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Formerly DT: COVID-19 - Featuring Lots of Politics, now CR because political talk not going away

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1 hour ago, closetojumping said:

If giving a shit about my personal freedoms and not liking cops rolling up on my front lawn and scaring the fuck out of kids makes me a Karen, I can live with it. When the same kind of shit rolls your way, let’s see how insouciant you are. 

Well, I think that resolves that.  I Karen would not be able to use "insouciant" in a sentence.

Verdict: CTJ is not a Karen.

2 minutes ago, Beau Vine said:

Well, I think that resolves that.  I Karen would not be able to use "insouciant" in a sentence.

Verdict: CTJ is not a Karen.

Insouciant Karen sounds like a good alternative rock band name.

  • Like 1
30 minutes ago, dcar00 said:

I was going to but inserted "nonchalant" as a placeholder. in my head. which might be wrong.  but it does beg the question....Can you be "chalant"? 



The third edition of Pat’s grammar and usage book Woe Is I includes a section about words like these. We’ll quote the passage:

“Some words are sourpusses. They’re negative through and through, and have no positive counterparts. I’m thinking of words like unkempt, inept, disgruntled, and uncouth. We might joke about looking ‘kempt’ or being ‘couth,’ but in fact the negatives have no opposite forms—they’re either obsolete rarities or whimsical inventions.

“Other negatives with nonexistent or obscure opposite numbers include debunk, disappointing, disconcerting, disconsolate, disheveled, dismayed, immaculate, impeccable, inadvertent, incapacitated, inclement, incognito, incommunicado, incorrigible, indefatigable, inevitable, indomitable, insipid, misnomer, mistake, nonchalant, noncommittal, nondescript, nonpareil, nonplussed, unassuming, unbeknownst, ungainly, and unwieldy.

“Some similar words without opposite versions may look like negatives, but they aren’t. Their negative-looking prefixes (im and in) emphasize or intensify instead. Actually, intensify and instead are among these words, and so are insure, impromptu, inscribe, and inflammable.”


2 minutes ago, Helobious said:

Generic white stay at home suburban mom that's always in everyone's business. 

Karen generally denotes someone a bit older.  Proper nomenclature for Gen X is Heather.

  • Haha 1
1 minute ago, justhookit said:

Fro what little googling I can do so far this does not appear to be very accurate.


im curious to see how this plays out, huge huge impact to my business / industry


10 minutes ago, Helobious said:

Generic white stay at home suburban mom that's always in everyone's business. 


7 minutes ago, Aqua Buddha said:

Karen generally denotes someone a bit older.  Proper nomenclature for Gen X is Heather.

i usually go with Becky.

6 minutes ago, tx 3 putt said:


im curious to see how this plays out, huge huge impact to my business / industry


Like I said it was completely inaccurate. No travel ban just added highway travel to the previously announced airport travel deal. Dude that tweeted it is a fucking reporter.


‘My prior executive order about travel from New Orleans covered air travel from New Orleans into the state of Texas. Now, I am updating that executive order to also include travel by road. Travel by road from any location in the state of Louisiana. Importantly, this executive order does not apply to travel related to commercial activity, military service, emergency response, health response, or critical infrastructure functions. This order will be enforced like the order that I issued previously about travel from New Orleans. It will be enforced by the Department of Public Safety at and near entry points from Louisiana."

7 minutes ago, Beau Vine said:



Not quite true.

That source lists quite a few such words, and insists that the "positive" versions are obsolete or inventions. Neither of those denies the existence. Obsolete only means "most people don't use them", and you all know how many fucks we give about what most people think or do. Calling them inventions is absurd - you can't negate something that doesn't already exist, whether that something was "invented" or fell out of the sky is not material.

Feel free to be gruntled, whether you are couth or not.



41 minutes ago, Aqua Buddha said:
Guess he'll be propped up beside the jukebox:


You take this green rep and haul your skinny ass outta here. I don't want to see you for the rest of the day

Now beat it.

