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Formerly DT: COVID-19 - Featuring Lots of Politics, now CR because political talk not going away

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8 minutes ago, The_Great_Hornsby said:

So what? We bend over and take it. They deserve to be called out. Fuck them. They caused this entire situation. You dont want to call that out because it might hurt their feelings? If they fuck with us, we adjust accordingly going forward. And we will. 

While China certainly didn't act perfectly with regard to the virus, saying another country "caused this entire situation" is over the top. The virus caused it, not the country. China didn't cause SARS2-Cov anymore than we caused H1N1. Their reaction to the growing situation wasn't perfect and resulted in more infections and spread. Our reaction to the situation was objectively worse because we had China and other countries telling us this shit was real and didn't listen. 

1 minute ago, Bill Lumbergh said:
3 minutes ago, Fondren & Main said:
What kind of health was he in though?  Was he overweight or did he have pre-existing conditions?

I honestly don't know the guy or much about him. I just know when they first shared about it, the outlook was that he's young and not in the at risk group so no one seemed concerned he wouldn't be able to get through it with treatment at the hospital.

Yeah, I was reading about a guy on Drudge today that called it hell.  Said he runs 5 miles a day, but he also has grandchildren.  Not sure how old he is though.

1 minute ago, Dahobbs said:

While China certainly didn't act perfectly with regard to the virus, saying another country "caused this entire situation" is over the top. The virus caused it, not the country. China didn't cause SARS2-Cov anymore than we caused H1N1. Their reaction to the growing situation wasn't perfect and resulted in more infections and spread. Our reaction to the situation was objectively worse because we had China and other countries telling us this shit was real and didn't listen. 

counter-point: wet meat market.

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3 minutes ago, GreenspointTexas said:

Id bet 20%, maybe more of us on here have it or have already had it. At this point its almost better to go no quarantine and let the chips fall where they may. We have already treaded into no-mans land at this point. The healthcare system is going to be overrun in a week no matter what we do

Those numbers make no sense. At all.  The system would ALREADY be overwhelmed.  And positives would not be less than 10% of tests taken.   

Posted (edited)
29 minutes ago, Skipper said:

I read this morning we've only run 238 tests total in DFW area (including surrounding counties).   Fucking 238.  How pathetic is that?  We've been bitching about lack of testing on this thread for over 3 weeks now and that's all we've managed to accomplish.  What a joke.  So we still have zero idea how bad it is here.  At least 1/4 of those results were received yesterday but 66 tests per day aint going to cut it.

I know it's a mix of Federal/State and Local fucking this up but it's really an embarrassment Texas hasn't been able to figure this out on par with other states.    The feds got us into this mess, but state leadership has been a joke.


Not that I disagree with you but my mom got an email two days ago from her primary care doc in San Antonio. I’m copying the whole email below but he had been able to test 12 patients  so at some point I’d say if a Texas doctor wants to test, he can get it done.

Dear Patients,

During these trying and confusing days, I want to assure you through regular communications and updates, that I am staying abreast of the rapidly evolving Covid-19 situation.  

A couple of items I want you to know:

•    In the past 6 days, I have tested 12 patients for Covid-19.
•    These tests have been administered at my office with zero physical contact between my staff and patients, thereby limiting exposure to anyone.
•    The first 2 positive Covid-19 test results from my office came back today, March 17, 2020.
•    I have access to an FDA approved drug that I am prescribing to patients who test positive (more on that below).
•    Although the office is physically closed to our normal routine, I assure you that whatever medical need may arise for any of my patients, we are there for you the same as always.

Corona Viruses are not new.  Both SARS (2003) and MERS (2012) were highly fatal Corona Viruses.  SARS had a mortality of 8.5% and MERS had a mortality of 33%.  Both viruses did not spread nearly as quickly as Covid-19 because patients became symptomatic quickly, and the mortality was high.  Covid-19 is very different.  It has a much higher rate of asymptomatic infection.  Meaning, patients who are infected with Covid-19 can present with no apparent symptoms during the initial 5-7-day period of infection.  This allows the rapid and insidious spread through communities that we have seen occurring around the world.

The link below is extremely informative and distressing from a medical standpoint.  The graph included depicts a viral infection rate showing exponential growth.   I have read multiple papers and studies suggesting that current infection rates in the US population range from 1 to 10%. A 2% infection rate translates to 6.5 million people. A 10% infection rate translates to 32.7 million people in this country. If we use the CDC range of mortality rate of 0.5% to 3.5% and take a middle number of 2%, that is a mortality of 130,000 people (2% population) or 654,000 people (10% population).  


After reviewing all the relevant information available, I am again imploring all of you to self-quarantine. At this point, it is the only tactic that has slowed progression of this virus.  If we don’t, we will face a healthcare crisis as critical as the one unfolding in Italy, Germany and France.   

