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Formerly DT: COVID-19 - Featuring Lots of Politics, now CR because political talk not going away

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2 minutes ago, Girdwood said:

We have no clue what coronavirus CFR is at this point. Everyone is just guessing.

So best case scenario it’s Germany’s 0.2%. Worst case scenario it’s Italy’s 6+%. 

so best case scenario is twice as deadly as the flu. 

i think that’s probably close to an accurate number, IF, and this is a huge if, the spread can be slowed and the impact on the healthcare system can be managed. 

13 minutes ago, Apep said:

The first presumptive case in Tarrant County is the rector at Trinity Episcopal. https://www.fortworthtrinity.org/about/news/covid-19-and-trinity/?fbclid=IwAR2gsK-IdFu2z_LyOxyTZD_vue-mQYMGvjcOXmIlo1nfdwGmBuzp9uw-cao


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Dear people of Trinity,
We have learned that Father Robert Pace has the first presumptive positive case of COVID-19 (coronavirus) in Tarrant County. Father Robert is hospitalized in isolation. His wife, Jill Walters, has tested negative, but will remain in self-quarantine at home for 14 days.
He has not been identified to the media yet, so please hold this information in confidence for now. 
Please pray for Father Robert and Jill. The bishop is in touch with them and offering pastoral care.
The wardens, diocesan office, and our staff are working closely with Tarrant County Public Health to insure everyone's health and safety. To that end, we are canceling all worship services this Sunday, March 15. Those of you who were present at the Lenten program on March 4, please be alert for a phone call from Tarrant County Public Health Department to check on your health and to discuss what you should be monitoring yourselves for. The calls will probably begin Wednesday afternoon. After initial discussions with the public health officials, the rest of the congregation should understand that, based in exposure to Father Robert, they are at no risk.
We are exploring ways for us to gather in community in an online worship service.
Please direct any questions to Sarah Martinez, via email, preferably. Any media inquiries should go to Sarah or Katie Sherrod, the diocesan director of communications.
Be assured that Father Robert has been appropriately careful. He went to his physician when he began feeling ill on 2/27. He tested negative to the flu twice. 

On the day of the election, Father Robert had not been in the church building or office for 5 days. He left the building on Thursday morning, 2/27 and did not return to the building until late afternoon on Wednesday, 3/4.  The elections people brought in their own tables, chairs, and election equipment into the Parish Hall for use on Election Day.

On his return to the building, he, the associate rector, and a deacon wiped all hard surfaces in his offices and commonly touched surfaces in his office with Clorox wipes. After Pace led the Wednesday night class, the associate rector wiped the lectern, microphone, chair, and piano bench with Clorox wipes just to be extra cautious.  His exposure to anyone being within 3 feet of him was very limited - mainly to the associate rector and the deacon. He was appropriately cautious also and had been fever-free for 24 hours.

He has not been in the building again since Wednesday evening 3/4 at 7:45pm when he went home.
Again, please pray for Father Robert and Jill. Pray for his health care team. As Bishop Scott Mayer said, "Love one another. Pray for one another. Stay calm. And wash your hands."
~ Scott Millican, Senior Warden
O God of peace, who hast taught us that in returning and rest we shall be saved, in quietness and confidence shall be our strength: By the might of thy Spirit lift us, we pray thee, to thy presence, where we may be still and know that thou art God; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
Book of Common Prayer, p. 832


Please note the irony of putting something on their website and then asking the people to keep it in confidence.



Rector, damn near killer her.

  • Like 4
22 minutes ago, MNLonghornFUKM said:

he cant buy TP anymore because those of us who have been watching and preparing for this for 7 weeks now started buying it then...1 pack at a time

Randall’s on 38th street and Shoal Creek here in Austin had pallets of TP.   No sanitizer, no bleach wipes, and low on lube.  

Posted (edited)
22 minutes ago, Dahobbs said:

Because the corona virus, if allowed to expand unabated, will not kill 14 to 60 thousand Americans. It will kill many more. And by many, I mean it quite literally has the potential to kill over one million Americans over the next two years. And it has the potential to hospitalize millions more. Even using very conservative estimates, the corona virus will likely kill 200,000 Americans over the next year or two.  You know how China slowed it (slowed, not stopped)? A massive ....

. It it worse than the flu, much worse. Stop comparing it to the flu. 

So 500,000 fewer deaths in the U.S. than the Spanish FLU?  Got it.

Edited by RollLeft
  • Fuck You 2
2 minutes ago, Chewy's Hairy Horn said:

So then, we’re not doing the cotton ball up the ass thing?  

Hey, you do what you like.  If we’re all quarantined for weeks, all kinds of weird shit will be happening behind those closed doors. 

  • Like 1
1 minute ago, Chewy's Hairy Horn said:

So then, we’re not doing the cotton ball up the ass thing?  

