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46 minutes ago, Brisketexan said:

Like an utter fucking dumbass.

Which they are.

You think these people  will be "turned."  Keep dreaming.

He’s actually got a point.  When somebody shows up at your door to say they were wrong, you don’t clap back...Bout Time You Showed up ya Fucking Cocksucker!!

6 minutes ago, SimonBolivar said:

Come on now you know the political memory of our country lasts about a week. Things will change in the next 5 months and new issues will get everyone riled up. Lindsay Graham already said his committee hopes to have a report out before the election on Obama & Biden's meddling into the Trump campaign in 2016. They're going to be throwing every single piece of shit onto the wall that they can find and I'm sure a lot of it will stick when the white guilt is gone and whites are looking for any reason to vote for team R.

This right here.  Wait until they accuse Biden of being a vampire come November.   We all know how gullible Trumps base is.  They will fall for all of the fake shit stories that come out hook, line and sinker.  

41 minutes ago, Brisketexan said:

Hugo is spot on with this.  There is only one direction for the party and its supporters -- Trump, and more Trump.

Anyone who chose to support Trump and who is telling you now that they don't is someone who 1) is perceptive enough to realize that there's social shaming involved, and they don't want to feel ashamed, and 2) is lying to you.  Because they didn't vote for any set of policies or anything like that.  They voted for a cult, they joined a cult, and people don't just leave cults.  The psychology here isn't groundbreaking -- it's actually boring and predictable.

We will never, ever change their hearts and minds.  The only sound strategy is to shame them, force them back under the rocks whence they came, and do all we can to prevent them from infecting future generations.  But they will always be there, ready to break out in another pandemic of gluttonous stupidity and cruelty.  They always were, and they always will be.  Here's the fun part -- now that we know they are here, and they are legion, 20 years from now, when they are quieter than they are today, you'll look around at the white people you're dealing with (and they're pretty much all white people, let's not kid ourselves) and wonder....is he one of them?  Is she?  It's gonna be lovely.

Kinda like meeting a German in 1960 and wondering what they did to support the regime.

 I believe they resided in a basket... a basket of deplorables. 

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I know it's probably not going to happen, but what Trump allies/apologists would have to publicly come out against him to really hurt him.  And I mean turn on him, support Biden and talk shit until November?

Total pipe dream.  Graham?  McConnell?  Rudy?  Kid Rock (I'm only halfway joking Considering Trump's base)?

I sit here thinking... And I dont think there is anyone. The Trump supporters are so onboard with Dear Leader and his cult of personality that I just dont think there is anyone, either individually or as a group, that could bail on him that would make a dent in that group.

That is why it is so important to get out the vote and encourage those who sat out 2016.  Like me.

10 minutes ago, Hugo Stiglitz said:

Lol struggling 

That’s at least progress.  When you’re hunkered down and dug in, it takes something to start moving away from your spot.

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GOP voters may start saying they no longer support him, and polls may say the same thing. Even some GOP leaders may start to speak out.  But, when election day arrives the biggest thing on their mind will be the fact that RBG will never last 4 more years. Adding another conservative to SCOTUS would be huge and affect the country for decades, and they know that. Until the votes are counted I will fear the worst. 

  • Like 4
11 minutes ago, Hugo Stiglitz said:


It's like lobbying in favor of Covid-19 for months, then someone points out all the dead Americans and you realize maybe you've been on the wrong side all this time.

Ya think, dumbass?

10 minutes ago, Hugo Stiglitz said:

Lol struggling 

If she thinks Mattis' words are true and honest, then how could she even consider supporting Trump? I mean yeah, (R), but good lord. 

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Posted (edited)
5 minutes ago, Mo Horn said:

GOP voters may start saying they no longer support him, and polls may say the same thing. Even some GOP leaders may start to speak out.  But, when election day arrives the biggest thing on their mind will be the fact that RBG will never last 4 more years. Adding another conservative to SCOTUS would be huge and affect the country for decades, and they know that. Until the votes are counted I will fear the worst. 

Spot on.

They'll say whatever to appear less monstrous in the history books.

But in the end, they will vote for Trump because they want abortion to be illegal, they want their tax cut, and they want that wall to stop the tidal wave of brown people seeking a better life.

