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Formerly DT: COVID-19 - Featuring Lots of Politics, now CR because political talk not going away

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18 hours ago, atomheartbevo said:

People are learnin’



“Bat meat is sold at a stall in Tomohon market in northern Sulawesi in 2017. Photographer: Bay Ismoyo/AFP via Getty Images”



I am a picky eater so a lot of shit to me is weird to eat.....but fucking bats just look disgusting I could not imagine anything worse other than perhaps a rat....and of course a bat looks like a rat with wings

worse yet you take bats and rats and other shit that is known for disease and just pile it up in hot humid conditions and sell it for food.....who in the fuck thought that was a good idea unless your goal is population reduction.....even better with butchered and bloody who the fuck knows what splattered all over everywhere....maybe the smoking and the ashes from the cigarette kills the diseases...but of course you have to wonder what is in Chinese tobacco as well....then again it could be some type of powerful cleaning fluids that also pacify you (and disinfect your innards) if you smoke it with shit quality tobacco mixed with rubber shavings and sawdust 


and what the fuck is that other animal to the right with the bamboo shoved up it's ass

3 hours ago, Colonel Sanders said:

Yeah, I'm not sure why news outlets continue to use Chinese numbers to describe why the situation is getting better, worse or make any judgments.  They have been pretty much proven to be based on some algorithm, and not tied to actual cases.  

2 hours ago, Loco said:

Oh my sweet summer child

The numbers are important for foreign cases.  Nobody outside of China has died yet, even though we are over 300 cases (albeit many from China).    Important to see the recovered cases as well, since they probably aren’t lying as much about those    

A lot of theories are about the numbers being what they are, until they match up with the actual numbers - that’s what China is trying to pull off  - keep the fiction going long enough to become a reality, and it’s why they are keeping out WHO, CDC, etc. until then   

Also important to see when their increased testing capacity comes online.  If the numbers continue to follow some kind of pre-generated algorithm, even though we know their testing has increased drastically, it’s harder for them to cover things up.  

And it all feeds into the Chinese people getting more and more pissed at the government.   Which is now a thing in some areas, thanks to the doctors who died, the bloggers who were rounded up, the quarantine/death camps, and Hong Kong.   

It feels like things are speeding up - Foxconn is having serious problems, which means US markets are going to have fun Monday morning.  

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2 hours ago, Xian said:

I hope you’re right, but with the 14 day incubation period we might not know the full extent yet. 

how long was the Beaumont guy Walking around before he went to the the hospital?  How many people did he pass it along to who still aren’t showing symptoms. How many people are they passing it long to. Hell, 28 days from now 1/5 of SE Texas might have it!  

It’s supposedly just 12.5 days, and they added a small buffer to take it to 14.  And only around 5% make it the full period without signs. The majority are showing within 3-7 days.  That’s based on numbers outside of China.  

CDC is tracking passengers from a flight with somebody who had it, and so far the people in the surrounding seats don’t have it, so who knows if the Beaumont guy passed it around.   

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2 hours ago, Somnio said:

I just read up on the Spanish Flu.  I of course had heard if it, and knew it was a really bad strain of influenza.  However, I never had really looked at the facts of the pandemic.

Holy hell, that was horrific.  I suggest anyone who hasn't, to look into what happened at that time.

It may, or may not be relevant to what this current epidemic will become, but I feel it's still important to become aware of what could happen.

It’s weird to think that had it happened 25 years later, many of those folks could have been saved with medicines we take for granted.  I’ve had walking pneumonia, and it felt like shit, but the medications took care of it quickly.   Could not imagine getting the much worse bacterial pneumonia in 1920 and basically drowning to death in my own fluids or whatever.   


