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Taxation in a democratic republic is not theft no matter how many times you say it.
Also, we've tried your way of "helping the poor" and it was a miserable failure. That's how we wound up with the New Deal.

How did the new Deal help the poor exactly?

The New Deal was atrocious as it prolonged the depression with major government interventions into the economy.

The NiRC of 1933, the smoot-holly tariff, the government destroying surpluses of cotton and pigs because they thought shrinking the abundance of supplies would lead to an increase in pricing(yes the government,) wage hiking (which led to more unemployment,) and many other interventions all prolonged the depression and had devastating impacts on the economy.

Many think FDRs policies got us out of the depression, but in reality Herbert Hoover’s laissez fair approach to the market was was already leading to the market correcting itself.

If you genuinely want to learn more listen:


As noted in the podcast, historians are abandoning the claim that FDRs New Deal policies helped get us out of the depression.

So how does pricing out less valuable labor as a result of all that govt intervention into the economy help the poor?


The War on Poverty has kept about the same percentage of Americans in poverty over the last 50 years.  So there's that.  Johnson's third best legacy after Vietnam and letting his friends put two rounds in Kennedy's head.  

On 12/23/2019 at 7:29 PM, ndawg said:

I wasn't making an argument, I was making an observation. When discussing government spending, I've noticed that libertarians tend to really struggle with realizing that the degrees of waste that we deem outrageous versus acceptable differ when we're discussing private versus public spending. There are also who categories of waste that libertarians tend to ignore, as well. Even further still, there are societal objectives that private enterprise is simply never going to have any incentive to pursue. Do you think Elon Musk would ever try to shoot rockets into space if NASA didn't do it first?

I'm digressing, so I'll get back to the point. If you actually want to have an argument about waste, go study management. As it stands, from my vantage point, it seems like you're guessing at how the world works by framing it with an overly simplistic narrative. Of course, all libertarians think that way, it's y'alls major flaw.

EDIT: I should also admit that we've veered way off topic here. We'd probably actually agree that these govt fees that the OP brought up are bullshit.

You made the argument that big corporations are wasteful too and that because one corporation invests in marketing to "squash" the competition that is somehow bad.  My question to you is why is free market competition bad? 


I've noticed that libertarians tend to really struggle with realizing that the degrees of waste that we deem outrageous versus acceptable differ when we're discussing private versus public spending


The reason libertarians regard government waste as outrageous as opposed to private entities wasting money is because the government waste is done with............................................................................wait for it.............................................................................................................................................................................














.......................................................................................................OUR FUCKING TAX DOLLARS.....!!

If a private company mismanages, then the risk is on the capital investors who invested money (that they likely saved over time or took a loan out for), not the damn tax payer.  They go bankrupt or go out of business.  Yes, it's that fucking simple.  Don't create a business with value to voluntary consumers? Go out of fucking business.  But create a monopoly on education, police, the court systems, airport security, letter sending, student loan guarantees to lenders, banking bailout ability and stay in business because you and I foot the bill no matter how bad the results or services are.  



seems like you're guessing at how the world works by framing it with an overly simplistic narrative

Of course the world isn't that simple, but I'm sure you'll agree that literally *ANY SANE PERSON IN THE WORLD THAT UNDERSTANDS LOGIC* would agree that it's not right to steal from others or use violence against a peaceful person or their property.  This is the root of the Non-Aggression principle, or NAP for short, that all libertarians believe and talk about.  

Not a bad flaw to have in my opinion...ya know...believing and trying to live by an arguably universal, unifying principle.  Also central is economic liberty and sound money.  The more the government spends, the more they strip away the taxpayer's economic liberties.  



And lastly, How many of you have voluntary given ANY GOVERNMENT ENTITY money?  It's so easy to virtue signal that taxes are what we pay to live in a civilized society, but how many of you have actually paid more to the government because you thought it was a good thing? 


I'll wait. 


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