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I feel like we have a discussion every day about why the president's base and the GOP won't abandon him. Y'all need to understand the Republican party is the party of trump. Has been for a long time, but is now very brazen about it.

3 minutes ago, Calihorn said:

I feel like we have a discussion every day about why the president's base and the GOP won't abandon him. Y'all need to understand the Republican party is the party of trump. Has been for a long time, but is now very brazen about it.

the party writ large, yes.  but the individual constituent bases might dictate different behaviors, and the GOP leadership isn't going to enforce otherwise. expect collins, ernst, mcsally, tillis to start saying some negative things.  cornyn, mcconnell, whoever continue licking boots.

4 hours ago, DefinitelyNotHollywoodColt said:

"those are my ladybugs"

i'll have to live with those words for the rest of my life.

Yeah that’s a story I could have lived without. 

  • Like 2
3 hours ago, 4th&Five said:

If Dotard could shoot a legit 74 he would demand a camera crew follow him around, not hide from the cameras every time he golfs.

wouldn't he also be "recording" his scores, or whatever people do to track them with the course?  i'm sure there's a rick reilly article somewhere about this, but i thought i remembered reading that trump, while often boasting about his scores, rarely actually turned them in to be counted.

  • Like 1
5 minutes ago, JimmyJames said:

Yeah that’s a story I could have lived without. 

Somebody needs to tell where to find that story. I'm sure I'll immediately regret it, but thanks in advance. 

Posted (edited)
31 minutes ago, Lobo said:

 This is not anti-trump propaganda.  The FBI literally opened up a field office here in Austin to start tracking these guys a few months ago.  I don't know them, but statistically speaking there are 1-2 posters on here that are on their radar.  

Is there a reward?  

Edited by Upgrayedd
  • Like 1
Just now, henrygandorf said:

wouldn't he also be "recording" his scores, or whatever people do to track them with the course?  i'm sure there's a rick reilly article somewhere about this, but i thought i remembered reading that trump, while often boasting about his scores, rarely actually turned them in to be counted.

he's given himself club championships for tournaments he never played in.  he's fucking aggy.

19 minutes ago, Post Oak said:

It would be a lot funnier if these idiots weren't so consequential.


This guy is at least so disconnected that he's "never voted in his life because it doesn't matter". He's obese, his wife is morbidly obese, they have 3 kids and his Mom lives with them. No way this fucker isn't getting tons of public assistance a/k/a food stamps. It's legitimately depressing.

34 minutes ago, Lobo said:

Low double-digit?  There is a 97% chance of multiple mass shooter events between Election Day and end of January specifically targeting Biden-themed parties (Election Night results watching, Inauguration Day celebrations, etc.) and minority themed events (MLK Day, et. al.).  

This is not anti-trump propaganda.  The FBI literally opened up a field office here in Austin to start tracking these guys a few months ago.  I don't know them, but statistically speaking there are 1-2 posters on here that are on their radar.  These people showed up to fully armed cops at our Lone Star Capitol with their own assault rifles to protest getting haircuts and eating at Chili's.  And there's only a low double-digit probability they take to the streets with weapons to display their frustration with the "fraudulent" election results?  They're not going back into hiding because Biden is president.  Of the 63 million, roughly 1/3rd fall under an umbrella of "concern" 

This is our concern, Dude. 

  • Like 1
48 minutes ago, Lobo said:

These people showed up to fully armed cops at our Lone Star Capitol with their own assault rifles to protest getting haircuts and eating at Chili's.

And this despite the fact that the Chicken Frisco Salad and Bacon Blue Burger haven't been on the menu for at least 10 years. 

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Posted (edited)
26 minutes ago, henrygandorf said:

wouldn't he also be "recording" his scores, or whatever people do to track them with the course?  i'm sure there's a rick reilly article somewhere about this, but i thought i remembered reading that trump, while often boasting about his scores, rarely actually turned them in to be counted.

in his head:





Edited by Bevo14
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Guest Lobo
Posted (edited)

I blame time zones Plus HG is Muslim so they don't adhere to Daylight Saving Time because it's like interest on stars.  He's literally still on Tuesday at this point.  

Edited by Lobo
20 minutes ago, Bevo14 said:

in his head:





I was closest to the pin on a 190yd Par 3 hole in one prize at a corporate tournament. The VP of sales bounced off my marker and won the ctp prize. 

