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11 minutes ago, Hugo Stiglitz said:

Jones was on the QAnon train until Q came out and trashed Alex Jones. 

More like he was trying to siphon off their followers.  I think he was pretty pissed that he had these slick video productions that packaged everything up neatly, meanwhile Q folks were chasing down signs and pouring through spreadsheets. 

7 minutes ago, Ted Lange said:

What and why would Q trash Jones?

Create confusion and separate Q from Alex Jones as the only “truth” teller.

The cardinal rule of any cult is “Everyone else is lying”.

12 minutes ago, Ted Lange said:

What and why would Q trash Jones?

Back in May, Jones began saying that the Q accounts were compromised  by the government, and that the people who compromised the Q stuff and who were controlling the Q social media accounts were setting the group up to be destroyed.

32 minutes ago, Hugo Stiglitz said:

Jones was on the QAnon train until Q came out and trashed Alex Jones. 

[\Jerry that’s a shame gif/]

What a ridiculously stupid shit show these people are. 

41 minutes ago, JimmyJames said:

The whole thing smells like an elaborate prank gone wild. 

I honestly think it’s a massive clickbait scheme for right wing political talk forums.  

A few years ago, Tigerdroppings would have deleted anything coming from 4chan, no questions asked.  They also wouldn’t allow any thread to go more than a few days without anchoring it.

But low and behold Q showed up and they let that shit run wild from the beginning until today.  53,689 posts in one thread as of now since October 2017.  No other thread on that board is longer or would have been allowed to go on that long.  

I tried to warn them. I tried to understand why they would allow their platform to go straight to pizzagate crazy town?  No wonder I’m not allowed to post there.  They know I’d break that shit up if given the chance. 

They sold their souls for clicks. 


26 minutes ago, Hugo Stiglitz said:

I honestly think it’s a massive clickbait scheme for right wing political talk forums.  

A few years ago, Tigerdroppings would have deleted anything coming from 4chan, no questions asked.  They also wouldn’t allow any thread to go more than a few days without anchoring it.

But low and behold Q showed up and they let that shit run wild from the beginning until today.  53,689 posts in one thread as of now since October 2017.  No other thread on that board is longer or would have been allowed to go on that long.  

I tried to warn them. I tried to understand why they would allow their platform to go straight to pizzagate crazy town?  No wonder I’m not allowed to post there.  They know I’d break that shit up if given the chance. 

They sold their souls for clicks. 


Follow the money is actually an even more accurate rule than pussy is undefeated. Because men rationally realize that the former leads to the latter. 


A woman on my Facebook feed who is a big Trumper started posting Q-Anon shit today.  She also believes vaccines are a tool of the government to implant tracking devices and she was a Pizzagater so there's that.


It's denial that their world is a farce. They will hang on anything that gives them hope that the decisions they made are valid. Core decision being voting for Trump as they have wrapped their lives within his persona. It's live or die by Trump now. 

1 hour ago, SmokeyTheBear said:

It's denial that their world is a farce. They will hang on anything that gives them hope that the decisions they made are valid. Core decision being voting for Trump as they have wrapped their lives within his persona. It's live or die by Trump now. 

I'm hoping for the latter.

Posted (edited)
38 minutes ago, Aqua Buddha said:

For fuck's sake, do these people have jobs?  

Do a deep dive on https://www.reddit.com/r/greatawakening/ and you will find the answer to your question.

As a fan of conspiracy theory stuff, I am actually very impressed at how much they have pulled off, and I think it will be hilarious how many people are embarrassed by this at some point this year.


Edited by atomheartbevo
1 hour ago, atomheartbevo said:

Do a deep dive on https://www.reddit.com/r/greatawakening/ and you will find the answer to your question.

As a fan of conspiracy theory stuff, I am actually very impressed at how much they have pulled off, and I think it will be hilarious how many people are embarrassed by this at some point this year.


I don't have time to read that.  I have a job.

  • Like 2
20 hours ago, Pods said:

To the other posters who aren't obvious trolls... It's not exaggerated at all. There are a lot of otherwise intelligent people that have turned their brain off and believe this. They'll believe the next ridiculous scam too. This shit doesn't get traction if it's just Cletus from Alabama following it on their intertron machine. You are hearing about it now, because a sizable percentage of our population believes this to be true.




I haven't seen anyone promoting the Q conspiracy shit on this board and personally don't know anyone who believes in it.  I think it's roughly the size of the flat earthers or at most 9-11 conspiracy nutjobs.  There is probably substantial overlap.  It's the fringe, not the base that is promoting this stuff.

Now if you want to talk about a large segment of the population that has turned their brain off, look at the Russia conspiracy nonsense. 

  • Fuck You 5
33 minutes ago, udaydanceparty said:


I haven't seen anyone promoting the Q conspiracy shit on this board and personally don't know anyone who believes in it.  I think it's roughly the size of the flat earthers or at most 9-11 conspiracy nutjobs.  There is probably substantial overlap.  It's the fringe, not the base that is promoting this stuff.

