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You have to know your table on preflop size. Without any history it sounds ok. That you got 5 callers suggests you needed to be going $20 or more

I might check turn and hope one of those limpers boats up


played a session today where after 2 hours I left a hyper active table because bankroll management reasons. 

bought in for $225.  Table just opened.

The guy on my direct right is a raising lunatic/ calling station.  Hes double straddling, and open raising to $15/20/25 with literally any hand and calling almost any raise pre-flop.  Hes lost $200 in the first 3 hands and rebought.  There are 3 other guys on the table who will call any bet from the guy on my right, so the action is there.

Its clear that guy on my right is wanting to gamble today.

The first hand I actually play is indicative of how the session is going to go. 

A double straddle is on with me as FTA.   

Ive got TT, and I limp, because the double straddle has been doing a shitload of raising his $5 or $10 straddle to $35/40 or more.  Folds all the way to the SB who is a pretty solid player. He makes it $20, BB folds, straddle calls, double straddle calls.    I make it $75.  SB calls, as does the lunatic. 

Flop comes 7-8-9 rainbow.  They both check.  and with me only having $145 behind, I shove.  They both fold and take a solid $170 pot.

takes about 3 rotations for me to get another decent hand. meanwhile, lunatic has been stacked several times. hes doing rando buy ins of $100, $100, $200, etc.  He does hold occasionally stacking other players as well. at one point hes up to $900, but very quickly has dropped down to $150. 

On this hand I am the BB.  MP makes it $7, gets 3 callers, until lunatic in the SB makes it $35.   I look down at AKhh. and I make it $100. folds to lunatic who shoves.  we agree to run it twice.   first board is KJJxx 2nd board is  Kxxxx.  I show the AK and scoop. 

The only good thing with the guy on my right making it $20-25 almost every hand is I dont play any speculative hands at all.   I go a full hour before getting another hand. losing $8 on each rotation.  I think I made 1-2 calls of $12-15 and didnt touch the flop. 

last big hand for me is the double board bomb pot.  Im  FTA,  with Qc2s.   

Top flop is  Jc-Tc-9c.  Bottom board is Qd-3s-7h

I check to see what the action is.   Guy on my left bets out $20 and 4 people call including lunatic.  Im obviously not going anywhere with the straight flush draw and the Q on the other board.

turn comes Jd up top and 2c on bottom.  I bet out $45. get 3 callers including lunatic.   River throws up the Td  on the top. and 2h on the bottom.

now I am REALLY hoping that there are 2 jacks out there because they cant fold and I can take half the pot.   So I lead out for $200 assuming im getting called by any Jack, and if by some miracle, the case 2.   folds around though. 

at this point. Im in seat 3 with $800. seat 6 has $1100 (very tight), seat 7 has $1500 (loose but not crazy), seat 8 (active grinder) has $800 and lunatic rebuys to top off at $300. with the other seats averaging $200. 


The table is juicy and we've only had 1 person leave. But I am working on my bankroll management. Ive got more than 3x my buyin on the table and the last several times Ive playing with a similar situation, I stayed and ended up losing several hundred back to the table. still booking a win, but not as much as I should.  So I pack up and leave with the solid +$575.

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Well done. Solid job reading the table dynamics and choosing to leave. It’s easy to get sucked into chasing one fish only to become someone else’s dinner.

We have a 45 minute rule, so can leave and play a different game, then return after 45 with a fresh, low, buyin. I’ve occasionally been able to leave a maniac to reduce my stack, then come back and table change to him again within an hour, so it’s certainly a viable strategy if he’s deep enough to survive himself.

9 hours ago, TXSooner518 said:

The real beat is those fucking cards. I once lost with TT on a TT6 rainbow flop to KQs. And the runners here are more like 1 in 1600.

Not that it really matters because the odds are shitty either way, but I try to get better at the math behind poker. I would guess the odds for this scenario would be (2/47)*(1/46)=1/1081, no? How do you get 1 in 1600?

1 hour ago, Blotto said:

Not that it really matters because the odds are shitty either way, but I try to get better at the math behind poker. I would guess the odds for this scenario would be (2/47)*(1/46)=1/1081, no? How do you get 1 in 1600?

No, yeah, you're much closer. I would put it at exactly 2/43 x 1/42, so 1/903, since we know 9 cards before we need the runners (the 3 flop cards, and the 3 hands). If you were sitting there with KQdd and thinking, hmm what are my odds to catch running straight flush, I think your 1/1081 is the right answer, since they only know 5 cards, not 9. 