I think the cruise ship will turn out to be a good test bed

cruise ships are known for having other close quarters disease issues, but they also have things in place to deal with that so there can be some (although small overall) investigation into methods to try and contain and control

also we should probably be glad (as well as the passengers) that the ship is in Japan and not China or some other place with questionable healthcare and reporting standards....I am sure the cruise passengers are pissed off and some even in this thread have suggested that the US Military try and get US citizens off that ship....but fuck that the reality is the Japanese are doing what should be done in my opinion and that is isolate, test, and retest

that is one thing about the Japanese when they think of "the greater good" it might seem cruel to the individual, but they are looking out for the whole and they certainly will treat the individuals much better than the individuals under the Chinese "greater good"

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16 minutes ago, atomheartbevo said:

The numbers are important for foreign cases.  Nobody outside of China has died yet, even though we are over 300 cases (albeit many from China).    

I thought they already had a death outside of china (not counting Raydog)

35 minutes ago, LABEVO said:

In Wuhan, people are starting to have issues getting food. At what point does serious food shortage cause other issues?

I am sure it already has started causing issues. The first thing that comes to mind is exacerbation of health for those who are infected. This could possibly be a reason for the spiking of deaths (measured on a daily basis). 

1 hour ago, Colonel Sanders said:

If/ when this becomes an epidemic in the US, any idea on how we're going to try to handle it?  There must be contingencies for this but I haven't seen anything.   

My stepdad's nephew got pretty high up in the DoD, worked in the pentagon for years and has the most interesting stories of anyone I know. He said they have contingency plans out the ass for all kinds of things. Famine, pandemics, rebellions, etc. Even alien invasion. 

18 minutes ago, Helobious said:

My stepdad's nephew got pretty high up in the DoD, worked in the pentagon for years and has the most interesting stories of anyone I know. He said they have contingency plans out the ass for all kinds of things. Famine, pandemics, rebellions, etc. Even alien invasion. 


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My stepdad's nephew got pretty high up in the DoD, worked in the pentagon for years and has the most interesting stories of anyone I know. He said they have contingency plans out the ass for all kinds of things. Famine, pandemics, rebellions, etc. Even alien invasion. 

Ointment to recover from all the anal probes?
2 hours ago, Colonel Sanders said:

If/ when this becomes an epidemic in the US, any idea on how we're going to try to handle it?  There must be contingencies for this but I haven't seen anything.   

I’ll take working from home.

15 minutes ago, Bruno Sardine said:

The Chinaman is not the issue here, dude.

May not be the preferred nomenclature, but can be argued that is most certainly the issue. 

49 minutes ago, ButtFumble said:

I think the cruise ship will turn out to be a good test bed

cruise ships are known for having other close quarters disease issues, but they also have things in place to deal with that so there can be some (although small overall) investigation into methods to try and contain and control

also we should probably be glad (as well as the passengers) that the ship is in Japan and not China or some other place with questionable healthcare and reporting standards....I am sure the cruise passengers are pissed off and some even in this thread have suggested that the US Military try and get US citizens off that ship....but fuck that the reality is the Japanese are doing what should be done in my opinion and that is isolate, test, and retest

that is one thing about the Japanese when they think of "the greater good" it might seem cruel to the individual, but they are looking out for the whole and they certainly will treat the individuals much better than the individuals under the Chinese "greater good"

the nips have the facilities to get everyone off the boat and isolated in something less compressing than an 8x10 room.

those boat pax are not quarantined, they are incarcerated.  treating them better than the chinese in my opinion means taking them off the boat.

i get greater good.  the chinese are sacrificing a huge number of people in WuHan for the greater good of the world.  but i feel no sympathy for a society that eats live snakes that eat live bats.  where is the world outrage at the chinese for allowing idiotic cultural traditions to persist and put the world at risk every day?

don't eat wildlife

kill your food before you eat it.

cook it.



I’m curious about ethnicities of those on the cruise ship and how this spreads to both Asians and non-Asians from a probabilistic standpoint. The virologist suggest that Asians may be predisposed to this due to additional type of receptors in their lungs and a confined group such as a cruise ship could provide some much more conclusive answers if there is sufficient ethic diversity.


All I will say is if this is the case, either this is engineered or China has the worst damn luck known to the history of man.