Now if you want to talk about a large segment of the population that has turned their brain off, look at the Russia conspiracy nonsense. 

Texags has 15k post supporting Q.  Agy is prime Trump base 

15 hours ago, atomheartbevo said:

Back in May, Jones began saying that the Q accounts were compromised  by the government, and that the people who compromised the Q stuff and who were controlling the Q social media accounts were setting the group up to be destroyed.

And this is exactly how QAnon will live on after it's exposed as a prank on Trump cultists.   "Q was real, this is just the deep state trying to fool us!" 

3 hours ago, udaydanceparty said:


I haven't seen anyone promoting the Q conspiracy shit on this board and personally don't know anyone who believes in it.  I think it's roughly the size of the flat earthers or at most 9-11 conspiracy nutjobs.  There is probably substantial overlap.  It's the fringe, not the base that is promoting this stuff.

Now if you want to talk about a large segment of the population that has turned their brain off, look at the Russia conspiracy nonsense. 

Going to address your troll name? Fuck off, no one is going to respond to you seriously. 

10 minutes ago, TornACL said:

Wow, trust the plan. What plan? You know, THE plan. wink wink. Something big is coming!

What a bunch of ridiculous bullshit.

You don't sound woke.

  • Haha 1
Posted (edited)

As often as that chick gets railed, I figured it was a celebrity endorsement for Plan B.

Edited by Blotto
7 hours ago, Ted Lange said:

Texags has 15k post supporting Q.  Agy is prime Trump base 

I've said it before and I'll say it again: If you support a position that shares almost unanimous support from aggy, you may need to rethink things.

22 minutes ago, TornACL said:

Wow, trust the plan. What plan? You know, THE plan. wink wink. Something big is coming!

What a bunch of ridiculous bullshit.

If something good happens, like a bunch of brown people die, the plan was followed. 

Something bad, like black people keeping their right to vote, and it’s because you didn’t trust the plan. 

We’re counting on you*!

(You are a gullible disphit that has the brainpower of a mollusk and the drive of a sponge.)

1 hour ago, Prepuce of Doom said:

I'm not taking credit for this idea, but I'm piggybacking on someone else's called shot that QAnon will turn out to be a clever long game associated with Sasha Baron Cohen's new show. 

That would be amazing.


If I had to guess, Steve Bannon is behind this operation for money and cultural reasons. 

It’s right up his ally from the ideology to the viral like reach across Internet forums.

You know what Bannon did before politics?  He would troll video gamers in online forums and dream about one day harnessing their unbridled hatred.

3 hours ago, TornACL said:

Wow, trust the plan. What plan? You know, THE plan. wink wink. Something big is coming!

What a bunch of ridiculous bullshit.

Put aside the origins of Q on 4chan/8chan/reddit for a moment (which is very hard to put aside).

Back when I was following the JFK stuff in the '90s, you would walk into a Waldenbooks store, and there would be a small section of JFK conspiracy books where every author was trying to lay out for you their ideas and how you should interpret those ideas to arrive at the exact same conclusion that they did.

This Q stuff - far too much of it is nudge, nudge, wink, wink, here's something vague and the believers/smart ones will know what it means.  It's clever in a way, because it gives whoever is behind Q a lot of wiggle room as far as things in the future proving to be true or false.  Q also knows that they have enough followers that somebody, somewhere, will find some connection in their mysterious message, and the rest will lap it up (you don't want to look stupid and post about how some connection makes no sense).

Normally in conspiracy theories, the people pushing them are doing everything possible to convince you to arrive at the same conclusions they did, and they are pumping out all kinds of information to get you to that point, because they want there to be no guesswork.  

Then again, many conspiracy theory groups are dealing with things that happened in the past, while Q is trying to have the conspiracy theories play out in real-time and in the future.

Still, it's far too vague at times.  And any true Deep State conspiracy against Trump would have released Trump's taxes, etc. a long time ago.

Posted (edited)

So, basically QAnon is a bunch of 9.95 recruiting bullshitters turned propagandists.

"Either next week Mueller could reveal himself as working for Donald Trump, or their plans could be postponed for a while. The situation is fluid, y'all."

The only thing that would make it better is the preposterous back-and-forth "dialog" between the author and some "Big Cigar."

Edited by ndawg
29 minutes ago, ndawg said:

So, basically QAnon is a bunch of 9.95 recruiting bullshitters turned propagandists.

"Either next week Mueller could reveal himself as working for Donald Trump, or their plans could be postponed for a while. The situation is fluid, y'all."

The only thing that would make it better is the preposterous back-and-forth "dialog" between the author and some "Big Cigar."

Now wait a minute, are you trying to tell me that Saban is NOT coming to Texas? 


Pro-Trump media personalities are scrambling to prevent the QAnon conspiracy theory from catching on with the GOP grassroots, after a Trump rally last week brought the bizarre movement to mainstream attention. 

The pundits are starting to worry that QAnon supporters — who believe in outlandish claims outlined in anonymous internet posts that Trump is engaged in a good-versus-evil struggle against a global pedophile cabal — will be used by Democrats and the media to make all Trump voters look crazy. Already, QAnon supporters are showing up at Trump rallies.

