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Formerly DT: COVID-19 - Featuring Lots of Politics, now CR because political talk not going away

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1 hour ago, Treefidy said:

Additional cliffs:  the lab was working on bat corona viruses and how they infect humans.

The video did mention the labs lead researcher Shi Zhengli "bat woman" has been doing gain of function experiments with corona viruses and the s protein.  They probably should have mentioned that the bat woman has published papers on a virus she found in 2013 that was highly pathogenic and couldn't be controlled by SARS treatments   So what to do with all this?  Let's take the parts of this one virus that is highly infectious and combine it with this other one that is deadly.   

Using the SARS-CoV reverse genetics system2, we generated and characterized a chimeric virus expressing the spike of bat coronavirus SHC014 in a mouse-adapted SARS-CoV backbone.



They were studying bat corona viruses, and they were recombining bat corona viruses to make new bat corona viruses that specifically infect humans.  At ground zero for the outbreak.

but there is no way this thing came from the lab, and we know this because scientists who were involved with these experiments and similar types of grant funded work told us it can't have happened.    Thats like Phillip Morris and Reynolds determining that it is air pollution and not their cigarettes that cause smokers to get lung cancer.   

Ishmael: You really should try to quit, Mr. Munson. They say it's bad for your heart, your lungs. It quickens the aging process.

Roy: Is that right. Who's done more research on the subject than the good people at the American Tobacco Industry? They say it's harmless. Why would they lie? If you're dead, you can't smoke.

  • Like 2
10 minutes ago, MonkeyDoughnut said:

So based on this are you thinking 12 months, 24 months? Later?

Nope.  I don't have a problem with extreme slow-rolling it right now, although I would prefer non-vital business like restaurants and those who bring in a lot of outside customers in person could hold off a few more weeks.  I would prefer that our testing, both for active and past, needs to be more prevalent.

I would also prefer that we work towards more unified messaging and protocols from leadership at all levels, because we will most likely be facing covid issues in the fall.  I get that we haven't faced anything like this in a century, but this little pandemic exposed a lot of problems with how we receive information (and misinformation), and how easy it is for people to be confused about what they should and shouldn't do, or how their actions could affect others.  Then again, when you read up on the 1918 pandemic, the same thing was happening then, so it's not something unique to 2020.  It's just a problem that a really large and spread-out population is going to face.

I will say that once things started moving in March, we saw some really great initiatives, and we now have some solid models for how to get info out, how we can rapidly....streamline is not quite the word, but how we can rapidly switch our healthcare over to focusing on something like covid.   I have a feeling we will be utilizing that capability in the fall once again.

1 hour ago, Hmbre97 said:

The issue is not all at-risk people can isolate themselves 100%. We don't have a giant bio-dome that we can move all of our at risk people into. We already see what has happened in nursing homes which are defacto isolated groups of high risk old people; it's still tearing its way through despite staff efforts to prevent it. You also have immunocompromised people who still need food/groceries and have to go out to healthcare facilities for treatments who now have an increased chance of coming across someone infected. I have a high school friend that is wrapping up a round of chemo from a diagnoses late last year. Under normal circumstances, his cancer type is not that serious but now his risk isn't the cancer but instead going into a healthcare facility that has covid patients. Even if we don't overwhelm hospitals by reopening everything, we're still increasing chances of exposure of those high risk groups. 

This is a highly infectious disease. It's just a numbers game at this point. By increasing foot traffic in restaurants, this increases the chance the staff contract it, which then increases the chance they contaminate the food of someone like AB who is trying to play it smart and just get curbside. Same for retail/gyms/movie theaters. You more you expose people and infections increase, the chance goes up that at risk people get exposed in their limited interactions when people. That's how this increases the risk for people like AB and my high school friend who has no choice in not being 100% SIP. You're not just rolling the dice for yourself.

I agree healthcare needs to open back up if they have a sufficient PPE but the rest is nonsense under current conditions. People/groups have already shown their ass about refusing to wear masks and our state govt unwilling to have a backbone and require they be worn. That alone would curb a lot of spread but because of the "but muh freedom!" crowd, it lessens the chance of success of trying to open things back up. Let's be real though, even if we decided to open everything back up 100% tomorrow, lots of people are still going to stay at home and even more are curbing their discretionary spending in case shit gets worse so IMO, I doubt we see any meaningful economic impact doing this right now at the cost of increasing risk factors. 

