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Formerly DT: COVID-19 - Featuring Lots of Politics, now CR because political talk not going away

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2 minutes ago, Cheeseweasel said:

Smooth sailing to work is the greatest upside to this crisis.

Still being expected to go in to work is the greatest downside.

11 minutes ago, atomheartbevo said:


take the incentives away, or rather, shut down the locations where people crowd into small spaces, and you’re on your way to the magical 80% number.  

Austin traffic this morning was proof that we can start reducing interaction.  And I’m seeing it in our local park, and saw it at a Randall’s.  

a lot of that was spring break but it was certainly much less than a normal spring break traffic situation.

4 minutes ago, Jiggy-Z said:

This guy is an interesting case.  So what does "never gets sick" even mean.  Yeah he may not have any of the tested co morbidity conditions, but from the pictures I have seen of him, he looks to be a typical middle aged guy with some jowls that could stand to lose about 30lbs at least.   Not saying we shouldn't be doing best practices, especially considering there are cases of youngsters worldwide that have had to have ICU,  but we could use a little more critical thinking and better information.

----> "There, doctors diagnosed him with the flu and prescribed him Tamiflu, the steroid prednisone and codeine cough syrup.

Heaven Frilot said her husband immediately started taking the medications, but he got worse. When his nightly fevers wouldn’t break, though he was alternating Tylenol and Advil, he called the doctor back.


He was prescribed both Immunosuppressive steroids and NSAIDS.  Potentially a dire double whammy on top of Covid-19 infection.

4 minutes ago, Deej said:

Still being expected to go in to work is the greatest downside.

Meh. I'd rather be in my office than sitting at home listen to the wife: OMG! NOW THERE ARE 5 cases in East Bumfuck! WHAT ARE WE GONNA DO?!?!?

4 minutes ago, Pato del Muerto said:

Any districts that are just now getting around to cancelling are doing it from peer pressure, not because they believe it is necessary. 

Or they were waiting on the STAAR stuff, which originally wasn’t going to be announced until Thursday.  

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6 minutes ago, Pato del Muerto said:

Any districts that are just now getting around to cancelling are doing it from peer pressure, not because they believe it is necessary. 

You may be right however this also our 1st day of Spring Break so I'll give them the benefit of the doubt.  At least they didn't wait until Thursday which was the original plan.

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Posted (edited)
1 minute ago, EMAWesome said:

Me and the old Army guy must be the only people on this board old enough to remember when the left questioned authority and government spokespeople.

you really would be more at home in the Cloak Room for this kind of discussion. 

this thread is to talk about the facts around what is happening - it's in the damn thread title in all caps "NO POLITICS ALLOWED"

this isn't that difficult. 

edit:  and in a move that shocks quite literally no one, he is already familiar with the CR.

1/3rd of the last 15 posts on his profile were all made in CR.

just stay over there please, it will make both you and everyone else in this thread much happier. 

Edited by NoName
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Just now, hacker said:

You may be right however this also our 1st day of Spring Break so I'll give them the benefit of the doubt.  At least they didn't wait until Thursday which was the original plan.

RRISD made the decision last week but didn't publicize until today. Not sure about the other districts. 

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2 minutes ago, EMAWesome said:

Me and the old Army guy must be the only people on this board old enough to remember when the left questioned authority and government spokespeople.

"the old Army guy"

You show him some god damn respect, that man has survived more plagues and pandemics than anyone alive. 

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9 minutes ago, triplehorn said:

----> "There, doctors diagnosed him with the flu and prescribed him Tamiflu, the steroid prednisone and codeine cough syrup.

Heaven Frilot said her husband immediately started taking the medications, but he got worse. When his nightly fevers wouldn’t break, though he was alternating Tylenol and Advil, he called the doctor back.


He was prescribed both Immunosuppressive steroids and NSAIDS.  Potentially a dire double whammy on top of Covid-19 infection.

That is one possible and plausible  explanation.  Good work.  I wish the tweeters would include all of this, because, the more you know...


AISD students are out for an extra two weeks. Staff need to be on standby to roll out distance learning if we are going to need to go that route. They have been told to check their emails regularly for updates. No idea what that would look like yet. Hard to transition to that model effectively in two weeks but it will probably be a make the best of it situation. 


In response to the developing and rapidly-changing situation and in consideration of maximizing ways to further prevent the risk of exposure to COVID-19, Austin ISD will be closed for students from Monday, March 23 to Friday, April 3.

Families are encouraged to create contingency plans for students to stay home longer, if needed. The return to school will depend on developments regarding the restrictions and successful move to a remote learning model. Information on remote learning resources will be provided to students and their families. 


16 minutes ago, Deej said:

Still being expected to go in to work is the greatest downside.

My wife went into work.  She works for the Texas School Safety Center.   How's that for irony?

41 minutes ago, utee94 said:

I'm assuming you get the coronavirus from a Jimmy John's sandwich much faster than you do from other delivery options?

Yes but the corona is all wet and soggy when it gets there. 

1 minute ago, GreenspointTexas said:

well, one of those is an ares of 9200 square miles in Italy (Lombardy is one of 20 administrative regions in Italy) and a population of about 10 million people

the other is a city of about 230 square miles with a population in the area of 3.2 million

so while there is a problem, this is a shitty comparison for a guy who based on his twitter and the rest of his comparisons and charts, should know better and shouldn't be using total counts for jack shit when comparing two areas that are this drastically different size wise. 


15 minutes ago, Cheeseweasel said:

Meh. I'd rather be in my office than sitting at home listen to the wife: OMG! NOW THERE ARE 5 cases in East Bumfuck! WHAT ARE WE GONNA DO?!?!?