I was shorthanding it while typing on my phone as 1/40 x 1/40 but obv spaced out on that even though it's perfect-perfect, there are 2 possible combos not one, b/c it obv doesn't matter what order they come in. So you have a 2 outer to catch a 1 outer. Yay poker!


Not sure if I call this a cooler session or me just not playing right.

Sat with $260,  about 2 rotations later, I am the SB.  UTG makes it $12, there are 2 other callers and I have KsJs so I call.

4 to flop which is either 7 or 8 high, 2 spades, no straight possible yet.  

I check, UTG bets $20, folds to me.

I have 2 overs, plus the draw. So I decide to peel one, and as I call I say I am checking dark on the turn.

Turn is As.     UTG pauses, and checks.   River is a red queen.    

With UTG not betting the A, I put out a smaller bet of $35 to try and get paid, and it works.  He didn’t show his hand. So no idea what he called with and if that was too low a bet since I had the nuts.

Later in the session I am the CO with T9ss.    Folds to LJ who makes it $15.  Hes been doing that with rando hands, and started with $300 and down to $180.    I decide to take the lead and reraise to $35. Folds back to him, and he eventually calls.

Flop is Qs-Tc-2s.    He checks, I bet out $35 again.  He takes a bit and calls.  Turn is the Td.     He checks again, and with him only having $112 left, I decide to shove expecting to be called by any queen and 50/50 he calls if hes got the higher flush draw.

He tanks for MUCH longer than he should have considering his hand….. ATo.  Fuck. Miss the 11 outs to win, and 6 outs to chop.


Then later on Ive got about $370 in front of me and I get AKo  as the CO, it folds to me, I open to $15 and only the BB calls.   BB is occasionally spewy, but more often a solid player, he starts the hand with around $280-90 .

Flop comes K-T-9 rainbow.  He checks, I bet out $25 and he calls pretty quick.

Turn is the Ac putting a flush draw out there (no club in my hand).   He checks again, and I bet out $50

He then check raises to $140.  

It does give me pause, but he is doing this pretty often with any 2 pair, a combo draw like KcJc, or J8cc.   I honestly take less than 5 seconds to reshove all in and as he snap calls, its obvious hes got it.    No 4 outer for me.

And finally Ive got around $80 left when I get 66  two hands later, I limp because there are raisers behind me, and immediately it gets bumped to $6, 2 callers before the BB makes it $20….

Shes been very spewy, and I know shes doing this pretty light. Plus I have reraised several times doing the limp raise thing with strong hands and she has folded several times.

The $6 bet is normal from that guy he has a policy of always raising if it limps to him. So Im not worried about him having a hand that call a 4 bet.  So it folds to me and I put the $79 left out there.


Folds to her and she confirms its $81 and calls. We agree to two boards.   Shes got KTo   T on both boards and im out.  


I know it looks like a steaming bet, but honestly it really wasn’t, I correctly read she didn’t have a nutted hand, and with $40 in the pot at that point, I thought I was ahead, and I thought I had enough to push her off a rando 2 broadway hand.  but poker said otherwise.


3 hour session down $260


Nothing too out of line there. I probably either raise or fold pre w the KJs in SB. Calling is my least favorite option. Prob a bit too optimistic or simply gambling w 66. I try not to get in a gambling mindset when I’m short, though it’s easy to do. All of those short stack punts add up over time. I’d rather just walk out w my $80 and try again later.

Posted (edited)

I think calling multiway there with KJs is fine, though we need to be aware that if we flop one pair, we aren't looking to play big pots. I think it plays too well multiway to fold it though we are OOP, and folding isn't terribad. 3betting is certainly fine depending on opponents. 

Giant LOLOLOL at someone tanking for a less than potsize bet with AT on QTT2, no flush possible yet. Jesus Christ.

I don't love your snap-reshove with AK on that hand. Do you think he just calls it off with 2 pair when you insta rip it back over the top? At least pause (don't do bad acting, but don't Hellmuth-gasm your chips in either).  I would be fine calling his raise, though obv a Q or J river kind of blow. I think that gets us the most money from his weaker 2 pair hands. Remember just because we are ahead of a betting/raising range doesn't mean we should raise, we would need to either be folding out better hands than ours or be ahead of his range that CALLS our raise or reraise.  That said, I don't think it's actively bad, just sub-optimal.