States still have enough money to float unemployment for a while and the fed has shown no restraint in their ability to make the money printers for brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr so I don't see why we're so fucking giddy to do this now while we have incomplete/inaccurate data instead of giving the scientific community a little more time to formulate a plan/get testing in order/find more treatment options (like Remdesivir). 

With all that said, I still stand firm in saying whoever thinks going to dine-in at restaurants right now when curbside is an option has a room temp IQ. Take it as a personal attack, I don't care. People get made fun of for doing dumb shit all the time so I don't see why this is any different. Just because something is legal, doesn't mean it's the right thing to do. You're within your legal right to go stick your dick in a beehive but now instead of just your dick getting stung, you're possibly affecting others by doing so.

This is worst case scenario of stupidity being literally contagious. 

So give me a metric on when it’s on to eat in a dining room. Seriously/ you’ve typed 50,000 given no guidance as to when this is ok for me to try to resume my life.  Tell me when. Please. How will I know. 

If I’m going to empower someone else to make a decision for me I want to know what the rationale will be for making that decision. Because we had a rationale- it was to stop hospitals from getting overwhelmed. And we succeeded. And. Ow that’s not good enough. Is it declining deaths?  Declining infections? The governor of Oregon suggested that they would consider reopening and how to do it after they could go 10 days without a Covid death. I mean, if that’s the standard I will probably try to move to Sweden. But first I sure would like to have a vote on this in some way or another. But we also aren’t talking about figuring out who gets to decide and how they get to decide. 

And before you try to shame me for not abiding by the social contract I’d like to know what exactly that social contract is, because this was t generally what we thought it meant to be an American. 

2 hours ago, Wulaw Horn said:

That’s actually my biggest concern as well.

I’m not an uncaring asshole. I guess the thing I fall back on is assumption of risk. If we collectively decide as a society that whatever we do has a risk, but we are going to minimize it as it affects the most vulnerable among us- then that’s the decision to make and there’s no profit in sitting around and second guessing that decision.

The most vulnerable among us can opt out. Those that are engaged in life will infect each other, and even if we aren’t individually vulnerable we will still have people die because collectively it will happen.  And I will be a part of that (either dying or helping someone else along the path to that), and that will suck. 

But the alternative also leads to death and destruction as well. 

The most vulnerable among us cannot all opt out. Many still have obligations like you, to work to feed themselves. Or need to occasionally go out for things. 
It’s one thing to open things back up, with precautions still in place, it’s another to throw the doors open. 
imagine brat needing to get some depends or hearing aid batteries at the store, and walking in to a store full of people not keeping distance and not wearing masks. 
We should respect each other enough to deal with some changes for a while. Especially if we open schools and churches and other places where crowds are assembled, as that will lead to more infected walking around. 

if your odds of dying in a car accident over the next 6 months were 1:200 with your normal driving routine, would you alter your driving any in an effort to affect that number in your favor?  What about if those were the odds of you killing someone else in a car accident?

7 minutes ago, Wulaw Horn said:

So give me a metric on when it’s on to eat in a dining room. Seriously/ you’ve typed 50,000 given no guidance as to when this is ok for me to try to resume my life.  Tell me when. Please. How will I know. 

If I’m going to empower someone else to make a decision for me I want to know what the rationale will be for making that decision. Because we had a rationale- it was to stop hospitals from getting overwhelmed. And we succeeded. And. Ow that’s not good enough. Is it declining deaths?  Declining infections? The governor of Oregon suggested that they would consider reopening and how to do it after they could go 10 days without a Covid death. I mean, if that’s the standard I will probably try to move to Sweden. But first I sure would like to have a vote on this in some way or another. But we also aren’t talking about figuring out who gets to decide and how they get to decide. 

And before you try to shame me for not abiding by the social contract I’d like to know what exactly that social contract is, because this was t generally what we thought it meant to be an American. 