  • Like 1
I am spending about $13K next week in landscaping to not see my neighbors behind me anymore.  They are from ousux and live up to the image we all have of them.

Bottle brushes are your friend. They bloom nicely and provide excellent coverage.
  • Like 1
Posted (edited)
25 minutes ago, XYZ said:

WTF is a Karen?

  • Self-appointed HOA presidents 
  • Self-appointed playground monitors who call CPS if a kid is at the park or riding a bike down the street, that they think is too young to be there without a parent (Stranger Things would make them shit a brick)
  • People who don’t like kids playing in their own yards when mommy or daddy aren’t hovering. May not rate a call to CPS, but it might.  
  • Responsible for a lot of Nextdoor drama
  • Self-appointed thread police
  • People who shit all over underworked and underpaid employees at a store, for decisions made by six-figure/millionaire executives who work in a completely different state
  • People who think they are important enough to rate talking to the manager when an employee gives them a corporate answer they don’t like.  Ties into the above.

There’s some overlap with Beckys, but this might help you out


Edited by atomheartbevo
  • Like 8
  • Haha 1
3 hours ago, Dahobbs said:

It is too late for a quarantine  of NYC to matter much. Every state has a significant number of infections at this point. Quarantining NY from the rest of the country isn't going to prevent spread from the infections already present. 

It's not ?  You mean all those people in cars with NY plates heading down 95 south are coronavirus free, and clear every one of them ?  

Posted (edited)

Here’s hoping he does more to prevent the spread within Texas, rather than simply trying to keep New Yorkers and Louisiana folks out.     We really need consistency across all areas so that we don’t see more lawsuits like the CC lawsuit in north Texas.

edit well Dahobbs said it better above.   It’s nice to keep folks from hotspots out, but we are creating our own hotspots by not having a consistent policy across the state.   

Edited by atomheartbevo
Just now, Onboard 2.0 said:

It's not ?  You mean all those people in cars with NY plates heading down 95 south are coronavirus free, and clear every one of them ?  

That isn't the point. Stopping further spread from NY doesn't mean anything if you don't stop the spread already occurring in communities all across the country. A half-measure of quarantining NY is no measure at all if you don't shut down everything elsewhere. The only difference is that we will be in the same position in 30 days instead of 15. By all means stop travel from New York, but you got it do it everywhere else as well, otherwise it is all for naught. 

  • Like 3
Nice.  I'm not embarrassed to admit I had to google this.  

His vocabulary is impressive. It makes one think he looks like this:


I have a sneaky suspicion it might be more like this:

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Posted (edited)
2 hours ago, TXSG8R said:

Yea, the shortage makes that guidance pretty much pointless. It would also make people hoard them which would further reduce the quantity available to first responders. 

Obviously there needs to be a reusable one. Dip it in alcohol kind of thing, or run through the washer. Those paper things are shit. Would be helpful if they had some kind of personalized message thing. It's got to have a style component. It's how we do.

Edited by Thetexashammer



Several members of an Illinois Pentecostal church are either at the hospital or in home quarantine after at least 43 congregants fell ill following a revival service two Sundays ago, and at least 10 of them have tested positive for the new coronavirus.

In a Facebook post Wednesday night, Layna LoCascio, wife of pastor Anthony LoCascio who leads The Life Church of Glenview, said at least 43 of the approximately 80 people who attended a March 15 service at their church have fallen ill and everyone who has been tested for the new coronavirus has come back positive for the virus which has already killed more than 1,470 and infected more than 97,000 people nationwide.

“We have 43 infected (at minimum) from our church or connected to our church from our last service on March 15th. They all haven’t tested but whoever gets a test done ends up being positive, and we all have the same symptoms. It’s just not easy. It’s especially not easy when you’re a leader and a pastor of a precious church and we all got infected together,” she wrote.

Church leaders said the meeting was held days before the governor’s stay-at-home order. However, it was after officials called for large public events to be scaled down to 1,000 people and for private ones to have a maximum 250 in attendance, the Chicago Tribune reported.