I understand that everyone wants to know if they have Covid-19.   At this time, I am testing patients that are symptomatic with high fever (101 or greater), cough, body aches and fast onset of symptoms.  Because there is still a shortage of Covid-19 testing materials, my protocol is to test for flu first, then if you are flu negative, to test for Covid-19. 

I know some of you have recently come back from travel to locations international (Italy, Spain) and domestic (Colorado, New York) that have had large concentrations of Covid-19 infections.  I understand your concern, but if an asymptomatic patient is tested, they won’t have enough of the virus in their nose to get a positive result (this is same issue that shows up with flu testing).  Please let me know immediately if you are experiencing any symptoms listed above, especially high fever.  

Through many hours of research, I have identified a drug that is FDA approved and shows excellent efficacy in treating Covid-19.  I have been proactive and have access to this medication for my patients who are testing positive for Covid-19.   

As many of you know I am an advisor to FetchMD.  Over the last few days, I have helped them to get up and running to practice Telemedicine, testing for Flu and Covid-19.  They are following the same protocols that I am following, which is to flu test first, then if that is negative, to test for Covid-19.  FetchMD is dropping kits to people’s homes.   I am providing this as a resource for people who are not my patients but need evaluation.  Just tell them to download the FetchMD App.

In regards to upcoming scheduled doctors’ appointments, colonoscopies, endoscopies, imaging and any other elective procedure, all of these should be cancelled for now.  

Your health is my absolute priority.  I will continue to communicate by email at least once a week until we are through this trying time together.  As always, I am available 24/7.  

Stay safe, healthy and please stay self-quarantined,

Dr. Scott Campbell and My Personal Physician team
Dr. Alan Merin
Kim Lasswell PA.

Edited by justhookit
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Posted (edited)

By this evening our entire group should be telemed.  300+ providers doing 20+ visits a day.  The goal is to maintain the postacute networks to treat in place and alleviate fears for accepting respiratory discharges so the hospitals can maintain capacity.  Everyone is coming together.  Feels like when the NightKing was coming for the wall.  Also on that note there's always the fly in the ointment...the spring break fucktards:Cersei. 


Edit:  doctors and APP's who only go to one building all week will still care in the facility.  The docs and APP's who go to many places in one day will go telehealth.  The reason is silent carriers can be a disaster if they're going to many places.  If you just cover one location, in person care still makes sense.  


Edited by ChiTownDoc
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3 minutes ago, Dahobbs said:

Our reaction to the situation was objectively worse because we had China and other countries telling us this shit was real and didn't listen. 

There is absolutely a time to make long term strategic decision to punish China and ensure we aren't dependent on them for literally everything in the future.  I just don't think that time is now.  I can't fathom how publicly antagonizing a country that has us by the balls in the middle of a crisis makes any sense, but what the fuck do I know.

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15 minutes ago, texashorne said:

Every American corporation should be taxed until the point they are incintivized to move manufacturing back to North America. 

Or at least Mexico so if they try and play hard ball we can just go get the stuff we need.

3 minutes ago, Dahobbs said:

While China certainly didn't act perfectly with regard to the virus, saying another country "caused this entire situation" is over the top. The virus caused it, not the country. China didn't cause SARS2-Cov anymore than we caused H1N1. Their reaction to the growing situation wasn't perfect and resulted in more infections and spread. Our reaction to the situation was objectively worse because we had China and other countries telling us this shit was real and didn't listen. 

Dude they knew about it November and now there are reports that scientists were told to not report the viral genome in December and it was held under wraps. There is skepticism whether this is man-made or came from inhumane eating practices in Wuhan. No matter how it originated, China is knee deep in shit and have been fucking up royally. They have also lied about their numbers throughout the process. This is 1000% on them. 

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17 minutes ago, Skipper said:

It's almost like now may not be the best time to publicly shame China every possible opportunity as we've all seen the last few days.   You know, considering they absolutely have us by the fucking balls with respect to needed medical supplies and drugs. 

Well according to her they literally “turned ships bound for the USA around” before any public shaming would seem to make that a moot point?  If true of course. 

10 minutes ago, Bill Lumbergh said:

A rumor is going around that they're going to close even grocery for two weeks. I really don't believe it, but the wife does, and it's enough to have just kicked off a nice little spat in our house about whether this rumor warrants rushing out to buy fresh produce before the stores close. Fuck you, quarantine.

On a separate note, we lived in Seattle for several years and have good friends up there. One of our friends has been posting updates about a friend they know who tested positive on the 14th. He's 34, and got on a ventilator really early bc they haven't been overwhelmed yet. He died today. Fuck.

So you don’t fall for the first rumor but the ‘friend of a friend of a friend’ one gets you?