Shit, at least your wife is exhibiting concern about it. Anecdotally I'm seeing way too many females that are blase about the whole thing. Multiple posts on instagram "LOL had to break quarantine for this bitch's BDAY!!!!". I might just shoot myself now. 

59 minutes ago, Larry T. Spider said:

I keep getting reports of olds saying it’s just the flu and carrying on as normal. I’m not cheering for Darwin but.....

Olds aren't reproducing anymore for it to be Darwin.

8 minutes ago, atomheartbevo said:

Teachers and staff apparently still working, probably sending stuff to the kids.

My department chair told us that when spring break was over and we go to online-only classes, we were expected to be back in our offices.  

Everyone looked at her like she was fucking crazy.  She said, "That's what the dean told us." 

6 minutes ago, conVINCEd said:

Has to be a unique blend of meth, opioids, and moonshine.

or maybe its that addicts can't tell if they have the flu or just need a hit.  also begs the question.  can you imagine a full on quarantine where meth and opiod addicts can't get their fix because they run out?  holy shit.  


I'm the midst of all this madness, there are some things coming out that remind you that people, and people acting as companies, can be at their best in trying times like this.

I've seen things like quest offering free internet to any kids expected to do home learning who don't have net, and zoom making their enterprise solution available to schools for free.

In Frisco, one guy started a fb group designed to help at risk folks get supplies, and there are now hundreds of volunteers with the city broken up until zones being covered (it is now expanding into all of North Texas).

My own personal experience started with my work today, where the first thing they said on our leadership call (all remote as everyone is now wfh) is that we're obviously evaluating business impact and how to plan for this new normal, but leaders should focus first on their people and themselves personally and make sure everyone is personally doing ok and make unusual allowances for people where needed.

Then we forced my 67 yo MIL to call into the child care center where she works and tell them that she really can't come in for a while. They're staying open for now, so we figured they'd fire her. Instead, they told her they understand and offered her a leave of absence with the option to come back when things settle down. Most amazingly they apparently called a couple of the oldest ladies who work there over the weekend and told them they should not try to come back for a while for their own safety.

It's a strange world to wake up to right now. Most days I'm awake for only a minute or so before I remember what's happening. In the middle of that, nice to see some real signs of human goodness happening.

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2 minutes ago, VABuckeye said:

Lombardy is an entire region while Madrid is a packed city.  I get what he posted but it does seem alarmist.

the rest of the twitter account is a lot better than this shitty comparison for what it's worth.

hes a dataviz guy and should know better - but this kind of comparison makes me think maybe he is just a shitty dataviz guy


The private sector needs to do more. Up here in Waco we've seen  a few financial instituitions switching to drive-thru only and that has to be something that is done everywhere. My office hasn't done that yet and I haven't seen but 2 or 3 customers out of 50+ all day that were under the age of 50 coming into the bank. They all want to talk about it, but none of them are taking precautions and I know quite a few of them have cancer. 

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Just now, Pescado_Rojo said:

Leander ISD just robo-called me to announce they will be closed until April 6th as well. 

Yup just got the call.  I let it go to the answering machine since I knew who it was, and my 12yo and 10yo cheered.  


At office today. Most people can do wfh but I've got to be in to train 15 temps as part of overalll bcp. Still straining to get laptops/equipment to all ftes so we can commit to a 100% wfh.

Right now eating lunch at small cafe in bldg. Some still dont grasp the social distancing. Plenty of room but we still have a table of 3 all clustered together and a two 2 people tables sitting face to face. I'm in the corner doing my best to surf the Surl. At least most of the people queued up for the to go orders are keeping a good distance.



53 minutes ago, Pokoloco said:

Well yeah. Not everyone will actually do this without martial law tho. 

Who on here is in self quarantine that hasn't been in any at risk locations or around infected people?

Damn, Trixie gonna be posting stupid shit my husband does.

People can get it and become transmitters of it before they get sick.

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As stated we were all pulled from clinical rotations this week, my friend working at a family practice showed the email to her preceptor and he shrugged and said "It doesn't say effective immediately, finish out the day." Heated. I told her to walk out and let our faculty deal with it.

4 minutes ago, utee94 said:

Yup just got the call.  I let it go to the answering machine since I knew who it was, and my 12yo and 10yo cheered.  

my daughter is pissed they cancelled the district track meet. She qualified in 3 individual events and she was on her school's 4x100 and 4x400 relay. 

Posted (edited)
51 minutes ago, Walden Ponderer said:

Friend of mine is a doctor in Tehran. She's been posting requests on social media for any form of assistance -- masks, medication, what-have-you -- and the global response is interesting. Nobody has anything to give. She's not even asking for money -- there's no point. No one has inventory to sell her group.

The most interesting part to me is that she's emphasizing that she's not the only one:  Iranian doctors are pretty much giving up on their government being able to provide anything more. They are looking to their school friends from around the world for help, because it ain't comin' from home.

There aren't enough in the US for the US which is why almost all elective surgery has stopped.  

Edited by ShaggyBevo RIP

Its not the end of the world but yeah bunch of seniors are gonna miss out.  my daughter having a big dance event cancelled and also prom.  it will be hard to give them perspective.  might have to go footloose in May if this starts to trend down.

1 hour ago, CooterBrown said:

Luckily, my barber is a good friend that lives one street over.  I trust them to properly practice social distancing so we can social with them.  At least my hair will look great when I'm in the casket.


The haircut can wait.

1 minute ago, ShaggyBevo RIP said:

There aren't enough in the US for the US which is why all elective surgery has stopped.  

My MIL had elective knee surgery this morning in Houston. Called the hospital on Friday to double check and they said it was a go.

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