Why do you just have to eat among strangers in a dining area?  And what right is being violated by not letting you?

if an establishment is using unsafe practices in food storage and prep, are you ok with shutting them down until they fix the issue, or just post an unsafe notice on the door and let customers decide if they care?

  • Like 5
Posted (edited)
1 hour ago, Hmbre97 said:

The issue is not all at-risk people can isolate themselves 100%. We don't have a giant bio-dome that we can move all of our at risk people into. We already see what has happened in nursing homes which are defacto isolated groups of high risk old people; it's still tearing its way through despite staff efforts to prevent it. You also have immunocompromised people who still need food/groceries and have to go out to healthcare facilities for treatments who now have an increased chance of coming across someone infected. I have a high school friend that is wrapping up a round of chemo from a diagnoses late last year. Under normal circumstances, his cancer type is not that serious but now his risk isn't the cancer but instead going into a healthcare facility that has covid patients. Even if we don't overwhelm hospitals by reopening everything, we're still increasing chances of exposure of those high risk groups. 

This is a highly infectious disease. It's just a numbers game at this point. By increasing foot traffic in restaurants, this increases the chance the staff contract it, which then increases the chance they contaminate the food of someone like AB who is trying to play it smart and just get curbside. Same for retail/gyms/movie theaters. You more you expose people and infections increase, the chance goes up that at risk people get exposed in their limited interactions when people. That's how this increases the risk for people like AB and my high school friend who has no choice in not being 100% SIP. You're not just rolling the dice for yourself.

I agree healthcare needs to open back up if they have a sufficient PPE but the rest is nonsense under current conditions. People/groups have already shown their ass about refusing to wear masks and our state govt unwilling to have a backbone and require they be worn. That alone would curb a lot of spread but because of the "but muh freedom!" crowd, it lessens the chance of success of trying to open things back up. Let's be real though, even if we decided to open everything back up 100% tomorrow, lots of people are still going to stay at home and even more are curbing their discretionary spending in case shit gets worse so IMO, I doubt we see any meaningful economic impact doing this right now at the cost of increasing risk factors. 

States still have enough money to float unemployment for a while and the fed has shown no restraint in their ability to make the money printers for brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr so I don't see why we're so fucking giddy to do this now while we have incomplete/inaccurate data instead of giving the scientific community a little more time to formulate a plan/get testing in order/find more treatment options (like Remdesivir). 

With all that said, I still stand firm in saying whoever thinks going to dine-in at restaurants right now when curbside is an option has a room temp IQ. Take it as a personal attack, I don't care. People get made fun of for doing dumb shit all the time so I don't see why this is any different. Just because something is legal, doesn't mean it's the right thing to do. You're within your legal right to go stick your dick in a beehive but now instead of just your dick getting stung, you're possibly affecting others by doing so.

This is worst case scenario of stupidity being literally contagious. 

Thank you. This will compose most of the body of my form letter being sent out to the dipshits in my life.

These stupid motherfuckers are sending me pics of them and other dumb fucks in parks,rivers,their own assholes, etc.

It is god damned mind blowing.


Edited by MissingInAction
11 minutes ago, Wulaw Horn said:

So give me a metric on when it’s on to eat in a dining room. Seriously/ you’ve typed 50,000 given no guidance as to when this is ok for me to try to resume my life.  Tell me when. Please. How will I know. 

If I’m going to empower someone else to make a decision for me I want to know what the rationale will be for making that decision. Because we had a rationale- it was to stop hospitals from getting overwhelmed. And we succeeded. And. Ow that’s not good enough. Is it declining deaths?  Declining infections? The governor of Oregon suggested that they would consider reopening and how to do it after they could go 10 days without a Covid death. I mean, if that’s the standard I will probably try to move to Sweden. But first I sure would like to have a vote on this in some way or another. But we also aren’t talking about figuring out who gets to decide and how they get to decide. 

And before you try to shame me for not abiding by the social contract I’d like to know what exactly that social contract is, because this was t generally what we thought it meant to be an American. 

I did give my opinion on what a reopen should look like and the things I feel we need to have in place in hopes of being successful but you act like not letting you eat in a restaurant in the near future is a detriment to your life and you may move to Sweden (LOL). Get a fucking grip, dude.  

