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Pretty sure that's not the case. Searched and the most thorough answer on reddit golf clash says no. The swing practice on golf clash notebook doesn't differentiate by tires if the same club. But different club types vary and the tour you are playing on makes it vary. Higher tours are faster.

The penalty for missing is impacted though.

Overpower makes it go faster and swing wider. Different balls go different speeds as well.

49 minutes ago, HoustonHorn said:

Pretty sure that's not the case. Searched and the most thorough answer on reddit golf clash says no. The swing practice on golf clash notebook doesn't differentiate by tires if the same club. But different club types vary and the tour you are playing on makes it vary. Higher tours are faster.

The penalty for missing is impacted though.

Overpower makes it go faster and swing wider. Different balls go different speeds as well.

Yeah, I was comparing using the free ball.  It is random, all things equal, ball, tee.....the two clubs are definitely not the same on mine.  QB moves MUCH slower.  I just looked to verify, QB is at 8 and EM is 6, accuracy 100 vs. 29.  

Sometimes I can overpower and the speed doesn't even change, that may be using a different ball though, I can't be 100% sure on that one.

Same hole, same course, free ball QB swing arm moves slower than EM, when overpowered.  I'll see if I can figure out how to link a vid to show you.


I don't know man. I just tested it out on some matches and I can't discern a difference. If you can record your screen and show it I would consider asking Play Demic about it. I was in T6 for all of the shots. The different meter speeds in the different tours is the only thing I can think of as changing the speed.


So the Malibu is better than the desert storm?

Been using the desert storm because it has really high accuracy and max top spin for those times when I hit a mid trap...

I like the runner and the firefly because I can get those with high top spin and run the ball with much less airtime being affected by wind.

I was having trouble with the Extra mile so I bumped back down to the first unlocked driver and was thinking about leveling up the quarterback as my biggest problem is missing the fairway more than being out driven.

For now my grim reaper serves me well in power and curling a shot from distance, I see how it’s a slow leveler though and will eventually becomes a problem


So the Malibu is better than the desert storm?

Been using the desert storm because it has really high accuracy and max top spin for those times when I hit a mid trap...

I say this based on the following. From my alt account.

Malibu has better distance and better accuracy. Top spin is OK, but really it isn't going to make up the difference in the distance. Until you get the Spitfire, you are likely out of the hole if you hit in a fairway bunker. Accuracy is what it is. If you don't hit perfect, you aren't going to go in the hole and who cares if you miss by and inch or 6 inches. This can change some with later clubs but since I want a SW to save from censor bullets I want ball guide. Malibu is the clear winner.

I like the runner and the firefly because I can get those with high top spin and run the ball with much less airtime being affected by wind.

Firefly is a pretty good club at low levels and will be fine until you get the Rapier or Endbringer. That's what I use right now.

You will need to switch to the Thorn at some point to get backspin. Topspin is great for wedges but becomes less useful with the short irons unless you are playing a rough bump.

I was having trouble with the Extra mile so I bumped back down to the first unlocked driver and was thinking about leveling up the quarterback as my biggest problem is missing the fairway more than being out driven.

Stay in the fairway first and foremost. But you need to work on hitting perfect. You will have to learn how to hit the EM because you're going to need the distance.

For now my grim reaper serves me well in power and curling a shot from distance, I see how it’s a slow leveler though and will eventually becomes a problem

I used the reaper for a while and just switched to the BB level 8, lvl 9. It's a good club until you get the Grizzly/Goliath leveled up. 9918c10052c20ca2ac56ea600197573d.jpg

Yeah after typing all that when I went back to play I saw the big accuracy gap between the sand wedges. Switched to Malibu and gonna ride that one.

Guess I’m goin to have to keep practicing the EM accuracy. It’s about the only club I struggle with, it seems like. Otherwise it’s just getting hole-in-oned on shootouts... I’m getting hosed in shootouts lately


Club accuracy from the rough iron and sand edge is a little overrated really. It probably isn't going unless you hit perfect in which case accuracy doesn't matter. Ball guide is more important because it let's you know where the ball is going if you hit perfect.

Distance from the sand keeps you in holes from fairway bunkers. Same with the rough. Otherwise you are kind of guessing.

With EM, the lack of accuracy can hurt you. But I found that my accuracy improved a lot once I knew how to adjust for the wind, especially in T6+. Then you at least know you are aimed properly and can minimize the chance to hit in the rough even with a "great" shot. I'll try to list out the best attributes for each type of club in another post.


Regarding clubs.


