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I'm still trying to figure out all the pieces for the amazing drinking game this show was built for.  Rob Lowe renting a million dollar new austin home for cheaper than an apt in nyc is pretty priceless.

Posted (edited)

I'm watching this show until it gets cancelled because it is historically bad and I don't want to miss experiencing it.  Does Rob Lowe need money for stem cells or a drug addiction?  I have no clue why he agreed to be part of this.

Edited by kevwun
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1 minute ago, kevwun said:

I'm watching this show until it gets cancelled because it is historically bad and I don't want to miss experiencing it.

I'm taking a MST3K approach.

  • Like 1

I watched it last night. That mercury scene was freaky! Wasn’t expecting that. The whole show included everything and kitchen sink. Little overload, I don’t see how it’ll keep up. 


Admittedly haven't seen it but have followed this thread. Because of that last fact, this Texas Monthly take on the show likely showed up on my Google news feed.


This ideological clash between Strand’s “city slicker” progressivism and Texas’s cornpone bigotry is positioned as the show’s central conflict—which makes its Austin setting inherently baffling.


Again and again, 9-1-1: Lone Star portrays Texans as a bunch of racist, red-state rubes, bristling at Strand’s wokeness and love of fancy cappuccinos. That it’s set in a notoriously liberal enclave like Austin...just feels off, and it often paints a comically conflicted portrait of the city.


In its first two episodes, Lone Star hasn’t figured out how it wants to portray Austin, oscillating between a blue-state haven for “hipster culture” and a truck-drivin’ farm town. 


And yet, it’s telling of just how little Hollywood actually thinks of Texas that even a 2020 show still plays to such hackneyed cliches and stereotypes about Texans as closed-minded yokels who don’t know not to put aluminum in the microwave. (Though, to be fair, the security guard was distracted by a Longhorns game where they were actually winning.)


more conservative sites also don't care for it. see? both sides can agree on something!



‘9-1-1: Lone Star’ Is What An Idiot From NYC Thinks Of Austin Without Ever Visiting

It’s like they went to the woke checklist to check every single box, stir in the appearance that everyone who lives in Texas is a racist pig, and spit out a terrible television show.

I’ve lived in Austin for a long time. When I first came here to visit the University of Texas for college, I was blown away. It was big, it was mythical, it was weird. It was perfect.

We had barbecue, queso, and live music in every nook and cranny of the city. We had a cross-dressing homeless person, Leslie, who lived on Sixth Street, and ran for mayor. We had a university full of the best and the brightest from all over the world. Most of them didn’t look like me, talk like me, or think like me, and that was just fine. I liked the challenge, I liked the melting pot, and I loved the scenery.


Austin is often called the blue dot in the sea of Texas red. It has always been a liberal city, but not coastal liberal. It was Texas liberal. Yes, it was Democrat, but mostly business-friendly, Bill Clinton-style Democrats who were still sensible and understood that it was a growing community of people from the left, right and everywhere in-between.

Then San Francisco, Los Angeles, and New York discovered our sleepy little college town. In the two decades I’ve lived here, I’ve seen Austin grow from a small city of just more than half a million people centered around a university, to a bustling metropolis of nearly 2.5 million people. I’ll let you do the math, but that’s a lot of people we’ve added while I’ve lived here.

I’ve watched downtown explode with glass-covered condos, the median home price skyrocket, and waved goodbye to many of the old haunts I enjoyed as a college kid as they vanished, replaced by a fancy boutique, “luxury” apartments, or a trendy restaurant.

Projecting Racism Onto Texas

Who were those two million souls who decided to move to Austin? Well, it would seem they’re Rob Lowe’s new character in “9-1-1: Lone Star,” snooty New Yorkers who want to “civilize” us.


On Lowe’s new Fox show, the aging sex symbol plays a New York City firefighter hired by the Austin Fire Department to restart a ladder unit decimated by an accident at a fertilizer plant. After all but one of the unit’s firefighters are killed, the Austin Fire Department hires him to start a “diverse” fire station, and boy do I mean diverse. It’s like they went to the woke checklist at the studio in Burbank and decided to check every single box, stir in the appearance that everyone else who lives in Texas is a racist pig, and spit out a terrible television show that is not worth your time.

We learn in the first ten minutes that the reason this station has to use identity politics to hire people is that the U.S. Justice Department has interceded. Apparently our Austin fire department is full of nothing but white, good ol’ boy racists, and DOJ needs Lowe, a New Yorker, to help construct a rainbow fire brigade to save Austin from itself.

