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I know Lurch addressed this somewhat on the previous page, but I want to dig a little deeper on the hand history.  How do some of you record your hand histories with such accuracy while playing? Looking for some techniques so I can come back with actual data rather than generalities.
Also, what are the best apps to track sessions, bankroll, etc?

If you’re struggling to remember what just happened, you might question if you’re taking in enough details -during- the hand.

I routinely (perhaps every orbit or two) take a moment to look around the table at the players and their stacks. This reminds me to acknowledge and utilize the type I’ve assigned to each of them and factor in how their stack depth might impact their play.

At the start of each hand I’m telling myself my position. As I watch play come to me, I’m considering my position, the position of any actors and their plays that have been as each will impact the cards I’m about to look at for the first time when it becomes my turn to act. Who has acted and how are HUGE contributors to my play, so if I’ve done this exercise correctly, it’s unlikely I’ll forget that on later streets (“This guy just called a $25 open from UTG2, so why is he donk betting this flop?”).

Bet sizing is also highly important, particularly given how wet a board is. “This flop is nasty with flush and str8 draws, why would the opener bet so light if he has something?” Again, if I’ve fully considered sizing, I’m going to remember the amounts.

The last thing to remember is the board. I’ll readily admit I often for get these details when I recount a hand. I certainly know the main cards, but those random 2 offsuits that didn’t factor in my hand can be tricky to remember -but they may have been HUGE to the villain- so I try to write them first in my notes when I want to do a hand history.

From that point we just need to write it down. Shorthand helps (and Autofill does a surprisingly good job once it learns you)

positions (BTN, CO, HJ, LJ, UTG2, UTG1, UTG, BB, SB)
actions (fld, x, xr, 3!, ssai, jam, etc)
Board textured (Kflop, flshflop, oesdTrn)
Outcome (+$25, -$15, chop, etc)
I also frequently record my stack size around the hands

This should give you everything you need to then come back in here and recreate the scene for us.

You may also want to use a poker calculator to see what your odds were. I use Governor of Poker.
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Winstar finally got new chips for cash games. Been a long time.

I’ve been threatening to start a chip washing business for ours. They have so much gunk on them that older players struggle to separate them at times!

Did Winstar get laminated? I’m told that’s better but costs more.

Did Winstar get laminated? I’m told that’s better but costs more.

Good question. I was just so happy they got new chips and I forgot to ask any dealers about them. Think they are smooth painted clay, not sure about lamination. Will ask next trip.

To clarify: “better” as in less likely to hold/spread the plague. The ones at WSOP we’re laminated but sound and feel weird, imo. I’d prefer ours if we could just get an occasional acid wash.

Posted (edited)

I remember playing at MGM Vegas about 2 or 3 years ago, I was telling the dealers that the chips were really dirty.  The poker boss overheard me, and said that they wash the chips every month or so.....

about 10 mins later I am fucking around with the $5 chips and grab the top chip and 2 others came with it.  uh.....   

so  I decide to push down and put some pressure on the chip stack and then grab the top chip again. 5 chips total came along... with me holding just the top chip.   

showed  the dangling stack to the poker boss and was like..... dude, this is more than a months fucking grime.

got a shrug from him. 

Edited by AUS-97HORN
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Posted (edited)

I use poker base to track results.  Hand tracking I usually text myself the details immediately following the hand.  



Edited by deech
On 1/2/2020 at 12:25 PM, bigup2dahorns said:

Winstar finally got new chips for cash games. Been a long time.

pics or didn't happen.

also les gogoogogogogo


Put myself in 5 day timeout. Came back today and have a great feel for the table. So much so that I make it $25 in CO over HJ limp w T6s. Flop the flush draw and a backdoor straight, cbet and get 3bet by HJ who flopped top two. Missed it all and drop $300 in about 15 mins.

Good timeout, Lurch.

  • Like 1

Got it all back and the smart play would be to get up and go to $2/2 for 45 mins to get my roll back. Problem is that I’m in a sick juicy game w $5/10 guys that will pay me if I hit.


Lulz. Reason it was so juicy was a whale who at one point took a break and came back 15mins later with $15k he won playing the casino card games.

One of the regs felted him twice in an orbit for $800 each and he decided to leave. Other regs chastised the winner later as apparently they let this guy win some pots between felts bc he doesn’t care about the money, but rather just likes to rake and stack chips.

Game got cold so I was able to get away and recoup my second buyin.

On 1/7/2020 at 4:16 PM, bigup2dahorns said:

Aria has some fun PLO cash games

The table I sat at was brutal. 

all regulars 1 fish and me. Fish had no idea what he was doing but hit some crazy shit after getting it all in on the flop a couple of times. He won $2000 and got up and left, leaving me as the fish at the table. 

