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Formerly DT: COVID-19 - Featuring Lots of Politics, now CR because political talk not going away

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2 minutes ago, Bill Lumbergh said:






States are going to start restricting travel if stuff like this goes on. No sense in having your state buckle down, only to get an influx of infected from a state that didn't when the shit inevitably hits the fan as a result of that mistake.




For all Florida's talk of isolating NY/NJ passengers...  The people got a form when they got on the plane in NY/NJ that they needed to fill out (like a customs form) destination, location, reason for the trip...  and then when they got off the plane in Florida they put the form in a collection bucket.  No screening, no one meeting the plane...  nada.  It's a complete joke (obviously).

5 minutes ago, Loco said:

For all Florida's talk of isolating NY/NJ passengers...  The people got a form when they got on the plane in NY/NJ that they needed to fill out (like a customs form) destination, location, reason for the trip...  and then when they got off the plane in Florida they put the form in a collection bucket.  No screening, no one meeting the plane...  nada.  It's a complete joke (obviously).

Frankly I'd be amazed if they had the personel and training to monitor in-state flights like that at this time. It's not exactly a secret that airport staff are dropping off due to this thing.


@JBJ curious what your thoughts are on the UT model of the Austin area, particularly the assumptions. Do you think we are on the 50% social distancing curve? If we are drastically under reporting the actual number of infected, say there are 4 times as many infected as we think.. That only shifts the curves 2 doubling periods (8 days) to the left, correct? 

@closetojumping what say you about the UT model? More circle jerking by doomsdayer nerds ignoring the real world? 


SIAP - Dallas County bringing in the National Guard to setup a temporary hospital.




The Texas county hit hardest so far by the new coronavirus is strengthening its medical response with a mobile hospital and by calling in health care workers from the National Guard, Dallas County Judge Clay Jenkins said Thursday.

Dallas County, which has more than 300 positive cases, will eventually open the 250-bed hospital, Jenkins said, but it was unclear when. Doctors and nurses from the National Guard are also expected to assist with epidemiological detective work known as “contact tracing” to identify people who have been in contact with anyone who tests positive for the novel coronavirus.

“We’re asking for logistical support, you will see military vans moving around,” Jenkins said at a news conference Thursday evening, adding that the National Guard will be in the county on a medical mission — “they are not coming here to impose martial law.”

Jenkins said officials also plan to use the old Parkland Hospital building, which was replaced with a new facility a few years ago, to quarantine people.


25 minutes ago, SHOOTER12 said:

Absolutely correct.  I was negative according to pre-screening but still had to quarantine.

I heard your quarantine was due to some of your other life choices, and not because of the Corona...  

46 minutes ago, SHOOTER12 said:

So moonshine is a pretty effective treatment?


44 minutes ago, Onboard 2.0 said:

Hell, I'm good then...

Got a good laugh here at work a little while ago.  One of our supts here in Waco told me to stick my head in his company truck and see what I could smell.  Wholly cow it smelled very strongly of alcohol.  Turns out he had gotten some moonshine last night and the mason jar was not sealed properly and spilled the moonshine all over the backseat.

If he gets stopped going home today he's going to have a lot of splainin' to do.

  • Like 2
27 minutes ago, landman said:


I also am curious as to if the flu vaccine has any impact.  How many people that are positive had the vaccine?  And how many people that tested negative have had the vaccine?  Valid questions in my opinion.  


Why are you curious about this?  Covid and the Flu aren't related.

7 hours ago, Radical Larry said:


Reeves issued an executive order statewide limiting gatherings of 10 or more, etc, etc, etc.  It makes little sense IMO but restaurants are allowed to stay open for take out and if they have no more than 10 people inside.  Probably shouldn't do that, but its not like many meet that limited criteria.

They also said this below, so the above tweet is much ado....lots of politicians are trying to grab the spotlight during this event


The governor's office on Wednesday evening said it planned to give deference to orders and recommendations made at the local level. That includes curfews, restaurant and bar closures, and a requirement for non-essential workers to work remotely. 

