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Formerly DT: COVID-19 - Featuring Lots of Politics, now CR because political talk not going away

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3 minutes ago, Beantown Express 2.0 said:

I find it amazing that while I am trying to do everything as best as possible like hanging out at home (I did go to the gym yesterday but I think that is the last time for a while) yet I live in a neighborhood where on our Facebook page someone posted you can get cheap flights right now to Maui and they are trying to decide if they should take a vacation this week.  Tons of neighbors have responded how that is a great deal and maybe they will grab those flights also.  Another neighbor just posted they drove all day to get to Colorado to go skiing and they are pissed the ski resorts closed and that this “Corona thing” is really messing with their spring break family vacation.  I feel like I am the crazy one since I am worrying about travel and this virus and all these people aren’t.  Business as usual for them.

I’m not going to lie the $350 round trip tickets to Maui are very tempting lol.  

Just now, Okie State said:
7 minutes ago, Neonmoon said:
Work for a large organization of 30K. Everyone (except “critical” people) must work from home for 2 weeks. Might be more depending on circumstances. 

I'm wondering when ours makes this call. I figure it will happen by end of this week.

Mine made the call this week.  I already worked from home but they are putting the offices around the country into skeleton crews at best as anybody that can work from home needs to starting Monday.

31 minutes ago, Anastasis said:

My wife still get play date requests for the kids. We’re shutting all that shit down. 

Stay strong because this could last awhile.  To that point, I think there's a non-zero chance we've seen the last of school for the kids until at least August.



1) for the love of fucking god, stay home. Dont go to store, its too late. Dont go anywhere. Unless you are in healthcare, call in to fucking work. Goddamn some of yall are fucking morons. More than likely, if youre over the age of 70, youre toast


2) we WILL quarantine before the end of next weekend. It WILL happen. Itll be one to two weeks too late, but IT WILL happen. Itll start with two weeks and likely extend to a month


3) the number of people that have this right now are likely in the tens of millions. In the next 5-7 days, you will Likely see things youve never seen happen in this country before. 

4) this is going to be a 2-3 month ordeal, especially because we didnt quarantine earlier. We will quarantine. It wont be ling enough. Everyone will come outta their bomb shelters in april thinking everything is ok, then we will have the same problem in may (maybe to a slightly lesser extent). 

5) at this point, there is no solution, just pray for herd immunity. We have nothing else to hope for in beating this

  • Like 5

Love checking out FB this morning to see all of the people going out to restaurants or social gatherings last night. I imagine a certain percent of them are working from home tomorrow because “it’s too dangerous to go to the office”. 

  • Like 3
2 minutes ago, GreenspointTexas said:

1) for the love of fucking god, stay home. Dont go to store, its too late. Dont go anywhere. Unless you are in healthcare, call in to fucking work. Goddamn some of yall are fucking morons. More than likely, if youre over the age of 70, youre toast


2) we WILL quarantine before the end of next weekend. It WILL happen. Itll be one to two weeks too late, but IT WILL happen. Itll start with two weeks and likely extend to a month


3) the number of people that have this right now are likely in the tens of millions. In the next 5-7 days, you will Likely see things youve never seen happen in this country before. 

4) this is going to be a 2-3 month ordeal, especially because we didnt quarantine earlier. We will quarantine. It wont be ling enough. Everyone will come outta their bomb shelters in april thinking everything is ok, then we will have the same problem in may (maybe to a slightly lesser extent). 

5) at this point, there is no solution, just pray for herd immunity. We have nothing else to hope for in beating this

I see your a glass half empty kinda guy...  lol.  But you are right, the full bars and chunky cheeses are crazy right now. 

1 hour ago, PenelopeWitherspoon said:


NYC mandated bars and restaurants cut capacity by half. I went to Chapel Bar and Veronika on Friday. In both places, I was able to keep a distance of greater than 6ft between me and other patrons.

I’m going to try and support local restaurants, but that may mean pick up rather than dining in.

Of course, public schools are still in session here, so we may all be fucked regardless.


Yeah, no idea why DeBlasio wants to keep the schools open so badly. The city council and governor want them closed.  All other social distancing becomes pointless when all the careless little carriers go play in the petri dish everyday.

I noticed on Friday that a few places cut capacity by closing sections. Thats also pointless since it doesn't reduce density in the occupied areas. 

I think today is the day that the switch gets truly flipped on everything though. Mood is entirely different than it was Friday. 


3 minutes ago, GreenspointTexas said:

1) for the love of fucking god, stay home. Dont go to store, its too late. Dont go anywhere. Unless you are in healthcare, call in to fucking work. Goddamn some of yall are fucking morons. More than likely, if youre over the age of 70, youre toast


2) we WILL quarantine before the end of next weekend. It WILL happen. Itll be one to two weeks too late, but IT WILL happen. Itll start with two weeks and likely extend to a month


3) the number of people that have this right now are likely in the tens of millions. In the next 5-7 days, you will Likely see things youve never seen happen in this country before. 

