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2 minutes ago, Lurch said:

Had to have been $3/6, because who would raise/cap three times into two others w an obv flush out there? Maybe flop, but I’m shutting down and just calling turn and river

People def will do this at 4/8 also. Gotta protect against that fourth heart dontcha know??? Let's ignore what "protect" means when you're betting $8 into a $200 pot.

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3 minutes ago, TXSooner518 said:

People def will do this at 4/8 also. Gotta protect against that fourth heart dontcha know??? Let's ignore what "protect" means when you're betting $8 into a $200 pot.

it was the 04/05 poker boom.   I cant be sure (its been 15+ years), but afterwards the whole table was like WTF, and I think at least one of the clowns raising claimed he didnt realize there were 3 of the same suit out there.       but I cant say that for sure, memory aint that great.  All I remember is the fully capped flop,turn,river and the dude who had the nuts not doing anything other than call.


49 minutes ago, po elvis said:

Well had an interesting table/player last night. Table was pretty normal then a drunk guy from Mexico who spoke little English sat down. He was going outside pretty often to drink or puke. He gave away $1000 pretty quickly. I don't remember how but it seemed like he just gave it away. Well the floor comes over asking everybody if it is alright if he buys in for $3k. Everybody says yes, and 5 of the other players quickly up their stacks to nearly $3k. They are all playing pretty tight just waiting for their spot when this guy and a upper 20ish asian guy to my right get involved. Asian guy is very solid player, not crazy. I didn't pay attention really until the turn and river but there were 2 clubs on the flop. A club on the turn. Going to the river there was ~$500 in the pot, so just about $250 from each player. Asian guy I believe has around $2300 behind. So the river is a King of clubs, the 4th club on the board. Board is not paired. But there is K-Q-10 of clubs on the board, so the Ace of clubs is not the nuts, J-9 of clubs would the the straight flush. The drunk guy says "All-in". The asian guy has this "I can't believe he did that" look on his face and is looking at his cards and the board. He is trying to figure out if there is a way he is beat. After a few seconds he says "I call" and turns over A-J of clubs. Drunk guy turns over A-K, no clubs. The rest of the players looked like they had a punch in the gut.

Actually I told that wrong. It was Q clubs on river. Js8cXc on flop. 10c turn. Qc river. Drunk guy rivered the straight with no club. Asian guy had the Jc which blocked the straight flush.


PLO... The Great Game....

Crazy hand from last night, though not as crazy as the one posted with quads vs. quads. vs. straight flush...

1/2/5 PLO, big stack has ~7K, several others sitting around ~4k.

Straddle pot to 10, Hero in middle position with Ah, Ad, 5h, 5d, pots to $60 (maybe it was $55, can't remember) over a few limps.  V1 and V2 call.  Flop comes A, 9, 10 rainbow.  V1 is first to act and pots it, H repots for all in (~900 eff), I'm actually pretty good friends with V1 and he is right next to me, I'm now engaging with V1 and actually sorta forget that V2 still had cards...  About 95% sure I say something along the lines of, "ya i got 'em" or some shit...  anyway, finally notice V2 is in the tank.  He finally finds a fold.

H and V1 decide to run it twice, I flip over Aces and he flips over 10s.  Turn is another 9, and of course... river is the 4th 10.  I do take the second runout, and V2 is doing backflips because he folded the set of 9s that became quads that would have got scooped on both runouts.

Crazy session, but only end up +$380.

2 hours ago, po elvis said:

Actually I told that wrong. It was Q clubs on river. Js8cXc on flop. 10c turn. Qc river. Drunk guy rivered the straight with no club. Asian guy had the Jc which blocked the straight flush.