Pastor LoCascio told the Daily Herald that he had contemplated canceling the service initially but because the number of confirmed coronavirus cases in the area was low he decided against it, particularly because they had a guest speaker coming and had been promoting the event for a while.

"We had a guest speaker. We were promoting it," he said. "We made the announcement, 'If you're sick, stay home.' We didn't know [this would happen]. No one knew."

Pastor Anthony LoCascio and his wife Layna. | Facebook/Anthony LoCascio

The decision not to cancel has led to a lot of pain for many, including pastor LoCascio, the guest evangelist, Eli Hernandez, as well as a member of the church who's battling cancer.

“One of the main pillars in our church, who has cancer, is in the hospital with pneumonia and a blood infection and pancreatic cancer and Covid19. He is not doing good. He’s in ICU and on a ventilator. My husband is tore up about it! SO torn up! He’s been so sick as well,” Layna LoCascio wrote.

“It’s been 11 days straight of fever and sickness. He still has fever, and now a cough but he’s able to walk and talk and eat at least. (It had gotten so bad he asked me to check on his life insurance, poor thing.) Without the prayers of precious people all over the nation praying, we might would’ve had a different scenario” she said, pleading for continued prayers. Beau Vine editorial: WTF?!??!?

Layna LoCascio said that she, her husband, as well as the visiting evangelist had just attended a ministers’ conference in the Chicago metropolitan area, where the coronavirus cases have been exploding, just days before the revival service on March 15 and they might have been infected there.

“If it was just our family, it would be so much easier to deal with but when it’s effected so so many in our church, it’s just so hard. … Little did we all know (leaders from our church and my husband and I and Bro Hernández & his family), little did we know that we were probably infected with Covid19,” she said.

They were looking forward to the special service because it was their last gathering before the lockdown went into effect, she said. 

We had invited so many guests & members. We all knew it was the last service before the lockdown. So many beautiful things happened! People filled with the Holy Spirit and we even had miracles. He even preached about faith! (Bro Hernandez.) But now...now he is at the hospital with pneumonia and under sedation, not doing good. What can I say? Do I give up my faith? Do I look straight into the eyes of what appears to be the most dreaded situation that could ever come of this?” she asked.

“My very own sweet precious mother (and probably father too) ended up getting infected and now Momma is home with a bad cough and in bed. I could sit and FRET and WORRY (and believe me, I’ve done my fair share of that), and I could just let my spirit within me DIE, ORRRR I could just make the choice to say, ‘I KNOW MY GOD!!!!’ And my God says ‘I will be WITH YOU’!!!

She continued: "My God is MORE than enough to supply all of my needs, all of OUR needs! Even if He is as SILENT as can be right now, I KNOW I’ve heard His voice before and I KNOW I will hear His voice AFTER!!! He told US!!! HE TOLD US WERE GOING TO THE OTHER SIDE!!!! I don’t care how hard the storm seems in this “sea of Galilee.” He has PROMISED my church dynamic end time revival! He has PROMISED us that we would be a healing place! I will not BOW! I will NOT BOW to FEAR!” 

Layna LoCascio also posted a video on the church’s Facebook page explaining that she has been treating her husband with garlic.

The World Health Organization says that while garlic is a health food and might have "some antimicrobial properties." There has been "no evidence from the current outbreak that eating garlic has protected people from the new coronavirus."


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Just going to copy text to make it load faster