I'd bet every penny I have that at least 90% of registered Republicans will vote for him again.  Most of them wouldn't vote for Jesus Christ if he had the "D" next to his name.


Edited by TexArcher
  • Like 2
3 minutes ago, Macanudo said:

I know it's probably not going to happen, but what Trump allies/apologists would have to publicly come out against him to really hurt him.  And I mean turn on him, support Biden and talk shit until November?

Total pipe dream.  Graham?  McConnell?  Rudy?  Kid Rock (I'm only halfway joking Considering Trump's base)?

I sit here thinking... And I dont think there is anyone. The Trump supporters are so onboard with Dear Leader and his cult of personality that I just dont think there is anyone, either individually or as a group, that could bail on him that would make a dent in that group.

That is why it is so important to get out the vote and encourage those who sat out 2016.  Like me.

Well, there is a saturation point with Trump and his nonsense (destructive actions).  It just depends on how his con game gets exposed and how close you are to the action.  I'm pretty sure there are some die hard republican contractors that worked on the Taj Mahal that voted for Hillary in 2016.

a friend's husband is ex-marine, very conservative... we generally 'agree to disagree' when he's defended Trump before...

i made a remark in jest about a military coup after Mattis' letter yesterday; his response this morning: "The Leader of Marines has spoken.  Dude's a Legend.  Trump just lost a TON of military voters.  Myself included (though I was done about a week ago)."

holy shit is it possible we have actually reached a turning point? has he actually gone too far??

The first time he shit on Mattis was the first and only time I’ve seen my ex-military, Trumper friend say anything negative about him. There’s something about Mattis for these guys that truly matters to them even though nothing else does.


Don’t count on it lasting very long

1 minute ago, Hornius Emeritus said:

I am totally convinced that Lindsey Graham has been compromised. There is nothing else that would explain the 180-degree turnaround from Trump basher to Trump sycophant.

still think it's that russian nra money, though i do think we are probably past that actually being a scandal now, which is scary.

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My brother and I had a discussion about this yesterday.  We agreed that going all in your face is the wrong move. Gotta come from a place of empathy to their perspective, do more listening than talking, and try to keep the focus on the important stuff. 

I know logically this is probably the correct approach but, man, I have a huge grudge and I have a hard time being empathetic and understanding to the people that have been so hateful and horrible to anyone who they saw as “an enemy”.

These people have behaved and spoken so hatefully and evil.

I don’t know that I’m big enough to play nice just to persuade them to not be shitbags for a single election.

They’ve already decreed half their fellow citizens as evil and enemies of this country. Why do I have to extend my hand to them?

I’d rather beat them into submission and salt the political ground they walk on.
  • Like 1
1 minute ago, TexArcher said:

Spot on.

They'll say whatever to appear less monstrous in the history books.

But in the end, they will vote for Trump because they want abortion to be illegal, they want their tax cut, and they want that wall to stop the brown tidal wave of people seeking a better life.

I'd bet every penny I have that at least 90% of registered Republicans will vote for him again.  They're too fucked up in the head to do otherwise.

..and the thing is abortion is never going to be illegal.  The best they can hope for is some restrictions that water down the existing law.  If it were ever going to be illegal and the R's truly wanted it to be illegal, it would have been done by now.  It is just a pipe dream and the R's are just paying it lip service instead of, you know if they were really concerned about the unborn, doing more on the front end to prevent it or on the back end doing more to support the affected.

  • Like 1
12 hours ago, Brisketexan said:

But it wasn’t. There were a crapload of people who imagined just this sort of shit. All of it. We were told that we were being alarmist, and unhinged, and paranoid. But this shit was all imaginable. When you layer the gruesome narcissism and insanity of Trump on top of the Machiavellian white supremacist dominionists who happily partnered with him, thinking that he would be a manipulable tool to impose their twisted vision....this sort of shit was inevitable.

Anyone who couldn't connect the dots between Mitch McConnell's obstructionism regarding Merrick Garland and the risk of the RNC's nominee Donald Trump to arrive at "if he wins we are fucked" is just not very observant.  I was extremely vocal about the dangers of a Clinton loss and was met with the same nearly-universal pushback of "oh, you're just being an alarmist".  Yeah, no.