The best part is how he bought in for 1,500 big blinds.


did a quick 2 hr session today.  bought in for $210.  did my patented lose $120 in the first 20 mins with AKhh vs 33  made it $15 to go pre. smooth called by BB Flop is QhJx9h.  he checks, I bet $35 and he shoves. I call. miss it all. 

addon $120, play a double bomb pot with AKss

top board is JJA. bottom board is QsJx-6s. FTA makes it $15, 2 callers, aggressive guy makes it $50, folds to me I call. original $15 guy has $90 total and shoves. aggressive guy reraises to $175 and all in.   Its obvious one of them has a J. but with the combo draw on the bottom board, plus 2 overs on that board, I call. 

turn throws a 9 up top and an ace on the bottom.  K up top on river,  5s hits on the bottom.    aggressive dude grumbles and shows QQ, I take the side pot and he explodes about fucking rivers.  other dude had J9ss.  he thought he was scooping.  if those 2 turn cards are reversed, I scoop.  but its enough of a pot to get me close to even. 

very next hand I have $350 in front when I get QQ in the CO.  same aggressive guy has rebought for $300, he limps as do 2 others.  i make it $18. BB re raises to $40.  aggressive calls the $40.   I make it $150.   BOTH CALL.  Flop is pretty damn favorable.   Qh-Kh-7s.   BB bets out $50, aggressive snap calls. and with more than $550 in the pot and me only having $200, I shove.  BB snap calls (hes got me covered).  aggressive dude tells everyone a woa is me story and finally folds. Run out is clean, i show the set and take it down. 

aggressive adds another $100 to his stack.  very next hand I get AKhh. He raises to $15, I reraise to $65.  Both he and the same guy who lost to me last hand call the $65. 

Flop is K-4-4.  SB checks, aggressive shoves.  I snap call.  SB folds.    Im up against....... K4o     mother fucker.   So he gets $200 back from me immediately bragging about how he knew that hand was good.   congrats man.   

a few more hands here and there and I close out with $585.  +$240 after tips. 

9 minutes ago, AUS-97HORN said:

did a quick 2 hr session today.  bought in for $210.  did my patented lose $120 in the first 20 mins with AKhh vs 33  made it $15 to go pre. smooth called by BB Flop is QhJx9h.  he checks, I bet $35 and he shoves. I call. miss it all. 

Makes sense. He just called $15 preflop so he could check raise on any favorable flop for pocket 3's such as QJ9.

  • Like 1
Makes sense. He just called $15 preflop so he could check raise on any favorable flop for pocket 3's such as QJ9.

Perhaps related to guy that min 3bets in BB, flats a 4bet and then donk bets the flop.
12 hours ago, po elvis said:

The whole thing felt pretty dirty. It felt like a date rape.

The last time I played at Rounders on a Saturday night, this guy in the table next to us lost $5,000.00. In a $1/$2 game. In a few hours.

How the fuck do you lose 2,500 big blinds? 

12 minutes ago, Lurch said:

Starting to consider coronavirus impact on live poker time. Ugh

yep  been thinking about it.   when it actually hits the US is when I will have to sit it out. 

It has a really good chance of bringing many of the card houses here in Texas to their knees as their income is 100% based on butts in seats.

yep  been thinking about it.   when it actually hits the US is when I will have to sit it out. 

It has a really good chance of bringing many of the card houses here in Texas to their knees as their income is 100% based on butts in seats.


Bestbet Jax is incredibly diverse with Europeans and Asians that often talk about their frequent trips home. It’s definitely the type of environment where spreading could occur rapidly once someone exposes the regulars.


I’m also seeing a number of tweets starting to consider the impact on WSoP.


I played again last night after the disaster earlier where I got felted twice with a K high flush and a smaller full house once.

First 15 minutes I get 4h4d in CO. Flop 3c4c4s. Quads. There were only 2 of us and he was BB and bets into me. I call. Turn 5c. He bets I call. River 6c. He shoves all in. I mean really? After getting felted 3 times my last outing I was sure he had the 7c. I called. He had Ac3s. Phew.

Wound up getting another $100, so profited $400 for the night. I

  • Like 4
5 hours ago, Bookman said:

If the coronovirus hits, the risk averse people will stay home and the gamblers will continue to go. Lots of opportunity!

Yeah but the gamblers are Asian.

  • Haha 1

another 2.5 hour session today. had decent cards so that helped a lot.  first hand of note, i get A9o on the button with a 6 person table, and all limps to me.  I bet out $20, get 3 callers.