I missed on every flush draw and wrap and left feeling like I didn’t know how to play poker. 

5 hours ago, blacklab said:

The table I sat at was brutal. 

all regulars 1 fish and me. Fish had no idea what he was doing but hit some crazy shit after getting it all in on the flop a couple of times. He won $2000 and got up and left, leaving me as the fish at the table. 

I missed on every flush draw and wrap and left feeling like I didn’t know how to play poker. 

Run better, IMO.


6 hours ago, VolenteHawk said:

Run better, IMO.


Yes, running better helps. I won a big pot on Sunday hitting a two-outer on the river when I thought I was ahead the whole way.

That's how I do it.


Dabbled in 1/3 PLO last night.  I'm glad I did.  Played about 4 hours, picked my spots very selectively and won 4 or 5 showdowns and lost 1.  Got the f*ck outta there before I gave anything back.  $3,260 profit.





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Bought in for $1k.  They play as $25's.  The people in charge of ordering the chips for that club made a little boo boo.  I'm not sure why they didn't just ask the manufacturer to send them some new stickers for the middles but whatever.  


Somewhere during the first orbit I rivered the nuts with top boat.  I was first action so I went ahead and potted it, dealer says $700.  I slide it out there and guy to my left tanks a while and calls and then the 3rd player still in snap calls.  What a great game where you can get called by two or more hands with the nuts 😁.  3rd player turned the smaller boat so I felt a little bad for him but he certainly didn't protect himself with a pretty small bet after the turn ($100 maybe - can't remember).    

Bought in for $1k.  They play as $25's.  The people in charge of ordering the chips for that club made a little boo boo.  I'm not sure why they didn't just ask the manufacturer to send them some new stickers for the middles but whatever.  

OMG that’s so tilting

3 hours ago, Lurch said:

I’ve never seen $20 chips before. I like that stacks of 5 is $100, but hate that a stack of 20 is $400

Fuck all non-$1, $5, $25, $100, $500 chip denominations

Posted (edited)

I've played with $10 chips before.  its odd, but you get used to it.   sure beats playing with pink $2 chips instead.


put myself on a 2 week hiatus that turned into almost 3.5 weeks 

played today, bought in for $250, managed to get the stack up to $340 before a few medium losses knocked me down to ~$250.  5 limps to me on the button with A8dd.  I make it $17, BB calls, everyone else folds.  flop comes As 5d 7d. 

BB is a HELLa spewy player, hes been felted twice in the last 3 orbits, but just had a monster pot where he called a 4 bet to $125 with JJ (with only $175 behind). with 1 other player (who already raised) to go.    and binked his top set against AA

BB bets out $15, I make it $45, he reraises to $100.  smells like 2 pair.  but he could just as easily have the K high flush draw, Ive seen him chase with that pretty hard.    so I take my time and finally decide that I just cant fold here.  I shove and he calls with AxKd.     He fades the 11 outs both times and I rebuy for $250. 

the very next hand is a bomb pot, Im first to act.  i was screwing around with my phone and everyone was waiting on me. so I check without looking.   EP bets $15, MP makes it $35, 2 calls before I finally look at the boards and then my hand.   Top board is Ah Qh 2h.  Bottom board is 4s 3s 7x 

Ive got.... J4HH.    uh.   ok  2nd nuts on 1 board and shitty pair on the other.  I decide to just call to build the pot (and see what happens on the turns).  EP calls as well. 

Turn is a total brick on the top board, and a Jc on the bottom.     Ive now got a real chance of a scooper.   I bet out $25.  EP calls, MP raises to $75, 1 fold and the CO calls the $75.   I shove for $190.   EP calls, MP calls... and the CO folds A2ss face up.... wow... hell of a fold there.    EP has 76ss  and MP has 65o   So a total freeroll for me.   unfortunately no 4 outer on the bottom board.   But I take the top board and roughly $450 total. 

next round as the button Ive got Q9ss.   Its 4 way limped pot before I raise to $12.  get 5 callers.... not really shocked, shouldnt have raised- needed to make it $25 to get folks to fold.  that was a mistake. 

however, flop is Jc-8c-6h. It checks around to me.... and putting anything out there considering its 6 of us playing is pretty much spewy stupidity, so I check. 

turn is the total miracle, its the Th.   Checks to  UTG who bets $15.   2 folds. then HJ bets out $65.      Ive got the nuts with 2 obvious flush draws out there. and the HJ is an action player.   I shove. folds to HJ who snap calls $350 with 97cc.  River is the Ah.  whew. 

played 4 hours  in for $500.  out for $755. 

Edited by AUS-97HORN
Posted (edited)

so I have plans to meet friends at pluckers at 6p to get a seat and watch the Championship game.