4) this is going to be a 2-3 month ordeal, especially because we didnt quarantine earlier. We will quarantine. It wont be ling enough. Everyone will come outta their bomb shelters in april thinking everything is ok, then we will have the same problem in may (maybe to a slightly lesser extent). 

5) at this point, there is no solution, just pray for herd immunity. We have nothing else to hope for in beating this

I was taking the family to the Dallas Aquarium today and then to wander around some Malls.  Are you saying I shouldn’t be doing that now?

  • Like 2
5 minutes ago, GreenspointTexas said:

1) for the love of fucking god, stay home. Dont go to store, its too late. Dont go anywhere. Unless you are in healthcare, call in to fucking work. Goddamn some of yall are fucking morons. More than likely, if youre over the age of 70, youre toast


2) we WILL quarantine before the end of next weekend. It WILL happen. Itll be one to two weeks too late, but IT WILL happen. Itll start with two weeks and likely extend to a month


3) the number of people that have this right now are likely in the tens of millions. In the next 5-7 days, you will Likely see things youve never seen happen in this country before. 

4) this is going to be a 2-3 month ordeal, especially because we didnt quarantine earlier. We will quarantine. It wont be ling enough. Everyone will come outta their bomb shelters in april thinking everything is ok, then we will have the same problem in may (maybe to a slightly lesser extent). 

5) at this point, there is no solution, just pray for herd immunity. We have nothing else to hope for in beating this


  • Like 2
My wife was told to come into work tomorrow.  

I told her she's not going. She mostly agrees. 

My MIL is in her mid 60s and works at a childcare center that is not only staying open but starting to accept drop ins from kids out of school. I understand that this is very necessary when you consider people who don't have the option the stay home, particularly healthcare professionals and emergency services.


That said, we made her call in Friday and she will be telling them on Monday that she will either take an extended leave or she will quit, their choice. We've already told her we'll either cover her rent and expenses or break her lease and have her move in. I do not take that statement lightly as there are few things I'd probably rather have happen less. One of those few things but is having her catch this at her age and health, so here we are.


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5 minutes ago, Nice Guy Eddie said:

Love checking out FB this morning to see all of the people going out to restaurants or social gatherings last night. I imagine a certain percent of them are working from home tomorrow because “it’s too dangerous to go to the office”. 

dumb and dumber GIF

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4 minutes ago, Neonmoon said:

You might want to just take some deep breaths. This is serious, but this kind of shit isn’t helping anyone, especially your mental health. 

Im fine. But there are fucking idiots on here still traveling, still going out, and still not thinking this is a big deal. Guess im just still wasting breath trying to convince them otherwise

  • Like 4
8 minutes ago, GreenspointTexas said:

1) for the love of fucking god, stay home. Dont go to store, its too late. Dont go anywhere. Unless you are in healthcare, call in to fucking work. Goddamn some of yall are fucking morons. More than likely, if youre over the age of 70, youre toast


2) we WILL quarantine before the end of next weekend. It WILL happen. Itll be one to two weeks too late, but IT WILL happen. Itll start with two weeks and likely extend to a month


3) the number of people that have this right now are likely in the tens of millions. In the next 5-7 days, you will Likely see things youve never seen happen in this country before. 

4) this is going to be a 2-3 month ordeal, especially because we didnt quarantine earlier. We will quarantine. It wont be ling enough. Everyone will come outta their bomb shelters in april thinking everything is ok, then we will have the same problem in may (maybe to a slightly lesser extent). 

5) at this point, there is no solution, just pray for herd immunity. We have nothing else to hope for in beating this

Spanish flu pandemic of 1918, #4 is exactly what happened. The world weathered the spring and made it to summer and people stopped worrying about it. 

Come fall, it turned out the warm weather was just enough to keep a lid on the spread of the virus, but it was still there dormant. Lots of people died in the fall because people let their guard down. 

I hope we make it to summer just fine, but I really hope (against hope) that it will continue to be taken seriously by our national leaders and decision makers. 

14 minutes ago, Message Board User said:

Stay strong because this could last awhile.  To that point, I think there's a non-zero chance we've seen the last of school for the kids until at least August.


I told my wife this and she thought I was crazy, but yeah, it wouldn't surprise me at all. 

Also for our Little League season to be completely canceled too. 

Already told my 7th grader not to get his hopes up about finishing track season. We'll throw discus on our own for 9 months and then he'll be that much further ahead for next track season when it finally starts up again. 