Distance becomes increasingly important as you move through the tours as you will need to be able to reach Par 5s in two in 1v1 play. Most 1v1 ends in a birdie or eagle and not being able to reach the green is a big deal.

So distance and topspin are very important.

Secondarily, accuracy and curl are also important as the drives become more difficult.

Ball Guide is 3rd so you don't have to guesstimate the roll out.

Backspin is last, but can be important for tournaments and specific shootouts but is otherwise useless. The TH has the best backspin of the Top drivers and is very useful in certain situations. I use it instead of the Apoc as much as possible in T10 for one specific shootout hole that is about 50x easier with the TH than having to use a Sniper. Later tours the driver is used in a lot of shootouts (T11+).



Distance for the same reason as above. That's why the Sniper is pretty limited until it reaches level 7. There's just too many holes that require more distance for the second shot. However, from that point forward it will be your main wood because it has a great ball Guide. Topspin is also important in this consideration.

After distance and ball guide, curl and backspin are also important to control longer shots.

Accuracy is low priority, but the Sniper has a 100 rating so even misses have a chance of going in (mostly because the ball guide lets you know you are going to be near the hole and because you may be slightly off on your wind adjustment). Being around the hole a lot means you'll get more lucky drops with less than Perfect shots.


Long Iron

With the long iron, you want to be able to control the ball, so backspin is key along with the ball guide so you have a better idea of where it will stop.

Distance is next because there's the potential (especially in lower level clubs) for there to be a significant gap between the wood and the long iron. Nothing more frustrating than not be able to put the target where you need it because there's a gap between your clubs.

Curl and TS are nice, but not really that important except in limited uses such as rough bumps or to get around trees.

Topspin is nice because you can hit rough bumps.

Accuracy is not real important because putting is so easy, so if you make the right wind adjustment, you should be fine. It will impact shootouts if you don't hit perfect though.


Short Iron

Ball guide is the most important. You should have a shot at holing out with a  short iron and knowing where the ball is going after applying spin is the most important thing.

Backspin is second so you can control how far the ball rolls. If you have a lot of backspin, you may be able to spin back into the hole if there isn't enough green before the pin to land and roll to the hole and trying to judge backspin perfectly so that it is rolling perfectly at the hole can be tough. Usually I try to play 1-2 BS with the ball guide on a thorn about 1 square short of the hole. IF there isn't a lot of room to roll out (pin is on the front of the green), then you have to judge the spin so that the ball doesn't just stop too quickly short or alternatively be bouncing as it reaches the hole reducing the chance of it going in.

Accuracy is very nice to have because if you are slightly off on your adjustment and hit a non-perfect shot, you might have a chance to go in because the ball won't be too far off  line.

TS is good so you can hit rough bumps - this is where the Thorn falls a little short at lower levels and you may need to switch to a Hornet for the extra TS in some cases.

Curl is basically useless.



Ball Guide, Ball Guide, Ball Guide. I'll repeat it again. The ball guide is far and away the most important attribute by a mile.

Topspin is good so you can get the ball on the ground while chipping and avoid the wind as much as possible.

Accuracy is about the same as Topspin as far as importance. You will miss perfect on some chips and having high accuracy means those shots may still go in.

BS is nice to have but really not too necessary except for some specific downhill/side hill chips.

Distance is useless and curl is less than that.


Rough Iron

Distance (and TS) is critical. You will need it to get back into a hole if your drive is in the rough. TS increases distance and also still allows you to hit rough bump shots.

Backspin is good for controlling the ball after it lands and Ball guide so you know where its going.

Accuracy is good to have because you will not hit perfect most of the time, especially if you are over powering. So it limits damage in that respect. It's also less important than the other factors because for chipping because even at the highest levels, you are most likely going to miss the chip if you don't hit perfect.

Curl is good because you are off line and you may need to curl in order to go down the fairway instead of across it or to avoid trees.


Sand Iron

See Rough Iron. Basically the same. Distance is a little less important (until you get the spitfire) because on a lot of holes, you won't be able to get close to the green if your drive goes into the sand. So in a lot of cases you are just trying to get where you have a wedge/short iron to maximize your chance of holing out a longer chip and/or short shot.

Backspin is a little less useful as well but nice to have. It's probably behind accuracy though because the swing meter is going much faster so the more accuracy, the less off line you will be if you hit good or great.

Curl is the same as the rough iron - helps you keep in the fairway when you may be hitting "across" the fairway.


Obviously not all the clubs have everything, so you have to pick and choose what best suits your game and the courses you are playing. If you struggle hitting perfect or single greats (just slight off perfect), then accuracy may be more important until you get that aspect more consistent.

