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Formerly DT: COVID-19 - Featuring Lots of Politics, now CR because political talk not going away


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4 minutes ago, MissingInAction said:

Allergies are in full swing. Totally fine until I walked the dog. Throat swole, eyes puffing up, and I cant take my usual cocktail of drugs because they inhibit the immune system.



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WTF San Antonio?


San Antonio Aquarium was ordered shut twice on Saturday by the Leon Valley Police Department after officers found the business open to the public despite an emergency declaration amid the coronavirus pandemic, police said.

The aquarium had received multiple warnings from the police but still had refused to close, officials said.

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“Earlier in the week we personally advised them that they could not be open to the public, but were allowed to have no more than 9 employees present to care for and feed the animals,” Leon Valley Police Chief Joe Salvaggio said.

Police were first called to the aquarium early Saturday to find the aquatic-theme business open to the public with multiple patrons inside – violating Texas, Bexar County and Leon Valley emergency declarations.

The owner, who was not present Saturday, had ignored their warnings and refused to shut down the establishment, police say. So officers issued the aquarium a citation and ordered the manager to immediately close.

Later Saturday afternoon, Salvaggio said officers returned to find more than 15 people at the aquarium for a birthday party, as well as ten employees.

Police again cited the manager and cleared out the aquarium.

Salvaggio said that if the owner violates the ordinance one more time, police will be “forced to revoke their certificate of occupancy and chain the entrance doors.”Salvaggio also said he is seeking additional charges against the owner.

“The owner of the San Antonio Aquarium put the citizens, and now my officers in danger with his reckless actions,” Salvaggio said. “The last thing we want to do is to have to enforce laws that have been put in place for the health, safety and welfare of the public. We ask for voluntary compliance as the laws are in the best interest of the public as a whole.”


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18 minutes ago, Newdoc said:

Vitamin C and Zinc (without citrate). Follow manufacturers recommendations. Even the data on that is not great but better than nothing. Use Tylenol not NSAIDS at least for Covid. Otherwise everything else over the counter is just symptom treatment and will do nothing to speed recovery or prevent complications.

I would love to say that this “root” and that “extract” would help but there is not good evidence to put a lot of hope in those substances. I don’t mind them if they don’t cause harm and don’t give someone a false sense of security if the illness gets more serious.

Will any of these work?



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About a month ago, a family member that is a chef gave me a huge 750mL flask of one month fermented Carolina reaper hot sauce. They occasionally did crazy stuff like that at the restaurant.

You only need a couple of drops in anything. And you take coronavirus type precautions around it (wash hands after handling, DON'T touch your face, etc.).

It has been a lifesaver.
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7 minutes ago, MissingInAction said:

I cant take my usual cocktail of drugs because they inhibit the immune system.

Maybe not all of them. 

Viagra (sildenafil) is being tested on 10 people of both sexes for likelihood of remission or progression. The drug’s ability to dilate blood vessels may help fight lung inflammation in COVID-19.


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5 minutes ago, Casual Encounter said:

Maybe not all of them. 

Viagra (sildenafil) is being tested on 10 people of both sexes for likelihood of remission or progression. The drug’s ability to dilate blood vessels may help fight lung inflammation in COVID-19.


Your post needs Viagra so we can see it

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2 hours ago, Brew said:

Rumor mill says TN is going to go into a mandatory shut down tonight at midnight. We’ll see if it happens as the governor said yesterday there would be no mandatory closures. Everything would have been so much simpler if we would have just gone into a federally mandated lockdown a week ago. We would be half way through with an end in sight. Instead this shit just drags on and on with no end game.

With an end in sight? How so? This isn't ending until most of us get it or there is a mass produced vaccine. 

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36 minutes ago, Nice Guy Eddie said:

Worldometers reporting 88 deaths today in the US. Ugh. https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/country/us/

previous high was upper 50s.  This site seems to operate on GMT time as opposed to local, so a “day” is slightly skewed locally but doesn’t matter in the long run. Also I imagine they are listing the death as the date it’s announced not necessarily when it occurred.

They shifted half the numbers from yesterday to today. I'm not sure why that happened, but basically the day changed and 2,500 new cases move to "today" as did 40 deaths. So, the numbers for today will look inflated because of that. 

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2 minutes ago, Dahobbs said:

They shifted half the numbers from yesterday to today. I'm not sure why that happened, but basically the day changed and 2,500 new cases move to "today" as did 40 deaths. So, the numbers for today will look inflated because of that. 

Docs are pretty busy, maybe they aren’t filling out their TPS reports in a timely manner?

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3 minutes ago, Dahobbs said:

They shifted half the numbers from yesterday to today. I'm not sure why that happened, but basically the day changed and 2,500 new cases move to "today" as did 40 deaths. So, the numbers for today will look inflated because of that. 

Their “day” appears to shift at 7pm central so perhaps they are trying to solve that issue. Americans can be dense about understanding GMT for international websites.  “How can it be tomorrow when it’s not even 10pm?”

as long as they’re not double counting, or keeping it to a minimum, a single days number doesn’t matter. Once again, there isn’t a central clearinghouse for this data. It’s piecemeal at best.

Edited by Nice Guy Eddie
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9 minutes ago, Casual Encounter said:

Maybe not all of them. 

Viagra (sildenafil) is being tested on 10 people of both sexes for likelihood of remission or progression. The drug’s ability to dilate blood vessels may help fight lung inflammation in COVID-19.


The thought of me being intubated while a raging hard protrudes through my hospital gown is the laugh I needed today.

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7 minutes ago, MissingInAction said:

The thought of me being intubated while a raging hard protrudes through my hospital gown is the laugh I needed today.

I can picture an ICU ward stuffed to the rafters with patients, all gasping for air as they  valiantly try to crank one out for the last time. 

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26 minutes ago, MissingInAction said:

Allergies are in full swing. Totally fine until I walked the dog. Throat swole, eyes puffing up, and I cant take my usual cocktail of drugs because they inhibit the immune system.


Has a real doctor told you not to take them, or just message board idiots?  Throat closing up isn’t something to fuck with. Your chances of dying if your throat closes and you can’t breath are much higher than if you catch the corona virus, even if you’re old. Listen to your doctor

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9 minutes ago, UT_OB1 said:

Has a real doctor told you not to take them, or just message board idiots?  Throat closing up isn’t something to fuck with. Your chances of dying if your throat closes and you can’t breath are much higher than if you catch the corona virus, even if you’re old. Listen to your doctor


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1 hour ago, Surly Bevo said:

I do believe density, climate, age, economic standing, cultural norms are going to be found to be big players in this once it's all said and done from the perspective of where it explodes and where it simmers/burns.  That said if density is a big factor good luck with continuing on the recent societal push to embrace density.

Tell that to the urbanists on the skyscraper forum. 

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12 minutes ago, UT_OB1 said:

Has a real doctor told you not to take them, or just message board idiots?  Throat closing up isn’t something to fuck with. Your chances of dying if your throat closes and you can’t breath are much higher than if you catch the corona virus, even if you’re old. Listen to your doctor

No, I am the idiot behind this decision.

Left a vm with my PCP for direction.

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On the outskirts of Lubbock in one of the old strip liquor stores, there is now a "gaming/bingo/slot machine" joint. Not sure what goes on in there, but I drove past it at 5 a.m. yesterday morning and there wasn't room to fit another car in the parking lot. Had to be at least 50 people in a 2000 sq ft building. Not sure what goes on in there but I doubt it involves social distancing.

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