakov Smirnoff.

He also told all of us in 2011 that Donald was not really a human but an alien hair-creature that had inhabited a human body.

 Williams was eliminated before he could alert the world about these connections.  

Q*Bert's enemies include a snake named Coily. Coily is International Banking. That's plain.

Two more of his enemies are Sam(uel L. Jackson) and Slick (Willie Clinton.) It's so obvious Slick is Clinton -- he is wearing the same shades Clinton wore when he played sax on Arsenio. Jackson publicly claimed that Trump regularly cheats at golf.  Slick and Sam undo all of Q*Bert's hard work. 

And then there are the real demons: Ugg and Wrongway. The former is the lying MSM and the latter is the direction they have taken the country while in cahoots with Coily. 


Change my mind, sheeple. 





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I gotta believe the Venn diagram of QAnon followers and those that believe Australia is in the future because it’s tomorrow there has a pretty heavy intersect. 


So the old Q stance was that there is this group of uber rich people in the world like Soros and Rothschilds who are intent on one world order.  Their plan is to let us kill each other off down to about one million (or maybe it was 100,000) people who would survive and basically be servants for the upper elite.  Taking care of things, growing, cooking, cleaning, etc.  I would assume breeding too, breeding children for these guys to prey upon.   That is what supposedly Q was fighting.  And Trump was the chosen one to fight these elite, who are often cited as at least part of the Illuminati.  

Has anyone else seen anything like this or heard any other goals of Q?     


I am waiting for Q to start to splinter some.  But they might not.  The ones I know that are deeply entrenched see themselves collectively as V from V for Vendetta.  All the ones who are now showing up at rallies and waving the Q around are those who have been woke by V's actions and messages.  Waving the Q is akin to wearing the Fawkes mask.

9 minutes ago, pyrohornIII said:

So the old Q stance was that there is this group of uber rich people in the world like Soros and Rothschilds who are intent on one world order.  Their plan is to let us kill each other off down to about one million (or maybe it was 100,000) people who would survive and basically be servants for the upper elite.  Taking care of things, growing, cooking, cleaning, etc.  I would assume breeding too, breeding children for these guys to prey upon.   That is what supposedly Q was fighting.  And Trump was the chosen one to fight these elite, who are often cited as at least part of the Illuminati.  

Has anyone else seen anything like this or heard any other goals of Q?     

It’s every right wing conspiracy theory rolled into a movement for Trump(Putin).  There is no unifying ideology except everyone not in on Qanon is a brainwashed sheep and liberalism is a disease.


Rick Wilson nails it as only he can - "Trump's Army of Cletuses" should be copyrighted:

The claims of Q-Anon make Nostradamus look like Hemingway. Naturally, they're elliptical, variable, and impossible to cross-check. Hundreds of YouTube videos, blog posts tweets, Facebook items, and speculation follow each post, a Confederacy of Dunces that ramifies this idiocy out into dumber and dumber dead ends. QAnon asks its believers to "follow the breadcrumbs" and fill in the blanks. Those blanks get filled with epic idiocy.

The glee with which the followers of this absurdity latch on to imaginary deportations of Hillary Clinton, John Podesta, and others to Gitmo is notable. Several times, Q has promised them that any moment now the rest of the Deep State will occupy the darkest holes of the American prison system. QAnon tells them that retribution is at hand, and they’re ravenous for more. Lurid and exciting for the rubes, but as of yet, Hillary Clinton walks free. If that even is Hillary Clinton, and not a shapeshifting reptilian overlord.

Those of us with the unfortunate awareness of the clownishly risible QAnon conspiracy cult have been reveling in the comedy gold, lavishly overwrought, dangerously stupid proclamations of Q for months. We've alternated between laughter and wide-eyed shock at how credulous Trump’s Army of Cletuses must be to fall for such an obvious, ludicrous con. Then again, Donald Trump put the “con” in “conspiracy” as far back as his embrace of birtherism.  If the puzzle surrounding QAnon is a fever dream wrapped in an enigma, coated with nougat, rolled in nuts and filled with a creamy center of delusional paranoia, Trump's own role in fostering it is right out of the Lil Tots' First Book of Authoritarian Strategy.