20 hours ago, Loch Ness Monster said:

Trump still on the coronavirus will magically disappear train.

Mother of god

On a cosmic scale, this is a certainty. I’m disappointed to see you so lacking in long range thinking.

9 minutes ago, Biff Tannen said:

yes, but I wouldn't say "just".  it was this morning.  just joshin' ya.

west coast time never helps either. thought the dumb and dumber gif may have been a little excessive but whatevs. i also don’t go on the epstein thread. 

Guest Lobo

Because of the gag order from the Judge?  

Posted (edited)

so here's a question. 

Why does it have to come down to a conservative group, The Lincoln Project, to have the balls to create and run the ads which hit the hardest on Trump. Why can't the fucking Dem leadership get the fucking shit together and run these ads. This is shit that should have been blasting on every television 24/7 since March.

Fuck the Dem leadership and top donors for being spineless. I fucking hate both parties.

Edited by crash_davis
  • Like 5
3 minutes ago, crash_davis said:

so here's a question. 

Why does it have to come down to a conservative group, The Lincoln Project, to have the balls to create and run the ads which hit the hardest on Trump. Why can't the fucking Dem leadership get the fucking shit together and run these ads. This is shit that should have been blasting on every television 24/7 since March.

Fuck the Dem leadership and top donors for being spineless. I fucking hate both parties.

Absolutely agree with this -- the Dems need to fucking grasp on to at least this Mencken quote:  


Every normal man must be tempted, at times, to spit on his hands, hoist the black flag, and begin slitting throats

It's WAY past time.  There are no rules.  It's Thunderdome.  Just make sure you're the one who leaves at the end.  That's the only fucking rule.

  • Like 4
1 minute ago, crash_davis said:

so here's a question. 

Why does it have to come down to a conservative group, The Lincoln Project, to have the balls to create and run the ads which hit the hardest on Trump. Why can't the fucking Dem leadership get the fucking shit together and run these ads. This is shit that should have been blasting on every television 24/7 since March.

Fuck the Dem leadership and top donors for being spineless. I fucking hate both parties.

Republicans are mercenaries.  That’s their whole game and they’re good at it. They’ll destroy you if the price is right. They don’t give a shit about integrity. 

Democrats have to walk a much finer line or they’ll upset some mythical moderates in Ohio and lose the next election.

There are two sets of rules and the democrats refuse to go full scorched earth when they need to. It’s why I also despise the Democratic leadership.


  • Like 2
1 hour ago, Calihorn said:

I feel like we have a discussion every day about why the president's base and the GOP won't abandon him. Y'all need to understand the Republican party is the party of trump. Has been for a long time, but is now very brazen about it.

There has yet to be a strong consequence to the GOP for embracing Trump.  They lost the house, but have gotten so much more out of their bargain (Hatchet man for 60 years of progressive drift, stacked judiciary including two SCOTUS seats, rabid support in the red states that is the base of GOP support, etc...)

Its up to the American people to make the GOP’s  bargain with Trump a Faustian one.  

  • Like 1
Guest Lobo
Posted (edited)

goredho---I read your post in Eddie Izzard's voice.  

Edited by Lobo
1 hour ago, JimmyJames said:

Yeah that’s a story I could have lived without. 

Yeah, I just HAD to see the train wreck for myself, and am definitely regretting that decision.

1 hour ago, honolulu horn said:

Somebody needs to tell where to find that story. I'm sure I'll immediately regret it, but thanks in advance. 

You don't want to read this:


Seriously, you really don't:


Don't say I didn't warn you:


Last chance:


Just kidding it's actually much worse than that:




Told you so.







  • Like 4
  • Haha 1
4 minutes ago, Goredho said:

There has yet to be a strong consequence to the GOP for embracing Trump.  They lost the house, but have gotten so much more out of their bargain (Hatchet man for 60 years of progressive drift, stacked judiciary including two SCOTUS seats, rabid support in the red states that is the base of GOP support, etc...)

Its up to the American people to make the GOP’s  bargain with Trump a Faustian one.  

i read something the other day that made a good point about the 'stacked judiciary.'  He is the fastest to 200 judges, but if he is a one termer, it won't have any more effect than previous presidents.  all the two termers that preceded him appointed more -- because of the additional time, of course.  the judiciary isn't going to be any more trump heavy than prior presidents.