Flop is 9-8-3 rainbow. SB bets $20, called by both other players, Ive only got about $170 behind.  I make it $100. everyone folds. 

a very aggressive latino guy is 3 seats to my right, hes managed to run up a stack of almost $1500.  Hes doing a lot of 3 betting, and check raising.  I manage to win a decent $130 off him when I checked top top on the river and he bet and mucked to my snap call.  on 3 other occasions I pick off either bluff or i am betting heavily after hitting the flops pretty well and getting called on the flop everytime, turn occasionally and he folds river so hes getting frustrated with me winning a lot (but hes fucking destroying the rest of the table). 

interesting hand, and curious to see what the board thinks about it.  full table again.

Live straddle pot and I am the BB with about $450. 2 limps, including the aforementioned villain, but CO makes it $10, button, SB both call the $10 and Ive got QQ.   I take a while and make it $62 to go... folds to villain who snap calls, others fold.

Flop comes Q-9-4 rainbow.   I know this guy is super agro and hes probably calling any with any A in his hand, and draw, and theres also a decent chance he check raises.

I debate checking here. Obviously I am dominating here, but I thought that would look too suspicious with the large pre-flop bet.   So I decide to downbet to $45 to get him to either call with whatever, or get him to raise me.    He takes a long time asks for a count of my chips and he grabs a rack of green and then just sits there and finally folds.   

against anyone else at the table, Im checking that flop, but I thought the downbet would look like a scared blocking bet by AK.  I was really thinking he would raise me if he thought that was the case.  oh well.  I do lose almost $200 with TT a bit later when I raised to $45 pre and got 1 caller.  flop was A high, I bet flop, turn and river into A2 who rivered 2 pair allowing him to call.    I win a bit back here and there and the hand of the night comes.

table has 4 Spanish speakers on it now, and they keep talking in Spanish, dealer has given several warnings.

bomb pot Im sitting around $350.   I am in CO with 55.  top board comes QT3 2 diamonds.  bottom board is Ks-5s-Tx.    FTA bets out $20 and he gets 3 callers.  I decide to just call and see the turn.   2x hits up top, 9x on the bottom. 

This time it checks around and I bet out $75. folds to MP who calls.  River puts 7d up top and 9s on bottom. So either flush draw got there, which is fine since I have the boat.   MP shoves for about $170, I snap call and show the boat along with the shitty pair on the top board. 

MP starts the muck action and accidentally flashes his bottom card (real flash, all I could see was it was a picture card), and the assclown on my left- one of the guys who keeps talking in Spanish, yells (in English)  "DUDE FLIP IT OVER YOU HAVE THE TOP BOARD".  There was no fucking doubt MP was trying to muck his cards and he immediately grabs them and looks at them again.

I turn to the assclown and im pissed, hes a regular, and knows the fucking rules.  I said pretty sternly you know better than that, you  need to keep your mouth shut if you're not in the hand. he basically tells me to fuck off.- meanwhile MP still hasnt tabled his hand. and he finally flips over Adkx for nothing on the top board and I do scoop, then assclown opens his mouth again saying he thought MP had a queen and its his job to tell the guy that he gets half the pot.  and I see red.

and I am basically saying its not your fucking job to tell the other guy what his hand is, just like if there were 4 diamonds on the board and you ask "what no diamonds in your hand?" its the same thing..........  which then caused the other 3 spanish speakers to gang up on me saying dude, shut up you scooped, why are you so pissed.... and it was easily a $650 pot.

I tried to call the floor over, but he was outside, so I just shut up and after 2 more hands left.  in for $220, out for $735. 


I recently started watching this YouTube production where Matt Berkey and other players play a real game and talk out loud about what they're thinking:

This is a very interesting hand, but it's kind of hard to follow. Anyway, if you want to see what kind of deep thinking by a very accomplished professional rationalizes calling a 5x check-shove after betting more than the pot on the turn, then tune in.

QQ hand is totally fine. Why on earth are we betting flop, turn, and river with TT on an ace high board?

Fuck that. Why are we raising QQ to $62 rather than $60 or $65?!?
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12 hours ago, Chewbacca said:

If it's that easy to tilt you, let me know the next time you're playing. Settle down, turbo.

I wasnt tilted, I was pissed, there is a difference. and i was pissed because the pot value was  +$350 to me if I scoop and maybe +$50 if we split. What if my opponent had J7ss and knew he was beat on the flush board and forgot he was only up against a pair of 5s up top?   it was brutally clear he was in the process of mucking before the asshat opened his mouth.  And lets be honest, folks arent always sober at these tables so he could have easily had something like that.  