  • Fuck You 1

When you’re doing the extrapolation math on deaths and hospitalization you can’t count day one of infection as the same day as the positive test. There is most definitely a significant lag. 

So you don’t fall for the first rumor but the ‘friend of a friend of a friend’ one gets you?
Go fuck yourself.

She's reposting his wife's updates, including the one she shared today that her husband has died 5 days after being perfectly fine.

I know the person sharing these posts quite well and she went to school with the guy in question. It's not rumor it's a fucking true sad story in all of this.
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You folks realize that both China deserves blame, and our response has been abysmal can both be true, right?

But not sure why focusing on that and our response is that important right now.

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6 minutes ago, justhookit said:

Not that I disagree with you but my mom got an email two days ago from her primary care doc in San Antonio. I’m copying the whole email below but he had been able to test 12 patients  so at some point I’d say if a Texas doctor wants to test, he can get it done.

That's promising.  And I certainly hope that's the case for everyone state wide in the near term.  The data I mentioned (238 tests total in DFW area) was DFW specific and included in a public announcement by the City of Dallas this morning.  I'm not sure about state wide stats or which cities have already been able to ramp up.  I just knew testing was still shitty locally but didn't know it was that bad.   I'm hoping we still aren't bitching about this a week from now, but don't have a lot of faith.

18 minutes ago, The_Great_Hornsby said:

So what? We bend over and take it. They deserve to be called out. Fuck them. They caused this entire situation. You dont want to call that out because it might hurt their feelings? If they fuck with us, we adjust accordingly going forward. And we will. 

I picture TGH saying this while he bends over and lubes his ass.     

Yeah The virus originated in China and they tried to hide it from their own people and the world because of money.  Look around at the US response both nationally and locally and tell me we didn't do the same fucking thing!  How much prep and lead time was wasted?  How many times were we told it's no big deal just like a cold.

I got news for you pal...  It's not just China's government fucking you...  you're getting spit roasted.  And the guy whose balls are slapping your chin is screaming..  "Oh China you bad boy you're fucking TGH raw!  Bad China! Bad!


And you know what, you're humming it along with him.   

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  • Fuck You 1
2 minutes ago, Poe It Up said:

Based on how many coronavirus patients are saying “they run 5 miles a day,” I’m starting to think exercise is the culprit. 

Victory for laziness! 

2 minutes ago, Armybrat said:

If we are going to wind up wiping our asses with leaves & corncobs, then the Chinese can stop eating those gottdam bats.

New Surly motto right here. 

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7 minutes ago, akhornfan said:

So you don’t fall for the first rumor but the ‘friend of a friend of a friend’ one gets you?

You really are a fucking cocksucker.

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Just now, Loco said:

I picture TGH saying this while he bends over and lubes his ass.     

Yeah The virus originated in China and they tried to hide it from their own people and the world because of money.  Look around at the US response both nationally and locally and tell me we didn't do the same fucking thing!  How much prep and lead time was wasted?  How many times were we told it's no big deal just like a cold.

I got news for you pal...  It's not just China's government fucking you...  you're getting spit roasted.  And the guy whose balls are slapping your chin is screaming..  "Oh China you bad boy you're fucking TGH raw!  Bad China! Bad!


And you know what, you're humming it along with him.   


Posted (edited)
14 minutes ago, ChiTownDoc said:

Lets not go CR...but this was started in their wet markets.  The wet markets were deemed unhealthy and closed in the past.  The wealthy who utilize these managed to get them back open and here we are.  So China should take more of the blame imo.  That doesn't make me racist.  

Yes, this particular virus originated in their wet markets. Other viruses have originated in other areas, including the US. I'm not saying it is racist to assign some culpability to China for the spread of the virus, particularly as to their initial response to the outbreak. I'm saying that China didn't cause the virus. Nature did (unless and until any evidence shows otherwise). It was pure misfortune that this particular virus ended up being as serious as it appears to be, and that other viruses originating in locations like North America haven't been as serious. We could just as easily have been in a similar position due to some redneck eating an armadillo or something. 

My point: you can assign culpability for the response to the virus. But saying that any one individual or country "caused the whole thing" is over-the-top and untrue. Nature made the virus. Human action allowed it to jump to our species. Government inaction allowed it to spread. A whole host of entities contributed to current situation, not one singular country. It is misguided to think otherwise. 

Edited by Dahobbs
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  • Fuck You 2
55 minutes ago, Sbbruin said:

He's covering it all- heating, ventilation and air conditioning!

If he includes floor mats and the undercoating upgrade, I am sold!

Every American corporation should be taxed until the point they are incintivized to move manufacturing back to North America. 

I would add the Americas. Like I said earlier in this thread, we need to have the Manufacturing Monroe Doctrine in effect.