Parker Briden, the governor's deputy chief of staff, said Reeves was on the phone with  mayors all day Wednesday to explain the order and how it would or would not affect them. 

The governor's office released a statement Thursday morning: 

“Following the principle of state managed, locally executed, Gov. Reeves’ latest executive order sets a statewide standard in terms of social distancing and defining essential businesses to slow the spread and protect public health. This establishes statewide parameters that local leaders on the front lines can build on to make decisions that are in the best interest of their communities.” 

Posted (edited)


3 minutes ago, Fozzz said:

I love this dude.


You love Clay Travis? Even if you agree with this particular blazing hot take (which may not age particularly well), what the fuck is wrong with you? You must also love Kurt Bowels

Edited by B00M
  • Like 7
12 minutes ago, Cheeseweasel said:

I look forward to a rational discussion on Facebook about this.

With Clay Jenkins pleading to Elon Musk for help with Ventilators on Twitter, it begs the question whether Dallas will be severely lacking if cases really ramp up.   We all know the testing data in Dallas is still shit so makes me wonder if he's just being prudent (he has seemed competent during all of this) or if based on what he's hearing on the front lines (i.e, ER intake, hospital admissions) has him worried.


6 minutes ago, Kennythetiger said:

I heard your quarantine was due to some of your other life choices, and not because of the Corona...  

Shhhhhhhh, ixnay on the etaildays

2 minutes ago, Fozzz said:

I love this dude.


Clay Travis is an idiot.  He can't read a simple graph that shows that the spike in death rate will lag behind the spike in cases by 7-14 days.  In two weeks if what he says holds true we can all celebrate.

  • Like 7
1 minute ago, B00M said:


You love Clay Travis? Even if you agree with this particular blazing hot take, what the fuck is wrong with you? You must also love Kurt Bowels

Seriously.  Clay Travis sucks at life in normal times  But his fucking Covid takes have been god damn ridiculous.   Our death rate should never look like Italy's.  Completely different demographics and hospitals were overrun.  But it's also clear he has zero fucking concept of the fact that death trails symptoms by about 20 days.  He's acting like that number is stagnant.  His nonsense is going to get a lot of people in the SEC SEC sick and/or killed.

3 minutes ago, VABuckeye said:

Clay Travis is an idiot.  He can't read a simple graph that shows that the spike in death rate will lag behind the spike in cases by 7-14 days.  In two weeks if what he says holds true we can all celebrate.

Are the Italy numbers on the same chart lagged too?


This letter, explaining ICU and ventilator rationing, seems to be getting some attention.
The hospital system discussed that is is normal emergency planning, which I do believe - but once it starts happening there will be plenty of blame to share


Are the Italy numbers on the same chart lagged too?

We’re about 3-4 weeks behind Italy so I assume ours will climb quite a bit in the next 2-3 weeks



I don’t believe chinas initial numbers and I don’t believe theirs right now

  • Like 3
12 minutes ago, SHOOTER12 said:


Got a good laugh here at work a little while ago.  One of our supts here in Waco told me to stick my head in his company truck and see what I could smell.  Wholly cow it smelled very strongly of alcohol.  Turns out he had gotten some moonshine last night and the mason jar was not sealed properly and spilled the moonshine all over the backseat.

If he gets stopped going home today he's going to have a lot of splainin' to do.

Gettin' all dusty up in here just thinking about a mason jar of 'shine having to go out all by itself like that.

  • Like 4

Ran across a company called Dxterity that is rolling out a program for company's to test employees.  Cool concept.  And this is the kind of thing we'll need at a large scale if we're ever going to get the nation back to work.

"The service is powered by DxTerity’s DxDirect® high-throughput genomics platform and is designed to provide next-day, de-identified, company-wide COVID-19 testing results. Service subscribers will receive a weekly or bi-weekly shipment of uniquely barcoded nasal swabs for employee testing. Employees will self-collect nasal samples, and the de-identified sample IDs will be entered by a site coordinator into a private company portal. The collection devices will then be shipped to DxTerity for testing, with results delivered electronically the next day."