So give me a metric on when it’s on to eat in a dining room. Seriously/ you’ve typed 50,000 given no guidance as to when this is ok for me to try to resume my life.  Tell me when. Please. How will I know. 
If I’m going to empower someone else to make a decision for me I want to know what the rationale will be for making that decision. Because we had a rationale- it was to stop hospitals from getting overwhelmed. And we succeeded. And. Ow that’s not good enough. Is it declining deaths?  Declining infections? The governor of Oregon suggested that they would consider reopening and how to do it after they could go 10 days without a Covid death. I mean, if that’s the standard I will probably try to move to Sweden. But first I sure would like to have a vote on this in some way or another. But we also aren’t talking about figuring out who gets to decide and how they get to decide. 
And before you try to shame me for not abiding by the social contract I’d like to know what exactly that social contract is, because this was t generally what we thought it meant to be an American. 

10 straight days without a death? Lmao . Well they’ll have to determine if one death is from or with covid and those test results could take another 7-10 days. Meanwhile forget everyone else who’s lives are ruined because their 1200 check was gone in the first 2 weeks ago.
19 minutes ago, MissingInAction said:

Thank you. This will compose most of the body of my form letter being sent out to the dipshits in my life.

These stupid motherfuckers are sending me pics of them and other dumb fucks in parks,rivers,their own assholes, etc.

It is god damned mind blowing.


God forbid someone go to a park or River!! God help us all 

  • Like 7
29 minutes ago, Pato del Muerto said:

The most vulnerable among us cannot all opt out. Many still have obligations like you, to work to feed themselves. Or need to occasionally go out for things. 
It’s one thing to open things back up, with precautions still in place, it’s another to throw the doors open. 
imagine brat needing to get some depends or hearing aid batteries at the store, and walking in to a store full of people not keeping distance and not wearing masks. 
We should respect each other enough to deal with some changes for a while. Especially if we open schools and churches and other places where crowds are assembled, as that will lead to more infected walking around. 

if your odds of dying in a car accident over the next 6 months were 1:200 with your normal driving routine, would you alter your driving any in an effort to affect that number in your favor?  What about if those were the odds of you killing someone else in a car accident?

Great. Outside of a vaccine or protocol which isn’t particularly likely to happen soon tell me how any of this will be fixed by more time. 

The curve has been flattened. Hospitals are not overrun. Is our former way of life just dead forever?  

If so, holy fucking shit the consequences of that will make the living envy the dead. 

24 minutes ago, MissingInAction said:

Thank you. This will compose most of the body of my form letter being sent out to the dipshits in my life.

These stupid motherfuckers are sending me pics of them and other dumb fucks in parks,rivers,their own assholes, etc.

It is god damned mind blowing.


Well, Darwin for .5% of them any way.

30 minutes ago, Pato del Muerto said:

Why do you just have to eat among strangers in a dining area?  And what right is being violated by not letting you?

if an establishment is using unsafe practices in food storage and prep, are you ok with shutting them down until they fix the issue, or just post an unsafe notice on the door and let customers decide if they care?

Give me a metric when this will be ok to do. Is it after there is a virus?  If it is just say it. If it’s some period in time explain to me how the passage of that time will make this different. 

1 hour ago, Lobo said:

No politics dude!  State Department and the National Intelligence Community conflicting one another.  This should end well.  

Government intelligence is an oxymoron.   They gave it the ole college try with the wet market push and denial of the lab involvement.  But alas, the plan was foiled again by a talking squirrel and regarded moose.  

Join us next time for "wuhan first?  Yes."  

Guest Lobo

Wu Happened?  I can't do my work! /fredwillard

14 minutes ago, Wulaw Horn said:

Great. Outside of a vaccine or protocol which isn’t particularly likely to happen soon tell me how any of this will be fixed by more time. 

The curve has been flattened. Hospitals are not overrun. Is our former way of life just dead forever?  

If so, holy fucking shit the consequences of that will make the living envy the dead. 

Would it kill you to wear a mask when you are in public and near others until the virus either works through the population or we get a good treatment/vaccine for it?  And stand a few feet away when in line or just talking to people?

its not that radical a change and it’s not permanent. 