Love checking out FB this morning to see all of the people going out to restaurants or social gatherings last night. I imagine a certain percent of them are working from home tomorrow because “it’s too dangerous to go to the office”. 
There's a girl on my FB who pretty regularly posts pictures of herself on her couch with a glass of wine on weekend nights saying things like "lazy kind of Saturday."

Last night she posted pictures out with a group of friends in Dallas and added the hashtag #socialdistancing.

I swear some people are intentionally going out right now just because they've been told they shouldn't.

We have had WFH capability for years.  Some local teams already had people doing 2/3 days a week normally but it just now being phased in for everyone this coming week to go 100% wfh on a site wide basis.  The difficulty for us is we're international on 6 continents.  Different abilities and needs. 

1 minute ago, Bill Lumbergh said:

There's a girl on my FB who pretty regularly posts pictures of herself on her couch with a glass of wine on weekend nights saying things like "lazy kind of Saturday."

Last night she posted pictures out with a group of friends in Dallas and added the hashtag #socialdistancing.

I swear some people are intentionally going out right now just because they've been told they shouldn't.

I don’t see the pics in your post.

  • Like 3
7 minutes ago, FondrenRoad said:

Yeah, no idea why DeBlasio wants to keep the schools open so badly. The city council and governor want them closed.  All other social distancing becomes pointless when all the careless little carriers go play in the petri dish everyday.

Buddy of mine is a principal at a NYC school. They're staying open so the kids will be able to get fed. Lots of families rely on the two meals a day from the school system to make sure their kids get fed.

So far, he said they're making playbooks for a schoolbus version of meals on wheels and sending meals to nearby community centers for the families to pick up

10 minutes ago, GreenspointTexas said:



3) the number of people that have this right now are likely in the tens of millions. In the next 5-7 days, you will Likely see things youve never seen happen in this country before. 

I think this is a big fucking deal and the public is not taking this serious but I think your numbers are WAY OFF.   I haven't seen a single expert, including those very critical of the way we (and the federal and state govts) are handling this, predict anything close to those numbers at the moment.   We're going to get there but not in a 5-7 day period.

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Posted (edited)

Message I got personally from ER Head I know in New Orleans in the Facebooks. Echos things we already have heard but always good to have personal front line confirmation.

And yea olds hanging with youngs seems like an unnecessary risk at the moment



This is my first work related post. 1st, we currently have enough tests for people who NEED testing( 65 or immunocompromised with FEVER, cough +/or shortness of breath. No fever(>100.5)=no test. 2nd, everyone else with fever and cough, assume you have COVID 19 and self isolate like you would with any other contagious virus. If you are in the high risk group, avoid all unnecessary contact particularly grandkids


Edited by Surly Bevo
58 minutes ago, Homercles said:

Ten years ago I woulda loved this...stay home for two weeks drinking, playing movies and video games, and avoiding people would be heaven.  

Now, we are trying to find ways to avoid killing the kids...particularly the 3yo daughter...the 6yo boy is pretty self sufficient and easy going but my 3yo is already on her third meltdown today.  The thought of 14+ more days like this has my blood pressure rising. 

same boat. I don’t remember ever being this tired.
ive got 2 1/2yo twin girls who are extremely energetic. We took them out of school 2 weeks ago (abundance of caution) and holy shit I’m beat. The wife will only let me take them out one at a time to parks without play equipment. Yesterday we rode scooters in their schools parking lot because it was the only place completely deserted. As I write this I have one girl laying on me playing an educational app while the other is climbing and jumping on every piece of furniture in my living room.

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Just now, Captainant said:

Buddy of mine is a principal at a NYC school. They're staying open so the kids will be able to get fed. Lots of families rely on the two meals a day from the school system to make sure their kids get fed.

So far, he said they're making playbooks for a schoolbus version of meals on wheels and sending meals to nearby community centers for the families to pick up

Yeah, I have seen that too, but if Louisiana schools have contingency plans to feed poor kids, NYC can do it too. They really just need to implement their existing summer lunch program.  Something we have every single year.  They don't need to build a new rocket to the moon.

2 minutes ago, Walden Ponderer said:

All I know is, this is really starting to interfere with some important traditions. Today is supposed to be a holiday, people!



This may be our most important tradition. 

17 minutes ago, GreenspointTexas said:

1) for the love of fucking god, stay home. Dont go to store, its too late. Dont go anywhere. Unless you are in healthcare, call in to fucking work. Goddamn some of yall are fucking morons. More than likely, if youre over the age of 70, youre toast


2) we WILL quarantine before the end of next weekend. It WILL happen. Itll be one to two weeks too late, but IT WILL happen. Itll start with two weeks and likely extend to a month


3) the number of people that have this right now are likely in the tens of millions. In the next 5-7 days, you will Likely see things youve never seen happen in this country before. 