For me ball guide is really the most critical aspect although there are a few instances (like the Goliath over the Grizzly) where I make exceptions. I'll probably start using the Grizzly more once I am off T10 because I use it for a couple of the shootouts and depending on the ball, the Grizzly just doesn't have enough distance to hit the shots.





Fuck I almost hate this game as much as real golf.  ALMOST.  I had a wild streak, couldn't lose, probably won 22-25 games.  Got my bank roll up over 600k, upgraded some of the more expensive clubs.  I was around 1100? I think?  Then reality hit.  Now I've probably lost 22-25 games....can't buy a fucking win.  I'm down to just over 200k/low 800's (did move up to expert in the process so not a total loss)  Clan was in prime spot to upgrade, sitting at #3 spot, then prez decides to piss off a guy with 10 accounts so he took them all and his points and went home and now we're 5 spots out of contention.  I swear that guy has the worst possible timing of pissing people off.  If we don't ascend this trip, I'm out, I'll join you guys if you'll have me HH.  I'm good for 3-500 points a month, probably more if I can ever get better!  At least my clubs got upgraded......just need a better fucking player using them! /rant over


He'll yeah man, come join us. Laid back and we can use the points. We're in a dogfight to move up to Master I. Can use all the help we can get. If I can get my fake Facebook account reinstated I think I can give you some coins, if you Facebook.

Anyways man, it's a streaky game. I go through the same swings. Got within a coyote wins if closing T10 then dropped all the way to 0. Finally closed it out, but it's nothing for me to be up or down 3-400 trophies in a day. It'll turn.

Anyways, would love to have you on the team. BabaBooey!


That’s what we call the “fuckening”. It happens all the time. When it gets like that I’ll completely close the app and come back later. Whether or or not that actually works I couldn’t tell you.

Also, when it comes to clan members leaving if you kick them you lose way less cloints when they’re gone. If they leave on their own it’s a bigger hit.


I’m a streaky player/matchup...

I’m still verrrrry low so playing the 10k buyin matchup is high class for me.

Had got my money up, upgraded some clubs and figured I’d be back to big money quick but instead I got stuck on a losing streak and I’m barely digging back up to 20k this morning after a 5 game winning streak.

The system felt bad for me and matched me up against a few players that didn’t seem to care where the wind was blowing...

So I’m pretty sure when I come back after lunch I’ll probably ply a string of badasses that’ll take all my coins again


Well I crashed and burned that bitch right into the ground.  Seriously, I probably have lost 55 of the last 60 games I've played.  Not a single one of them a bad loss either, probably 98% went to playoff.  I'm officially broke sitting at 48 coins.  To make matters worse, for some reason when I try to watch a 30 second video to get free coins, the game resets itself.  I have to wait another hour to open up a chest to give me enough coins to play TOUR 1.  BWAHAHAHA, is this real life?  A little over a week ago I was over 600k.  

This fucking game.  I thought, well, if I'm playing the lower tours for lack of coin, at least I've got highly upgraded clubs.......

NOPE, everyone else does too because we're all a bunch of degenerate Artie Lange losers stuck in the low tours because we gambled all our coins away.  Sad part is, I have over 400 gems so within a few days I could swap that for 90k of coins in tour 6......if I had 30k to play a game there!

When I was younger I used to spend this kind of brain power chasing pussy.....hell even I'd get lucky and get a hole in one ever now and again.....not now!



Well I fought my way back over 35k, one tour 3 win at a time.  Advice to anyone who gets this low, don't do it.  The fucking competition that you'll play at the tour 1, 2 and 3 level is insane.  Yes the holes are easier, but i lost more games in those 3 tours against better competition than I was facing in 6 and 7.


and I'm back over 100k. Wow what a mistake that was.  Regarding the ring theory, I've watched enough people do it now (in the process of losing to them) that I understand exactly what they are doing, except for how they are calculating wind equivalency to distance required to move.  Is that an easy process or do I need to break down and watch the stinking videos!


Watch the videos and spend a few bucks on the golf clash notebook (Android) or golf clash caddie app (ios). It's easier to learn now in the lower winds before you get to T8+.


I have put together a bunch of helpful videos on Google sheets. Email me at HoustonHornGC@gmail.com and I'll send it to you. I also put a lot of tournament information in there like guides and walk through.


Also, if you're thinking about joining our clan we can use the help. Currently 17th and the top 20 get promoted to Masters. Need all the points we can get.


Also, anyone else interested in joining let me know. Fun team and good information /tips for improving.