  • Like 4

What is the latest information on testing for antibodies?

Last I heard there were a number of inaccurate tests hitting the market. Has anyone put out something that is accurate?


2 hours ago, Buzzrock said:

SIAP but this report says you can’t get it twice. Congrats ChiTownDoc. Hope my antibody test is positive.


There’s still so much shoddy testing you probably won’t see this put on blast.  But I’ve said it from the very start.  In the current season/next several months having actual antibodies definitely should confer immunity in those who are not immunocompromised.  

  • Like 1
29 minutes ago, Pato del Muerto said:

The most vulnerable among us cannot all opt out. Many still have obligations like you, to work to feed themselves. Or need to occasionally go out for things. 

I sincerely hope that the government does something to protect these people's jobs as best they can, so they're not forced back too early. Hopefully, they've also used these past two months to figure out how grocery delivery and curbside pick-up works and are comfortable with that moving forward.

As mentioned earlier, if there were tangible, achievable goals that could be accomplished with another month of shelter in place that would make a huge difference, if I'd be all for it. But, right now, it just feels like kicking the can down the road.

It is possible to think that this is a very serious virus, think the numbers are very real (if not even under counted), and that we're not entirely out of the woods yet.....but still feel like it's time to phase towards something resembling normalcy (prudent social distancing and restrictions on large crowds obviously still on place).

My wife and I have stable jobs and a newborn daughter, so we aren't going to rush out to restaurants and theaters and concerts even if all restrictions were immediately lifted. But I wouldn't look down on those who did because they have different risk tolerances and financial hardships than me. There will (hopefully) be enough people like me who choose to (and are able up) limit their exposure and time spend among crowds that flare ups don't become prevalent. We shall see.

I was perfectly fine with the nationwide shelter in place because it was supposed to be temporary and relatively finite. It's time to trust society (yes, that's hard to type), in my opinion.

  • Like 3
Posted (edited)
3 hours ago, Incredulity said:

“Societal wide plan to protect the vulnerable”

Could we get something more ambiguous?  


Avoid the olds like the plague - for their own good.  

Edited by ChiTownDoc
6 minutes ago, Pato del Muerto said:

Would it kill you to wear a mask when you are in public and near others until the virus either works through the population or we get a good treatment/vaccine for it?  And stand a few feet away when in line or just talking to people?

its not that radical a change and it’s not permanent. 

I wear one when I’m in public, indoors, and I keep distancing protocol.  I’m not fucking wearing a mask taking my dog for a 5 mile walk, nor on the river when I’m fishing.  That’s as fucking regarded as babies wearing crawling helmets. 

  • Like 7
6 minutes ago, F250 said:

What is the latest information on testing for antibodies?

Last I heard there were a number of inaccurate tests hitting the market. Has anyone put out something that is accurate?


Around here it’s gotten better and some tests by Abbott etc.  LabCorp/Quest doing them and I’m pretty sure those aren’t garbage like some of the initial test kits we were getting from China.  

  • Like 1
2 minutes ago, ChiTownDoc said:

Avoid the olds like the plague - for their own good.  

Does this require telling South Austin's mom no?

1 minute ago, Trey3216 said:

I wear one when I’m in public, indoors, and I keep distancing protocol.  I’m not fucking wearing a mask taking my dog for a 5 mile walk, nor on the river when I’m fishing.  That’s as fucking regarded as babies wearing crawling helmets. 

You monster!!! Think of the chi...your parents.

Posted (edited)
2 minutes ago, Bevo said:

Does this require telling South Austin's mom no?

You aren’t giving that lady anything she doesn’t already have in spades...

Edited by ChiTownDoc
Posted (edited)
14 minutes ago, Pato del Muerto said:

Would it kill you to wear a mask when you are in public and near others until the virus either works through the population or we get a good treatment/vaccine for it?  And stand a few feet away when in line or just talking to people?

its not that radical a change and it’s not permanent. 

No it wouldn’t. And I am. But let’s not pretend like that’s the extent of the ask here societally. It’s not. Nowhere close. 

