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yeah, they grinded a lot to get to M2, probably got burnt out a bit.  My participation will continue to decrease throughout the month as Mullet Jr. gets closer to birth.  We're at about 40 days and counting right now and I'm still getting the house set up for it so a lot of time dedicated to that.  Next month will be even less I'm assuming, so if you need to dump me into twoey feel free.  I can do some recruiting damage for you there at least.  Who else just had a kid was it EMJ?

There is a ton of zeroes right now, but it's not just us, I see a ton of it when I'm recruiting other rosters too.  In fact, I'd say ours number less than most considering size and level.  

Ha, had some total randomness the other day while recruiting I think the team was called dragonballz or something like that and going thru the roster I found my cousin on it.  Millions of people that play this game and I just happened to play a guy on his team, so random.  He had 800 pts last season so I invited him, but ultimately, we may not be his crowd, he's a pretty straight arrow.  I don't think he would quite get Surly.


No worries. We aren't going to make it this season. We need to get about 10-15 more real grinders...2k plus types if we want to have a chance at M3. We're on track to put up 40k and probably won't break the top 40 or 50. Looks like it will 80k+ to make it. So its going to take a little while to build that up. I realize that quite a few teams have 0s as well, but for us its a few of our more consistent point producers. Paps was on target for almost 4k if he'd played all of last season. XD was on target for 1.5k or more. Crazyhorse and Kris are good for 500+. I'm mostly concerned that Paps isn't going to return, not that he's taking a break. Its tough to find 4k players.



Hey I found a recruiting glitch on accident.  When you're playing head to head, and you go into the other players team roster...sometimes the other player will shoot really fast and I don't have enough time to attempt to pillage their entire team (above 500pt players) so after the match is over, go back to the main menu and press on your individual icon where your stats are and the last team's roster (most likely the game you just ended) should show up in place of your profile.  Now you can still go through their entire roster at your own pace, with no need to hurry.  Don't hit the "X" though, as that will cancel it.  Hit the team name to go back to the roster if you need to look at a different player.



I know for sure I invited Yung Joc, who could forget that pic.  99% I played against BellBailey, probably 100% chance I didn't play DroppingEggz.  Finally getting some results, guaranteed we've invited 1000 people so far this month and got what, less than 5?  Frustrating, thought M2 would have been so much easier to recruit to.  Blah blah, I know, broken record.


Most jumps occur near the end and beginning of the season. BB seems like a good addition and DE had a lot of games played. Well at how it pans out.

Disappointed that Pap and xD and Ch haven't come back. Even worse because I didn't want to cut them I had to promote Kent who is actually playing occasionally.

I think those must be Alt accounts and they are playing their main accounts. No other other explanation how someone puts up at a rate of 4k/season and then stops suddenly.


Or he ded.

Seriously though, I cannot remember going thru so many rosters seeing zeroes across the board.  Also so many singular el presidente teams or maybe one or two members and that's it.  Seems like a lot of people have suddenly quit playing.  Weird.


frustrating because I need to make some room, but those guys who were valuable last year are basically at the bottom this year and should be the next ones cut. But since I know they can put up a lot of points I don't want to cut them.

Thinking about ditching the minimum and just saying the bottom 5 are always at risk.

Flirty G is done, right?

Would be nice if a few people would jump to the other clan. Currently sitting in 4th - finished 2nd with my baby account which helped. I'm thinking with the mini this week I should be able to move up into 3rd.

I really wish I hadn't fucked up the front nine yesterday. -10. If I could have shot -12 i would have finished at -24 and top 30 and put Bobby away with both accounts. Now its close. I'll win, but didn't want to have to grind for it. But its very nice to have someone else bringing a lot of points. We just need to get about 10 players like that and we'll have a shot at M3.




At what point should I give a tournament a shot? I'm getting close to moving up to tour 5, just trying to pad my $ some first. Finally got the thorn and am loving it, it's just a slow upgrade. Also really feeling the boomerang, although I unlocked the down in one last night. I think I want to upgrade that one a level or two first before I make the switch though.

Posted (edited)

For chips, you want the ball on the ground and rolling. That's the most important thing because it gives you every single point along the line through the hole to go in. If you don't have a ball guide, then you are guessing when it stops bouncing and starts rolling and you have no idea how far its going to roll. I see more people missing chips with the DI1 than any other club for that very reason. It has great stats in every category EXCEPT for the most important one, ball guide. The accuracy is second, and its nice to have but much less important than the ball guide. The reason people don't know this is that there really aren't any clubs with good ball guides early on, so you don't realize how important it is. Dart is ok leveled up some but Firefly is better once you get it.