  • Like 3
3 minutes ago, Bama Chick said:

I know logically this is probably the correct approach but, man, I have a huge grudge and I have a hard time being empathetic and understanding to the people that have been so hateful and horrible to anyone who they saw as “an enemy”.

These people have behaved and spoken so hatefully and evil.

I don’t know that I’m big enough to play nice just to persuade them to not be shitbags for a single election.

They’ve already decreed half their fellow citizens as evil and enemies of this country. Why do I have to extend my hand to them?

I’d rather beat them into submission and salt the political ground they walk on.

you know, i always struggled with the parable of the prodigal son when i was younger. took me years to understand what lesson it teaches.


Then he said, “A man had two sons,
and the younger son said to his father, ‘Father, give me the share of your estate that should come to me.’ So the father divided the property between them.
After a few days, the younger son collected all his belongings and set off to a distant country where he squandered his inheritance on a life of dissipation.g
When he had freely spent everything, a severe famine struck that country, and he found himself in dire need.
So he hired himself out to one of the local citizens who sent him to his farm to tend the swine.
And he longed to eat his fill of the pods on which the swine fed, but nobody gave him any.
Coming to his senses he thought, ‘How many of my father’s hired workers have more than enough food to eat, but here am I, dying from hunger.
I shall get up and go to my father and I shall say to him, “Father, I have sinned against heaven and against you.
I no longer deserve to be called your son; treat me as you would treat one of your hired workers.”’
So he got up and went back to his father. While he was still a long way off, his father caught sight of him, and was filled with compassion. He ran to his son, embraced him and kissed him.
His son said to him, ‘Father, I have sinned against heaven and against you; I no longer deserve to be called your son.’
But his father ordered his servants, ‘Quickly bring the finest robe and put it on him; put a ring on his finger and sandals on his feet.
Take the fattened calf and slaughter it. Then let us celebrate with a feast,
because this son of mine was dead, and has come to life again; he was lost, and has been found.’ Then the celebration began.
Now the older son had been out in the field and, on his way back, as he neared the house, he heard the sound of music and dancing.
He called one of the servants and asked what this might mean.
The servant said to him, ‘Your brother has returned and your father has slaughtered the fattened calf because he has him back safe and sound.’
He became angry, and when he refused to enter the house, his father came out and pleaded with him.
He said to his father in reply, ‘Look, all these years I served you and not once did I disobey your orders; yet you never gave me even a young goat to feast on with my friends.
But when your son returns who swallowed up your property with prostitutes, for him you slaughter the fattened calf.’
He said to him, ‘My son, you are here with me always; everything I have is yours.
But now we must celebrate and rejoice, because your brother was dead and has come to life again; he was lost and has been found.’”

as people awaken to the fact that they've been misled and behaved poorly and supported an actual orange shitstain, we should welcome them back to real society from the cult with open arms, imo.

but i do understand the anger.

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6 minutes ago, Jiggy-Z said:

..and the thing is abortion is never going to be illegal.  The best they can hope for is some restrictions that water down the existing law.  If it were ever going to be illegal and the R's truly wanted it to be illegal, it would have been done by now.  It is just a pipe dream and the R's are just paying it lip service instead of, you know if they were really concerned about the unborn, doing more on the front end to prevent it or on the back end doing more to support the affected.

I'm not so sure about that. If RGB is replaced by another Thomas, Gorsuch, Kavanaugh, etc., I think that's it. This is not the 1980s supreme court anymore. Roberts may try to save it, but that's not enough.

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10 minutes ago, Macanudo said:

I know it's probably not going to happen, but what Trump allies/apologists would have to publicly come out against him to really hurt him.  And I mean turn on him, support Biden and talk shit until November?

Total pipe dream.  Graham?  McConnell?  Rudy?  Kid Rock (I'm only halfway joking Considering Trump's base)?

I sit here thinking... And I dont think there is anyone. The Trump supporters are so onboard with Dear Leader and his cult of personality that I just dont think there is anyone, either individually or as a group, that could bail on him that would make a dent in that group.

That is why it is so important to get out the vote and encourage those who sat out 2016.  Like me.

What responsibility do folks who sat out the 2016 election have? It feels like many of those who passed on voting against Trump think they should be courted. Pragmatically I don't necessarily disagree - DT must be defeated - but I do wish those who failed to do their civic duty in 2016 would take more ownership in making amends rather than requiring cajoling to do the right thing. In the end that just ends up being a minor quibble though. I don't need a pound of flesh, I need 243 lbs of it on the sideline.