So now you know that it targets your populations disproportionately more than others, on top of it being found in one of the largest population/manufacturing hubs in the country, contagious without symptoms, impacts lungs in an area that has already seen weakened lungs due to air quality issues, and oh by the way the outbreak starts during largest holiday season of the year that coincides with lots of travel.

2 hours ago, Colonel Sanders said:

If/ when this becomes an epidemic in the US, any idea on how we're going to try to handle it?  There must be contingencies for this but I haven't seen anything.   

Rome Falls

If/ when this becomes an epidemic in the US, any idea on how we're going to try to handle it?  There must be contingencies for this but I haven't seen anything.   

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47 minutes ago, Hagbard Celine said:

the nips have the facilities to get everyone off the boat and isolated in something less compressing than an 8x10 room.

those boat pax are not quarantined, they are incarcerated.  treating them better than the chinese in my opinion means taking them off the boat.

i get greater good.  the chinese are sacrificing a huge number of people in WuHan for the greater good of the world.  but i feel no sympathy for a society that eats live snakes that eat live bats.  where is the world outrage at the chinese for allowing idiotic cultural traditions to persist and put the world at risk every day?

don't eat wildlife

kill your food before you eat it.

cook it.



you are talking about 3,000+ people that is a pretty big logistical challenge when you consider all the people, equipment, and facilities that will be exposed to get those people off the boat

and really where are you going to take them to a hotel that might offer them 100 more square feet per person or a hospital that will offer them about the same sized room

are you going to rent a bunch of fucking airbnbs and scatter them all over the place and home none of them try and sneak out to get something simply because you think they "need more room" than a cruise ship room....again a hotel is not going to offer much more than that and a hospital probably the same or less

plus in a hotel or hospital it is not like they will have much more to do they will still be confined to the facility and there will just be a lot more people required to guard them and feed them and if one or more of them was to get out the Japanese media would roast the politician that made the decision to let them off the ship and that politician would probably have to kill themselves or set themselves on fire to say sorry

3 hours ago, Colonel Sanders said:

If/ when this becomes an epidemic in the US, any idea on how we're going to try to handle it?  There must be contingencies for this but I haven't seen anything.   

Top men are handling it. Top men.

1 hour ago, Trey3216 said:

May not be the preferred nomenclature, but can be argued that is most certainly the issue. 

Care to elaborate on that statement? 

Anyone pushing a narrative that only Chinese will be more susceptible to a novel virus that JUST jumped over to humans has an agenda.   No one has that kind of data at this point and to make that kind of specific unsupported argument reveals all you need to know about the person shopping those talking points.

tl/dr  It started VERY RECENTLY in China, all people who died lived in china, therefore only attacks Chinese!  - hur dur

18 minutes ago, Loco said:

Care to elaborate on that statement? 

Anyone pushing a narrative that only Chinese will be more susceptible to a novel virus that JUST jumped over to humans has an agenda.   No one has that kind of data at this point and to make that kind of specific unsupported argument reveals all you need to know about the person shopping those talking points.

tl/dr  It started VERY RECENTLY in China, all people who died lived in china, therefore only attacks Chinese!  - hur dur

Wow, you totally flew the coop on that one and missed the point.  

it is currently a serious, serious problem in China, because it started there and has been kept relatively localized due to the actions taken to prevent its spread.  Ergo, the Chinaman is the issue here, dude, because it’s pretty much been capped to effecting Chinese people.  

No angle or agenda here.  Leave your political hate fantasies for the other forum 

  • Like 1
8 minutes ago, Trey3216 said:

Wow, you totally flew the coop on that one and missed the point.  

it is currently a serious, serious problem in China, because it started there and has been kept relatively localized due to the actions taken to prevent its spread.  Ergo, the Chinaman is the issue here, dude, because it’s pretty much been capped to effecting Chinese people.  

No angle or agenda here.  Leave your political hate fantasies for the other forum 

Why do you think this will be contained to China?