  • Like 2

There are people who follow sports and then there are people who make an entire identity out of following sports, akin to how some nerds make an identity out of gaming.  Clay Travis has been one of the most adept people on the planet at monetizing this phenomenon.  He is one of their Gods, centrally positioned in the pantheon.  He doesn't appear to know much about anything, and yet there he stands.  I can respect that.  

  • Fuck You 1
21 minutes ago, Bevo VIII said:

We’re about 3-4 weeks behind Italy so I assume ours will climb quite a bit in the next 2-3 weeks



I don’t believe chinas initial numbers and I don’t believe theirs right now

Hell no, I wouldn't believe China if they told me the sky was blue.

28 minutes ago, VABuckeye said:

Clay Travis is an idiot.  He can't read a simple graph that shows that the spike in death rate will lag behind the spike in cases by 7-14 days.  In two weeks if what he says holds true we can all celebrate.



Anyone on here see the interview last nigh on CNN with Bill Gates?  What can’t that dude run this country?  He sure seems like he knows how to deal with this situation.

Posted (edited)

For the Surly Austinites, the City now has a dashboard giving details on cases (wish they or the County would publish a ZIP code map like Dallas).


Notes (county data):

  • 137 cases reported so far.
  • The bar chart on new cases is promising, so far.
  • No overall real gender gap, so far. (Edit: Should note that young women out pace young men, but older men outpace older women.)
  • 56 percent of infected under the age of 40.

Age Group














































Edited by bolverk
38 minutes ago, Skipper said:

With Clay Jenkins pleading to Elon Musk for help with Ventilators on Twitter, it begs the question whether Dallas will be severely lacking if cases really ramp up.   We all know the testing data in Dallas is still shit so makes me wonder if he's just being prudent (he has seemed competent during all of this) or if based on what he's hearing on the front lines (i.e, ER intake, hospital admissions) has him worried.


i think he is just doing everything possible to get out ahead of this.  That has seemed to be his mission from the start.   


My grandmother was 4 when the Spanish flu outbreak occurred in 1918. She’s 105 now and still going strong, although in an assisted living facility.

  • Like 4
1 minute ago, Longhorn94 said:

recs on best home delivery for groceries in the Austin area? pros and cons? trying to convince the wife that she can farm this out and still get what she wants.

Haven't tried it yet but I've heard, anecdotally, that people have been the getting fastest HEB deliveries from Instacart.

  • Like 1
48 minutes ago, Don Johnson said:

lots of politicians are trying to grab the spotlight during this event

This is asshole related, not Covid related. Although the jury is still out if Covid can be transmitted thru anal sex. 

39 minutes ago, NoName said:

I would spend 14 days locked in the Cloak Room than listen to a single Clay Travis Coronavirus take. 

Are those my only options? Because I'll just kiss a corona patient if that's a third option.

  • Like 1
3 minutes ago, Cheeseweasel said:

Stupidity Are You Stupid GIF

He's either as stupid as you think he is, or he's a troll. Regardless, he was the first Surly poster I ever put on ignore after we made the switch. I advise you do the same. For a while, I thought he was Rocko, but it got so bad that I just put him on ignore.

  • Like 2
48 minutes ago, Bevo VIII said:

We’re about 3-4 weeks behind Italy so I assume ours will climb quite a bit in the next 2-3 weeks



I don’t believe chinas initial numbers and I don’t believe theirs right now

3-4 weeks behind Italy in what?  Are you just making this up?

We’re about 3-4 weeks behind Italy so I assume ours will climb quite a bit in the next 2-3 weeks
I don’t believe chinas initial numbers and I don’t believe theirs right now

Ok so the US and Spain each had about 4-5k confirmed cases 2 weeks and yet our death count is about a quarter of theirs despite having WAY more cases now.

Yesterday was their deadliest count at 718 and have had 4 straight days of 500+ deaths.
  • Like 2
59 minutes ago, Fozzz said:

I love this dude.


Also, you need to scroll over on the chart and see the ever mounting number of serious/critical cases.  While Italy outnumbers the US by a factor of 7 in deaths, it is only about 2.5 in serious cases.  Not saying we are using the same criteria but that is where this is heading right now.

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