9 hours ago, TXSooner518 said:

Why on earth are we betting flop, turn, and river with TT on an ace high board?

it was a strange dynamic, but the only caller was the straddle himself, and he defends light a lot. and because he didnt reraise pre I really didnt think he had an ace, or a very good one.  I  c bet the flop because it was headsup, and I bet the turn because he likes to float 1 call to see if I shut down. and then with the 2 passive calls, I then went for a river bet turning my hand into a bluff because I have the reputation of having it more often than not.  I honestly think he folds the river bet if he doesnt hit the deuce.

27 minutes ago, Lurch said:

Fuck that. Why are we raising QQ to $62 rather than $60 or $65?!?


fair question. simple answer, I was BB, and when I went to make it $60 I forgot to pull back my blind. 


fair question. simple answer, I was BB, and when I went to make it $60 I forgot to pull back my blind. 

Asshole (jk)

There’s a dealer that I have a running gag with in $2/2 where I raise straddle limpers to $16 once during his down. He let it be known a while ago that it was a dealers most hated action, making for a lot of change-backs where the precision was totally unnecessary.

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Cashed $1200 last night so I can’t complain, but my lord it was a slog... was down to $55 at one point and built it back up.

This hand helped get me down to my low: Sitting SB i turn over 3d 7h and call for an extra $6 as button threw in a sweetener. Fuck it, right?

Flop comes 10h 3s 5d and we both check. Turn comes 3h, he bets $14 and I smooth call. River comes 7d... he pushes all in for $200+ and I figure he has two pair, maybe caught a straight. I push and he turns over 77.

Good times!

On 2/26/2020 at 2:39 PM, AUS-97HORN said:

yep  been thinking about it.   when it actually hits the US is when I will have to sit it out. 

It has a really good chance of bringing many of the card houses here in Texas to their knees as their income is 100% based on butts in seats.

Chips at the card houses get nasty enough as it is that I always laugh at those people eating food with their hands at the table. Now with added coronavirus potential, fuck that.  If I was dealing at one of those joints, I think I might find another way to spend my time rather than moving those chips/cards around the table all day long.  


What sitiations should you get pissed of at? Say you go all in on 4 club board and somebody is thinking about whether they should call you. Somebody not in the hand says "I folded the ace of clubs". The guy calls with the king of clubs. Should you be pissed?

People not in the hand just need to shut the fuck up. They have no right to influence action.

  • Like 2
What sitiations should you get pissed of at? Say you go all in on 4 club board and somebody is thinking about whether they should call you. Somebody not in the hand says "I folded the ace of clubs". The guy calls with the king of clubs. Should you be pissed?
People not in the hand just need to shut the fuck up. They have no right to influence action.
I never said you don't correct them, or ask the dealer to do it. But what does getting mad accomplish?
Posted (edited)
48 minutes ago, po elvis said:

What sitiations should you get pissed of at? Say you go all in on 4 club board and somebody is thinking about whether they should call you. Somebody not in the hand says "I folded the ace of clubs". The guy calls with the king of clubs. Should you be pissed?

People not in the hand just need to shut the fuck up. They have no right to influence action.

That’s a completely different scenario when someone influences a call/fold. But yes I’d be really pissed about that. In the one above the hand was already over and honestly I wouldn’t give a shit. Cards play themselves.

Edited by justhookit
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I entered god mode in Shreveport and chopped the Mardi Grad tournament for a little over 9k. Got two different three barrel bluffs through on the river. Both times the clock the was called on my opponent. Great sweats!

  • Like 8

How would you guys play this?

1/3 $300. Stack is $600, you're in EP with AcKs. Raise it to $10, very good reg on the button ($1000+) and BB ($200) call. Flop Ad 8h 7d. I Bet $20, button makes it $75, BB calls. 


I folded. I felt one of the 2 was going to hit either the straight or the flush or they already had 2 pair or a set. Turn was 2c, river 5s. The BB was all in on the turn and the button called. button had 8d9d and the BB was 56, going for the open ended straight. So yeah I would have won. 