  • Hook 'Em 1
Well I fought my way back over 35k, one tour 3 win at a time.  Advice to anyone who gets this low, don't do it.  The fucking competition that you'll play at the tour 1, 2 and 3 level is insane.  Yes the holes are easier, but i lost more games in those 3 tours against better competition than I was facing in 6 and 7.
Yep. In my main account I get killed going to lower tires because it still knows my high trophy count (4250) and I play his in not familiar with against replays of great players. The holes are so easy that there are a lot of holes outs and you have to be really really close on shootouts. It's a pain in the ass.

  • Hook 'Em 1

I will say this about playing those lower tiers, much like walking on a treadmill prior to working out, it's a good warm-up before playing higher money stakes games.  So what if you lose 50 coins and a trophy, you can work on your chipping and get your mindset right before you play for real cash and prizes.


So if I need to farm club cards from chests, do you have to farm chests from that specific tour?

I.e. to level up the Extra Mile should I be grinding tour 2 for T2 chests?

I’m asking because I can’t get any Em club cards from chests these days so it’s stuck at level 3


No, you get cards from every tour. You only need to grind those tours to get the club in the first place. Stuck grinding T6 even though I've closed out through 7 trying to get a Thor's Hammer. It's frustrating.




I qualified first shot, unbelievable really, I can't remember the last time I qualified for shit.  Draining my coins has ended up being a bit cathartic....I still don't recommend it, but damn if I don't have a newfound respect for the "Big Topper".  This club was way underutilized by me during the first go round.  I highly recommend using it on long ass holes where you need better accuracy then the damn EM which hangs in the air forever and if you're off a damn cunt hair ends up exactly where you don't need it.  BT stays low and says fuck you to the wind, also has way more bend than EM as well.  I'm guessing it is a no bueno in later rounds, but through the first 4 it is absolutely a great club to use.  HH, thoughts?


BT is a very useful club for certain holes in tournaments. It goes an especially long way that most people don't realize.

It has terrible accuracy, I think worse than the EM and you'll get where more holes need extra carry.

But since you can carry 5 bags since you are in a Masters clan, I'd definitely keep it as one of the options.There aren't really any rules so if it works for you then definitely use it.

In this tournament I use it on 3 and 9 for the distance. I've seen others use it on 1 as well. On it goes further than my TH6 because I can't go all out on the drive for to the bunkers. So in that instance I pick up a lot of distance using the BT. I use it on 3 also with my little account because my EM 4 doesn't go as far.

Congrats on making the cut. Hopefully you play well in this round and make the weekend.

Scores seem lower so will be interesting to see where the cut line falls.

I have a - 21 on a brand new account with baby clubs (e.g. I haven't even gotten the BT yet) and a -25 on my alt account. I'm so close to getting drops on every hole that I hope I can get some in the weekend round and get to -28 or better. If I can get a Top 3 I'll move that account up to Pro.

Haven't played my main account yet. If I get Top 10 I'm going to move up to Expert in tournaments with that account. I should probably be playing Expert in that account anyways but since I hadn't ever had a Top 10 until last tournament I didn't feel like I was ready.


Dumb question probably but I’m not sure I understand what the blind first shot spin thing is on the newly opened tour for me.

Does that mean I can’t see the other persons spin applied at the tee?


It's a tough course. Without P5 balls and mid to high level clubs is very difficult to score well. The drops on the Par 3s are inconsistent at best on 2 and 5 and 8 is nearly impossible to get. The par 4s aren't gimmes for drops either. Two of the Par 5s aren't reachable without the right clubs and balls and are very difficult albatrosses The third is an easy eagle IF you play a power slice and isn't an easy alby.


I love it. It's a challenge. That said, the shots are out there too be had. But I've put more time into this tournament than any other. So far it's paid off (knock on wood). And if you stay out of trouble you can put up a decent score. I have a -22 with my baby baby account I started earlier in the week just for this tournament. I did buy a P5 ball pack to make up for my lack of clubs. Had two pars on the first /tenth holes due to bad drives. Should be good for top 20. Other than that I played really well.


On my alt I shot -27. Two albatross Esperanto a par on 17. I'm currently 2nd with 2 players who shot - 27 in their loosening rounds yet to play. Really hoping for a top 3 banner in a major.


On my main account I'm at -14 through 9. -32 is leading and - 29 is second with a few good players remaining. If I can match the front I stand a good chance of Top 10 with an outside shot at top 5. But I could just as easily shoot a - 11 or 12 on the back.








-12 on the back. Wish I could have played while I was hot on Saturday. Last focus on the 3rd hole and made birdie with a dumb error. Cost me A Top 10. Oh well. Did get my silver in my sky account and my baby amount,




Now that I’m building up a little cash, I’ve been playing much better on the 10k and 30k tours...