Edited by Wulaw Horn
1 hour ago, Pato del Muerto said:

if your odds of dying in a car accident over the next 6 months were 1:200 with your normal driving routine, would you alter your driving any in an effort to affect that number in your favor?  What about if those were the odds of you killing someone else in a car accident?

When you throw out stats know there is another stat of if there was an "x" of out 100 chance that you would lose your job, business, home, marriage would you continue as is.  The latter "x" is going up at a much higher rate than the former.

  • Like 3
43 minutes ago, MNLonghornFUKM said:

Meanwhile forget everyone else who’s lives are ruined because their 1200 check was gone in the first 2 weeks ago.

And there aren't any new checks on the horizon.  I'm actually surprised DC is not moving on another round of checks, but then again, a shit-ton of people haven't even gotten the first round.

57 minutes ago, Hmbre97 said:

I did give my opinion on what a reopen should look like and the things I feel we need to have in place in hopes of being successful but you act like not letting you eat in a restaurant in the near future is a detriment to your life and you may move to Sweden (LOL). Get a fucking grip, dude.  

Reading comprehension is your friend. I said “if the Oregon governor had her way that we could talk about opening up after we go 10 days without a death...” 

so seriously. Give me a metric that isn’t- when we have enough testing in place. Or when we feel comfortable that the health care system is ok. Because that is subject to change at any point in time on a whim. 

2 minutes ago, MonkeyDoughnut said:

When you throw out stats know there is another stat of if there was an "x" of out 100 chance that you would lose your job, business, home, marriage would you continue as is.  The latter "x" is going up at a much higher rate than the former.

Ding ding ding. 

2 minutes ago, Wulaw Horn said:

No it wouldn’t. And I am. But let’s not pretend like that’s the extent of the ask here societally. It’s not. Nowhere close. 


1 minute ago, MonkeyDoughnut said:

When you throw out stats know there is another stat of if there was an "x" of out 100 chance that you would lose your job, business, home, marriage would you continue as is.  The latter "x" is going up at a much higher rate than the former.

It’s not a Boolean situation, SIP or full throttle. Why can’t we take limited action and see how things go?  

restaurants?  Let them keep with curbside and delivery. Why dine in?  So the folks making $2.10 an hour can keep eeking out a living?  They should be on the dole right now making near or as much as they would  serving. 

  • Like 1
4 minutes ago, Trey3216 said:

I wear one when I’m in public, indoors, and I keep distancing protocol.  I’m not fucking wearing a mask taking my dog for a 5 mile walk, nor on the river when I’m fishing.  That’s as fucking regarded as babies wearing crawling helmets. 

Very much this. When I'm around people (which I generally try to avoid up to a point anyway), I'm masking up, keeping distance, and staying the fuck away from the olds

But I've gone on a walk or jog around the neighborhood every single day since this started, I'll go on hikes as soon as it cools off now that trails are open, and I'm doing maintenance on my boat today in preparation of restrictions being lifted. I have no intention of ever wearing a mask for any of that, nor do I feel guilty not doing so. Beaches may be a different story, but I'll determine that when I go.

1 minute ago, aggie08 said:

Very much this. When I'm around people (which I generally try to avoid up to a point anyway), I'm masking up, keeping distance, and staying the fuck away from the olds

But I've gone on a walk or jog around the neighborhood every single day since this started, I'll go on hikes as soon as it cools off now that trails are open, and I'm doing maintenance on my boat today in preparation of restrictions being lifted. I have no intention of ever wearing a mask for any of that, nor do I feel guilty not doing so. Beaches may be a different story, but I'll determine that when I go.

I won’t wear one on the beach either.   That 15-20 mph wind and salt water are still outdoors.   I can’t even believe beaches being shutdown is a thing.  Just make sure the groups are 10 or fewer and that they are x-feet away from other groups.   

Posted (edited)
7 hours ago, ouflak said:

Those first two pics aren't really showing the bikini pics that would do them justice in truly demonstrating how crowded things actually are.

Here ya go. More from Port A yesterday.