5 minutes ago, jimmyjazz said:

Anyone who couldn't connect the dots between Mitch McConnell's obstructionism regarding Merrick Garland and the risk of the RNC's nominee Donald Trump to arrive at "if he wins we are fucked" is just not very observant.  I was extremely vocal about the dangers of a Clinton loss and was met with the same nearly-universal pushback of "oh, you're just being an alarmist".  Yeah, no.

That's what drove me the most mad.  I mean, we were on the Titanic, gleefully speeding towards the iceberg, and some of us had read the fucking book beforehand, so we rightly hollered as loud as we could that we were on a devastating course that had no outcome but sinking the whole fucking ship.

And fatcats in bow ties dancing in the ballroom and gorging on corruption caviar led enough of the masses in not just dismissing us, but getting them to characterize us as being anti-ship travel, icebergs are fake news and don't exist, why do we hate ocean liners, you're just jealous of our caviar, you should work harder if you want some!

No you dumb motherfuckers, we're all about to go full Leonardo DiCaprio, and I hate that little fucker (ok, maybe I'm also a bit jealous, cuz dude's got game).  It's been maddening.  It remains maddening.  To see something so fucking obvious, and to not just be ignored, but to be told that reality is not real, but fantasy is.....for fuck's sake.  Godfuckingdammit.

  • Like 4
2 minutes ago, Degenerate Gardner said:

What responsibility do folks who sat out the 2016 election have? It feels like many of those who passed on voting against Trump think they should be courted. Pragmatically I don't necessarily disagree - DT must be defeated - but I do wish those who failed to do their civic duty in 2016 would take more ownership in making amends rather than requiring cajoling to do the right thing. In the end that just ends up being a minor quibble though. I don't need a pound of flesh, I need 243 lbs of it on the sideline.

I sat out 2016 because I live in Texas and 1.) Knew Trump as a R was going to carry the state.

2.) Loathe Hillary Clinton.


I used to support the Electoral College because I see what it tries to do.  But we cant let a disaster like Trump happen again.

We elected a reality TV star.  We got a reality TV show.

  • Like 1
5 minutes ago, hayden_horn said:

you know, i always struggled with the parable of the prodigal son when i was younger. took me years to understand what lesson it teaches.

as people awaken to the fact that they've been misled and behaved poorly and supported an actual orange shitstain, we should welcome them back to real society from the cult with open arms, imo.

but i do understand the anger.

My absolute favorite parable.  Because we have all been each of the main characters -- the prodigal (we have all fucked up and had to face our failure and repent), the father (welcome back with open arms the repentant friend, family member, etc.), and definitely the other son (fuck this shit, I have done things right the whole time, where's MY fucking payoff?).

But the parable does not apply here, because by and large, this line just isn't happening"


His son said to him, ‘Father, I have sinned against heaven and against you; I no longer deserve to be called your son.’

Nope.  Zero repentance.  Zero admission.  They are almost all doing just one of two things: 1) shutting down and being quiet, but they'll definitely keep voting for him and sending him money, or 2) lying about not being on the Trump train, because as noted above, they'll get in the booth and just say "but I just can't bring myself to vote for a communistsocialistSorosDemocrat," and they'll pull the lever for Trump.

Mitt Romney is the prodigal.  It's hard to think of any other Republican or Trumpkin who is.

  • Like 4
1 minute ago, Macanudo said:

I sat out 2016 because I live in Texas and 1.) Knew Trump as a R was going to carry the state.

2.) Loathe Hillary Clinton.


I used to support the Electoral College because I see what it tries to do.  But we cant let a disaster like Trump happen again.

We elected a reality TV star.  We got a reality TV show.

Except with real consequences.  Imagine Survivor, except you're really stranded on an island with no food or water, there are fucking pirates attacking us and there's fucking tigers on land and sharks in the water.  This show sucks.  People are dying on it.