Honestly playing the Big Topper has helped me keep it out of the wind and also be more accurate off the tee.

Think I’m on a 9 match win streak between those 2 tours


Awesome man. The main thing, especially in 1v1 is to get the ball in the hole. However you have to do it. If you can keep it in play you'll be good in most matches, especially in the early tours.


Do you have the link to my Google Docs? I included a link to a complete club guide (Although I think its missing Level 9 Rare clubs for some reason). Anyways, it lets you sort clubs by different metrics. So if you want accuracy over distance, you can set accuracy at a higher percentage weighting and distance lower or curl or topspin or whatever. And it will give you a ranking of the clubs. It's pretty cool.

Feel free to email me at houstonhorngc@gmail.com and I'll give you access to it.

I think its on reddit and you can probably find it pretty easily there (or maybe not because Reddit).




We really need Fud to come back and play some but I know he's grinding for some other clan in the C100. Unfortunately, my work schedule is going to be brutal this week so I can't put up a bunch of points. Hopefully we have enough to stay in the Top 20 and move up to Masters. I will play the tournament with all 3 accounts, but won't have time to dial in shots at all, I'll probably just play the rounds as quick as possible.

We'll see how it goes. Definitely nice to have more players on the team. I'm excited to see it growing.

None of y'all mfers chat much though.


Ugh the main thing that pisses me off in this game is when it decides to randomly assign me to go first every single time for 10 straight matches today...

1 win today maybe but the problem is I’m consistently going first. It’s not seeing spin it’s just how about a break so I can see how they are going to attack a relatively new tour for me... nope go first again, and then go first on every single shoot out as well.


This is why I want to create shootout guides for all the tours. It will help everyone to know where to line up and how to adjust. It's especially important when going to a new tour where you don't know how to hit the shot.

Posted (edited)

So I placed in the top 97 percentile in the tournament.  

Meaning I took 97th place.

Fucking terrible.  Aced the qualification as if it was no big deal, beat guys straight up with way better stats.  Couldn't buy a fucking shot in that tourney.  Ridiculous.  Back over 200k though, so can't complain.  We aren't gonna make Master II, so I'll be heading over next week if you'll have me HH.

Edited by mulletpelini
why do I even try

That tournament was definitely difficult to get drops. Lots of good chances but they were inconsistent.


Sorry to hear y'all aren't going to get promoted. Right now we're looking on. Currently 15th and the top 20 get to move to M1.


We'd love to have you on the team. We've added several players recently and definitely want to keep growing. Feel free to make the jump whenever - the earlier the better. We aren't guaranteed to get promoted and can use all the points we can get.


In going to be putting out as much 9-hole tournament information as I can to help out the team.



So I placed in the top 97 percentile in the tournament.  
Meaning I took 97th place.
Fucking terrible.  Aced the qualification as if it was no big deal, beat guys straight up with way better stats.  Couldn't buy a fucking shot in that tourney.  Ridiculous.  Back over 200k though, so can't complain.  We aren't gonna make Master II, so I'll be heading over next week if you'll have me HH.
Also might as well make some points for a team that is trying to move up and is sitting in decent shape to do that. We can still use all the points we can get.

I started dabbling in this game and got halfway decent but not real serious about it.   I built I nice bankroll and moved up a few tours and levels and could compete with whomever I got paired with, etc.

Since then I have gone on an epic losing streak.   I can’t buy a win.   It’s the craziest thing I’ve ever seen.   My opponents are jarring shots off the tee box, with fairway woods from the fairway, out of the rough, hole-in-ones left, right and more often than not on tie breaker par 3s. The shots that are dropping are completely ridonkulous and there is no way a player could be that good.  

Meanwhile I’m chipping from off the green with 1/2 power and the ball clangs off the stick and rolls off the green, I putt from easily makeable distance and the ball will do a 720 degree power lip out.  It’s like I’m cursed.   

This has been going on for 27 straight games now that I’ve actually started counting.  Yes. a 27+ game losing streak.

Is there an algorithm in the app or a bug that I don’t know about?  Does / did this happen to any of you?  


So I went back and played 6 more games.  I lost all 6.  

One of the 6 games I lost to my opponent when he holed out for an albatross.  

4 of the 6 games went to a tie breaker par 3.   3 of the 4 tie breaker par 3s I lost to my opponent’s hole in 1.    The 4th tiebreaker I hit it to 1.01 yards.   My opponent followed my shot to 0.23 yards.  


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