If you play real golf, when you are in the fringe, you don't want the ball bouncing when it gets to the hole. You want to hit it at the right speed so that its rolling slowly as it reaches the hole. You can't judge that with the DI1. Ever. You can't judge the speed properly so it may bounce over the hole, it may be going to hard when it gets to the hole, it may not even get to the hole. You can make a decent guess, but with chip shots you don't want to be guessing, you want to know its going in. The DI1 a gimmick club but since its Rare, alot of people use it. If you have the Firefly, its a really good club for chipping at very low levels. Also, it works with the same 20% rule as the Endbringer - search JaredA Endbringer Rule on YouTube and you can play the same shot with the Firefly at 20%. He has two methods, but you want the 20% rule - its dead on. I make a ton of long chips with high winds and it works. Once you get the Endbringer Level 3, use it.

Literally one of the rules for BabaBooey (kind of joking, but not really) was don't use the Down in One. You never see anyone use it in higher Tours for a reason.

I definitely say try this 9-hole tournament. Nothing to lose.

Generally though, The thing I've recently decided is that regular rookie tournaments really aren't worth the time and effort unless you finish top 5. The points you earn just aren't enough for the time you spend playing 45 holes and preparing so you can be in the hunt. For Pro, its probably Top 10-15. For Expert Top 50 and anything Masters (but a high probability of not making the weekend unless you can shoot very very low with very high winds.

The key to success in tournaments is there are so many people who play the game really well that you have to not only be just as good as they are, but you have to figure out how to get a few extra drops in order to move up the standings. I detail it all in my tournament guide - I think I sent it to you but if not let me know.

Summarized - you need to be able to shoot revised par. Revised par is a birdie on every hole and an eagle on every hole that is reachable in less than par (e.g., reachable par 4 is an eagle, Par 5 that you can reach in 2 is an eagle). Most courses revised par is -11 to -13 depending on wind. If you can shoot that in 9 holes (-22 to -26 for 18 holes), you'll finish middle of the pack (maybe a little higher in Rookie, a little lower in Expert, and likely won't make the cut in Master). This varies for course difficulty as well. Gokasho Bay has some challenging holes (T10 course) so I would expect revised par to be -12 but in rookie, if you can shoot -10 or -11, you'll probably be middle of the pack.

So the key is to figure out how to shoot under "revised par" and that requires knowing the ring method and spending time researching the holes, developing a strategy and hole guide. There are some good streamers that will get you close, but you need to choose what works best for your clubs, comfort level, etc. Then you need to tweak those shots as necessary so they are your shots. Its very difficult to just hit other people's shots. None of that matters if you can't adjust properly though - so the ring method is absolutely critical.

Try the 9-hole tournament. Its a good intro because it doesn't take a ton of time compared to a regular tournament and if you make the cut you are guaranteed to play the final round and get some points (unlike a regular tournament where you can qualify and then miss the cut in the opening round).

On YouTube, watch Erelic - You'll get a good idea of general strategy and shots. He'll stream his qualifying round. I'll post links in Google Docs.




Edited by HoustonHorn

Thanks. The ball guide is why I haven't switched to the DI1. I've definitely pay attention to the ball guide when deciding on clubs and upgrading. My thorn has upgraded slowly so far, but I did move up to PRO 1 this week, so I've been earning cards a little bit faster. 


I need to cut at least 5 and hopefully more like 8 people before next season starts so we have some openings.

Speed, any interest in jumping to the other clan? You're safe from the cut line but it would be one less person I need to cut. If you start playing more, you can always jump back up.

Thinking Stranger, TimStarr, Crazyhorse, XD, Oz, Andrew, and FlirtyG. I don't want to cut Flirty - he fits in with you weird HS guys, but he hasn't even logged in in 20 days.

Trying to hold on to Pap, but if he doesn't come back within a couple days of the new season, he gone.

Kenny, unsurprisingly, has done just enough to be above 7 or 8 people. Symbol hasn't done much after doing pretty well right when he started last season.

A lot of people have just flatlined, which I get why its not worth putting up a bunch of points when we have no shot of advancing, but its easier to recruit if we can sell a team that's close to qualifying.

I think Bobby gave up on his dreams of beating my accounts. He hasn't been grinding as much.

Not sure what's gotten into lurch, but holy shit he's putting up a lot of points the last couple weeks.. Looks like he and Andre can be 2k grinders going forward. Cason can be as well if he performs well in tournaments.

I know Fluffy relegates so he comes and goes. I don't mind tournament players if they consistently get points.

Sam had some off time, but I think he's feeling better and playing better.

I had high hopes for Anthony - he talked a good game when he first showed up and put up points and then...nothing. Matt has been a dud. Bawss hogg hasn't done anything this season either.