That crew ends up containing a Muslim woman from Miami, a black transgender man from Chicago, an overlooked Latino man from Austin, and Lowe’s son, a gay opioid-addicted kid from NYC.

Now, if my house is on fire or I need the Jaws of Life to get me out of a bad car wreck, I don’t care what color or sex the firefighter is. As long as they can save me, I could not care less who they are on their down time. The problem here is that this show implies that Austin needs to be saved from itself, and that saving has to be done by the Woke Fire Brigade.

Go Back to New York City, Buddy


Lowe’s character makes numerous cracks throughout the first two episodes about how “this place is just like New York, but without so much trash in the streets.” He finds the same organic market (that would be Whole Foods, started in Austin), the same kooky hair doctor (they’re a dime a dozen), and feels like it’s just like home, but with better real estate prices.

Well here’s the thing, Rob: no one who has lived in Austin for a long time wants it to feel just like New York, or Los Angeles, or San Francisco. It’s Austin. We’ve been our own kind of weird for a very long time, and we like it that way. We don’t need any rescuing, and definitely not from the likes of the woke left.

I have to wonder if the creators and writers of this show have ever spent any real time in Austin. And no, the lobby bar of the W Hotel, or the Four Seasons during SXSW, does not count. I get the sense this show is the creation of a drunken SXSW evening.

I bet Brad Falchuk, Tim Minear, and Ryan Murphy came into town to see Barack Obama give the keynote address at SXSW a few years ago, had one too many cocktails at their hotel afterwards and said, “Hey, we should make a show that’s based here.” It’s clearly not filmed in Austin. Other than some B-roll, establishing shots, and green screen plates, “9-1-1: Lone Star” is filmed almost entirely in the Los Angeles area. And you can tell.

Texans Don’t Think Mexican Food Is Dangerous, Bro


It also does a horrible job of portraying Austinites. At one point in the early episodes, they respond to a call from a woman with a stereotypical Texas accent who complains that her neighbors’ barbacoa cooking is going to burn down the whole neighborhood.

If you’ve never cooked barbacoa, it’s beef cheek, goat, or lamb that is cooked with Mexican spices in a pit you dig in the ground. It makes the best street tacos, and is a treasured part of Latino culture in Texas.

It’s not something one neighbor would call the fire department over. That’s just absurd. It’s a Texas tradition. The only reason you’d call the fire department is to invite them to the party.

So too are peppers, another common ingredient in Tex-Mex foods, and the gag in another misadventure of Lowe’s fire brigade. At one point they save a man who accidentally eats some Carolina Reaper pepper sauce on a taco. I’m not sure how, but it makes him bleed out internally. I guess because it’s a TV show and you need something extra dramatic. That must also be the reason a baby seat was thrown from a car in an accident 30 feet high into a tree. Because, television.

This show also does a hit job on firefighters. After I graduated from college, I spent a couple of years working in Washington, D.C. The best job I had while in D.C. was working to get fire departments back in Texas money for new equipment. I got grants and appropriations requests for Texas firefighters to get new trucks, survival gear, boats for water rescue, breathing equipment, and radios so they could talk more effectively to other first responders. It was the most rewarding job I’ve ever had.

When the money came through, I would get to fly back to Texas and deliver the good news to the hard-working fire crews, often in rural Texas towns. Every one of these firefighters were salt of the earth individuals. Whenever everyone was running from a disaster, they ran in to it, to save lives. It’s hard to find better people than firefighters, but I’m not sure you’d know that if you believed the DOJ in “9-1-1: Lone Star.”

I implore you, do not watch this show, and please, in the words of our official Minister of Culture, Matthew McConaughey, “Keep Austin Austin.”


Brad Jackson is a writer and radio personality whose work has appeared at ABC, CBS, Fox News, and multiple radio programs. He was the longtime host and producer of Coffee & Markets, an award-winning podcast and radio show with more than 1,500 episodes. Brad covers all things edible and cultural for The Federalist. You can find him on Twitter and Instagram at @bradwjackson.


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I was coming to post the Texas Monthly article and paused to scan the comments first. Look who has an opinion!


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On the next episode of 911 Lone Star the gang helps solve the murder of some chick where the prime suspect is some weirdo incel who names his bikes!
  • Like 1
2 minutes ago, Continental Op said:
9 hours ago, austingirl said:
I was coming to post the Texas Monthly article and paused to scan the comments first. Look who has an opinion!


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On the next episode of 911 Lone Star the gang helps solve the murder of some chick where the prime suspect is some weirdo incel who names his bikes!

Wrong. They help console some poor homeless woman who stabbed five people.