The problem on the 66 hand is we need to be counting on her to fold a decent amount of hands, and lots of players aren't folding to an $80 jam with $20 already in, plus other dead money. And when she shrug calls it off, we are usually not in great shape, we are just flipping. I'd rather have an ATs or something to do this, so we are beating all her broadway hands that she shrug calls. Again, I don't think it's hugely -EV, I think it's probably about 0 EV but increases variance. 

Yeah, overall, agree with Lurch, it's just mainly poker here, not anything egregiously OOL IMO. 

Oh, edit to add, I really don't like the "check in the dark" thing either. What do you think you're gaining from that? It makes your hand look like what it is, a draw. If you have a pair or two pair, are you really going to want to check dark on a two spade board, allowing him to check back and draw for free at a 4th spade to beat you if a spade turns?

Edited by TXSooner518
Posted (edited)
33 minutes ago, Lurch said:

Nothing too out of line there. I probably either raise or fold pre w the KJs in SB. Calling is my least favorite option.


I sort of agree on the flush draw raise. But thats also a way to get kicked off your equity if they push back.  And that just recently happened to me.

i booked a +$30 session about a week ago that the reason it wasnt higher was that exact scenario.

I had A3hh in the BB with $450 behind.   EP ($600+) made it $12 to go, 4 callers before I call. 

6 to the flop.  flop is 8h-4d-2h.  

I check. And EP bets out $25.  he gets 2 callers. I debate on calling or raising.  I raise to $75.  EP insta shoves. I mean he couldnt have gotten his money in faster.  

Folds to me and I tank.  Im talking with him, ask if he wants a call and he flat out says, if you are on the flush draw, yes.  Ive got the single card straight draw as well, but this screams like hes got a nutted hand, a set seems really likely.   For the most part I know a flush draw vs a set is usually only around 25% to win.   My equity for the Pot was around $570.  Its $360 to call to win 25% of the time.    I called out his hand being 88. and fold.  he shows the 88.  and I ask to rabbit hunt.  turn would have been the 5d...... fucking nut card that would have absolutely paid me off.  I guarantee I call the $25,  and then check the straight, hes betting out $100 min (he knew one of us was on the flush draw).  and depending if anyone else called, Im at least min raising there.

River would have been the 6h.    damn.      It was the right fold at the time, but its a total gut punch to know if I just call the $25 Im either more than doubling up through him. or at the very least taking down a pot worth +$300 to me. 


Edited by AUS-97HORN
19 hours ago, AUS-97HORN said:

looks like the horrible final hand from Casino Royale. 


I guess the 9s and 10s both slow played letting the KQ catch the 1/9000  runner runner

Gotta feel for the 9s.  Flop quad 9s and you've got the 3rd best hand.  That river double fucked him even if straight flush guy isn't there.

Hard to put that down. Nice fold.

I’m never folding that. A3hh is 33% vs 88 on that board. If he shows us the 88 it is a very slightly -EV call. Most people are not making giant overbet jams with sets there. If we ever fold to an overpair or a smaller flush draw it’s a disaster.

MUCH different if we have say KhJh on Th9s4h. Now they could have the nut flush draw and we are screwed fairly badly.
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stupid poker question amnesty requested.  I have never played poker in a  casino before.  have played eleventy billion hours of craps, but never poker.

If I go play at a live table, as opposed to online:

1: what would be reasonable blinds/ table limit to sitting down with a $200 buy in?

2. Once i start playing, what's the proper etiquette for leaving/ returning to taking a leak or getting a drink?( New Mexico, so no waitresses)

3. Is there an etiquette to leaving, especially after a big win?  Is there a proper time to color up?

stupid poker question amnesty requested.  I have never played poker in a  casino before.  have played eleventy billion hours of craps, but never poker.

If I go play at a live table, as opposed to online:

1: what would be reasonable blinds/ table limit to sitting down with a $200 buy in?

2. Once i start playing, what's the proper etiquette for leaving/ returning to taking a leak or getting a drink?( New Mexico, so no waitresses)

3. Is there an etiquette to leaving, especially after a big win?  Is there a proper time to color up?


1) either 1/2 no limit (blinds $1/$2, bet up to your stack at any time) or 3/6 or 4/8 limit (blinds $1/3 or $2/4, bets in increments of $3 or $4 preflop and flop then $6 or $8 turn and river. )


2) no problem at all. Go do what you need. If the blinds get to you while you are gone you will get a missed blind button. That means to get back in you will have to wait til the blinds come back in or “post” your blinds which means you pay the blind amounts and are dealt in, usually with the small blind amount starting dead in the pot.