Edited by justhookit
Posted (edited)
9 minutes ago, aggie08 said:

Very much this. When I'm around people (which I generally try to avoid up to a point anyway), I'm masking up, keeping distance, and staying the fuck away from the olds

But I've gone on a walk or jog around the neighborhood every single day since this started, I'll go on hikes as soon as it cools off now that trails are open, and I'm doing maintenance on my boat today in preparation of restrictions being lifted. I have no intention of ever wearing a mask for any of that, nor do I feel guilty not doing so. Beaches may be a different story, but I'll determine that when I go.

I keep a mask on my arm.  If I’m not within 6 feet of someone I don’t put it on.  I wear one 8-12 hours a day for work and that’s enough of a pain in the ass.  I also have antibodies and know I can’t get anyone sick.  So the couple times I’ve gotten dirty looks I just smiled and walked on.  I’ve done more good than bad during this whole shitshow.  I’m fine catching some shitty glances.  

Wife wears a mask 100% of the time when out and she’s fine with me doing my thing.  She just feels sorry for anyone that says anything to me because I have unloaded on a couple idiots that tried to educate me. But, again, fire away with the dirty looks, I give zero fucks.  

Edited by ChiTownDoc
  • Like 5
Guest Lobo
19 minutes ago, ChiTownDoc said:

You aren’t giving that lady anything she doesn’t already have in spades...

Well, the Queen does like big cocks.  She's considered aces in certain communities.  

11 minutes ago, Pato del Muerto said:


It’s not a Boolean situation, SIP or full throttle. Why can’t we take limited action and see how things go?  

restaurants?  Let them keep with curbside and delivery. Why dine in?  So the folks making $2.10 an hour can keep eeking out a living?  They should be on the dole right now making near or as much as they would  serving. 

We have been taking a limited action. The health care system is fine. The economic system is cratering. 

SIP is a delaying tactic not a final solution - since everything is fine (structure of the health care system- again- the reason for doing all this) now why not open it up more?  You know, since dreams and businesses and livelihoods are literally dying right now. 

Just now, Wulaw Horn said:

We have been taking a limited action. The health care system is fine. The economic system is cratering. 

SIP is a delaying tactic not a final solution - since everything is fine (structure of the health care system- again- the reason for doing all this) now why not open it up more?  You know, since dreams and businesses and livelihoods are literally dying right now. 

I genuinely don’t understand what you are asking for. Back to normal, everything open, no mandatory distancing and no mandatory masks?


I walked into a gas station the other day and this fat hairy guy was the cashier. Dude didn't have a mask on and was digging for gold in his nose. I turned around and walked out. Regardless of the pandemic I would have walked out because that was just nasty.

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Posted (edited)
3 minutes ago, Pato del Muerto said:

I genuinely don’t understand what you are asking for. Back to normal, everything open, no mandatory distancing and no mandatory masks?

The economy > people’s lives. Even though many of us on this site are white collar, still working, unaffected because we can WFH, this “but the economy” argument has a hidden agenda. 

And it’s not because “they care” about the underclass of citizens in retail, hospitality, food service, etc.  out of work. It’s their 401k, it’s bc they can’t travel for funsies and it’s political reasons. 

Edited by Js1
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Guest Lobo
4 minutes ago, Wulaw Horn said:

We have been taking a limited action. The health care system is fine. The economic system is cratering. 

SIP is a delaying tactic not a final solution - since everything is fine (structure of the health care system- again- the reason for doing all this) now why not open it up more?  You know, since dreams and businesses and livelihoods are literally dying right now. 

The health care system is 25%+ of the GDP's cratering.  

Now the coffin shipping business, that's what I want to get into.

And there aren't any new checks on the horizon.  I'm actually surprised DC is not moving on another round of checks, but then again, a shit-ton of people haven't even gotten the first round.

Why would they be motivated to? They’re still drawing a paycheck
Just now, Pato del Muerto said:

I genuinely don’t understand what you are asking for. Back to normal, everything open, no mandatory distancing and no mandatory masks?

A clear and complete end to proclamations  extending stay at home into the summer. 

