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Remember when the Nebraska poster on here (BoBigRed?) would have those fantastic must-read Sunday morning reviews of the previous day’s college football games?

That’s what this thread is to me this morning.

Keep it coming. 

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1 hour ago, Mo Horn said:

 Are we done with these? 


No. They're the only thing he likes about being President.

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2 minutes ago, Chet Steadman said:

Remember when the Nebraska poster on here (BoBigRed?) would have those fantastic must-read Sunday morning reviews of the previous day’s college football games?

That’s what this thread is to me this morning.

Keep it coming. 

Ah, yes. We call that B.C. now. A simpler time.


So when does he tweet that the reason the numbers were so small last night is because at the last moment they decided to limit the number of people due to Covid-19. It's a lie, and they have nothing to show this is the case, but when did that ever stop them.


Yep, at the last minute they listened to another plea from the Tulsa Health Dept. and decided to limit attendance to just 7,000 and to completely eliminate the outdoor/convention center events which would have allowed for greater social distancing.  

Here's where that lie falls apart.  In an arena of 21,000 seats...and you have 7,000 attendees...you didn't listen to the Tulsa Health Dept.  Because if you did, you wouldn't have smushed everybody together in a third of the sections.  You would have had people spaced two seats apart.  You don't book all 6 elevators of a skyscraper to move your people up and down during a pandemic.  And then at the last minute just smush everybody into two elevators for no reason.  It makes no sense.  But here we are.  

I'll give Trump credit for one thing, he's a 74 year shitheap in poor health and a hot suit on and he did manage to stand and speak loudly for almost two hours.  When he was off-script, he seemed to just babble incoherently as usual.  But he was speaking at a healthy volume with few breaks and barely any water.  After he had just finished a very long trip.  I honestly couldn't do that at 44.  I can speak for about 75 minutes before I am just gassed, mentally and physically.  Of course, I try to stay on point or pepper in some Q&A, which is fucking beyond him.  


And those 700,000 registrants?  All from Florida.  (to complete the circle of irony)


Pence is toast. Trump will demand a shake up. He's going to appoint a female VP before Biden to own the libs and make HISTORY !!!!


I'll guess the Gov of SD. Haley wants no part of this train wreck and can wait until 2024

44 minutes ago, Hiphopopotamos said:

Pence knows he’s gone - right?  Trump relates everything to TV - so he’s going to look to ‘shake things up’. He can go one of two ways with this:

1.  Dump Pence

2.  Adopt a precocious little African American child. 

I don't know if Pence is gone. How close to the election do you think Trump could possibly wait before announcing a change? Who would the replacement be? Who looks at the past 3 1/2 years, and the polls, and wants to be Trump's running mate this fall? Who wants to be made to take part in Trump rallies without a mask?

Trump values loyalty more than anything and Pence has consistently aced that test. When has Trump ever punished anyone who was totally subservient to him? Pence is a total lackey, a complete sycophant, the consummate yes man. That's not the sort of person Trump casts aside. If he is going to replace Pence, what is he waiting for?

2 hours ago, Wanker Bob said:

In what world is 14 years a generation? In our society 18 years is about the only thing that makes sense because that's the number for eligibility for the military, the end of grade school, and generally the beginning of adulthood. 

If the baby boom started in 1946 9+ months after VJ and VE days and troops came home then Gen X would be anyone born from 1964 to 1981. 

Find some sources that agree with each other on the lines of demarcation between cohorts. My mom was born in 44 and she's as boomer as they get. My dad was born in 36. He's a greatest? No, that's not it. And why 64 for the cut off of Gen X? Why 81? Because who said so based upon what?


I love this new line that it was protesters making the Trumpies feeling up unsafe that was the reason for the low turnout. Wait, but Trumps said he was going to crack down on any protesters, BLM, Antifa, or outside agitators that might make his event go bad. So why didn't his people show up then? If Big Daddy Trumps is supposed to keep you safe, why not show up if you believe LAW AND ORDER President is there to keep you safe? 

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9 hours ago, Tom said:

I don't know.  Just generalizing with the broadest brush possible here.

It may not be the right way or the wrong way, but it’s the SURLY Way. 

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4 minutes ago, Bozo_Casanova said:

Stop. When did Gen Xers. Ever believe in trickle down economics or vote for vote for the Bushes? Gen X has a pretty firm 5-10pt Democratic preference and always has, in large part because of a rejection of what happened to our parents during the Reagan administration and the experience of losing our pensions early in our careers. Go back to MySpace, Tom. 

Yep. The difference is our collective votes have never mattered because there were always more boomers around to vote. Just ask advertising executives about that. Now there are more millennials than us but they can cancel out the not dead yet boomers and we get to finally break the tie. 