$55 into a $250 pot w top top on a heavy draw board. BB seems to be certain draw, so I think we’re comfortably ahead of him. BTN can be a very strong hand (2pr or set) or a draw w position. If I 3bet, it’s quite possible one or both jam, making a call super tough. I think I just call and check all turns other than non flush K, which I may have to jam.

Agree, clear call and evaluate turn.

Same - I would be a bit worried about trips, but see another card and let them fire again if they don’t have the cards... then you can see who has the stones.

Example #eleventybillion why position is so important. Think about this the next time you flat pre then flop a strong draw on the button. You have a TON of fold equity if you’re willing to play aggressively.

  • Like 2
2 hours ago, Lurch said:

Example #eleventybillion why position is so important. Think about this the next time you flat pre then flop a strong draw on the button. You have a TON of fold equity if you’re willing to play aggressively.

Not to mention how much easier it is to keep pots small or make them big depending on your preference. 

I will say folding isn't some awful play. We have one pair and the stacks are very deep compared to the pot. But the price is still good and our call will make them play a bit more honestly, so we are at less risk of getting pushed off the best hand. 

Posted (edited)

I have put myself back in the time out room.  had 5 straight winning sessions. then played for less than 45 mins on Sunday. ran bad

Buy in for $230.  4 hands later I am the button. sitting  w $220

in this hand  SB is the same lunatic I talked about 2-3 weeks ago when I left the table up $550 and he had already dropped $1300+ on the table.  Hes sitting with around $325.  BB is a gambler and has around $2500 in front hes been playing since 9p the night before.

Get dealt AKss as the button in a double straddle pot. 1 limp $10 call before i make it $65 to go.  SB & button both call.  everyone else folds  (odd considering that 90% of the time that once 2 callers are there, everyone fucking calls).

flop comes 9-T-J  1 spade rainbow.  Both SB and BB check to me.  Ive only got about $155, pot already has around $220 in it. Ive got 2 overs a gutter and bad flush draw.  So I shove, knowing that both of these guys are calling pre flop light, and I would do this same move with QQ, KK and AA.  considering my stack size and pot size.   SB takes a while, and finally calls. BB folds and then I get the bad news, SB has the nuts, and we brick the 3 outer.    Move tables the next hand because I already asked to.

rebuy $200.  get 44 in CO.  2 limpers before me, happy to limp and set mine.  as do button and SB except BB makes it $30.  he does this light a lot, and gets 2 callers before me, but I dont have enough behind to warrant calling so I fold.   4 players to the flop which is 4-6-7 rainbow.   fuck.   BB makes it $100 both guys who would have acted before me call. so even if I had played and shoved here, no one was folding (everyone else folds). and sure enough an 8 hits on the turn, they all shove and everyone has a 5 in their hand.   no paired river, so i would have been out ~$195.  So I am feeling good.

Get AJhh the very next hand and its a $5 straddle.  several limpers and I do as well to see if straddle tries to isolate.  He does, makes it $30. folds around to me.  I just decide to call for pot control.   all else fold.   flop comes K-5-3 rainbow 1 heart.  he checks.  and I go with the $30 same bet size. He check raises me to $70.   I take my time, and he could be doing this with any under pair, and AQ. (along with any K, 5-3- set, AK, etc).   Its $40 to call a pot with around $180 in it.  So I call.  turn is the Jd.  he shoves, and i only have around $90 behind. and after hitting the J I have to call.   river is a Q.... doesnt matter because he shows K2cc.    OK another $200 rebuy.

Same rotation double straddle is on. I am FTA.  have 2 red kings. I know with almost certainty someone is raising this fucker.  So I limp. 1 $10 call before MP makes it $30, he gets 1 call before button makes it $55. folds to me and with only $195 total, i have no choice here, I shove.  folds all around to the button who asks for the count. and finally makes the call we agree to run it twice.  first board is QdJd9x. Turn is Ad. river is Qs.    that doesnt look good.   bottom board is all red under cards.  

I show the KK, button whines about how he should be scooping if the bottom board came out 3 diamonds instead of 3 hearts..... but hes taking the top board because hes got the A high flush.  except he shows AJhh????   and thats a complete misread of the board ladies and gents, hes got A up top and the flush on the bottom and my double red blocker KK dont mean shit anymore.   I leave down $630 having not won a single hand.  ouch.

Edited by AUS-97HORN

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