A more robust opening  (50 or 75% capacity everywhere) than what we have now in Texas- but that’s my preference- I have no real problem waiting until May 18 and seeing what happens how we are doing it right now  

But mainly what I want is a conversation about what we are trying to accomplish out of all this and metrics guiding how we deal with things going forward so there’s a sense that this is being rationally thought out to be as narrowly tailored as possible,  not at the whim of what some government functionary, who is immune from the economic devastation this thing is bringing, decides is for my own good  


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3 minutes ago, Js1 said:

The economy > people’s lives. Even though many of us on this site are white collar, still working, unaffected because we can WFH, this “but the economy” argument has a hidden agenda. 

And it’s not because “they care” about the underclass of citizens in retail, hospitality, food service, etc.  out of work. It’s their 401k, it’s bc they can’t travel for funsies and it’s political reasons. 

I don’t have a 401k, I have three little kids and we travel once a year on a cheap ass cruise and I’ve been never trump from the word go, before it was even a thing so sure, paint with whatever brush you want. 

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Guest Lobo
2 minutes ago, Wulaw Horn said:

I don’t have a 401k, I have three little kids and we travel once a year on a cheap ass cruise and I’ve been never trump from the word go, before it was even a thing so sure, paint with whatever brush you want. 

No politics dude!  ;)

You always were somewhat sane IMHO.  

A clear and complete end to proclamations  extending stay at home into the summer. 

A more robust opening  (50 or 75% capacity everywhere) than what we have now in Texas- but that’s my preference- I have no real problem waiting until May 18 and seeing what happens how we are doing it right now  

But mainly what I want is a conversation about what we are trying to accomplish out of all this and metrics guiding how we deal with things going forward so there’s a sense that this is being rationally thought out to be as narrowly tailored as possible,  not at the whim of what some government functionary, who is immune from the economic devastation this thing is bringing, decides is for my own good  


It’s pretty concerning those who call the shots on who gets to be open (albeit soft) and closed state to state are also financially safe.


Yea they “get it” but how much do they feel it?One guy on tv said it best...we’re in the same storm but we’re all definitely not in the same boat

  • Like 6
3 minutes ago, Lobo said:

No politics dude!  ;)

You always were somewhat sane IMHO.  

That’s not really politics. That’s me saying fuck yourself to someone who has a decade of shared history with posting with me and knows better. 

6 minutes ago, Wulaw Horn said:

But mainly what I want is a conversation about what we are trying to accomplish out of all this and metrics guiding how we deal with things going forward so there’s a sense that this is being rationally thought out to be as narrowly tailored as possible,  not at the whim of what some government functionary, who is immune from the economic devastation this thing is bringing, decides is for my own good  


It seems this is what most of us want. I suspect we will never get it because stated goals and metrics make it easier for people to hold the government accountable. Same thing happens in the corporate world all the time with shitty middle management.

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4 minutes ago, MNLonghornFUKM said:

It’s pretty concerning those who call the shots on who gets to be open (albeit soft) and closed state to state are also financially safe.


Yea they “get it” but how much do they feel it?One guy on tv said it best...we’re in the same storm but we’re all definitely not in the same boat

Yep. It’s like I’ve always said about illegal aliens to people who demean them-!I will start agreeing with you that they are bad people for breaking a law- when you tell me how much you would respect a law keeping you out of Louisiana if you stood to make 100x your salary moving there. 

At some point in time people are going to do what they feel they have to do to survive  and the government doesn’t want to be on the wrong side of that when it happens. 

That ends with a loss of respect for the rule of law. The respect for rule of law is fundamentally what makes us America, but people only have a grudging respect for the rule of law when the government passing the law and the law itself has legitimacy. 

1 minute ago, F250 said:

It seems this is what most of us want. I suspect we will never get it because stated goals and metrics make it easier for people to hold the government accountable. Same thing happens in the corporate world all the time with shitty middle management.

Yessir. And the amount of people who are lining up to get behind unlimited power to the government with nothing in the way of accountability astounds me. 

Im a compliant person. I never disobeyed my parents growing up even when I disagreed with them because I trusted them to listen to what I had to say and be fair. 

I fundamentally don’t trust the government. They don’t love me like mom and dad did.  They don’t care about my best interests. They aren’t incentivized to make me happy. They have their own rewards, successes and reasons for existence that have nothing to do with doing right by me and mine, so any power it turn over to them I want to be limited and temporary. 

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