26 minutes ago, Macanudo said:

I know it's probably not going to happen, but what Trump allies/apologists would have to publicly come out against him to really hurt him.  And I mean turn on him, support Biden and talk shit until November?

it can't happen.  and i'm not saying it won't happen, i'm saying, by definition, it can't.  it's a paradox.  it's the penrose steps.

anyone who would "turn on him" is a never-trumper, and a member of the radical left liberal group that has a personal grudge or grievance and is out to get trump.  so this person could never be one of "trump's allies".  nobody who is ever a close friend, confidant, ally of the president has ever said anything bad about trump.  because if they do, they were never really a confidant.  they're a loser, a dog, and they're out to get him.

one cannot be betrayed, if one has no people.

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57 minutes ago, Beantown Express 2.0 said:

I don't want to hear Brisket's real voice.  I prefer reading all of his posts hearing it in Gilbert Gottfried's voice.  It makes them much more impactful to me.

That's funny--I always imagine it as a cross between Anthony Quinn in Tony Scott's "Revenge" and Adam Sandler as The Waterboy.  With a wash of angry Denzel when he's addressing a jury or ordering fast food. 

1 minute ago, Macanudo said:

I sat out 2016 because I live in Texas and 1.) Knew Trump as a R was going to carry the state.

2.) Loathe Hillary Clinton.


I used to support the Electoral College because I see what it tries to do.  But we cant let a disaster like Trump happen again.

We elected a reality TV star.  We got a reality TV show.

Yea, thats a very common sentiment and the reason voter turnout in the US is so shitty.  Doesn't do a lot of good to vote in hard red or blue states in a national election with winner take all, so people just sit it out.   States should move to proportional disbursement of electors.  Voter turnout would increase, and candidates wouldn't get to rely on focusing on swing states to win elections.  They might have to actually try to appeal to a broader portion of the country and get us off this fucking death wobble of swinging harder and harder left and right on each election.

  • Like 3
3 minutes ago, LCHorn said:

That's funny--I always imagine it as a cross between Anthony Quinn in Tony Scott's "Revenge" and Adam Sandler as The Waterboy.  With a wash of angry Denzel when he's addressing a jury or ordering fast food. 

I look more like Gilbert Gottfried, but I sound more like Dennis Haysbert.  Yes, it's jarring.

4 minutes ago, TXSG8R said:

Yea, thats a very common sentiment and the reason voter turnout in the US is so shitty.  Doesn't do a lot of good to vote in hard red or blue states in a national election with winner take all, so people just sit it out.   States should move to proportional disbursement of electors.  Voter turnout would increase, and candidates wouldn't get to rely on focusing on swing states to win elections.  They might have to actually try to appeal to a broader portion of the country and get us off this fucking death wobble of swinging harder and harder left and right on each election.

Totally agree on proportional allocation .

Posted (edited)
27 minutes ago, jimmyjazz said:

Anyone who couldn't connect the dots between Mitch McConnell's obstructionism regarding Merrick Garland and the risk of the RNC's nominee Donald Trump to arrive at "if he wins we are fucked" is just not very observant.  I was extremely vocal about the dangers of a Clinton loss and was met with the same nearly-universal pushback of "oh, you're just being an alarmist".  Yeah, no.

In five years your country will be run by a Putin installed white supremacist TV game show host that ran on a campaign of building a Mexican border wall and banning Muslims. He will be impeached for betraying the country, trying to coerce a foreign country into re-election assistance, he will be acquitted by the Senate. Your economy will surpass Great Depression unemployment levels.  The #1 cause of death will be a foreign born respiratory illness killing hundreds of thousands of Americans in the first year.  The national debt will skyrocket as the government hands out trillions to the wealthy as they buy back stocks to inflate the stock market.  Migrants searching for a better life will be placed in military camps, their infant children will be kidnapped by government officials, and sometimes lost.  Police forces will commit race based extrajudicial murders sparking nationwide civil unrest, property will be destroyed, cities will burn. The military will be deployed to go on the offensive against peacefully protesting Americans in the nation’s capital and the president will suggest that Americans experiment with ingesting household disinfectants.  

Now tell me you could see that coming in June of 2015. 