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Scene one - Austin. Night Guard at some kind of chemical plant starts small fire with microwave oven which in minutes begins to engulf entire facility. Scene two: handsome young white guy at trendy Austin restaurant stands up from his table and hurries to kiss his lover - a handsome young black dude. Meanwhile, firefighters have arrived and seemed to be enjoying themselves as they start spraying water on large concrete chemical tanks engulfed in flames. Supervisor a hundred yard back gets a phone call. What! There's flammable liquid in those tanks! Whooda thunk! He runs to warn others, but too late, big explosion! Scene three: Rob Lowe is told by physician he has brain cancer or something like that. Scene four (I'm fast forwarding at this point, shaking my head). Outdoor barbecue in Austin - Don't eat that jalepeno, it's hot - Naw I can eat anything. Next scene, EMS arrives with him on the ground. Liv Tyler looks awful

Horse shit is right.  


evidently the horseshit has CORN in it.


I know the the city council likes to extend the etj but all the fucking way to IOWA?

On 1/26/2020 at 4:43 AM, Irish Wrist Watch said:

Scene one - Austin. Night Guard at some kind of chemical plant starts small fire with microwave oven which in minutes begins to engulf entire facility. Scene two: handsome young white guy at trendy Austin restaurant stands up from his table and hurries to kiss his lover - a handsome young black dude. Meanwhile, firefighters have arrived and seemed to be enjoying themselves as they start spraying water on large concrete chemical tanks engulfed in flames. Supervisor a hundred yard back gets a phone call. What! There's flammable liquid in those tanks! Whooda thunk! He runs to warn others, but too late, big explosion! Scene three: Rob Lowe is told by physician he has brain cancer or something like that. Scene four (I'm fast forwarding at this point, shaking my head). Outdoor barbecue in Austin - Don't eat that jalepeno, it's hot - Naw I can eat anything. Next scene, EMS arrives with him on the ground. Liv Tyler looks awful

Horse shit is right.  

ammonium nitrate is granulated


52 minutes ago, MrPhlegm said:

I know the the city council likes to extend the etj but all the fucking way to IOWA?

The show is turrible, but you might tap the brakes on the corn. Texas grows quite a bit and bulk feed storage is a thing.


Besides Austin is still too small to handle a show like this.  There is not enough fire/EMS needs for 1 Fire house to deal with to make up this much content.  Should have been Houston or Dallas.

It's like Longmire.  If that many people died that quickly in that small populated county, the Feds would have been there long before.

49 minutes ago, austingirl said:

The yoga Instagram girl falling off a balcony while filming herself trying to do a stupid stunt is the most Austin thing I've seen so far on this show.

Until someone calls 9-1-1 for being charged $3 for a banana at Royal Blue.

  • Like 2
12 hours ago, longhornmatt said:

I’m anxiously awaiting the episode when they have to respond to an oil tanker spill in the Austin shipping channel.   

This reminds me of a short lived soap opera called ... Texas.  I will never forget a scene about a plane crash in the mountains outside of Galveston.  I think I quit watching in the middle of that scene.

Just so we are clear... I worked a lot of evenings and shift work in my younger days.  So, daytime TV was the only choice I had.


Wait, how can there be a shipping channel in Austin if you have to go through a desert to get here from the East?  

still haven't gotten around to watching the first episode yet on DVR, but enjoying this thread.  I hope some enterprising Austinite cuts the episodes together of the most ridiculous scenes from the show that get the most stuff about Austin the most wrong.  There've been a number of articles written about these missteps by the show, but I'd like to see a youtube cut of the scenes.  I'm reminded of that SNL sketch with Kate McKinnon, Bryant, and Harrelson where they intro their pumpkin farm with, "We are located in the area of upstate New York that for some reason has the Confederate flag."  

I'm gonna try and knock out the pilot tonight while the Iowa Caucus results come rolling in.  


Gee, I would have thought AFD would notify stations when there's a tornado warning. You hicks needs to get your shit together.

  • Like 1
23 minutes ago, XYZ said:

Rob Lowe must really need the money.

Probably a contractual obligation. There's not enough money to talk you into doing this.


I had no desire to watch this from the start.   I've only seen the commercials which looked absolutely horrible.     The thread is gold!!

  • 3 weeks later...
Please don’t judge me, but I’ve watched every episode. I seem to have some morbid fascination with the show.

#metoo though not sure how much longer I can put up with this shit. Like someone posted, it started out as hilariously bad now it’s just bad. That firefighter in the burka is weirdly hot though.

Just went back to check out the third episode after quitting after the first two.

How many people get stuck in a corn silo in the Austin area each year? 

Four or five, apparently. 

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