Gotta give props to the Surly contingent overall - really good performance this season.

I need to cull out the low performers though if we're ever going to have a chance at M3. I think for next season I'm just going to make it that the bottom five are in danger of being cut at any time. No minimum but maybe it will be some motivation. I can't keep track of 50 players and who is playing regularly, who is in the tournaments, who is recruiting. So bottom 5 are at risk would be easiest unless I hear feedback that's a bad idea. Might get someone like Oz to actually play tour play instead of playing tournaments where he misses the cut.

17 hours ago, HoustonHorn said:

I have to get rid of somebody. Wish I could just move them.

 I thought you could? Or I guess from the sound of it, it has to be two step mutual?

3 hours ago, HoustonHorn said:

I need to cut at least 5 and hopefully more like 8 people before next season starts so we have some openings.

Speed, any interest in jumping to the other clan? You're safe from the cut line but it would be one less person I need to cut. If you start playing more, you can always jump back up.

Thinking Stranger, TimStarr, Crazyhorse, XD, Oz, Andrew, and FlirtyG. I don't want to cut Flirty - he fits in with you weird HS guys, but he hasn't even logged in in 20 days.

Flirty being EMJ makes sense he's got the newborn and not even playing much with EMJ so he can always come back, wish there was some way you could know for sure but I'm pretty sure it's him he's got the same HS characteristics as EMJ

Cut Stranger (60 points in 2 months, weak) Oz (286 in 2 months, weak) RRatsmit (78 in 2 months, outta here) Flirty per above, Kenny (80 in 2 months, hasn't even earned 1MM coins yet)


That's 5, I'd keep the rest for now as they were good last month.  You've seen as well as I have that so many rosters are zeroed out, so play is down OR it's not reporting correctly, not sure.  Seems like fewer players playing, not sure why.

As before, my play will drop some in the next few weeks with Mullet Jr. coming home to wreak havoc so not real sure yet how much time I'll have to play.  If it's not much I'll move to twoey until it gets more regimented with him.

I still say asking for a pin chest a day is a good goal.  Even if they lose every game, they're still playing (at least) 8 games a day which will by nature make them better players.  If they win half at 3 points/game that's 12/day or 360 which isn't that far off 500 and damn if you had every player from RT down (29 players) pitching in 360 you're at 40K+ or top 30.  

As always JMO, you're the Boff.


Flirty isn't EMJ, I asked.

He just kind of dropped off the map and I figured he was a sock.

I can't move people, they just have to do it. I'm going to send out a reminder this week and tell people that I'm going to make some room for the new season and now is the time to move. Then I'll change from a minimum to bottom 5 for next season.

Not sure what to do about the rewards. Definitely reducing the reward for beating me from $100 to 50. MVP $20. Then maybe $5 for everyone over 1k. Not sure yet.

Posted (edited)

Huh, that's interesting, I would have thought they were one and the same.  Seriously, the ones I talked about above don't need reminding, they know damn well they're not contributing.  No one is gonna miss them, they don't say anything in chat either.  Cut em.

The rewards are up to you, people should want to play for love of the game and contribute to the team likewise.  They shouldn't need money incentive to play (from you personally anyways).  I'd do one if someone beats you, thats it.  Only one student gets to make a speech at graduation, they earned it.

Edited by mulletpelini
is wayne brady gonna have to cut a bitch?
3 hours ago, HoustonHorn said:

Really thinking about FAFO for my baby account.


Na, so many other good historical Stern names

Yucko the Clown, Beet or Beetlejuice, ETA or Eric the Acktor, Bigfoot Jr., Jackie Jokeman, Grillo, Gareeeeee, Ethel, High Pitch, BenGEEE, Ralphie Cakes, Ronnie Mundt, J.D.

Personally I'd pick Yucko as my next, wish I could change DD to that.


I think PD will let you change your name once.

I liked the one y'all suggested before, someone the Bagger. But y'all also talk about HS kinda just calling checks now too. So not sure I want to be tied to that.

And you know my overall familiarity with Stern despite my position as president of the BabaBooey clan. So not 100%sold on choosing a stern guest as my name.

We'll see.


Well, all those names are from the golden eras of the show.  He's a tool now, but real fans know the names of the best times.  Mark the Bagger is the one your thinking of....not terrible, might be too long though?

Tan Mom would be a great one for a female gopher.

Got to -12 in masters. The non copy paste shooting tournaments are kind of nice.
I love it, the streamers are completely scrambling and don't know what to do. The clans are coming up with shots but overall the scores are much more reasonable. I had -12 in Master as well.

The do need to just change the wind for each round, not each 9 though.

-12 in Master, - 12 in Expert and - 13 in Pro with my baby account quick looks like it will get 2nd.