3 minutes ago, Trey3216 said:

 Leave your political hate fantasies for the other forum 

ok, care to point out my political slant?  Because my point was literally to rely on scientific evidence and not fucktard china experts on reddit

If you believe that this issue has NOT been a political tool to demonize, de-humanize, and stoke isolationist fervor...  then sleep well sweet prince

3 minutes ago, Colonel Sanders said:

Why do you think this will be contained to China?

I don’t think it will fully, but it’s surprising thus far the relative concentration its had due to the efforts made to contain it.   I also think the spread and death rate will be skewed in China due to the governments efforts to contain.  People being stuck in houses with known sick are bound to have a higher risk of contracting the virus.  It may end up better for other places but it’s taking a toll on those regions.  

5 minutes ago, Loco said:

ok, care to point out my political slant?  Because my point was literally to rely on scientific evidence and not fucktard china experts on reddit

If you believe that this issue has NOT been a political tool to demonize, de-humanize, and stoke isolationist fervor...  then sleep well sweet prince

There’s no doubt it has in some circles, but I’m saying don’t float that turd at me.  Quite literally zero to do with my prior statement.  

4 hours ago, Loco said:

Better movie idea than Snowpiercer.  Could also be a plausible prequel to Water World

Just when I thought Kevin Costner and nic cage couldn’t get legitimate work anymore 

34 minutes ago, Trey3216 said:

I don’t think it will fully, but it’s surprising thus far the relative concentration its had due to the efforts made to contain it.   I also think the spread and death rate will be skewed in China due to the governments efforts to contain.  People being stuck in houses with known sick are bound to have a higher risk of contracting the virus.  It may end up better for other places but it’s taking a toll on those regions.  

I don’t know man. It’s killing lots of Chinese, but it’s hungry again an hour later.

  • Like 3
Posted (edited)

Our friends on the Diamond Princess got to go outside/up to a top deck for an hour today. Had to stay like 20’ away from anyone else and wear gloves and a mask.

They have a balcony so have had fresh air, the poor souls in inside/window-only rooms I truly feel for.

Edited by The Ace of Aces
4 hours ago, ButtFumble said:


that is one thing about the Japanese when they think of "the greater good" it might seem cruel to the individual, but they are looking out for the whole and they certainly will treat the individuals much better than the individuals under the Chinese "greater good"

their philosophy incorporates compassion.

the Chinese, do not

3 hours ago, Laxtonto said:

I’m curious about ethnicities of those on the cruise ship and how this spreads to both Asians and non-Asians from a probabilistic standpoint. The virologist suggest that Asians may be predisposed to this due to additional type of receptors in their lungs and a confined group such as a cruise ship could provide some much more conclusive answers if there is sufficient ethic diversity.


All I will say is if this is the case, either this is engineered or China has the worst damn luck known to the history of man.

So now you know that it targets your populations disproportionately more than others, on top of it being found in one of the largest population/manufacturing hubs in the country, contagious without symptoms, impacts lungs in an area that has already seen weakened lungs due to air quality issues, and oh by the way the outbreak starts during largest holiday season of the year that coincides with lots of travel.

It's revenge for eating everything that moves underneath the sun. Joking. Kinda. Sorta. Not really.


The World Health Organisation (WHO) has warned that "trolls and conspiracy theories" are undermining their response to the new coronavirus.

WHO Director General Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus told reporters that misinformation was "making the work of our heroic workers even harder".


A number of false theories have been spread globally about the virus in recent weeks.

Russia's Channel One, for example, has been airing coronavirus conspiracy theories on its prime-time evening news show Vremya (meaning "Time"). In one segment, the host links the virus to US President Donald Trump, and claims that US intelligence agencies or pharmaceutical companies are behind it.

Another debunked conspiracy theory , published in British and US tabloid media, linked the virus to a video of a Chinese woman eating bat soup.

Reports claimed the clip was filmed in Wuhan, the epicentre of the virus, when the outbreak was first reported. However it was filmed in 2016 and was in Palau, in the western Pacific Ocean - not China.

And a now-widely-discredited scientific study released last month linked the new coronavirus to snakes - leading to global headlines discussing the spread of "snake flu".