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6 minutes ago, Bozo_Casanova said:

Stop. When did Gen Xers. Ever believe in trickle down economics or vote for vote for the Bushes? Gen X has a pretty firm 5-10pt Democratic preference and always has, in large part because of a rejection of what happened to our parents during the Reagan administration and the experience of losing our pensions early in our careers. Go back to MySpace, Tom. 



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13 minutes ago, WhatTheBuck said:

I don't know if Pence is gone. How close to the election do you think Trump could possibly wait before announcing a change? Who would the replacement be? Who looks at the past 3 1/2 years, and the polls, and wants to be Trump's running mate this fall? Who wants to be made to take part in Trump rallies without a mask?

Trump values loyalty more than anything and Pence has consistently aced that test. When has Trump ever punished anyone who was totally subservient to him? Pence is a total lackey, a complete sycophant, the consummate yes man. That's not the sort of person Trump casts aside. If he is going to replace Pence, what is he waiting for?

He’s waiting for Trump / Pence merch sales to level off so rubes have to load up on more cheap Chinese made crap to show their support. 

I love this new line that it was protesters making the Trumpies feeling up unsafe that was the reason for the low turnout. Wait, but Trumps said he was going to crack down on any protesters, BLM, Antifa, or outside agitators that might make his event go bad. So why didn't his people show up then? If Big Daddy Trumps is supposed to keep you safe, why not show up if you believe LAW AND ORDER President is there to keep you safe? 

Oh, and this is EXACTLY the narrative of his supporters. I have an old classmate - trumpkin, lives in Tulsa. She was repeating this, with pictures showing the “rude protesters blocking people from entering!”

The replies were hysterical. “Ok...even if that’s what’s happening...there are like 300 people in that crowd. There’s a shitload more than 300 empty seats.” And noting that there was no footage or photos of a single act of violence or intimidation near the arena. Noting that all the photos showed a sparse crowd outside well before hand. Laughing at her because Trumpkins are psychopath liars.
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Until I watched that rally and it’s crowd last night I hadn’t thought about Shaka Smart and UT basketball since March 13 when they cancelled the Big 12 tournament. Had mixed emotions. 

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1 hour ago, tx 3 putt said:

IF he's smart, he keeps his mouth shut and his staff pushes the 'trump is a victim' narrative. 

isn't that always the narrative? 🤨

8 minutes ago, JimmyJames said:

Until I watched that rally and it’s crowd last night I hadn’t thought about Shaka Smart and UT basketball since March 13 when they cancelled the Big 12 tournament. Had mixed emotions. 

The crowd turnout did remind me of going to games in the drum, now that you mention it...

13 minutes ago, tantric superman said:

All this boomer father wants for fathers day is for you damn kids to act like adults and not keep fighting amongst yourselves and a nap.

This is CR. Head on over to the diabeetus thread and stop by Jade and Bevoette's place for a refresher. If we stop fighting in here it's because we died.

  • Haha 1
1 hour ago, Biff Tannen said:

Well 2018 was a decent start.  Gen X included too.



2018 was better but I'd like to see Gen X excluded.  I'm in the last quarter or less of the Gen X window (born 1975) and at 45 I've been a voting adult for over 2 decades.  I'm interested in the 30-35 year old range of Gen Y.  To include my generation as the younger crowd is well, just not really that accurate, as nice as considering me young may be.

1 hour ago, Sawbonz said:

We pretty much know how many uneducated folk are out there lapping it up. Primary voters in states that require you to declare affiliation or independent are 36% republican. He’s down to around 80% and falling among republicans. 

If he had taken a reasonable stance on covid he could have stayed camped out in the whitehouse and tried to play keepaway until November with a valid excuse, but he’s pot committed on being out in public now. Each rally is going to lead to greater ridicule

well that's because most educated and informed people on both sides don't want a stand up routine for a presidential speech.  I haven't watched him without liberal commentary in a looooooong time.  I can't stand the guy.  His lies infuriate me.  But I figured why not watch without commentary, no snippets, no twitter retorts, no comedians making fun of him, just him.  That's all he did, a comedy routine.  I actually believe his admin/PR team when they say he was joking.  That's the real problem.  who in their right mind wants Jimmy Fallon to be President?  I don't want the winner of American Idol or the last survivor on Survivor to be President either.  But some folks just want to be entertained and want to a guy up there saying, you know what, we outcasts are misunderstood and mocked by the media because they mad, they mad we took it to China and Boeing, and ANTIFA and those riotous thugs, yeah 'Merica.  It's like a Jeff Foxworthy or Larry the Cable Guy sort of bit.  We make fun of it, they lap it up.  Thankfully only 30% are fooled but damn that's an effective method for that 30%. wow.

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