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ESPN reporter dies on his 34th birthday from pneumonia caught at Ohio St-Mich game

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my dad died from penumonia 10 years after he had it. got it at 72. it damaged his lungs so he had to be on o2 after that. his lungs finally gave out at 82. of course being born in 1918 he smoked, a lot. my mom made them quit cold turkey. fuck penumonia. 34 is too fucking young.


gotta think aboutgetting the shot soon.


13 hours ago, JFKFC said:

He must have had something else wrong with him, correct?


This doesn't make sense. 


11 hours ago, deadshank said:

I had a very close friend get pneumonia and then try to “tough it out.”   He was in excellent physical shape and in otherwise very healthy with no ongoing lung conditions. 

By the time he sought medical treatment it was far too late.  He went into the hospital for 30 days and died there.  He was in his mid 40s.  

Pneumonia is no joke.  Don’t wait too long. Go see a doctor. 


7 hours ago, Armybrat said:

No it isn’t. One of our Vegas group meet friends, a sweet 35 year old blonde babe from LA came down with pneumonia and went to the hospital,  but checked herself out because she didn’t like it there. She died at home the next day, leaving behind a devastated husband and two little daughters.

Horribly tragic

7 hours ago, Armybrat said:

I & Mrs. Brat got our pneumonia shots a couple of years ago.

I'm a believer, starting getting them after I nearly died in 06.

6 hours ago, perfectchaos007 said:

I thought pneumonia only killed the elderly or obese. This was certainly an awareness moment for me because I did not think it could take the life of a healthy 30 something. 

Nope, everyone's fair game

6 hours ago, Lat22 said:

That’s scary stuff there. I’ve always been the “tough it out” type. 

Yeah, me too,

Toughed it out through one bout in 06, only to relapse a month later.  That was nearly the end of ol' Shooter.  Survived but the end was that the infection got to my heart and severely damaged my left ventricle.  So now it only works at 30% of what it should.  AFib how ya doing?  Of course the (fucked) up diagnosis that it was lung cancer didn't help.

Word to the wise... get the freaking shot, and don't take any chances whatsoever...

7 minutes ago, maninblack said:

Terribly sad. I know it happens but you just don't hear about healthy 30 something's succumbing to pneumonia.

Back in the early and mid 1980’s you did, but back then dying from pneumonia was code for teh AIDS.

I remember a few weeks ago another quasi celebrity died from pneumonia.  I wonder if this is a new and more potent strain going around!

18 hours ago, TeddyBearStallion said:

Didn't George Washington die from pneumonia?  

Strep throat. They treated it by letting some blood, a common medical practice back then, weakening him so much his body couldn’t fight the strep infection. 

Posted (edited)

I had a colleague die in her mid-20’s die from pneumonia. Went to the emergency room, they sent her home, it got so bad as she was trying to come back to the ER she passed out either in her friend’s car or trying to walk in. Died in the ER.

Other than being overweight, she was young and in good health. Just heartbreaking  


Edited by Uncle Nate
14 minutes ago, Uncle Nate said:

Strep throat. They treated it by letting some blood, a common medical practice back then, weakening him so much his body couldn’t fight the strep infection. 


  • Like 5

 A high school classmate died at the age of 42 from walking pneumonia.  Same kind of thing everybody is saying.... she just tried to tough it out until it was too late,  left behind two kids under the age of 10..... and before her death I was pretty ignorant.... I thought pneumonia wtf... that should be as easy to lick as the common cold in this day & age. 

Hmmmm.... I had always heard that George Washington had been sleeping with a slave and then had to wait outside in the rain to hide from his wife & caught pneumonia in the process.

 Regardless it’s no joke as we all know... I had a buddy catch it very recently,  ended up in the hospital but he did give me some great advice :  he says bro .....  if you’re ever in the hospital and they offer you morphine. Tell. Them. Yes.  

Strep throat. They treated it by letting some blood, a common medical practice back then, weakening him so much his body couldn’t fight the strep infection. 
his doctor? Theodoric of York!
7 hours ago, Catdaddyhorn said:

So he'd already been battling it for 2 weeks by the time he made this tweet on November 26th.  Why are there so many references to him catching it at the Mich/tOSU game? He'd had pneumonia for damn near 3 weeks by the time that game rolled around.  

He had a virus prior to contracting pneumonia per the article. 


I had it in 4th grade and it fuckin wrecked me. It was in February and really cold. I know this because the school would compensate for it by cranking the heat up to 80 inside. I was in my classroom shivering like I was cold. Teacher thought I was acting weird so she sent me to the nurse's office. 105 degree fever and my parents sent me to the hospital. One week later I made it out okay. 