  • Like 1


7 minutes ago, Hugo Stiglitz said:

It’s every right wing conspiracy theory rolled into a movement for Trump(Putin).  There is no unifying ideology except everyone not in on Qanon is a brainwashed sheep and liberalism is a disease.

Well, I have to admit that I am not up on all the conspiracy theories, so this one about reducing the world population to a handful of servants was new to me.


Thing I struggle with is why not just poison off the bulk of us using contrails or whatever.  Surely with that much money they could develop something that would be fast acting that would dissipate quickly after its done is job.  Like some strain of bird or swine flu.   Probably put some quick decomposition formula in it to speed cleansing of the planet.  

But instead they are risking all out civil wars that would destroy material things like buildings and art that could give these elites pleasure.  That seems to go contrary to their plan, to rid the world of the people and retain the physical stuff to enjoy and own. 


The most ridiculous thing in this whole Q stupidity is that Trump is FAR MORE likely to participate in a child sex ring, than to try to stop one. 

13 minutes ago, Pods said:

The most ridiculous thing in this whole Q stupidity is that Trump is FAR MORE likely to participate in a child sex ring, than to try to stop one. 

You see that's why he's PERFECT to fight them!

19 hours ago, gyroprotagonist said:

who needs MKULTRA when there's 4chan?  holy shit.

Interesting times we live in when the President is known for having given an interview to Alex Jones, and when 4chan stuff is taken seriously enough by a small segment of the population that it winds up on the MSM and is front-and-center at Presidential rallies.

But that also leads back to - how many of the Q followers are doing this for the lulz rather than because they believe it?

4 hours ago, atomheartbevo said:

But that also leads back to - how many of the Q followers are doing this for the lulz rather than because they believe it?

I really hope the vast majority.  Maybe they are just really bored with their meaningless lives and want to be a part of a club?

Posted (edited)

Q is explained (attempted)  more or less by this lady.

Guessing that the individual she alludes too at around 1.20 mins is this guy, but just a guess. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Steve_Pieczenik

"Age of Confusion"

I follow this thread on Reddit (loosely)  Some of the people on it are way out there. For instance, one guy suggests that the Alabama jersey presented to Trump when the team visited the white house (#17) was because Q is the 17th the letter of the alphabet. Really no kidding. #17 is the number of national championships claimed by Alabama (subject to debate).





Edited by Dolemite

Q is an amalgam of Russian and American trolls fucking with a gullible population that cannot tell fact from fiction. 

  • Like 1
On 8/4/2018 at 3:55 AM, MaybeACoordinator said:

Here's what's really going on.

Q = Q*Bert = Trump



Q*Bert was designed by Warren Davis and Jeff Lee. "Warren" refers to President Warren G. Harding, who shared Trump's taste for outside women and real go-getter friends. Lee stands for Robert E., whose statue many good people fought for in Charlottesville. And then you mix the rest of their names up and you get Jeff Davis.  

Q*Bert, who is orange, starts at the top of the pyramid -- he is like the eye over the pyramid on the dollar, which is a Masonic / Illuminati symbol. Trump was born at the top of a pyramid and has many dollars, and like Q*Bert, he has bravely and patriotically descended to a land of many dangers out of a sense of duty. 

There are 28 squares Q*Bert must repaint.   The squares more accurately are blocks, as they give the illusion of being 3-D. Many people say Trump plays "3-D chess." Q*Bert is very much like 3D chess.

There are 28 Hebrew letters in Genesis 1:1, and in Hebrew Gematria,  the number 28 corresponds to the word koakh, which means "power," or "energy."

Remember, Q*Bert wants to change the essence of those 28 squares as he descends from the pinnacle and towards a void.

Well get this: In neo-Nazi circles, twenty-eight indicates Blood and Honor (28 = BH - B - second letter of the alphabet and H - the eighth letter)

A close-up of a Q*Bert machine appears in the film Moscow on the Hudson, in which Robin Williams played a Russian circus performer named Vladimir who defected to America. In the film, the film pits the FBI agains the KGB.

