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Fuk Aaron Rodgers.......


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Where are Bob Iger and Jimmy Pitaro?

The Disney and ESPN chiefs have both been conspicuously silent as sports shock jock Pat McAfee very publicly uses their air to host a weekly conspiracy program with injured New York Jets quarterback Aaron Rodgers — an off-the-rails affair that recently tarred and feathered Jimmy Kimmel within the Magic Kingdom’s own walls.

Neither Iger nor Pitaro said a word Tuesday as Rodgers made his way back to ESPN’s air, using his regular appearance on the Disney-owned channel to go on an extended — and, at times, fact-free — rant on a range of topics unrelated to sports. Rodgers, who McAfee handsomely pays to appear on the show once a week, spread medical misinformation, he assailed the media, and even went as far as to rail against an ESPN executive in front of hundreds of thousands of live viewers.

The only thing Rodgers couldn’t muster up the courage to do? Publicly apologize to Kimmel — a trait he currently shares with Iger and Pitaro, both of whom have not said a word as their late-night star has seen his reputation repeatedly called into question and sullied on ESPN.

Instead, Rodgers further sought to maim the ABC comedian, skewering him in a bizarre rant for standing with the medical community and the likes of Dr. Anthony Fauci during the pandemic by recommending people get vaccinated and take basic precautions to avoid spreading the virus.

Beyond the issue of his ceaseless attacks on Kimmel, it is astonishing that Disney continues to permit Rodgers to spread vaccine misinformation and smear widely respected public health authorities like Fauci on the company’s massive platforms. That puts Disney, a reputable brand that aims to be as inoffensive as possible, in the company of Fox News, the only other major television broadcaster that comes to mind that allows for the irresponsible and unchecked airing of such anti-intellectual drivel.

To be fair, Disney and ESPN are dealing with a complex problem. It’s not easy to rein in big personalities — especially when neither McAfee nor Rodgers are ESPN employees. ESPN licenses McAfee’s show (the company doesn’t produce it) and Rodgers has no direct business relationship with the sports channel.

But it’s a bed that Iger and Pitaro made when they willfully entered into a business relationship with McAfee and inked an eye-popping agreement (reportedly worth $85 million) to expand it last year. McAfee is McAfee. He has not changed. And neither Iger nor Pitaro should be surprised with the mess they are now being forced to clean up.

The complexities of the problem also do not preclude Disney from taking some form of public action. The hands of Iger and Pitaro are not entirely tied. The Disney boss and ESPN chief might be behaving as if they are paralyzed, but there are unquestionably levers that they can pull to make it clear that the rhetoric being beamed by the “worldwide leader in sports” to the masses is unacceptable. After all, it is their air.

Pulling those levers and/or taking a public stand for basic decency would certainly take a few ounces of courage. It would require backbone. And it would likely fracture business relationships that Disney would prefer to maintain. But standing still has, thus far, proved to be an ineffective strategy in containing the mess. And, given McAfee and Rodgers’ propensity for controversy, the issues underpinning this particular episode will likely continue to be a recurring problem. While the current uproar might soon quiet down, Kimmel has forced a magnifying glass over the show, which will remain.

Iger and Pitaro have a mountain of decidedly larger problems that they must contend with, including bringing ESPN into the streaming future. They have probably hoped that this will resolve on its own. But, like a gnawing headache, it’s not going away.


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ESPN should add an onscreen chryon every time Rodgers is speaking warning everyone that Rodgers has no idea what he's talking about.  Embarrass him and McAfee. Or even just mute the audio when Rodgers talks. 

While I'm sure McAfee has the right to produce the show how he wants, I doubt that means he can put whatever he wants on the ESPN channel.

McAfee wants out of ESPN so he's going to push ESPN to the brink of firing him. He probably has Fox Sports or Bar Stool offering him more.

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Yep, the "Cancell Culture" pussies will be coming out the woodwork after lunch.  Probably not on this site though because surely nobody here is that stupid.  

I'm embarrassed that it took me so many years into adulthood to realize that "Alpha-Males" who know a real "Man's Man" when they see one, are actually the least masculine, the most toxic, and the easiest to fool.  Low-information, Low-IQ, Low-Self Esteem, Low-T.  Mix 'em altogether and you got yourself a podcast.

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Yep, the "Cancell Culture" pussies will be coming out the woodwork after lunch.  Probably not on this site though because surely nobody here is that stupid.  
I'm embarrassed that it took me so many years into adulthood to realize that "Alpha-Males" who know a real "Man's Man" when they see one, are actually the least masculine, the most toxic, and the easiest to fool.  Low-information, Low-IQ, Low-Self Esteem, Low-T.  Mix 'em altogether and you got yourself a podcast.