Posted (edited)
16 hours ago, JFKFC said:

He must have had something else wrong with him, correct?


This doesn't make sense. 

No. It makes sense. Some folks have holes in their immune system and can succumb to common pathogens like strep that cause pneumonia even with high powered antibiotics etc.

We do not know however  his health history which could be contributory. 

Bad shit  happens to otherwise heathy folks. 
no one is bulletproof, we tend to take a lot of things in life for granted.


Edited by El Squared

Complications from Pneumonia very nearly got me at the age of 32.  Ended up needing thoracic surgery to peel a think layer of puss (Empyema) off my lungs.  Do not play around with pneumonia, and advocate for yourself with your doctor if you aren't getting better.

  • Like 1
20 hours ago, Catdaddyhorn said:

So he'd already been battling it for 2 weeks by the time he made this tweet on November 26th.  Why are there so many references to him catching it at the Mich/tOSU game? He'd had pneumonia for damn near 3 weeks by the time that game rolled around.  


That headline isn't as good and wouldn't generate as many clicks without it. Not to mention all those news sites would have no fucking clue how long he actually had it. He was only DIAGNOSED with it AFTER the game which of course allows the clickbait headlines a loophole to spread their shit stories.

Awful news as others have said if you wait to get treated there is almost nothing they can do. 

Outside of childbirth it's the most common cause for hospital admission. 1 million a year and 50K die each year from it. Yes, it kills more kids/elderly or those with other health issues but is nothing to fuck around with. 

16 hours ago, maninblack said:

Terribly sad. I know it happens but you just don't hear about healthy 30 something's succumbing to pneumonia.

Happens all the time. Like everyone’s said it’s not something to fuck around with.

And I’d never heard of a “pneumonia shot” before reading this thread. I’ll have to learn more about it.


What constitutes "toughing it out" for some of you? I've "toughed out" a few colds, fevers, and wet coughs. I just fought through a two week bought of fatigue, sneezing, and mucus bombs. But if I get body aches, chills, wheezing, multi minute coughing fits, I'm going to the goddamned doctor. I guess if you're broke and don't have health insurance one might hesitate (cr), but otherwise, why not go to a fucking doctor if the symptoms get serious? I usually go at the beginning of a sore throat now because I have a history of strep and sinus infections.


I got pneumonia on my 11th birthday.  Fortunately as an 11 year old there was no toughing out the feeling of being stabbed with a knife almost every breath not to mention the 103-104 degree fever that came on pretty quickly.  I tough out stuff too but as you mention stache once it gets to where the fever is 102+ and other truly painful shit is going down it's time to see a doc.  


Ed was a Gator and my twitter feed has imploded with remembrances.   I know people don't often talk ill of the dead, but it really seems like he was a great guy.    Very sad died on his birthday




27 minutes ago, 'stache said:

What constitutes "toughing it out" for some of you? I've "toughed out" a few colds, fevers, and wet coughs. I just fought through a two week bought of fatigue, sneezing, and mucus bombs. But if I get body aches, chills, wheezing, multi minute coughing fits, I'm going to the goddamned doctor. I guess if you're broke and don't have health insurance one might hesitate (cr), but otherwise, why not go to a fucking doctor if the symptoms get serious? I usually go at the beginning of a sore throat now because I have a history of strep and sinus infections.

I don’t mess with fevers, anything over 101 that lasts more than a day I’m going to the doctor. And I actually haven’t had a fever like that in years (so I’m getting one tomorrow now that I say that). As soon as I get a sore throat, headache, or cough I drink a ton of water, take a lot of vitamin c and eat more food than usual. That usually works. If it doesn’t then I’m seeing a doc if it doesn’t get better after a few days.
No fever or headache, but just runny nose/congestion or cold symptoms and I otherwise feel fine, I won’t see the doctor unless the symptoms last over 2 weeks. 

On 12/25/2019 at 10:54 AM, George said:

Wait, I thought the weather getting you sick was BS. Was mom right all those years?

It doesn’t get you sick.  It absolutely will weaken your immune system so if you’re exposed to a bug you’re fighting at less than full strength.   


The best thing most of y'all can do is just get your flu shot annually. Assuming you're otherwise healthy (a big if on this board), the flu is the most likely reason that one of y'all will end up in the ICU (or worse) with severe pneumonia. Luckily, that doesn't happen all that often. We're a long way from 1900 when the average life expectancy was 47 years.