3) some people will be grumpy if you leave while up. Unless it’s a home game or a game where you are a frequent regular, fuck those people. You owe them absolutely nothing.


If $200 is how much you plan to play for the evening, consider just buying in to $1/2 for $100 and having the second buyin in your pocket should you lose it before you’re ready to leave.

-Don’t act out of turn
-Don’t throw your chips in the pot. Rather, place your bet in front of you and the dealer will drag them in
-if the current bet is $2 and you throw out a $5 chip, you’ve just called, not raised. You must announce it beforehand.
-if you raise, you must put all of those chips in at once unless you announce it beforehand. Ie if you want to raise it to $10, don’t slide in one $5 chip and then reach for another. Grab them both and put them in together.
-if everyone folds to you and someone next to you in the blinds, you generally ask and agree to chop, which means just pulling back your blind, the button moves and the next hand is dealt. You don’t have to chop, but the vast majority of us ALWAYS do (yes, even if you have AA) if asked.
-when your hand is dealt to you, put a $1 chip on it. This protects your cards from mistakenly being grabbed by the dealer or someone folding their hand into yours, killing it. When you win a pot, slide this $1 with your hand to the dealer as a tip.

  • Like 2

Thank you both. Big time.

Not sure if I am going to play or not.  I want to, but I don't want to be "that guy" either, fucking up the flow of the game and whatnot.


One more question:  Is it cool to watch away from/ one table over from the table or does everyone prefer "Play or GTFO?"  It is a dedicated poker room and not just another part of the casino where you can casually observe.  As I said, I've played as much craps as many of you have played poker. I don't mind new players at the table, but some of them make you want to put a knot on their head.  Etiquette is important to me.  I totally understand the not played out of turn thing,as it is critical to the game.


Everyone has to play at the casino for the first time at some point. I say go for it. You are observant and will pick up the routine quickly. Don’t stress out too much about it, there are long time regulars who stare at their phones and hold up the game so you won’t be a big issue. Just like in craps, the poker dealer will help you out. When it’s your turn to act, typically the dealer will be staring at you. They also announce the action so you can follow along by paying attention. Give it a try and have fun.


One more question:  Is it cool to watch away from/ one table over from the table or does everyone prefer "Play or GTFO?"  It is a dedicated poker room and not just another part of the casino where you can casually observe. 

This is totally fine and done frequently. Not an issue. Also a good way to pick up on the speed of the game and what the players are doing to bet/call/raise/fold/etc and how they put out the blinds.

$1/2 is where all newbies play, so the regulars are quite aware of that and are forgiving of rookie mistakes. Hell, it’s where they make a good chunk of their change. Personally, if I ever see a player who has clearly never played live before, I’m overly welcoming to them. I want them to enjoy themself and be comfortable at the table. Having them be too timid to play or leave early is bad for everyone.

Go, have fun, and get the first one out of the way. It will make future visits hat much easier.

Be sure to note how much your hands shake. I still laugh at how fucked up I was at MGM in 2003, my first live poker experience. I could barely stack my chips when I took that first pot!

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On 2/19/2020 at 12:38 PM, Lurch said:

I try not to get in a gambling mindset when I’m short, though it’s easy to do. All of those short stack punts add up over time. I’d rather just walk out w my $80 and try again later.

This is probably my biggest leak as far as money management. I have been playing for several hours and am down to like $100 (buy in for $300) and I end up gambling trying to double or triple up. I really should cut my losses and just leave, realizing it isn't my day. I understanding if I have 3 days in Vegas I have to make things happen, but since I can go to card rooms everyday now at home, I shouldn't be in that mindset. But I am.


When I get down to $100 or less and don’t feel like adding on, sometimes I just take those chips and go play craps/BJ/baccarat. Few weeks ago I showed up at craps with only $88 and after 15-20 mins was down to $10 but kept playing and ended up rolling for awhile and cashed out for $300 and had some fun doing it. YMMV.


$300 buy in. I spent several hours building my stack up to $600 by winning small/medium sized pots. Get KcQc in EP. Raise, 2 callers. Flop Jc 8c 2c. I bet half the pot, fold, call. The next 2 cards were blanks and I bet the turn, got called, bet the river and the guy shoves all in on me. I called. He had Ac5c. Ouch. He had me covered so I had to rebuy.


A few hands later I got all in with KK against a couple of stacks that had around $100. One guy had QQ and the other AJ and I held on, so back to around $500.