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Getting away from that horror show, with regards to Russia and Putin in general:

What have we gotten out of this cozy relationship with Putin?  In a rational world, if the president were hell bent on a good relationship with one of our enemies, you’d think there would be something in it for us. 

Guest Lobo

Yep, good point.  Trump has made a helluva run these four years on the judicial branch, but it'll end up being below average for the average President.  H.W. Bush and Carter being prime examples.  The added annoying part is that suddenly, I have to listen to idiot ass Trump supporters that just learned about the federal district-circuit courts of appeal-SCOTUS structure of our judicial branch.  It's like when you were 4 and you learned the days of the week and had to let everybody know you knew.  

Having said that, I like that the courts are mid-term stacked for the conservative side.  Democrats, if y'all don't fuck this up, should take the White House and keep the House and maybe even flirt with a split senate.  I like split branches of government (I think of 4---Senate, House, POTUS, and Judiciary) to the tune of at least 2/2 or at worst 3/1, it keeps shit gridlocked and we get back to governing ourselves locally as god intended.  


19 minutes ago, crash_davis said:

so here's a question. 

Why does it have to come down to a conservative group, The Lincoln Project, to have the balls to create and run the ads which hit the hardest on Trump. Why can't the fucking Dem leadership get the fucking shit together and run these ads. This is shit that should have been blasting on every television 24/7 since March.

Fuck the Dem leadership and top donors for being spineless. I fucking hate both parties.

Because Democrats are and always will be spineless pussies that cave at the slightest pressure

See the source image

  • Like 1
5 minutes ago, Biff Tannen said:

Getting away from that horror show, with regards to Russia and Putin in general:

What have we gotten out of this cozy relationship with Putin?  In a rational world, if the president were hell bent on a good relationship with one of our enemies, you’d think there would be something in it for us. 

Trump got what he wanted already

Guest Lobo
6 minutes ago, Neonmoon said:

It will be the first Presidential Library located in prison. 

He's going to have to break with the last several decades of tradition where they would house their libraries either on an academic campus or near one and maintain/foster a deep and substantive relationship with that school in order to carry on the research and study of their terms/policy/work.  I mean, there are plenty of Trump supporters who carry deep influence at many schools.  But those schools will ultimately have nothing to do with his presidency other than to continue to unpack its many frauds and deceptions.  

Maybe Liberty University.  Nobody in New York will touch him, nor will Penn.  I think, because he's gonna have to hang out in Florida for several years so New York AG's office can't touch him.  And I think his ego will mandate that we walk over every few weeks to hold up a textbook or something in front of the school's sign like he did with that bible/church in D.C.  So probably something in Florida.  I bet DeSantis will strong-arm some of his regents to let Trump place it in a school near Mar-a-Lago, so that leaves Florida Atlantic University as the most convenient choice for Trump.  And FAU is what you think of when you think of deep policy dives.  

1 minute ago, Lobo said:

He's going to have to break with the last several decades of tradition where they would house their libraries either on an academic campus or near one and maintain/foster a deep and substantive relationship with that school in order to carry on the research and study of their terms/policy/work.  I mean, there are plenty of Trump supporters who carry deep influence at many schools.  But those schools will ultimately have nothing to do with his presidency other than to continue to unpack its many frauds and deceptions.  

Maybe Liberty University.  Nobody in New York will touch him, nor will Penn.  I think, because he's gonna have to hang out in Florida for several years so New York AG's office can't touch him.  And I think his ego will mandate that we walk over every few weeks to hold up a textbook or something in front of the school's sign like he did with that bible/church in D.C.  So probably something in Florida.  I bet DeSantis will strong-arm some of his regents to let Trump place it in a school near Mar-a-Lago, so that leaves Florida Atlantic University as the most convenient choice for Trump.  And FAU is what you think of when you think of deep policy dives.  

The Trump Library  Shrine will almost certainly be on a Trump owned property and will be designed to fleece as much money as possible from taxpayers and visitors. It will be so effusive towards Trump it will make Kim Jong Un blush. 

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Posted (edited)

In the whippit rush this forum gets to call out Democrats as spineless pussies, you ignore the generational gap Democrats are assembling as a result of the less abrasive, carefully thought strategy.

”Texas has been going Dem for 20 years now hurr durr.” No, it’s always been Conservative, not Republican.

Yea it feels good to say “fuck off” now to people you don’t like, but imagine getting to say “fuck off” to someone every time you interact for decades./s

Edited by StassneyHorn
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