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The Batshit Insane QAnon Conspiracy Theory

Hugo Stiglitz

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I mean, if you walked into a psychiatrist's office and said that Trump was sending out signals and hiding codes in his tweets to communicate grand revelations about an apocalyptic confrontation between good and evil, the psych might not even bother with going through the schizophrenia screening questions before mentally perusing the best anti-psychotic to put you on. 

But hey, this is mainstream GOP stuff now. 

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This was posted in another thread, and is worth a read.   Basically, Qanon woke up the "Deep State" last Wednesday.   


This is why I think Alex Jones was out there calling out Qanon.  For all of the shit that Jones has done, going back to his little entry into the Bohemian Grove, and for his armored vehicle he drives around Austin bitching about covid restrictions, and his fuckery with the Sandy Hook parents, he and his closest followers never took things to the next level, and actually tangled with The Deep State.  Everything they did was civil-based (as far as lawsuits/court filings), or was more local or state-level.

These Qanon nuts, they have finally drawn the attention of the very people they think have been following them around the last few years.

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Festinger stated that five conditions must be present if someone is to become a more fervent believer after a failure or disconfirmation:

  • A belief must be held with deep conviction and it must have some relevance to action, that is, to what the believer does or how he or she behaves.
  • The person holding the belief must have committed himself to it; that is, for the sake of his belief, he must have taken some important action that is difficult to undo. In general, the more important such actions are, and the more difficult they are to undo, the greater is the individual's commitment to the belief.
  • The belief must be sufficiently specific and sufficiently concerned with the real world so that events may unequivocally refute the belief.
  • Such undeniable disconfirmatory evidence must occur and must be recognized by the individual holding the belief.
  • The individual believer must have social support. It is unlikely that one isolated believer could withstand the kind of disconfirming evidence that has been specified. If, however, the believer is a member of a group of convinced persons who can support one another, the belief may be maintained and the believers may attempt to proselytize or persuade nonmembers that the belief is correct.
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See, because the arrow that goes from the A to the Z in the logo.....yeah see how it stops just short of the "O"  which comes two before the "Q" as in the two weeks until all of this is revealed.  So Amazon stops selling "Q" merch two weeks before the big reveal once Biden is in office.  So January 26th.  Mark it down.  

Seriously, I kick myself almost daily now how much money I could have made.  I know we're stupid consumers in this country, but I had no idea.  Like I bought those aerating spikes you could put on the bottom of your shoes to walk around your yard off some late-night infomercial.  And they broke after one lap around the lot.  And what did I do?  Did I start a political revolution based on "aerating my brown grass before Spring Blooms eternal again in America."  No, I fucking threw 'em out and hid the credit charge from my wife 'cause I lack vision. 

Edited by Lobo
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Texags Q thread, as of 9:08pm today:

7+ Million views

46,000 replies

1,300+ pages

0% critical thinking


Someone said it well in this thread - I feel like an idiot for not somehow exploiting and profitting off of these people. It would be like preying on senile senior citizens but without the guilt. 

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41 minutes ago, Grandioso said:

Texags Q thread, as of 9:08pm today:

7+ Million views

46,000 replies

1,300+ pages

0% critical thinking


Someone said it well in this thread - I feel like an idiot for not somehow exploiting and profitting off of these people. It would be like preying on senile senior citizens but without the guilt. 

I've spent some time on Tiger Droppings and TexAgs the last two months, and god damn there are a lot of Americans who seem to spend their entire lives confused about what is going on in the world. It's very sad.

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I know too many who have just checked out of reality into this horrible, violent fantasy. It’s heart breaking.

There’s no reasoning them out of it since their reality is now so malleable. Even if they briefly acknowledge reality, there’s a reset after several minutes. It’s like losing loved ones to drug addiction.

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lol doTaRD knows and is able to use morse code.


what something like each "many people are saying" or "a lot of people didn't know that" is a dot? Each "biggest ever", "greatest in history" or some permutation of that is dash?


They are just so fucking stupid. I amazed that I continue to amazed at their stupidity.


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If it's truly morse code, wouldn't Trump be starting all his messages with something like...

"A lot of people are telegraphing..."

"A lot of people are typing..." 

"A lot of people are on-off keying..." 

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9 hours ago, Sawbonz said:

Space Force has its first mission



So we spent billions of dollars on developing 'Space Force' so that they could effectively pull off one mission akin to Johnny Jacobs in Airplane!:


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Seems like it to me. We'll find out on inauguration day just how committed they are to this. If nothing happens that means the majority of these chuckleheads saw what happened to the fellow chuckleheads that stormed the capitol and want none of it. I get the feeling this was a giant dress up cosplay type game to 80 to 90% of these idiots with the other 10 to 20% being purely mentally ill.

Every lazy bored white asshole out there says they want chaos until their internet is cut off, they can no longer fly anywhere, and the FBI is knocking on their door. 

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I don't know that there is anything that would cause the true believers to pull out of their delusions.  There have been so many events like the inauguration scenario above that were absolute certainties until they weren't and it hasn't caused any of the hardcore Q fanbois to have an introspective moment. 

Remember when George Bush's funeral in Houston was going to be a mass arrest event?  Remember when Hillary was arrested in October of '17?  Remember the 1,000s of sealed indictments that would be flung open when the IG report was released?

They will just re-tool their delusions to fit the current reality after Biden is sworn in.  That will just be considered evidence of how powerful the dErP StATe really is!


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Yeah that stuff will never go away but I think it'll be reduced back to only the hardcore nut jobs. This election was stolen bullshit brought out all the regular garden variety racists who normally just yap on social media but aren't attacking people. This got those people to storm the capital and try to overthrow the government as well which is out of character for them. The key to stopping those people is wasting/prosecuting several of them and making an example so they just go back to their regular lives and leave the crazy shit to certified nuts. 

Edited by Wanker Bob
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3 hours ago, Wanker Bob said:

Yeah that stuff will never go away but I think it'll be reduced back to only the hardcore nut jobs. This election was stolen bullshit brought out all the regular garden variety racists who normally just yap on social media but aren't attacking people. This got those people to storm the capital and try to overthrow the government as well which is out of character for them. The key to stopping those people is wasting/prosecuting several of them and making an example so they just go back to their regular lives and leave the crazy shit to certified nuts. 

This morphed out of Pizzagate and just got ten times bigger. It's not going to recede; it will change shape and probably grow. 

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On 1/13/2021 at 1:30 PM, atomheartbevo said:

Fuck, was just thinking about some grifting I could do with these folks.

You could just start selling "Cue" shirts. There's probably at least a million of them too stupid to realize the difference.

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