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32 minutes ago, Sii said:

Gateway? Yikes.


I’m a church goer but I honestly don’t get how some of these churches snd “evangelicals” have so tightly aligned themselves to that corrupt piece of shit. Of any president in my lifetime him being loved by some religious people makes the least sense of anyone


I mean trump only uses them as well. He doesn’t give a shit about them otherwise and barely even knows what a Bible is

My experience has been that those types only know who to scream pro-life as shibboleth to avoid grappling with anything outside the cult they've adhered themselves too.  

  • Like 1
30 minutes ago, Sii said:

Gateway? Yikes.


I’m a church goer but I honestly don’t get how some of these churches snd “evangelicals” have so tightly aligned themselves to that corrupt piece of shit. Of any president in my lifetime him being loved by some religious people makes the least sense of anyone


I mean trump only uses them as well. He doesn’t give a shit about them otherwise and barely even knows what a Bible is

Reagan didn't go to church. Nixon didn't give the church much time either, but both, as far as I could tell, at least had some religious beliefs aligned with Christianity.

If the evangelicals weren't determined to love Trump and the non-(anti-)Christian aspects of what he is, they'd be declaring his evil the source of all of America's woes. God would be punishing the US for choosing such an opposite to Jesus.

I wish I could remember the name of the evangelical who was on CNN decrying Trump and what he termed "religionism" as opposed to actual religious faith. He articulated the problem very well.



I'd like to see that religionism clip.  I've been trying to put my finger on why he can't even accidentally namedrop something Christian or at least end a speech with the tried cliche that every POTUS since FDR uses, "May god bless you and may god bless the United States of America."  But yet they can't defend him fast enough even as he looks like the kid actor from "Damian" holding that bible all awkwardly like he just won it at the county fair midway shooting ducks or something.  

33 minutes ago, jimmyjazz said:

I would like to formally announce that I am immediately retiring from The Rolling Stones.  

You can't quit!  You're fired!!  Pack your shit.


If I'm Inslee or the Seattle Mayor, just tweet back to the President, "Many of these protestors need masks, tests, and ventilators as they are in close contact with one another." 

And Trump will leave your state alone for months.  

6 minutes ago, 4th&Five said:



3 minutes ago, Foosters said:

I'd donate $100 to Inslee if he responded with green shirt laughing guy gif.



(CNN)The mayor of Seattle on Wednesday told President Donald Trump to "go back to your bunker," after Trump appeared to suggest he would intervene in the city's growing protests and called for law and order.

"Take back your city NOW. If you don't do it, I will," the President warned Washington Gov. Jay Inslee and Seattle Mayor Jenny Durkan on Wednesday. "This is not a game. These ugly Anarchists must be stooped [sic] IMMEDIATELY. MOVE FAST!"

Trump also claimed that the protesters, who he called "domestic terrorists," have taken over Seattle.

The President has threatened to use active military to tamp down protests and has encouraged governors to deploy the National Guard to help assist with demonstrations.

The two Democrats, Inslee and Durkan, responded to the President on Wednesday, ratcheting up the Twitter spat during dual health and economic crises and nationwide civil unrest over racial injustice.

"Make us all safe. Go back to your bunker," Durkan wrote, referring to Trump being moved to the White House bunker for nearly an hour amid intense protests last month.
"A man who is totally incapable of governing should stay out of Washington state's business. 'Stoop' tweeting," Inslee wrote.


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3 minutes ago, Red Five said:

He's bringing us together!

Who was that on shaggy who kept saying trump was trying to bring the country together and the “libs” just didn’t understand and would be proven wrong?

vincecoltyoung or whatever?

43 minutes ago, RomaVicta said:

Well boys and girls, it looks like ol' Sean RomaVicta must respond to his president's call. When POTUS personally fingers grabs chooses you, it's plain unAmerican to turn him down.

Make room GR and Johnny Sack, I'm back in Bunker Bitch's favor. My president needs me! To wit:

To me!

That's a big deal. Donald was icing his thumbs between tweets and looked to Jared, his top man for reaching out to special patriots like me.

"Jared, what's it like to rest your cheek between those beautiful mounds of--"

"Mr. President, sir, Dad--"

"Never call me, Dad, jewboy."

"Yes sir, we agreed we'd wouldn't ask that question anymore."

"Fake news. But I know the answer already. It's Sean RomaVicta I'm really concerned about. A man came up to me. Muscular...hairy arms. Muscles. Beautiful muscles. I was whistling Zipadee Doo Dah, but I stopped because this manly character had tears all over his face. He said, Sir, I'm Johnny Sack. You're doing a great job. But there's a patriot we need to communicate with.  I stopped rocking back and forth on my heels and leaned at a 35 degree angle to listen more closely."

"How do you know it was 35 degrees, Dad, er sir?"

"My uncle taught degrees at MIT. I know more than most of the Degreeologists. That's what the D in PhD stands for. Most people don't know that. What's it like to---"

"Mr. President."

"Okay, Judas"

"Wrong Jew. I'm Jared. I married your daughter, Ivanka."

"Don't rub it in. Anyway, Johnny is crying. He's a good man. Loyal as a...as a-"

"Dog, sir?"

"No, something else. More like a South Carolina senator. Anyway, we need this Sean RomaVicta guy. He's one of my favorites. Contact him. Get back to me. I'll be in the bunker. Inspecting the bunker."