Speak for yourself.   Although NowThis had to scale way up.  Here is roughly what his process looks like.  




  • Like 1
30 minutes ago, Girdwood said:

Probably, but there was a different politcal party in power at the time so the media didn't have an agenda to spread panic.

Aww, we're really going to miss you...


Reports out of Italy hospitals are saying that they are completely overwhelmed and are having to turn people away. Yet through all of this there are still people on twitter and facebook dismissing this as just a little bit worse than the yearly flu. We are totally fucked.

9 minutes ago, Liquor and Poker said:

Hey, you do what you like.  If we’re all quarantined for weeks, all kinds of weird shit will be happening behind those closed doors. 

Charlie Rich approved.


Username checks out  

  • Like 1
52 minutes ago, RollLeft said:

As you argued the president himself has compared it to the flu and he was advised by phd's and people in the know, smarter than i, and wasn't corrected to use different language or terminology.

It's like you think he processes information like a normal, intelligent human being.  


Michigan State just cancelled in-person classes, until Monday April 20, due to a student being tested by the county health department. Dorms and cafeterias will remain open. 
And the governor announced last night 2 case in the state of Michigan.....it's been good to know all of you assholes.

Posted (edited)

Hearings are interesting this morning.  We maybe getting stricter measures, but I’m leaning toward probably not.    Fauci has repeatedly said we need to do a lot more 


Edited by atomheartbevo
  • Like 1
17 minutes ago, Dahobbs said:

Where are you getting that data on H1N1's CFR? Everything I've seen says that ended up with a CFR less than the typical flu (but it hit children hard and I believe had a higher hospitalization incidence). 




my fault. i misread the info/source


Using data from Milwaukee and New York City, an American-British team used two different approaches to estimate case-fatality rates (CFRs) among symptomatic patients. One approach yielded a CFR of .048, or roughly 1 death per 2,000 patients, while the other approach yielded a CFR about 9 times lower than that.


1 minute ago, Wally Fairway said:

Michigan State just cancelled in-person classes, until Monday April 20, due to a student being tested by the county health department. Dorms and cafeterias will remain open. 
And the governor announced last night 2 case in the state of Michigan.....it's been good to know all of you assholes.

Pouring Austin Powers GIF

  • Like 1
1 minute ago, JesusSweatDuck said:

This is the terrifying part.  Shit is about to go sideways quickly

Would be nice if people saw highlights from the hearing this morning, and got this part through their heads:


1 minute ago, HRSchenker said:

Reports out of Italy hospitals are saying that they are completely overwhelmed and are having to turn people away. Yet through all of this there are still people on twitter and facebook dismissing this as just a little bit worse than the yearly flu. We are totally fucked.

Our military should be building hospitals right now in preparation. Instead we are doing nothing, relying on individual states to fend for themselves. Awesome!

16 minutes ago, RollLeft said:

So 500,000 fewer deaths in the U.S. than the Spanish FLU?  Got it.

There's a reason the Spanish Flu gets mentioned in history textbooks you dumb fuck.

  • Like 4


7 minutes ago, StruggleBus said:

Our military should be building hospitals right now in preparation. Instead we are doing nothing, relying on individual states to fend for themselves. Awesome!

Hey, decentralized governance and letting individual states respond as they see fit worked after Pearl Harbor, so I don't see why this should be any different.

  • Like 1
Reports out of Italy hospitals are saying that they are completely overwhelmed and are having to turn people away. Yet through all of this there are still people on twitter and facebook dismissing this as just a little bit worse than the yearly flu. We are totally fucked.

If it were only idiots on social media spreading that disinformation we’d be okay.

Unfortunately our leaders are saying the same shit everywhere and repeatedly.
3 minutes ago, MNLonghornFUKM said:

What are Italy’s graphs looking like? Any plateau shaping? Hopefully a complete shutdown looks like it does something.

This thing has infected .00001of it’s total population.

Yeah. That's the wild thing. Just imagine what it will look like if/when it truly infects a sizable chunk of people. 

2 minutes ago, MNLonghornFUKM said:

What are Italy’s graphs looking like? Any plateau shaping? Hopefully a complete shutdown looks like it does something.

This thing has infected .00001of it’s total population.

Too soon to know.  It will take a couple weeks.  A whole lot of new cases there are still asymptomatic. 

Again, China started quarantine at 2000k known cases, which aggressively climbed to 80k over next 2-3 weeks then leveled off.

24 minutes ago, HRSchenker said:

Reports out of Italy hospitals are saying that they are completely overwhelmed and are having to turn people away. Yet through all of this there are still people on twitter and facebook dismissing this as just a little bit worse than the yearly flu. We are totally fucked.

