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Formerly DT: COVID-19 - Featuring Lots of Politics, now CR because political talk not going away


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27 minutes ago, InkaUtexas said:

So is this #2 or #3? Damn go out for a bit and learn that California is of course where the apocalypse is going to start. 


So #2 is of "Unknown Origin".  Which means they *cannot* be linked to #1 of unknown origin, which means the people here saying there are probably a lot of unknown carriers out there in the US right now are likely right.

I don't remember who you are, but take a bow, you apocalyptic assholes.

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9 minutes ago, Somnio said:

Another less pessimistic projection phrased differently still with many millions of deaths:

This is all a bunch of overhyped bullshit.

The vast majority of people won't even catch it!

Even if they do it's not even serious for all but a small percentage!

And even if you do catch it, and it turns into a serious case, you're more than likely not going to die!

It really is not a big deal!


Now let's rehash that....


The vast majority of people won't even catch it!

(80% won't catch it!  That means "only" 1.5 Billion cases)


Even if they do it's not even serious for all but a small percentage!

(It's really not any worse than the flu for 90%!  That means "only" 150 Million need to be in the hospital.)


And even if you do catch it, and it turns into a serious case, you're more than likely not going to die!

(99 out of 100 of those infected live to see another day!  This is hardly even worse than the flu!  Stop panicking!  That means "only" 15 Million deaths.)



It's the offseason. Cut us some slack.

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8 minutes ago, GreenspointTexas said:

I love all these dumbfuck companies just now starting to ban travel. Lmao



This is the funny part to me. Do they think it’s not in every big city in the US by now? As soon as we get some tests I think people will see how widespread it is. 

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Asking the board:

What is your best guess at the chances the organization I work for will actually hold its annual national conference we're hosting in Dallas in mid-May?

Right now, everything still appears to be a go and no one seems to be particularly concerned, but I'm rapidly gaining a reputation on my floor for being a paranoid pessimist for expressing doubt that it'll actually occur.

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1 minute ago, bolverk said:

Asking the board:

What is your best guess at the chances the organization I work for will actually hold its annual national conference we're hosting in Dallas in mid-May?

Right now, everything still appears to be a go and no one seems to be particularly concerned, but I'm rapidly gaining a reputation on my floor for being a paranoid pessimist for expressing doubt that it'll actually occur.

13.5% chance. 

There’s a chance the US is better at containment and stops all spread. 

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29 minutes ago, Somnio said:

Another less pessimistic projection phrased differently still with many millions of deaths:

This is all a bunch of overhyped bullshit.

The vast majority of people won't even catch it!

Even if they do it's not even serious for all but a small percentage!

And even if you do catch it, and it turns into a serious case, you're more than likely not going to die!

It really is not a big deal!


Now let's rehash that....


The vast majority of people won't even catch it!

(80% won't catch it!  That means "only" 1.5 Billion cases)


Even if they do it's not even serious for all but a small percentage!

(It's really not any worse than the flu for 90%!  That means "only" 150 Million need to be in the hospital.)


And even if you do catch it, and it turns into a serious case, you're more than likely not going to die!

(99 out of 100 of those infected live to see another day!  This is hardly even worse than the flu!  Stop panicking!  That means "only" 15 Million deaths.)



Really?  This again?

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Regurgitating math pointing to 15 million deaths 🙄

but meanwhile on the CA front, about the 2nd patient:

The Santa Clara County Public Health Laboratory received the specimens Thursday and performed the testing. Since receiving the results last night, the department has been working to identify contacts and understand the extent of exposures.

They’re holding back a ton of information. They said on the CDC call this morning that there were not any new cases. Pretty much a lie. 


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Didn't the government didn't ban travel from China to the US a month ago?  I'm pretty sure I read a number of articles about what a terrible idea it was.

ETA: I see now it was a 14-day mandatory quarantine for people traveling here from Hubei province.

Edited by TriStone
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1 minute ago, Helobious said:

Interesting to see the 2 camps of posters developing on the thread. 1 side wants to discredit any negative news, the other side wants to discredit any positive news.

three. some are just passing the news and having fun watching the shitshow. You know, Orioles fans. 

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5 minutes ago, Helobious said:

Interesting to see the 2 camps of posters developing on the thread. 1 side wants to discredit any negative news, the other side wants to discredit any positive news.

Some would just like to know the truth which is damn near impossible these days.  Did the government take action or ignore the problem?  Some news accuses them of ignoring the problem, while others accuse them of overreacting.  Some people say the CDC funding has been cut to the point that they can't handle this outbreak, while the AP is saying that their budget has actually been increased by Congress.  There's too much bullshit flying around and it's coming from both directions.

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4 minutes ago, Helobious said:

Interesting to see the 2 camps of posters developing on the thread. 1 side wants to discredit any negative news, the other side wants to discredit any positive news.

You mean the sky is falling crowd and those with an optimistic bone in their body?  Count me in the latter group. 

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2 minutes ago, VABuckeye said:

You mean the sky is falling crowd and those with an optimistic bone in their body?  Count me in the latter group. 

Not picking on you, but this is why I posted my non-expert projections.

I hardly see either one of them as "sky is falling".

I just have not seen one other mention of what even a relatively minor pandemic would actually mean in human lives.

100 million deaths in a global pandemic with 7.5 billion plus people on the planet?  Umm, that's not "doomsday", "apocalyptic", or "sky is falling" level.

Not to beat a dead horse, but Spanish Flu killed 50 Million and infected 500 million when the Earth only had 1.5 Billion people.

I'm not talking Black Death numbers here.  I'm not taking extinction level event.

I hope it doesn't turn out badly, but I've been watching this for over a month now, and this is not like anything anyone has seen for the last century.  This is not like Ebola or Sars 1.0







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20 minutes ago, Helobious said:

Interesting to see the 2 camps of posters developing on the thread. 1 side wants to discredit any negative news, the other side wants to discredit any positive news.

Like the football board the week before the OU game.

Damn, we're fucked.

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2 hours ago, Mrs Whiggins said:

A response to this best belongs on the Coronavirus thread in the Politics section really, because the CDC was hamstrung from the beginning.

I'd like to hear what you mean by this.  I think you can expand on the statement and inform without throwing in editorial comments.  I keep hearing about CDC funding cuts, but according to AP Fact Check, the administration's proposed funding cuts were "overruled by Congress, where there’s strong bipartisan support for agencies such as the CDC and NIH. Instead, financing has increased."  So, how exactly was the CDC hamstrung from the beginning?



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4 minutes ago, TriStone said:

I'd like to hear what you mean by this.  I think you can expand on the statement and inform without throwing in editorial comments.  I keep hearing about CDC funding cuts, but according to AP Fact Check, the administration's proposed funding cuts were "overruled by Congress, where there’s strong bipartisan support for agencies such as the CDC and NIH. Instead, financing has increased."  So, how exactly was the CDC hamstrung from the beginning?



Some people dont do research before posting political talking points said by other people who dont do their research

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Yeah...I got 5 that says one of these 90 turns up as positive later 


Ninety people from the Wuhan plane were released after clearing quarantine without contracting the virus, Nancy Knight, of the CDC, said at a news conference Thursday in Austin that Gov. Greg Abbott chaired.


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