Edited by Hugo Stiglitz
  • Like 2
6 minutes ago, Hugo Stiglitz said:

In five years your country will be run by a Putin installed white supremacist TV game show host that ran on a campaign of building a Mexican border wall and banning Muslims. He will be impeached for betraying the country, trying to coerce a foreign country into re-election assistance, he will be acquitted by the Senate. Your economy will surpass Great Depression level unemployment levels.  The #1 cause of death will be a foreign born respiratory illness killing hundreds of thousands of Americans in the first year.  The national debt will skyrocket as the government hands out trillions to the wealthy as they buy back stocks to inflate the stock market.  Migrants searching for a better life will be placed in military camps, their infant children will be kidnapped by government officials, and sometimes lost.  Police forces will commit race based extrajudicial murders sparking nationwide civil unrest, property will be destroyed, cities will burn. The military will be deployed to go on the offensive against peacefully protesting Americans in the nation’s capital and the president will suggest that Americans experiment with ingesting household disinfectants.  

Now tell me you could see that coming in June of 2015. 

And Kobe Dies

Spot on.
They'll say whatever to appear less monstrous in the history books.
But in the end, they will vote for Trump because they want abortion to be illegal, they want their tax cut, and they want that wall to stop the tidal wave of brown people seeking a better life.
I'd bet every penny I have that at least 90% of registered Republicans will vote for him again.  Most of them wouldn't vote for Jesus Christ if he had the "D" next to his name.
This is my wife's family- one issue voters. Literally nothing else matters.

My wife is also pro life in a big way but unlike her family, she places a high value on lives out of the womb as well. As such, she will not hold her nose and vote for a tyrant.
2 minutes ago, High Plains Drifter said:


tan suits!


Children eating vegetables!

Feet on the desk!!

gestapo in Bastropo!!!!!!


I'm wondering what made Lindsey go with the mini Trump haircut/color look.

2 hours ago, SizzleChest said:

Former Trumpkins will ultimately tire of being lectured to about, well, everything, so hopefully people understand that talking down or general condescension is wholly ineffective with these newly turned out folks.  How would you feel if your worldview and all associated sensibilities were just completely upended? 

Which is why you welcome them with open arms and bond over your newfound common ground. Avoid “told you so” beyond gentle ribbing and don’t relitigate old liberal causes that pushed them to Trump in the first place. This isn’t the time to force Bernie or Hillary or pro-choice or gun control on new converts. Just welcome them to the right side of history, help confirm the wisdom of their decision, and let time and regret erode their old views to whatever extent is possible. 

  • Like 2


56 minutes ago, Macanudo said:

I know it's probably not going to happen, but what Trump allies/apologists would have to publicly come out against him to really hurt him.  And I mean turn on him, support Biden and talk shit until November?

Total pipe dream.  Graham?  McConnell?  Rudy?  Kid Rock (I'm only halfway joking Considering Trump's base)?


Fox News--Pirro, Ingraham, Hannity, et al.  If the trumpublicans actually had to listen to trump speak in enraged word salad and were confronted with some version of reality on the one "news" source they trust, they might turn. 

But, alas.... 

  • Like 1
Posted (edited)
1 hour ago, Brisketexan said:

Hugo is spot on with this.  There is only one direction for the party and its supporters -- Trump, and more Trump.

Anyone who chose to support Trump and who is telling you now that they don't is someone who 1) is perceptive enough to realize that there's social shaming involved, and they don't want to feel ashamed, and 2) is lying to you.  Because they didn't vote for any set of policies or anything like that.  They voted for a cult, they joined a cult, and people don't just leave cults.  The psychology here isn't groundbreaking -- it's actually boring and predictable.

We will never, ever change their hearts and minds.  The only sound strategy is to shame them, force them back under the rocks whence they came, and do all we can to prevent them from infecting future generations.  But they will always be there, ready to break out in another pandemic of gluttonous stupidity and cruelty.  They always were, and they always will be.  Here's the fun part -- now that we know they are here, and they are legion, 20 years from now, when they are quieter than they are today, you'll look around at the white people you're dealing with (and they're pretty much all white people, let's not kid ourselves) and wonder....is he one of them?  Is she?  It's gonna be lovely.

Kinda like meeting a German in 1960 and wondering what they did to support the regime.

I couldn’t disagree more. Your self-righteous strategy leads only to more unnecessary divisiveness. 

Trumpism is a cult but there are Trump voters who were not and are not Trump cultists. And in any event, people leave cults all the fucking time. You know what works with those people? Sympathy, forgiveness, welcoming, and maybe a very little gentle judgment. 

Edited by BrickHorn
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