  • Looking at arenas, hotels, other locations across TX as backup plans for housing patients, Abbott says
  • Army Corps of Engineers is also looking at other regions like Houston, San Antonio, Austin, RGV, El Paso, any part of state where this need may be called upon, Abbott says, urging local leaders to contact state if you know of a place that could be a temp healthcare facility.
  • Abbott says he's issuing new executive orders
  • 1st is travel-related "to reduce importing COVID-19 into Texas." Prior order covered air travel from New Orleans. NEw order expands to travel by road from any location in Louisiana.
  • Abbott now requiring 14-day self-quarantine for anyone flying into Texas from Miami, Atlanta, Detroit, Chicago, and any air travel from California and Washington State.
  • Abbott says sooner we can get to economic vitality will depend on Texans working to reduce spread.
  • Brig. Gen. Paul Owen of Army Corps of Engineers: looking at 3 diff types of facilities, hospitals/clinics not in use, arenas/convention centers, hotels. Could be used for #COVID19 patients, or others should regular hospitals take lead on that
  • Now: @TXMilitary's @MGTracyNorris says you may see Guardsmen in your communities now that @GovAbbott has activated troops. Overseeing 10 general support units across Texas.
  • Now up: @repjohnzerwas (former lawmaker now with UT & on supply chain strike force) says we know there are as many as 30k licensed beds around TX that could be turned into hospitals beds for #COVID19 patients, in addition to those already identified
  • Like 1
17 minutes ago, atomheartbevo said:
  • Self-appointed HOA presidents 
  • Self-appointed playground monitors who call CPS if a kid is at the park or riding a bike down the street, that they think is too young to be there without a parent (Stranger Things would make them shit a brick)
  • People who don’t like kids playing in their own yards when mommy or daddy aren’t hovering. May not rate a call to CPS, but it might.  
  • Responsible for a lot of Nextdoor drama
  • Self-appointed thread police
  • People who shit all over underworked and underpaid employees at a store, for decisions made by six-figure/millionaire executives who work in a completely different state
  • People who think they are important enough to rate talking to the manager when an employee gives them a corporate answer they don’t like.  Ties into the above.

There’s some overlap with Beckys, but this might help you out


You left off women who are concerned about a certain african american gentleman wearing grey slacks.

  • Like 2
I definitely don't believe the "official" number coming out if Wuhan... But, how many people normally die in Wuhan over a 2.5 month span? I would assume this 46k includes people that died of other causes?
1 hour ago, Aqua Buddha said:
Guess he'll be propped up beside the jukebox:


I get he wasn't bigger than the Beatles but I don't see how you can be so insouciant about his death.

  • Like 3
1 minute ago, Not a cat said:

I get he wasn't bigger than the Beatles but I don't see how you can be so insouciant about his death.

Does somebody want to tell Karen that we're a bunch of assholes on this site?

  • Like 2

Too many pages to go back and see if this has already been posted, though I would guess that it has.
I've sent it to selected family members who don't seem to understand what stay at home means


5 minutes ago, Francisco 2.0 said:



Not shocking.  Also think the cases number is probably too low by about a factor of 10 or 100.  If you are looking at 46k dead, given the calculated CFR given current numbers, that would be somewhere like 1.5M cases.  However, I still think the CFR is much lower, and if it was in the .5 or .6% mark we think it actually is, that means approximately 8M cases in Hubei.  I would not be shocked.

3 minutes ago, atomheartbevo said:

Abbott now requiring 14-day self-quarantine for anyone flying into Texas from Miami, Atlanta, Detroit, Chicago

Does this include the Ft Lauderdale airport?  It's nearly as big as Miami's.

11 minutes ago, atomheartbevo said:

This reporter followed the whole presser.  Read his thread/tweets, here’s a few


Abbott could go ahead and implement stricter statewide restrictions, which would end the CC lawsuit, and would buy us more time for the hospitals.  Frustrating that he’s waiting to see what the feds say, when we have plenty of examples from other states.    What if those guidelines don’t happen until Friday?   CTJ may have started offing Beckys and Karens by then.   

2 minutes ago, PenelopeWitherspoon said:

Not shocking.  Also think the cases number is probably too low by about a factor of 10 or 100.  If you are looking at 46k dead, given the calculated CFR given current numbers, that would be somewhere like 1.5M cases.  However, I still think the CFR is much lower, and if it was in the .5 or .6% mark we think it actually is, that means approximately 8M cases in Hubei.  I would not be shocked.


She did the math in a follow up tweet; close to your number:



1 minute ago, Beau Vine said:

Does this include the Ft Lauderdale airport?  It's nearly as big as Miami's.

Don’t know, but at the current rate, other states are going to be banning air travel from Houston and Dallas by the end of this week.

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