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1 hour ago, dcar00 said:

there is a long list of one's who could and do a better job but IMHO the list needs to be short and to the point. P5, winner, with some years behind it or high mid major with a LOT of years and some tournament success.

Its going to be hilarious when we are back to playing cheerleaders next year when all these players see an actual real live basketball coach walk through the door.  the portaling will be epic.  I can easily see every one of these guys being gone. not one of them is mentally tough except MAYBE Coleman. I think Coleman might stay because I think he is the only guy we have that isn't a complete head case but then I think he will just go "whatever" enter the draft and start seeing if he can play overseas.

Id love to throw a shitload of money at Jay Wright but I'm sure it is a pipe dream.

Coleman is probably much more likely to graduate and grad transfer to a place like Virginia, which is his mother's alma mater and where his younger brother is currently a walkon

45 minutes ago, Catdaddyhorn said:

Coleman is probably much more likely to graduate and grad transfer to a place like Virginia, which is his mother's alma mater and where his younger brother is currently a walkon

that would be dope.


I kind of like Kai and Hepa.  I'd like to see Sims stick it out here, but it's cool if he wants to play his final year back home up north.  I wouldn't feel disappointed if any other player transferred. 

Burn it down it to the ground if you have to.

Shaka needs to be a man and turn the reigns over to Yaklich for the rest of the season.  It would be admirable if the did it for a fair buy-out based upon his poor performance.  He's lost any semblance of hope there might have been.  

If TJ feels that strongly, get him to step up as a interim paid consultant for the rest of the year.

I guess one big question is who we want next year  if the likes of Donovan, Pearl, Beard, and the other proven coaches say "no".  I wish we had a guy like Few.  


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