Response from friend in WHO France/Switzerland:

i have several italian colleagues and they indicated the response in Northern Italy is fine, health care system is doing well but it is the south (which is known to be less developed/advanced) is a different story. anyway, will respond more later....

26 minutes ago, HRSchenker said:

Reports out of Italy hospitals are saying that they are completely overwhelmed and are having to turn people away. Yet through all of this there are still people on twitter and facebook dismissing this as just a little bit worse than the yearly flu. We are totally fucked.

Might be time to shutdown Facebook and Twitter for a few weeks. 

1 hour ago, RollLeft said:

Just stop, I never argued it is the flu.  The casual observer or poster to this point probably has been comparing it to the flu and not calling it the flu.  As you argued the president himself has compared it to the flu and he was advised by phd's and people in the know, smarter than i, and wasn't corrected to use different language or terminology.  So, that some poster on the interwebs, me, hasn't gotten the update not to say "flu" is no surprise.  Even if Covid-19 was a flesh eating disease and has killed the number of people china is reporting.  My question still remains has it been worth the damn panic this country is showing?    Viruses we shall no longer name kills 14-60k of people every year per the CDC.  Why the panic for this one disease?  Either way i expect more from those in control.  Say its some bad shit and thats why we are wearing body armor to treat people or tell people to calm the fuck down because the panic is stupid.  Its hurting people either way.   Its hurting more people than Covid-19 has impacted so far.  Either way they should step up and do a better job managing at least one side and its panic.   

I mean at that point you just assume the opposite, right?


This thing is known to have infected .00001of it’s total population.

FIFY. Most cases are mild in young and even middle aged people. They've stopped bothering to track such cases. It's a good bet that the recorded number of cases is a fraction, maybe a small one, of the total.
4 minutes ago, ChickenSandwich said:

Response from friend in WHO France/Switzerland:

i have several italian colleagues and they indicated the response in Northern Italy is fine, health care system is doing well but it is the south (which is known to be less developed/advanced) is a different story. anyway, will respond more later....

First hand account:


5 minutes ago, triplehorn said:

Too soon to know.  It will take a couple weeks.  A whole lot of new cases there are still asymptomatic. 

Again, China started quarantine at 2000k known cases, which aggressively climbed to 80k over next 2-3 weeks then leveled off.

They have a population of 1.4B vs a US population of 330mm. That's roughly equivilent of 235 cases for us. 


Ok, sorry to vent but this is getting ridiculous. Trying to keep up with this rapid thread is a challenge. And I'm finding it frustrating that half the shit posted is either some dumb fuck going CR, somebody calling out dumb fuck for going CR or trying to persuade some other dumb fuck that this isn't just another "flu" followed with detailed discussions about RO and CFR numbers, under testing and how CFR is actually lower and all about slowing the spread so we don't over-burden the health care industry. OK WE GET IT and if you don't, well then you probably won't be convinced until you get it. Fucking duly noted /end rant. 

  • Like 2
3 minutes ago, Bozo_Casanova said:

They have a population of 1.4B vs a US population of 330mm. That's roughly equivilent of 235 cases for us. 

The math you should use is how many times does the case number double after starting a quarantine.  China had just over 5 doubles before it leveled off.  If we're at 1000k and started a national quarantine today, we could expect a rough leveling at 32k.  But every 3-4 days that we wait the starting factor doubles.  ponder that.

1 hour ago, RollLeft said:

Just stop, I never argued it is the flu.  The casual observer or poster to this point probably has been comparing it to the flu and not calling it the flu.  As you argued the president himself has compared it to the flu and he was advised by phd's and people in the know, smarter than i, and wasn't corrected to use different language or terminology.  So, that some poster on the interwebs, me, hasn't gotten the update not to say "flu" is no surprise.  Even if Covid-19 was a flesh eating disease and has killed the number of people china is reporting.  My question still remains has it been worth the damn panic this country is showing?    Viruses we shall no longer name kills 14-60k of people every year per the CDC.  Why the panic for this one disease?  Either way i expect more from those in control.  Say its some bad shit and thats why we are wearing body armor to treat people or tell people to calm the fuck down because the panic is stupid.  Its hurting people either way.   Its hurting more people than Covid-19 has impacted so far.  Either way they should step up and do a better job managing at least one side and its panic.   


Coronavirus is projected to spread to the entire world's population over time. How long this takes depends on how we behave. It's spreading faster than flu does and killing at a much higher RATE. Coronavirus/covid kills about 20 times more people that get infected than the flu does. Slowing the spread can drive down that 20x multiplier for 2 key reasons: (1) when it spreads uncontrolled, it overwhelms hospitals and people that wouldn't otherwise die, do! And (2) the slower it spreads the more time we have to develop treatments or a vaccine.

Please, take it seriously and begin social distancing NOW.

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