You forgot low conscientious. They don’t care that they are in a society with others. They are psychopaths.
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It wasn’t that I was waiting for McAfee to fail.  It’s that I had no idea who he was or that his show existed.  But give stupid people enough time, they’ll eventually reveal themselves.  It’s their one true gift.  

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This works out perfectly for Aaron.

He was never going to apologize. People on the fringe like him can't apologize or admit that they were wrong or uninformed about anything. Ever. That would be the ultimate sign of weakness for that community (which Aaron clearly cares about his reputation in, for lord knows what reason). You know, because they're stupid.

Now he gets to play the victim of "cancel culture." 

And the people who crow the loudest about "sticking to sports" will come to his defense, because they strangely don't seem to care much when the politics on a sports show skew their direction, even to an extreme.

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12 minutes ago, YGIFS said:

It wasn’t that I was waiting for McAfee to fail.  It’s that I had no idea who he was or that his show existed.  But give stupid people enough time, they’ll eventually reveal themselves.  It’s their one true gift.  

I only know about this dipshit because ESPN keeps shoving him down my throat with simulcasts and gameday and stuff. He's god fucking awful.

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Maybe I'm just shallow. But I refused to hear anything the dude ever said when my first view of him was a blazer with a tank top. That just reflexively blanked him from my world. I'm gonna start doing the same with sports analysts who wear suits with sneakers. I just don't need anymore of that. Y'all help yourselves, though. I'm also changing the channel on any show where the hosts are standing on fake turf with hash marks on it. Can't do it anymore. Won't. 

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1 minute ago, Chooky said:

Maybe I'm just shallow. But I refused to hear anything the dude ever said when my first view of him was a blazer with a tank top. That just reflexively blanked him from my world. I'm gonna start doing the same with sports analysts who wear suits with sneakers. I just don't need anymore of that. Y'all help yourselves, though. I'm also changing the channel on any show where the hosts are standing on fake turf with hash marks on it. Can't do it anymore. Won't. 

I like the cut of your jib.

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5 minutes ago, BurntOrange&White said:

Pat chose $ over Aaron, lol

Not surprising considering 35% of this board would gladly pay to blow Aaron Rodgers because he stands up to the “coastal elites” and just “tells it like it is.”  I’d sell out Aaron for a decent sandwich and a car charger.  

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I dropped cable many many years ago. I only watch ESPN when there are games on that I'm interested in watching. I've seen clips of College Gameday but haven't watched Gameday in years. That's a long way of saying, I have no fucking clue who Pat McAfee is. I see him sometimes on ESPN game broadcasts or on clips of Gameday, and I always ask, "Who the fuck is that guy?" At this point, I don't give enough shits to even Google his name. 

As to Rogers, I got  aniBlinkingEnvelope.gif in this thread when I made a comment about batshit crazy. I'm sure IconoMac or ShitPete flagged the post.

Those 2 idjits are still "Fuck You"ing many posts on this thread. Those 2 aggy wannabes is gonna aggy.  

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3 minutes ago, crash_davis said:

I dropped cable many many years ago. I only watch ESPN when there are games on that I'm interested in watching. I've seen clips of College Gameday but haven't watched Gameday in years. That's a long way of saying, I have no fucking clue who Pat McAfee is. I see him sometimes on ESPN game broadcasts or on clips of Gameday, and I always ask, "Who the fuck is that guy?" At this point, I don't give enough shits to even Google his name. 

As to Rogers, I got  aniBlinkingEnvelope.gif in this thread when I made a comment about batshit crazy. I'm sure IconoMac or ShitPete flagged the post.

Those 2 idjits are still "Fuck You"ing many posts on this thread. Those 2 aggy wannabes is gonna aggy.  

Fuck you I never reported a post of yours. Don’t accuse people of shit when you have no proof.

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Looks there’s no reason to make a discussion about a football personality saying defamatory things on a football show into a political issue.  If grown men want to pretend that their hidden urges to felate Aaron Rodgers to show how they won’t be “owned” by the coastal-entertainment ‘tard complex, then that is their right.  They will not be CAnCELED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You sheep people! 