In the big blind I've got Ks10s. Guy in MP raises to $10, 2 callers plus me. Flop Kh Js 2s. I check, he bets $25, fold, fold, I make it $75. He calls. Turn 4s. I bet $100, he raises all in. I call and of course he had As Qs. River obviously doesn't matter and he's got me covered. Unreal. 


I re-buy another $300. A few hands later I have 88, flop is 10 8 5. Turn 5. River J. I get it all in against a guy and he has pocket 10's. Not an ideal evening. 

Posted (edited)

damn Stung. your after action report reads like one of mine I posted sometime early in the summer. 


I played today for 4 hours.  didnt really do much.    First hand I play in about 30 mins.

Live straddle hand, Im either HJ or CO.  2 limpers and Ive got AQo.  I make it $25.  SB, BB, and 2nd limper all call. 

Flop is A-J-J rainbow.  It checks around to me. I bet out $35. only the SB calls (hes only got around $70 behind). Turn is a 5.

Now he leads out for $20.....   

Hes a very spewy player, and he could easily have a worse A, some sort of inside straight draw. and there is no fucking way Im folding AQ here with a pot that has almost $200 in it for only $50 more to his bet.   So I put him all in and he tanks, lets me know hes playing with "his favorite hand"  and after some debate, he calls, showing  J2hh.    makes sense. 

No ace on the river and I pay him off.     I do get about $80 of that back from him a few hands later when I flop top 2 with KQ and get him and another player to pay off my pre flop raise to $15, flop bet of $20, Turn bet of $50 and then they both fold to the river bet of $100.

But more on the folks wont fucking fold until the flop mantra.  about 2 hours later, I am sitting with $500 in front, and its another straddle pot where I am the button.  multiple limpers to me.

I look down at A9o and I want to thin out the field a bit.  So since $25 didnt work before.  I make it $35 this time. SB, BB, Straddle, 1st, & 3rd limper all call.  fucking great.

flop is 7 high, BB bets $50, straddle raises to $100, 3rd limper calls and I fucking fold.   Ends up being 73o vs 72o  on a 7-2-5-3-5 board.  LOL ok. 

and about an hour later, another straddle pot, Im the CO with QQ.  4 limpers.  I make it $55. 

BB, straddle, and last limper all fucking call.  Sigh, here we go again.   flop is A-4-3. BB bets out $20, called by straddle, and last limper puts out $105 and all in.    I fold again.    everyone folds and last limper shows 43o.

manage to buyin for $470 and leave with $496.    in short. didnt get anywhere.  My biggest win was me raising to $15 in LP with 66,  (called 5 ppl again).

flopping a 6 and getting paid all 3 streets by K5.  who flopped top pair, turned an inside straight draw, and then refused to fold the top pair.  That hand got me basically back to even and I decided I needed to pack it in. 

Edited by AUS-97HORN

Rough swing at the local last night. $300 buy-in with 10 players and unlimited rebuys... prob about 8k on the table at the end of the night and I had $2500 of it early. Was keeping to limited, high quality hands, but had the whole fucking table coming for me at one point.

Had aces cracked by a runner-runner inside straight, flopped top 2 pair when multiple others flopped a straight... had a short stack straight bluff me with 8 high on a board with 4 overs. Went all in when I was clearly ahead and thought I was heads up but another player was shielding his cards... (I’ll blame the large quantity of 1910 on that one)

Just dumb shit that I usually avoid but so it goes. Did have a fun one though: Family pot with a sweetener comes around to the button to my right, who promptly raises 3X the sweetener pre-flop. I Call with 6s8s and everyone else folds. Flop comes 5sKd7s and he goes all in, for a pot that would double me up but only cost 1/3 of my stack to call his bet, so we dance and the 9s comes on the turn to groans. Daddy loves to dance, especially when it works out.

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4 hours ago, CBT said:

Damn that’s a big game, invite?

Go to Rounders in San Antonio. You will find tables like that where everybody but a few guys have $2-5k. And it's $1-2. One time I sat down at the table with $200. After about 20 minutes they gave me $50 to go to another table. They wanted this guy to sit there who when I looked like 30 minutes later has $5k in front of him.

  • Like 1
On 2/21/2020 at 8:55 AM, Iceman said:

Thank you both. Big time.

Not sure if I am going to play or not.  I want to, but I don't want to be "that guy" either, fucking up the flow of the game and whatnot.


