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Remember that nutter who had the tricked up car with cameras (Prius? ) who got into it with the immigration checkpoint staff and refused to roll down his window?  He used a sock as well, and battled what he called the "Shaggy Lawyer Cabal" about the bona fides of his case.   After oral argument in the Federal 5th, he roostered around declaring victory when he thought the court was on his side - and we lawyers were too stupid to get his brilliant reasoning.   He even made Youtube Hitler bunker videos to rub it in when he won, only to lose his case exactly as we told him - for the reasons we told him.  I forget his name now.  Well, he moved to Washington State after his retirement <cough cough> from the Air Force.    He has been busy.   See this 9th Circuit decision. 


" Rynearson believed that a provision in the National Defense Authorization Act of 2012 (“the NDAA”) would permit indefinite detention of American citizens. Through regular posts on public Facebook pages, Rynearson began to criticize Moriwaki and other local leaders who failed to vocally condemn the NDAA. In Januaryand February2017,Rynearson posted numerous comments on Facebook and sent text messages to Moriwaki criticizing him for failing to express disapproval of public officials who supported the NDAA

Moriwaki told Rynearson that he felt harassed and asked Rynearson to stop communicating with him and posting about him. Moriwaki lived approximately300 feet from Rynearson’s residence. Despite Moriwaki’s request,Rynearson continued posting his critical comments on Moriwaki’s Facebook page. Moriwaki then blocked Rynearson from posting on his Facebook page. Rynearson responded by creating a Facebook group initially called “Clarence Moriwaki of Bainbridge Island,” where he posted memes criticizing Moriwaki. Rynearson ultimately renamed the page “Not Clarence Moriwaki of Bainbridge Island.”  In March 2017, Moriwaki sought and obtained from the Bainbridge Island Municipal Court a temporary stalking protection order against Rynearson. This order compelled Rynearson to “remove public webpages/Facebook page with [Moriwaki’s] name” and prohibited him from, among other things, having any contact with Moriwaki, keeping Moriwaki under surveillance, going within 100 feet of Moriwaki’s residence or workplace, and attending events at which Moriwaki was present.In June 2017, in response to an inquiry by Rynearson’s attorney, the state prosecutor said that he was not planning to file criminal charges against Rynearson at that time in the hope that Rynearson would comply with the protection order but that the prosecutor would revisit that decision if he received any future referrals."


That sounds sane.




Update: he won his case, as  a federal judge last week knocked down the so-called "cyberstalking" law as violating the Constitution for being overbroad.   So congrats to Rynearson, who has protected rude social skill lacking nutters right to be rude social skill lacking nutters without the fear of government interference.  


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