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9 minutes ago, crash_davis said:

I dropped cable many many years ago. I only watch ESPN when there are games on that I'm interested in watching. I've seen clips of College Gameday but haven't watched Gameday in years. That's a long way of saying, I have no fucking clue who Pat McAfee is. I see him sometimes on ESPN game broadcasts or on clips of Gameday, and I always ask, "Who the fuck is that guy?" At this point, I don't give enough shits to even Google his name. 


Serious answer: They've replaced Lee Corso with a literal WWF announcer. That's what Pat McAfee is. He's basically a carney.

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19 minutes ago, MrBig said:

ESPN was paying Aaron a seven figure amount for appearing on the show weekly in addition to Pat’s contract.

Incorrect. ESPN does not own the Pat McAfee show. McAfee owns it and ESPN pays $17 million per year to license it to air it on their network. Pat pays for production including the appearance fees he pays Rodgers. That money is coming out of Pat’s pocket, not ESPN’s.

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Just now, royiv said:

Incorrect. ESPN does not own the Pat McAfee show. McAfee owns it and ESPN pays $17 million per year to license it to air it on their network. Pat pays for production including the appearance fees he pays Rodgers. That money is coming out of Pat’s pocket, not ESPN’s.

And without that $17 million ESPN is paying to license it, McAfee would be a broke bitch who couldn't afford to have people like Aaron Rogers on their show. This is like when a child says they paid for their toy with their OWN allowance money, not mom and dad.

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2 minutes ago, WelfareBuysMyWeed said:

And without that $17 million ESPN is paying to license it, McAfee would be a broke bitch who couldn't afford to have people like Aaron Rogers on their show. This is like when a child says they paid for their toy with their OWN allowance money, not mom and dad.

I’m pretty sure Rodgers was a regular guest on the show before ESPN. McAfee’s show has been huge on YouTube for many years, hence why ESPN wants to air it on their network. I don’t hate McAfee, he knows it’s all about entertainment. Gameday on ESPN has been awful for many years now and, in my opinion, it has nothing to do with McAfee. 

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2 minutes ago, Vertuzzi said:

McAfee’s show has been huge on YouTube for many years


McAfee's show on Youtube has never cracked 1 million. Highest streamed content on his channel is 900k. He averages 106k per show on youtube. Those are abysmal numbers, literal autists opening boxes of toys get 20-30 times those numbers regularly. He's not huge on youtube, he's barely a blip. His numbers are fucking *terrible* for someone supposedly "big."

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9 minutes ago, WelfareBuysMyWeed said:

And without that $17 million ESPN is paying to license it, McAfee would be a broke bitch who couldn't afford to have people like Aaron Rogers on their show. This is like when a child says they paid for their toy with their OWN allowance money, not mom and dad.

The point was that McAfee isn’t making $17 million from ESPN for his show. He has a whole lot of expenses he pays out of that figure, including the appearance fees he pays, before he gets to his take home. He’s doing quite well for himself, but it’s not nearly as much as the numbers people throw around without understanding how his deal with ESPN is structured.

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1 minute ago, Valmy77 said:

For total views, sure that isn't great. But for a stream? 900K for a Youtube stream seems good.

Those aren't numbers for streams, those are the top numbers for any video ever posted on his youtube channel. It's for a recorded clip that wasn't a stream. His Streams top out at about 50k on average.

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2 minutes ago, WelfareBuysMyWeed said:

This little girl on youtube has multiple videos which have pulled in literally a million times as many views as Pat McAfee's highest performing episode on his youtube channel. As in, billions of views. Pat McAfee isn't "huge on youtube." LMFAO.


Little kids watch those and Youtube can't make money advertising to them.

1 minute ago, WelfareBuysMyWeed said:

Those aren't numbers for streams, those are the top numbers for any video ever posted on his youtube channel. It's for a recorded clip that wasn't a stream. His Streams top out at about 50k on average.

Ok yeah. That is not that impressive.

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2 minutes ago, WelfareBuysMyWeed said:

Those aren't numbers for streams, those are the top numbers for any video ever posted on his youtube channel. It's for a recorded clip that wasn't a stream. His Streams top out at about 50k on average.

I  wish I could get the email addresses for the 50K that tune in daily. Anyone stupid enough to listen to that meathead jack himself off every day is ripe for a  fleecing. Just send them an offer to buy an Aaron Rodgers immunity coin for like $99.95. 

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10 minutes ago, WelfareBuysMyWeed said:

This little girl on youtube has multiple videos which have pulled in literally a million times as many views as Pat McAfee's highest performing episode on his youtube channel. As in, billions of views. Pat McAfee isn't "huge on youtube." LMFAO.


What does she know about 3-4 defense?

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