I need to get more players in the clan who can help dial in shots in Expert though. The streamers are a good starting point but to get extra drops in the upper levels you have to be able to take that and then modify it and then really dial it in. Would love to work with a good shot team.

Yep, and give away shit compared to a pin chest. Screws free 2 play players. Not me, unfortunately for my bank account.

Sticks the direction the game is headed though. Still live the wind changes in tournaments though.

  • 1 month later...

Cason, saw you take off. I completely get it. I'm actually getting tired of grinding and focusing much more on tournaments. That's where the big points are anyways. Take it easy and you are always welcome back. Or if you want a place to just park your account and take it easy for as long as you like, there's BabaTwooey.

Thanks for all your efforts man!


  • 3 weeks later...

I'm good for about 1.5k but where I really shine is in the chat room.  Team is losing momentum.  I might have to jump ship if we can't stay M2.  I've gotten to used to my bonuses.  Nice win in that tourney HH, I truly hated it though.


I definitely get it.

I kind of figured that if I moved my main account the clan would struggle  - that's part of the reason I stuck around so long. Andre leaving exacerbated that. Sam has had some health issues and that's why he left. I've been really busy at work so haven't been able to do any grinding at all.

But personally its been pretty successful for me individually. Just won my second expert tournament in a row this weekend and also won a rookie with my baby account. I'm sure I'll be in Expert 3 now so the wins will end for a while until I get better but I'm getting much more consistent at being in the -28 to -31 range in tournaments and that's only with a single account so I can't really dial in shots like most of the people playing well in Expert/Masters. As soon as HHII gets 3 Apoc cards to get to Apoc 4 I'm going to start playing Expert on that account.

Sucks because I like the clan but I just reached a point where I wasn't going to improve. You did a great job recruiting, but at the end of the day, the clan is basically what it is and there's not really a way to change that. We needed to add Expert/Masters players to really have a shot at making it to M3 and being successful, but I was a nobody with a few middling Expert appearances. Those players aren't going to join BabaBooey and it takes way too long to stumble into high-volume players like Bobby and Med. Everyone else in the clan plays for fun or doesn't play (not that there's anything wrong with that - I wish I was like that).





Nice job Speed.  I got an invite to an M3 team so I took it.  I'll probably leave Sour in BB for a bit.  I really want to get these clubs maxed out on DD and then just drop back and play for fun, maybe 750-1.5 a month.

I gotta leave Sour in BB just to harass Scotty B, he's already called me out as a being DD/SS, so he's probably wondering why SS is still there without DD now.

16 hours ago, Speedtrucker said:

I finished 9th in my low tourney! That’s a big win for me.


And that's how it goes. You start moving up and getting more consistent with Top 20s, then Top 10s and then you play a round and everything clicks and you get a Top 3. And all the while you are learning how to play better in tournaments. The tournament strategy guide I put together really does work. And the rookie guides I make are pretty solid. I don't have enough opportunities to fully ensure all the shots are perfect but they are pretty close and if you follow them you should be able to shoot -24 to -26.

  • Hook 'Em 1

Its doubtful that a clan made up of nearly entirely Rookie level players with just a few Pro level can maintain M3, especially if most aren't grinders. Tournaments have too many points available. Even if you only have 6-8 players playing Expert or Master, if they are decent, they can put up a ton of points quickly. Without me putting up 10k, losing a few 1k+ players and about half team not playing there's no doubt we're not going to make it to M3 and depending on the upcoming tournament may fall back to M1. So when you're looking for a clan to go to M3, definitely make sure they have some Expert/Master level players in tournaments because otherwise the entire team needs to be grinding out around 1k+ with a few big grinders getting 4k+.

My other clan doesn't grind at all, its almost all tournaments and we won M1 probably by double the next team, and currently in 3rd in M2 because we had a terrible tournament and only put up about 20k in the last tournament. If we have a good tournament though, we can easily jump up to 1st and we're not even trying to make a push because most of those people have other accounts in Clannibals who are fighting for 3rd in C100. Tournaments are where its at and rookie/pro level tournaments are a waste of time unless you finish Top 3 in rookie or Top 10 in Pro.


That all makes sense for you HH, because you're playing on an entirely different level than most of us. But I'll never be good enough or play enough to be at the level you speak of, so M3 is the pinnacle for me really.  If the team I'm on makes it to c100 so be it, but there's only about a 3% of making it IF you somehow got recruited by the right team.....so I'm more than good at M3 and collecting until I get the clubs maxed out, which I'm guessing I might have done by summer?  Then just play the senior tour tourneys like you're describing.....if I even make it long enough to get to that point before the game pisses me off.

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