In this case, this very unfortunate man had a fairly rare illness that thankfully shouldn't affect any of us. Just a brutal reminder that The Fates can cut any of our threads at any time without warning.


Two years ago I skipped my flu shot and ended up with the flu. I toughed it out, but after about two weeks I finally staggered into an urgent care place. They didn’t even take an Xray. They just loaded me into the meat wagon and sent me to the hospital. Spent 10 days in there getting over pneumonia and wishing I would just die. Took me months before I felt right again.

On 12/25/2019 at 6:51 AM, deadshank said:

I had a very close friend get pneumonia and then try to “tough it out.”   He was in excellent physical shape and in otherwise very healthy with no ongoing lung conditions. 

By the time he sought medical treatment it was far too late.  He went into the hospital for 30 days and died there.  He was in his mid 40s.  

Pneumonia is no joke.  Don’t wait too long. Go see a doctor. 

True. I got it almost 5 years ago. Never had it before so I didn't know anything about it. One day I started to feel like absolute shit. Just thought it was a bad cold or upper respiratory infection. I felt like I was dying (kind of exaggerating but I felt so bad). I went to the doctor when I saw my temperature was 104.3. I was not fucking around with that and passing that off as a regular cold. The doctor diagnoses it as pneumonia. They gave me a breathing treatment for 30 minutes to clear my lungs and they got my temperature to drop a tad. I was prescribed so much shit that day. 

  • 3 weeks later...

Yeah it just never made sense that a pneumonia would lead an otherwise healthy guy to his demise. 

It was hemophagocytic lymphohistiocystosis (HLH) as a complication of non-Hodgkin's lymphoma with pulmonary involvement that did him in. Several times, a pneumonia that does not seem to resolve is the initial presentation for what eventually is discovered to be a lung cancer. Either he had some family history of leukemia/lymphoma/blood dyscrasias or he was quite unlucky with his gene lottery.



4 minutes ago, UDontKnow said:

Yeah it just never made sense that a pneumonia would lead an otherwise healthy guy to his demise. 

It was hemophagocytic lymphohistiocystosis (HLH) as a complication of non-Hodgkin's lymphoma with pulmonary involvement that did him in. Several times, a pneumonia that does not seem to resolve is the initial presentation for what eventually is discovered to be a lung cancer. Either he had some family history of leukemia/lymphoma/blood dyscrasias or he was quite unlucky with his gene lottery.



Makes sense.  Still incredibly sad but thanks for posting.  Was racking my brain on what underlying condition may have lead to him actually dying from PNA. 

And to all the people on the flu shots - spot on.  Get the fucking thing.  

Was really tough looking through what his fiance posted.  RIP Edward

On 12/25/2019 at 5:31 AM, JFKFC said:

He must have had something else wrong with him, correct?


This doesn't make sense. 

I declare myself the winner of the internet. 

  • Like 1
21 hours ago, ChiTownDoc said:

Makes sense.  Still incredibly sad but thanks for posting.  Was racking my brain on what underlying condition may have lead to him actually dying from PNA. 

And to all the people on the flu shots - spot on.  Get the fucking thing.  

Was really tough looking through what his fiance posted.  RIP Edward

Influenza with secondary necrotizing MRSA pneumonia is much more likely and kills young people quickly without any predisposing factors. Two of the last three I saw (over the past few years) never really made it out of the ER. The other one ended up on an ECMO machine (at age 17) for a couple of weeks but survived with some chronic asthmatic-type issues. The flu shot isn't bullet-proof, but it certainly improves your odds.

  • Like 1

I had a co-worker that passed almost the exact same way.  He was a normal, healthy guy who was serious about his diet and fitness.  Worked out daily.  Then one day he looked like he wasn't feeling well.  The last time I saw him was as I was leaving the office and he was coming in.  I held the door and noticed he didn't look well, so I asked if he was okay and he said he thought he had the flu or a virus or something and was gonna go to the doctor the next day.  That night they rushed him to the hospital and by the next afternoon he was in an induced coma because all of his organs were shutting down and they didn't now why.  A few days later, he was gone and they still hadn't figured anything out.  After his death they discovered the lymphoma.  It was so sudden.  It's a crazy way to go out, but at least he didn't suffer very long like happens with other cancers.

  • 2 months later...
Posted (edited)

you mean the cancer?  Yeah I fucking read that.  I said "related" as in Joe got AIDS but the flu killed him jfc scuse the fuck out of me for asking a question about timing of a death due to respiratory issues.......definitely no "relation" there!

Hey look you better go rip this guy to who asked TWICE in the CV thread! 



Edited by mulletpelini

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