4) this is going to be a 2-3 month ordeal, especially because we didnt quarantine earlier. We will quarantine. It wont be ling enough. Everyone will come outta their bomb shelters in april thinking everything is ok, then we will have the same problem in may (maybe to a slightly lesser extent). 

5) at this point, there is no solution, just pray for herd immunity. We have nothing else to hope for in beating this

As far as I can tell there's zero guidance about public interaction for a non-high risk person who has not know to have been exposed. People going out are dumb but it's not like anyone with authority is telling them not too. The incompetency is going to likely kill 100s of thousands more.

  • Like 1
I see your a glass half empty kinda guy...  lol.  But you are right, the full bars and chunky cheeses are crazy right now. 

Fidgety, eyes always farting around . . . .
5 minutes ago, Surly Bevo said:

Message I got personally from ER Head I know in New Orleans in the Facebooks. Echos things we already have heard but always good to have personal front line confirmation.

And yea olds hanging with youngs seems like an unnecessary risk at the moment




  • Like 1
Just now, horncyclist said:

As far as I can tell there's zero guidance about public interaction for a non-high risk person who has not know to have been exposed. People going out are dumb but it's not like anyone with authority is telling them not too. The incompetency is going to likely kill 100s of thousands more.

Sort of this....people are dumb before, after and now...it is known.  I would direct your freak outs and ire at those who know this and should be developing plans to deal with stupid people rather than random stupid people.

13 minutes ago, crimsonlonghorn said:

"But kids don't get sick from this!" /neighborhood moms

Your child will be a perfectly healthy ward of the state after you and your husband die.


9 minutes ago, Captainant said:

I hope we make it to summer just fine, but I really hope (against hope) that it will continue start to be taken seriously by our national leaders and decision makers. 


58 minutes ago, Brew said:

We always had only two choices in this. You lock everything down and isolate it to die out or you say f it and everyone hold hands and sing kumbaya and we see who’s left standing. We are getting closer to the second option unless the drug companies hit on something immediately.

Maybe it was @ChiTownDoc who posted this, but a transcript from a conference call with physicians in California indicate many in the medical community believe we’re past the containment phase, and that containment at this point in the U.S. is futile. So seems like we should be in the “fuck it” phase, but still trying to play it as safely as we can for those more vulnerable.


How are prisons with corona virus because if my wife asks me one more time to start cleaning out another drawer, closet, you name it and start throwing away shit my hoarder ass has been keeping for no reason I am going to lose it.  She needs to just leave me alone while we are stuck in the house for the foreseeable future.

  • Like 1
5 minutes ago, Bill Lumbergh said:

This may have already been posted, but sharing here in case it hasn't been. It's good. It's posted publicly on FB by an emergency physician in Dallas (Cara Norvell, you can look her up and she has posted subsequent things):

This post is mostly about letting people know how they are making her job harder.  Risking infection, making tough choices, and delivering bad news isn’t novel to hospital staff. 

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  • Haha 1
13 minutes ago, FondrenRoad said:

Yeah, I have seen that too, but if Louisiana schools have contingency plans to feed poor kids, NYC can do it too. They really just need to implement their existing summer lunch program.  Something we have every single year.  They don't need to build a new rocket to the moon.

Seriously, NYC's excuse is bullshit. Other districts are coming up with contingency plans to deliver meals or have it where people can pick up boxed lunches. 

1 hour ago, B00M said:

If you stop drinking and even just lightly exercise to boost your immune system you'll lose 10 lbs. Drinking heavily right now and depressing your immune system is almost as selfish as the fucks out partying.

You can go fuck yourself, sir.

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  • Haha 4
53 minutes ago, utee94 said:

Not just Round Rock, ALL employees that can work from home, have been told to do so.  However there are some, like engineers and hardware developers that must go into the labs because that's where the new/developing/prototype hardware is.  Many of those functions can't be performed at home, because teams of engineers are working on unique hardware with no "copies" to be able to take home.

Many smaller corporations are TRYING to switch over to WFH, but realistically they haven't had the computers/displays/peripherals available to their employees to do so.  Large computer manufacturers like Dell are seeing a massive influx of new orders coming in from such companies, as they attempt to stand up entire WFH solutions across their global workforces. It's going to take time for that to happen.

And then there are companies like the one you're referring to, that simply don't WANT to allow employees to WFH.  It's not at all surprising that military subcontractors would be in that boat, as there are many old guard ex-military "butts-in-seats" types in management at those companies.  I've had managers like that in the past, and almost without exception they were all former-military.



I can do my job from home, but you’re right about developers/testers, most of their work is done in a secure development environment, and it’s difficult if not impossible to do remotely without breaking DoD IA security rules.  

Last laugh on those "asymptomatic" millennials when it turns out the virus attacked their testes and they are infertile. 

Boomer Remover and a Sperm Germ?

I see this as an absolute win.

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