Vladimir Putin was a member of the KGB when the film was released in April 1984. Just two months before the film was released, Soviet Premier and former KGB director Yuri Andropov died in office. And so did his successor Konstantin Chernenko, who was succeeded by Boris Yeltsin, and finally Putin, who had orchestrated all of this and seized power only when the time was right. And most chillingly of all, this was the big-screen debut of Yakov Smirnoff.

He also told all of us in 2011 that Donald was not really a human but an alien hair-creature that had inhabited a human body.

 Williams was eliminated before he could alert the world about these connections.  

Q*Bert's enemies include a snake named Coily. Coily is International Banking. That's plain.

Two more of his enemies are Sam(uel L. Jackson) and Slick (Willie Clinton.) It's so obvious Slick is Clinton -- he is wearing the same shades Clinton wore when he played sax on Arsenio. Jackson publicly claimed that Trump regularly cheats at golf.  Slick and Sam undo all of Q*Bert's hard work. 

And then there are the real demons: Ugg and Wrongway. The former is the lying MSM and the latter is the direction they have taken the country while in cahoots with Coily. 


Change my mind, sheeple. 






You magnificent bastard. That was truly demented. Brilliant, but demented.

  • Like 1

 What the actual fuck is going on here? I’m afraid I’ll lose a bunch of brain cells if I read this thread. Is there anybody in here that believes whatever is going on in this thread that can explain it from their point of view, so I can get a sense of both sides? 

Posted (edited)
27 minutes ago, GotThatFire said:

 What the actual fuck is going on here? I’m afraid I’ll lose a bunch of brain cells if I read this thread. Is there anybody in here that believes whatever is going on in this thread that can explain it from their point of view, so I can get a sense of both sides? 

Paranoid TexAgs and Free Republic fans who got together and had a baby with Russian agitators.

Edited by atomheartbevo

That video Dolemite posted is probably the most intelligent propaganda piece I have seen.   It pretty well lines out what I have repeatedly heard from the most adamant Q turds I know. 


Is there a way to verify the number of sealed indictments they keep spouting?  That really is the cornerstone of their arguments.  "All this must be true, or there wouldn't be 40,000 sealed indictments ready to be served"  


 So just from watching the one video, Q is supposed to be an alternate back up news source? I must be missing what the actual conspiracy is though.  Or is that what is referred to when saying “conspiracy”? 

Posted (edited)
49 minutes ago, pyrohornIII said:

That video Dolemite posted is probably the most intelligent propaganda piece I have seen.   It pretty well lines out what I have repeatedly heard from the most adamant Q turds I know. 


Is there a way to verify the number of sealed indictments they keep spouting?  That really is the cornerstone of their arguments.  "All this must be true, or there wouldn't be 40,000 sealed indictments ready to be served"  

I wondered that too. I figured it was just hearsay. Here is a link to what is purported to be the indictments by jurisdiction. I don't know if this is real or not.


Edited by Dolemite
Posted (edited)

My personal theory on Q:  people cannot avoid political information these days.  The typical action when your side is doing something embarrassing is to just avoid thinking about it.  It is called "Information Avoidance" and is very common all over.  People try not to think about their credit card balance, their year end review coming, whatever.

The Q people are largely Trump people.  (Look no further than the fact that TexAgs has a 10k thread on Q, the only comparable one is the Mueller probe thread with 19k specifically about the bias of the prosecutors).  They can not choose to *not* think about politics because it is ever present in the information.  So they have latched on something because their brain needs to be filled with something, otherwise they would be forced to contemplate the reality of DOTUS, which is embarrassing to them.  So where Information Avoidance is not possible, people rely on Information Substitution(tm).


Edit: I guess I didn't complete my thought:  So this need to fill their brains with something has led to the creation of something huge because it needs to basically occupy their entire brainspace -- or at least the portion that can be allotted to political thought.  So you get the creation of Q and millions of people willing to spend until hundreds of hours each contemplating every million string connecting together because each one of those people need a distraction from DOTUS.

Edited by SuingToGetAMessageBoard?
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12 minutes ago, Hugo Stiglitz said:


My God, it is like TexAgs.  They easily splinter over the most inane minutia.  

Didn't we figure out that DSA on the old board was the Dilbert guy?

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