One more question:  Is it cool to watch away from/ one table over from the table or does everyone prefer "Play or GTFO?"  It is a dedicated poker room and not just another part of the casino where you can casually observe.  As I said, I've played as much craps as many of you have played poker. I don't mind new players at the table, but some of them make you want to put a knot on their head.  Etiquette is important to me.  I totally understand the not played out of turn thing,as it is critical to the game.

The sooner you pop your cherry the better.  At first things may move a little quick for you and you may lose everything way too soon, but eventually you will learn the rhythm of a live game and will be able to last much, much longer.


Just wanted to thank the posters who gave me the rookie advice.

I ended up not playing, but I sat there at an adjacent table for about 5min and it was just uncomfortable/ weird vibe.  I decided to wait until another trip when I got there during the week and it was slower.

I will continue to read and observe.  It’ll happen soon enough.I’m not scared of the money or the gambling; I just don’t want to fuckshit up or make stupid mistakes towards my own detriment either.  When I’m ready I’ll know...

14 hours ago, Iceman said:

Just wanted to thank the posters who gave me the rookie advice.

I ended up not playing, but I sat there at an adjacent table for about 5min and it was just uncomfortable/ weird vibe.  I decided to wait until another trip when I got there during the week and it was slower.

I will continue to read and observe.  It’ll happen soon enough.I’m not scared of the money or the gambling; I just don’t want to fuckshit up or make stupid mistakes towards my own detriment either.  When I’m ready I’ll know...

Everyone fuckshit up or make stupid mistakes to their own detriment.  especially their first time.  If someone is a dick to you about it at the table, they are idiots.  If you truly are worried, I would tell the dealer when you sit down that its the first time playing live and they will without a doubt help you through it.  


Posted (edited)
On 2/23/2020 at 12:36 PM, po elvis said:

Go to Rounders in San Antonio. You will find tables like that where everybody but a few guys have $2-5k. And it's $1-2. One time I sat down at the table with $200. After about 20 minutes they gave me $50 to go to another table. They wanted this guy to sit there who when I looked like 30 minutes later has $5k in front of him.

Yep, the good old Rounders $1/$2 game, where you're not seeing a flop for less than $15 - $20 after 8:00 p.m. Gotta fight for all those imaginary antes.

Edited by Bookman
7 hours ago, Bookman said:

Yep, the good old Rounders $1/$2 game, where you're not seeing a flop for less than $15 - $20 after 8:00 p.m. Gotta fight for all those imaginary antes.

Well had an interesting table/player last night. Table was pretty normal then a drunk guy from Mexico who spoke little English sat down. He was going outside pretty often to drink or puke. He gave away $1000 pretty quickly. I don't remember how but it seemed like he just gave it away. Well the floor comes over asking everybody if it is alright if he buys in for $3k. Everybody says yes, and 5 of the other players quickly up their stacks to nearly $3k. They are all playing pretty tight just waiting for their spot when this guy and a upper 20ish asian guy to my right get involved. Asian guy is very solid player, not crazy. I didn't pay attention really until the turn and river but there were 2 clubs on the flop. A club on the turn. Going to the river there was ~$500 in the pot, so just about $250 from each player. Asian guy I believe has around $2300 behind. So the river is a King of clubs, the 4th club on the board. Board is not paired. But there is K-Q-10 of clubs on the board, so the Ace of clubs is not the nuts, J-9 of clubs would the the straight flush. The drunk guy says "All-in". The asian guy has this "I can't believe he did that" look on his face and is looking at his cards and the board. He is trying to figure out if there is a way he is beat. After a few seconds he says "I call" and turns over A-J of clubs. Drunk guy turns over A-K, no clubs. The rest of the players looked like they had a punch in the gut.

  • Haha 1

I know I told the story on the old site but happened probably back in '04/05.  I played a lot of limit back then.

Cant remember which  level I was at either 3/6 or 4/8.   But there was a hand where 4-5 guys went to the flop after a raise or 2.

3 Broadway hearts on the flop. call it AJT.   

first guy bets, 2nd guy raises, 3rd guy calls, everyone else folds, 1st guy reraises, 2nd guy caps. 3rd guy calls so does 1st.

That happens the entire rest of the way.  capped turn, capped river where the 3rd guy literally just calls each time.     all 3 guys show the same hand KQ.   except last guy had KQhh.

So he flopped the Royal, didnt make a single bet, and had 2 guys pay him off all the way to the river.  Plus he got whatever the Royal payout was (my guess around $500).

  • Haha 1

Had to have been $3/6, because who would raise/cap three times into two others w an obv flush out there? Maybe flop, but I’m shutting down and just calling turn and river

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