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Posted (edited)
15 minutes ago, Hugo Stiglitz said:

It was kill the boy night. 


Lol even Yang got in on it. I'm certainly curious about this wine cave that the billionaires congregate at.

Edited by AngryDragon

Ha! Huckabeef deleted that shitty Biden tweet AND apologized after Biden (or his social media manager more likely) called her out.

Shame still exists in small moments for some Republicans.


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1 minute ago, Anastasis said:

Warren not gonna hold up. At least based on what I am seeing from the CNN interview. 

I actually like Warren quite a bit but I think she'd be Trump's dream opponent.

Posted (edited)
1 hour ago, Bama Chick said:

Ha! Huckabeef deleted that shitty Biden tweet AND apologized after Biden (or his social media manager more likely) called her out.

Shame still exists in small moments for some Republicans.


You should have made your point respectfully?  It's a little late for you to start pretending to be a respectful person, but what point did you have to make, you lying puppet?

Edited by TexArcher
3 hours ago, AngryDragon said:

I actually like Warren quite a bit but I think she'd be Trump's dream opponent.

I think it is because she scares the billionaires and they are going to go after her. I wonder if they haven't already started by messing with the poll numbers. 

1 hour ago, Bama Chick said:

WBye Yang. I actually started to warm up to you tonight.


Wait...can you pardon someone who has been impeached? Isn't that why Nixon resigned before being impeached?  Clinton was not removed but he lost his law license and he was not pardoned.  I don't think anyone can pardon Trump no matter how much they may want to now.


Pardoning him has nothing to do with impeachment.

Nixon resigned before being impeached. Ford issued a blanket pardon for any possible crimes committed by Nixon.

Impeachment is a 100% political remedy. Any pardons issued would have to be for crimes charged by a law enforcement entity.

6 hours ago, Bama Chick said:

Okay, I can vibe with this.


Great take. Seriously. It was a nice move by Yang - makes it sound mysterious. It's a jedi move. Smart person. The kind of guy who likes ideas and knows how to swat off the insincere. It stuck with you. It reached its intended audience. The intelligent. 


Yang clearly won the debate. He will be taken seriously now. He moves into progressives field of vision -  backed by math.

I sincerely hopes he know emerging economic theory as we enter fully into the post-keynesian reality in economic theory. I suspect he does with his Universal Basic Income - as it has been more formally known. 

Yang is a guy who talks about ideas, rather than spouting platitudes. That should signal sincerity for people searching for sincerity. Do you want your politician lying to you?

The Republic is fine and sturdy as hell (Don't believe Chicken Little's doing their Wicker Man reenactment). But The Republic does need some fresh energy and fresh ideas. The old ideas are wheezy. 

Lying retail politicians know some value certainty, so they use excessive platitudes and have fewer ideas and evidence supporting those ideas. Platitudes are like Old Time Religion. They repeat the same things over and over again. And then they gently dissolve away until called on again by some cantor from some group that is almost . . . religious. Insincere politicians use platitudes as communications tools. They are "politics memes".

But they are so much more powerful than meme. They actually act on the minds of many voters. They provide atmosphere for low information voters - some of whom are quite intelligent. A low information voter has difficulty spotting a lying politician. Much of this is Team Blue v. Team Red bullshit. Most of it is the utterly incompetent news media and the news silos people find themselves trapped in. 

We are entering a period where parties and platitudes will mean less and sincerity will mean more to high information voters. 

I think Yang is telling the truth when he says there are greats ideas out there. 

I think sincerity will sway many Trump voters. So many of them were fired up when they were called and treated as deplorable. That needs to slow down. No reason to repeat that mistake. 

Welcome to the truth lane Yang. I think Yang is coming into the spotlight at the right time in this campaign. Voting starts sooner than you think. 


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2 hours ago, washparkhorn said:

Yang clearly won the debate. He will be taken seriously now. ...

I didn't catch the whole debate.  I likely missed most of Yang's talking time, but what I caught near the end was enough to see a clear difference between Yang and the rest of the field.  He didn't hide inside the practiced shell of a politician.  He seemed like a genuine person.  But he also seemed like a single issue candidate. 


Does Pete do any free stuff?  I think he hit Warren back pretty well about transferring donor money over from her senate campaign, was thinking about why his fundraiser stuff irks me a bit (I don't care about individuals donating up to the max even if it happens in a cave with wine) and remembered that when he came to Austin way early on before he was polling anywhere it was $20 or $30 or whatever just to attend.  I don't think I've ever attended a political thing like that without putting that or more into the coffers in one way or another but that was a dealbreaker.

32 minutes ago, BradInATX said:

When do we start calling for Warren to drop out so her supporters can coalesce around Bernie?

or vice-versa...

the 2nd choice polls (while likely meaningless) are interesting in this regard.  the most recent ones i can recall have bernie's people a lot closer to split between warren and biden (although that could be a result of name-recognition), whereas warren people are more likely to go to bernie.  that said, pete's people are most likely to go to warren/biden, which makes the math interesting.

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