How can I say no? 




"If you don't do it, I will."

That's not threatening at all. No wonder Barr went with him to Dallas. MIght need to order some troops to Seattle and then pretend he didn't say that at all.

Posted (edited)
12 minutes ago, Pancho said:

Who was that on shaggy who kept saying trump was trying to bring the country together and the “libs” just didn’t understand and would be proven wrong?

vincecoltyoung or whatever?

I don't know, but there's a prolific poster who rarely ventures into CR. He's kind, empathetic, and articulate.

He said that Donald Trump would go down as the greatest president in our nation's history. He has since retracted that, but my god. 

Edited by Foosters
Just now, Pancho said:


amazing.  the president of the united states has the time to message random people on twitter who say nice things about him.

  • Like 3
  • Haha 1
1 hour ago, A-Tex Devil said:

I remember in Dec 2016 when I thought Trump would be like a dumber Berlusconi.....  He's more like a dumber, more random Mussolini.

My fucking kingdom for a dumber Berlusconi.  It would be the biggest upgrade in American history.

  • Like 1
Posted (edited)

He knew we had darker people already in the country before he took office, right?  Wasn't some funny ass prank we pulled with Stephen Miller the night before Inauguration?  

Edited by Lobo
9 minutes ago, 4th&Five said:

amazing.  the president of the united states has the time to message random people on twitter who say nice things about him.

Please don’t be this naive, that’s for Trump supporters. It’s not real. 

1 hour ago, Mrs Whiggins said:

IIRC that private fundraiser is a lotta $$$$$$$$ to attend.



Posted (edited)
2 minutes ago, Irieguy said:

Please don’t be this naive, that’s for Trump supporters. It’s not real. 

This exchange I had was real...

"Lobo, if you could play golf with anybody, alive or dead, who would it be?"

Me:  "That's easy, I'd play a round with President Trump."
"Really?  I'm very surprised to hear you say that.  You'd pick Trump?"
Me:  "Yep...and he'd be dead."  

Edited by Lobo
Posted (edited)
20 minutes ago, Pancho said:


There’s this other way where honesty and personal conviction allows you to speak from the heart.

Edited by SameSame
1 minute ago, Mrs Whiggins said:

Let me guess; next Friday will Tulsa's first black police chief (ever) get an invite? (checks notes). "Hmmm, nope."

Prove me wrong, Donald J. Trump. Prove me wrong.

Betty Jo Shelby will be on the VIP list.


Based on some comments the President made and reported by The Tulsa World, the rally is most likely going to be at the BOK Center downtown. So near the site of the massacre. It's also near the jail, the courthouse, and the sheriff's office.

Since "asking questions" was important to the Press Secretary regarding Martin Gugino, I hope any reporters who are able to travel to his pre rally meetings will also be able to ask some questions if the Opportunity Zones are mentioned. Zip codes are one of the ways that the OZ is determined. Tulsa has several assigned zip codes and the way they are assigned is not contiguous. Some rather pricey developable real estate happens to share a zip code that contains north Tulsa's most impoverished areas. I've seen this m.o. in action before so if the investigative reporters will do some research prior to next Friday, they may come away with either something positive to report w/ respect to changing the business landscape for Tulsa's black business owners or another con job in a long line of con jobs.

Don't get me wrong, there have been some improvements downtown that I've seen on my return trips. The mayor, Bynum, I don't know how he is viewed compared to past mayors. A lot of politics there is the same old crowd and their relatives and has been since the petroleum dynasties began. It didn't come up the last time I spoke with family on the phone. I may have to bring up the topic and see what's what.

1 hour ago, 4th&Five said:


I'm embarrassed by how little I knew of Inslee. He did earn my respect in the few minutes he had in the Dem debates that I saw. I hope he gets another chance on the national stage.

He seems to be one of those people who is who he looks like. An honest, straight shooter not afraid to display some heart. Contrasting him to Trump is devastating to the ambulatory pustule who lives in the White House.




He's a national candidate who went almost nowhere. He's emerged as an independent, bold governor like his colleague, Gov. Whitmer, in Michigan. Not that we need further comparisons, but how often do governors so profoundly exceed a sitting president? 

Without the power of the presidency, a spineless bunker crawler like Trump shrinks like a raisin beside people like these.

Not to be partisan, we can add Republican DeWine of Ohio to the other two. Such a talent pool of leaders, and we muddle through with Trump and the crud he appoints.

Our best hope is an aging Joe Biden. I like Biden a lot, but he's past it. From the vast talent pool, we choose somebody that we're basically hoping just survives long enough to be sworn in. I don't think Biden is ailing, but he's much older than I am and nobody would be shocked if something sprang up and snatched the life from me. 

I drift. Black Lives Matter and how they are leading the revolt has definitely revived some hope for the republic. The sooner their leaders and associated leaders fill the talent pool making their leadership inevitable the better.

Maybe a generational wave can dilute white man rule and give somebody else a chance. It's past time for it.

  • Like 1
20 minutes ago, RomaVicta said:

I'm embarrassed by how little I knew of Inslee. He did earn my respect in the few minutes he had in the Dem debates that I saw. I hope he gets another chance on the national stage.

Plus, he says "Look it", instead of "Listen" and I don't hate him for that.

I actually wanted him as VP but he's at most, what, 1% black and 1% female.

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