Lee Stranahan, a former Breitbart reporter who now hosts a radio show at Russian-owned Sputnik, said he has struggled to convince QAnon believers that their theory is fake.

“It’s not just dumb, it’s the dumbest thing I’ve ever seen,” Stranahan told The Daily Beast. “It’s unprecedentedly dumb in the history of American politics.”

So far, though, it’s not clear that the pushback from the various pro-Trump personalities will dissuade anyone. Their tweets attacking QAnon are often besieged with replies from fans who believe in QAnon and are now shocked to see that their political heroes don’t. 

Further complicating the effort, the pro-Trump figures now trying to fight QAnon have often embraced equally outlandish conspiracy theories themselves. And everyone involved supports Trump, who built his political career pushing the conspiracy theory that Barack Obama was actually born in Kenya. 

The QAnon pushback kicked off in earnest over the weekend, with various prominent Trump supporters attacking the conspiracy theory. Jacob Wohl, a young Trump supporter who has built a following on Twitter, declared that QAnon was “complete and utter nonsense.” Conservative columnist Kurt Schlichter called the theory “vaguely entertaining nonsense.” In a Reddit post, former White House press secretary Sean Spicer shot down a question about whether QAnon was “legit” with a one-word reply: “no.”

Scott Adams, the Dilbert creator who positioned himself as a pro-Trump thought leader, said in a video Sunday that QAnon believers were making all Trump supporters look “like a bunch of idiots.” 

“Maybe do it a little quieter, because it’s not helping the brand,” Adams said.

QAnon supporters often posit that former national security adviser Michael Flynn, who is cooperating with special counsel Robert Mueller’s probe, is somehow involved in Q. But on Monday, Flynn’s son joined in the chorus of pro-Trump figures slamming QAnon. 

“While I’ve been mentioned alongside the #QAnon hashtag before, I’ve never taken it seriously,” Michael Flynn Jr. tweeted. “And you shouldn’t either.”

Flynn was soon deluged with angry QAnon fans. “I will hold my tongue, out of respect for your father,” wrote one Twitter user.

The internal GOP pushback even included an attempt to debunk Q. Jack Posobiec, a reporter for the conservative One American News Network, claimed without much evidence that he had found the originator of QAnon and was working on a piece “debunking” the whole conspiracy theory. Like Flynn, Posobiec was soon awash in hundreds of disappointed QAnon believers accusing him of being part of a deep-state plot.

The QAnon pushback from the right appears to have been sparked less by concern about the conspiracy theory itself and more by mainstream media stories that exposed the bizarre beliefs of QAnon believers. 

Posobiec, for example, has previously been more sympathetic to QAnon fans, tweeting the group’s slogan, “Where we go one, we go all,” and referencing “the original Q.” Posobiec has since deleted those tweets.

But many of the pro-Trump figures now attacking QAnon have pushed conspiracy theories themselves. Both Flynn and Posobiec promoted Pizzagate, the conspiracy theory about a pedophile ring in a Washington, D.C. pizzeria that climaxed with an armed man storming the restaurant. Now that Pizzagate, like many other conspiracy theories, has been folded into QAnon, they’re struggling to stop it.

Stranahan, who has sparred with QAnon believers over Twitter for months, said QAnon is the latest example of Trump supporters falling for a Pizzagate-style conspiracy theory.

“I view this as the next rung on the ladder to hell,” Stranahan said.




  • Haha 1
1 hour ago, ndawg said:

So, basically QAnon is a bunch of 9.95 recruiting bullshitters turned propagandists.

"Either next week Mueller could reveal himself as working for Donald Trump, or their plans could be postponed for a while. The situation is fluid, y'all."

The only thing that would make it better is the preposterous back-and-forth "dialog" between the author and some "Big Cigar."

If Tom Herman moves his hand within 6 inches of his crotch in the second quarter of the first game of the season, that means aggy is going to lose several games this season. 

If Herman looks at the scoreboard in the first 5 minutes of the third quarter of the second game, that means we will win more than 5 games  

I’ve got a spreadsheet that lists dozens of moves and gestures that Herman will possibly make over the course of this year, and what they mean, but that'll be $9.95. 

  • Like 1

It's going to be so rich when Trump loses his base because of Q shit.  I firmly believe he or someone in his camp has been pandering to these people.  That coming to light will be a game changer.

39 minutes ago, atomheartbevo said:

If Tom Herman moves his hand within 6 inches of his crotch in the second quarter of the first game of the season, that means aggy is going to lose several games this season Iconoclast is getting smacked upside the head.



14 hours ago, woohorn said:

Anyone got cheat sheet of Qanon buzzwords so we know who to watch out for in daily life?

Saw the new Nutcracker teaser pop up on twitter, showed my kid, then saw one of the top/latest comments was this:



And of course he posts Q stuff.  

Now not everybody who complains about child abuse is into Q, but when I see a comment about conspiracies and children being abused, its usually this type of stuff. 

It’s almost never about ICE detaining little kids either...

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