7 minutes ago, bolverk said:

The World Health Organisation (WHO) has warned that "trolls and conspiracy theories" are undermining their response to the new coronavirus.

If internet trolls actually influence shit like pandemics... then my friends, no hyperbole, we are all dead

  • Like 6
7 minutes ago, Doc Reeves said:

If internet trolls actually influence shit like pandemics... then my friends, no hyperbole, we are all dead

our only hope is that facebook goes the way of myspace

Our friends on the Diamond Princess got to go outside/up to a top deck for an hour today. Had to stay like 20’ away from anyone else and wear gloves and a mask.
They have a balcony so have had fresh air, the poor souls in inside/window-only rooms I truly feel for.

Well that seems pretty damn unnecessary. If you have a private balcony, why the hell would you risk going to what is essentially just a big, public balcony?
Just now, SquishMitten said:

Well that seems pretty damn unnecessary. If you have a private balcony, why the hell would you risk going to what is essentially just a big, public balcony?

Maybe to walk. Generally in a cabin, there isn't much there except a bed and a table. Think about being stuck in a room about half the size of your guest room.

4 minutes ago, SquishMitten said:


Well that seems pretty damn unnecessary. If you have a private balcony, why the hell would you risk going to what is essentially just a big, public balcony?



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10 minutes ago, SquishMitten said:


Well that seems pretty damn unnecessary. If you have a private balcony, why the hell would you risk going to what is essentially just a big, public balcony?


It’s better to walk in open space than walking back and forth in the 15” or so feet you can in a cabin.

3 hours ago, Loco said:

Care to elaborate on that statement? 

Anyone pushing a narrative that only Chinese will be more susceptible to a novel virus that JUST jumped over to humans has an agenda.   No one has that kind of data at this point and to make that kind of specific unsupported argument reveals all you need to know about the person shopping those talking points.

tl/dr  It started VERY RECENTLY in China, all people who died lived in china, therefore only attacks Chinese!  - hur dur

See below: Chinese have more ACE receptors or whatever.  Plus, many folks in China are smokers, and many Chinese are exposed to incredibly shitty air quality (these two things are part of the "underlying factors" that pop up).

On 2/3/2020 at 2:03 PM, Newdoc said:

ACE Receptors have been implicated in the SARS virus susceptibility and severity. ACE receptors are part of our blood pressure system that hormonally regulates blood vessel constriction and in turn, blood pressure. These receptors are located all over the body but concentrate in the lungs and gastrointestinal system.  The problem is that coronavirus like these receptors and will propagate in them as well as cause localized inflammation reaction and thus respiratory distress syndrome/pneumonia. Some races of people may express these receptors and their subtypes more than others.  So the novel coronavirus might be kind of racist.


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So stock market gurus, Foxconn was switching over from iPhones and Android phones to face masks or something.  Anyways, there seems to be a problem.


"China has blocked a plan by Apple (AAPL.O) supplier Foxconn (2317.TW) to resume production in China from Monday, the Nikkei business daily reported on Saturday, amid concerns about the spread of the new coronavirus. 

Public health experts carried out inspections at Foxconn’s factories in the southern city of Shenzhen and told the company that its factories had a “high risk of coronavirus infection”, making them unsuitable for a production restart, the newspaper said, citing four people familiar with the matter without identifying them."


Better go buy any new phones you need now.


Coronavirus: Five Britons in French ski chalet catch virus

Five Britons have tested positive for coronavirus in eastern France, the French health minister has confirmed.

Four adults and a child were diagnosed with the virus after coming into contact with a British national who recently returned from Singapore.

The man returned to the UK on 28 January before being diagnosed with the virus himself on Thursday.


In France, the five Britons with the coronavirus - who were staying in the same ski chalet - are not in a serious condition, French officials said.

But the authorities are closing two schools next week, both of which are attended by the child with the virus, a nine-year-old boy who lives in the ski resort of Contamines-Montjoie with his family.

More to the story (on phone - too lazy to paste whole thing):


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