I decide to do a quick session before the game and  manage to get to APP by 4:50.   I buy in for $200 and I have purposely left myself with only $200 more behind since I have to leave at 6, do 2 full rounds  of folding without doing anything.   finally get into a bomb pot where I flop trips on 1 board and 3rd pair on the other board.  I manage to lose $60 when another player rivers both top pair on my shitty 3rd pair board and rivers broadway on the trips board. 

do another 2 rounds after without shit.  down to $108.   

Get AJdd in LP.   

I mis-see an early raise, assumed it was the hyper spewy  clown in seat 2, but it turned out it was the solid reg in seat 1 who had raised to $17.  So clown calls the $17,  MP calls the $17, and Ive only got $108.  so I shove thinking Im shoving into 2 players, not 3.   Solid reg snap calls my $108. Spewy clown over-shoves for $185 total.  MP folds and solid reg snap calls again. 

I am up against QQ for solid reg and 82cc for the spewy clown (yes he over shoves another $167 after an all in and a call with 82cc).   

5 cards that come out are 8d-4x-2d- Tx and river is Kd.   

Nuts takes down a $340 main pot.  Spewy player takes the sidepot. how to be behind and get there.....  legit first time Ive won a large multiway all in pot in about 3 months. Turns out I just need to be behind to win those.   spewy player gets felted the very next hand calling another all in with QJss against JJ. 

1 rotation later I manage to get it in bad again.  Im UTG with AdQc and raise to $12, there are 3 callers before the BB shoves for only $71 total (hes done this several times in the last 2 rotations).  I call, everyone else folds.  BB has a real hand.  QdQs. 

we agree to run it twice.   first board throws out 4 diamonds, 2nd board is a complete miss for me.... chop. 

manage to win a $160 pot where I had only $70 invested when I got KK on the button and made it $20 pre, $25 flop and $25 turn.

get AdJx in LP after 3 limpers, raised to $15, only MP limper calls- hes only got $74 left.  flop comes Jd 3d 2x  MP checks.... I shove. he snap calls with KTdd.    9d on the turn.   no diamond on the river.  so get it in good, but thats obviously not how to win, you can only win when behind. 

the very next hand I announce its my last hand because its 6:10 and I am late to meet my friends. 

I get 99 in MP.  UTG and +2 both limp.  I make it $15.   Button calls, SB calls, BB (another extra spewy player) makes it $50. Hes got roughly $170 total.  folds to me.   for the 3rd time of the night I get it in bad (or at least I think I did) and shove.   folds to BB who snap calls.  

I ask if he wants to run it twice, he says nope.     5 cards are Q-Q-T-K-9.....     Rivered boat.  He disgustingly throws his 2 cards to the muck he let the Js flip showing straight. other card never seen.   Hes felted and tells everyone he had JJ.... entirely possible.   So yet again I suck out when behind. 

I then get grief from 2 of the players when I get up and leave.   Oh well.

end up booking a $325 win.....   got it all in bad multiple times.... so really bad session by me. results be damned 

Edited by AUS-97HORN


I have a couple of guys from the home game I play going to play in the live stream next week.  I want to but don't think I can make it though.    

12 hours ago, AUS-97HORN said:

so get it in good, but thats obviously not how to win, you can only win when behind. 

shits rigged yo


Not sure. It was at 7015 Greeneville. Buddy said they brought out 3 tables so pretty small operation they had going. The armored swat truck with police hanging on the sides seemed like overkill

14 hours ago, blacklab said:

Was it a "legal" cardroom or an underground room?

Pretty sure this was an underground game. Just a simple google search and no card rooms come up. I know TCH has/is opening up another location in the Dallas area but not sure if in the city limits. Seem like most up there have been shut down pretty quickly (ie. Winstar and Coushatta money influencing N. Texas lawmen).


played in a small 22 person tourney yesterday.  gotta say the run good was psychotic. 


managed to more than double up in the first dealing round getting AK 3 times.  hitting either an A or K on the flop and getting multiple callers before and after flop. 

and it didnt stop from there.  Later on as the table chip lead in SB I ended up getting it all in vs the button with AK again vs JJ.  and won the race.   

Shortly after that, got QQ,  and felted another solid player who shoved the J high flop (she had KJ and didnt improve). 

Then we got to the final table of 10 people.   I felted 7 of the 9 other players. 

went all in with 99,77, and hit a set both times with them (although I didnt actually need the trips).

called a short stack all in with KT --- up against KQ, and T binked.   

Called another all short stack all in with QTcc,  vs AJ and hit a Q. 

Get AA UTG and call an all in by QQ... AA holds.

at this point I had something like 70% of the chips in play.  

Got A8o 3 handed and called another all in and held.  

and finally got KK heads up against TT   and held again.


Not even gonna try and act like there was much skill in those hands. But its nice having a run like that.   small win turned $30 into $225.

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