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Alexa: I want my MFING orders off the MFING Plane- NOW!

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Echo owners.... Get Sam L Jackson to be your new Alexa voice...




I don’t need more than good ol’ Alexa on my Echo, but if you’d prefer to chat with Samuel L. Jackson, (to name a few celebrity voices), you have options. Jackson is my favorite of the bunch, but he’s not free: it’s $0.99 to download the skill right now, which will bump up to a whopping $4.99 if you dawdle.

However, with one little trick, you can have Jules Winnfield on your Echo for the low price of free. I suspect a number of you have figured this one out by now, so this tiny hack is for everyone else. Here goes.

Since the Samuel L. Jackson skill is technically a digital purchase on Amazon, there’s a super-easy way to get a quick $1 credit on Amazon that you can then use to purchase this Alexa skill. If you’re an Amazon Prime member, the next time you buy something on Amazon, which is probably “soon,” go ahead and pick the “No-Rush Shipping” option. You’ll have to wait a few extra days for your stuff—a little patience never hurt—and you’ll get a mighty $1 to blow on various digital items.



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