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AAL parking 450 planes:


We continue to significantly reduce our schedule in response to government restrictions on travel and consumer demand. All long-haul international flying has been pulled down with the exception of London Heathrow (which we are operating 1x daily from DFW and MIA) and Tokyo Narita (which we are operating 3x per week from DFW). We have reduced international flying by 75% and our domestic schedule by 30% in April, with plans to reduce it even further in May. In all, we have reduced our April schedule by more than 55,000 flights and will be parking approximately 130 of our widebody aircraft and 320 of our narrowbody planes. 



1 hour ago, Brisketexan said:

RE: state department order for all Americans to return home or shelter in place.  FURK.

Daughter is flying home from Canada tomorrow around noon.  We were counting on the airports being lightly traveled.  Now, I suspect there's going to be another massive crush, like there was when they announced the Europe travel lockdown.  Was really hoping it wouldn't be a hard travel day for her.  Shit.

no, think about the canada setup.  it's 1-to-1 not many-to-1.  customs is up there.  all of the tsa, ice and customs are canadian employees wearing us kit.  there are only as many people in pre-departure customs as there are seats on planes over the next 2-3 hours.  and, the plane can't leave if she's not on it if she has checked a bag, which i fully expect is the case.  even if they are instituting "screening" in front of the normal customs and tsa.  bag check is first before everything.  the only time you can get pulled for any reason and not get on the plane is if you didn't check a bag because they hate hunting bags.

the shitshow last saturday at o'hare and dfw was a result of zero planning for surge capacity when they funneled 3x the number of normal flights and added "screening" to the process with no extra personnel.  they effectively shut down the flow by an order of magnitude.  by design, the way we do customs with Canada, with everything up there at the 7 gateway airports, it's impossible for her to run in to last saturday's shitshow.

4 minutes ago, The_Great_Hornsby said:

So you dont want a place for patients to go to help take a load off of hospitals? odd

Sounds good.  You first.

  • Like 2
5 minutes ago, Dahobbs said:

Yes, this particular virus originated in their wet markets. Other viruses have originated in other areas, including the US. I'm not saying it is racist to assign some culpability to China for the spread of the virus, particularly as to their initial response to the outbreak. I'm saying that China didn't cause the virus. Nature did (unless and until any evidence shows otherwise). It was pure misfortune that this particular virus ended up being as serious as it appears to be, and that other viruses originating in locations like North America haven't been as serious. We could just as easily have been in a similar position due to some redneck eating an armadillo or something. 

That’s like someone splitting atoms and blaming the resulting explosion on nature. Fuck China and their sick ass wet markets, they are to blame for this and let’s not let them forget it.

  • Like 5
While China certainly didn't act perfectly with regard to the virus, saying another country "caused this entire situation" is over the top. The virus caused it, not the country. China didn't cause SARS2-Cov anymore than we caused H1N1. Their reaction to the growing situation wasn't perfect and resulted in more infections and spread. Our reaction to the situation was objectively worse because we had China and other countries telling us this shit was real and didn't listen. 

We wouldn’t have had any reaction to screw up if China hadn’t fucked this up from the get go. Fuck them.


Edit: and Chinese isn’t a race. It’s a country. If people here were saying “fuck Asians”, that would be racist.

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Just now, Macanudo said:

Sounds good.  You first.

Yeah I would have no problem if thats how it had to be. I guess you dont understand how triaging and managing hospital beds works. Or would you rather people just line the hallways of hospitals? 

Just now, Hate said:

We wouldn’t have had any reaction to screw up if China hadn’t fucked this up from the get go. Fuck them.


1 minute ago, Poe It Up said:

That’s like someone splitting atoms and blaming the resulting explosion on nature. Fuck China and their sick ass wet markets, they are to blame for this and let’s not let them forget it.

These guys fuck, they get it. 

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32 minutes ago, The_Great_Hornsby said:

So what? We bend over and take it. They deserve to be called out. Fuck them. They caused this entire situation. You dont want to call that out because it might hurt their feelings? If they fuck with us, we adjust accordingly going forward. And we will. 

The wise thing to do is play along until our house is in order not start shit when we are in the midst of a crisis. Deal with the crisis and then when the dust settles build an alliance to deal with the Chinese. The entire world knows how this started, it isn't a secret.

No need for the U.S. to mouth off right now like a fucking dipshit teenager. We need to be Michael Corleone not Fredo.

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27 minutes ago, Skipper said:

Those numbers make no sense. At all.  The system would ALREADY be overwhelmed.  And positives would not be less than 10% of tests taken.   

Remember, this is the guy that said ~5 days ago that things would go to hell in a hand basket in 5-7 days. 

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3 minutes ago, NoName said:




he should be asked every single day about this...

as should the PR arms of each of his companies...

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