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Formerly DT: COVID-19 - Featuring Lots of Politics, now CR because political talk not going away

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2 hours ago, atomheartbevo said:

They had 3 cases on the 24th, so that escalated fast.   Don’t think he’s worried about his career at this point   

Wasn’t @blacklab on subs or something.  Can only imagine how it would go through one of those.  

I was but it was a long long time ago.

If one dude on a sub gets it, everyone on that sub would have it shortly. 

3 minutes ago, BurntEyes said:

Okay, CTJ mentioned it earlier and ChiTown alluded to it...

Getting tests out to gen pop, who aren't sick or show signs, so we can home test for antibodies and know if we have already been exposed is absolutely the fastest way to get life back to normal.

I take a test and bingo, I've had it. I'm clear. I can wear a mask to protect others, but don't have to fear dumb asses who don't social distance or wear gloves getting me sick. I can, largely,  go back to life as normal.

Those who aren't positive and don't want to mask up, well, fuck, I mean, do I have to give a shit?

I've seen so many that don't at this point my concern for others is really going off the deep end. At Lowe's yesterday I'm the only fucker wearing a mask and gloves. One lovely couple each pushing 3 bills or more had their fucking 5-8 y/o kids with them while strolling around. Nobody gave a fuck about social distances.

I'm getting really fucking tires of being the only on who seems to give a fuck in a town of 30k people.

Sounds like the town I have my business in.  Morons are all packed together shopping at Home Depot and Lowe’s because they are bored at home.

1 minute ago, blacklab said:

I was but it was a long long time ago.

If one dude on a sub gets it, everyone on that sub would have it shortly. 

So it would spread just like an STD on the sub huh? 

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5 minutes ago, InkaUtexas said:

That is what was said. And can be extended. Just call off the damn year, have a social week when all said and done. 

Not sure what you're getting at?  School hasn't been canceled, it's just going to be online/remote.  Why would they need to "call off the damn year" at this point?   They can proceed with remote/online school for the next month, and then evaluate and assess where we are, and then make the decision on whether or not to remain remote for a longer period, at that time.  There is no reason to rush into that kind of decision now.

And I'd love to see the students get a chance to come back for even a day or two at the end of May, we'll just have to see how it goes.


Why wouldn't schools go back for the last month if they can.  One poster already talked about how most students would really only be missing about 6 weeks of instruction given the weeks used for STAAR test and reviews for other tests during the school year.  If they go back without having to prep for STAAR, they can get 4 weeks of instruction to ge them back to where they need to be heading into their new grade level (or closer than they would be).  Also, there are a lot of other services the schools provide like resource teaching and speech services (my wife is an SLP). Her kids are most likely going to regress even with her using the teletherapy strategies they are implementing.  I hope the kids get to go back on May 4th and think they should.

2 minutes ago, utee94 said:

Not sure what you're getting at?  School hasn't been canceled, it's just going to be online/remote.  Why would they need to "call off the damn year" at this point?   They can proceed with remote/online school for the next month, and then evaluate and assess where we are, and then make the decision on whether or not to remain remote for a longer period, at that time.  There is no reason to rush into that kind of decision now.

And I'd love to see the students get a chance to come back for even a day or two at the end of May, we'll just have to see how it goes.

I meant in class attendance. Did not say cancelled. And agree about the last place. Right now watching my Senior do live tutorials with her AP Art teacher. The issue is the shit show trying to get kids refocused for 4 weeks tops? 

4 minutes ago, victory88 said:

Sounds like the town I have my business in.  Morons are all packed together shopping at Home Depot and Lowe’s because they are bored at home.

Oh, just wait until the 3rd week of April.  

Just now, InkaUtexas said:

I meant in class attendance. Did not say cancelled. And agree about the last place. Right now watching my Senior do live tutorials with her AP Art teacher. The issue is the shit show trying to get kids refocused for 4 weeks tops? 

Why would they need to make a decision, right now, about something that is 4 or 6 or 8 weeks out?  I don't think that when the kids go back into their classrooms, it will be any less efficient than it is right now.  And within a day or two, I expect it to be significantly more efficient, once more.  So I don't see any downside with planning on them going back on May 4th, and then pushing it out further if need be.


3 minutes ago, utee94 said:

Why would they need to make a decision, right now, about something that is 4 or 6 or 8 weeks out?  I don't think that when the kids go back into their classrooms, it will be any less efficient than it is right now.  And within a day or two, I expect it to be significantly more efficient, once more.  So I don't see any downside with planning on them going back on May 4th, and then pushing it out further if need be.


Two considerations. 1- Easier to open up early than keep pushing it. This places an additional stress due to the unknown. 2- Could be since we are set to peak on May 2. Look, hopefully it ends, but I prefer the Virginia approach which is lock it down, set expectations, and then modify back IF you can. 

The ISD I am in is doing a good job getting kids into classes online. The city has stepped up, teachers responded. even the free lunch program continues. The primary issue I can see the lack of oversight on kids (abuse, etc) where teachers and counselors are our front line. Have talked to a few teachers about that, they tend to know kids who can be at risk, and are set up for 1 day a week for one on one discussions. 

22 minutes ago, InkaUtexas said:

That is what was said. And can be extended. Just call off the damn year, have a social week when all said and done. 

No better way to test subject mastery than testing right after a 90 day break.  Much more instructive than testing after a 2 week cram session. 

  • Like 1
10 minutes ago, BurntEyes said:

Just so I am clear. I should NOT find Beau's um... Subject matter attractive. Cause I don't... Just want to make sure I'm following the Surly rules on what is or is not attractive to the letter.


  • Haha 2
27 minutes ago, blacklab said:

I was but it was a long long time ago.

If one dude on a sub gets it, everyone on that sub would have it shortly. 

Yo BL!  Are we talking Covid or the Clap?  🤔😂

1 hour ago, InkaUtexas said:

Were the 68,000 tests in California ever reported? 

As of yesterday's update for California, so for numbers through 3pm CST on 3/29 from the state health site, CA had conducted 88,500+ tests. 27,251 had been closed with 5,763 positives. Worldometers now has them at 7,453, so in the last 2 days, more info has been published somewhere. Two days ago had them at 136 deaths and they stand at 149 now. Anyway, they'll have another big amount in the 600-1200 range come in later today from somewhere because right now they only show a few hundred new cases for the day. At the time of the last update for 3/29, 56k cases were pending. 

So they've continued to do more testing, and the backlog in results has come down from the 68,000 last week, but it's clear there's still a healthy backlog. Of confirmed results, they are running at a 21% clip. That's a self-selected group of patients who think they have it being tested and not a random sample, so the bias skews the numbers upwards. I would have guessed a higher infection rate, honestly.

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3 minutes ago, Your Mom said:

If you didn't want to take a bunch of dicks up your ass you should have thought of that before you joined the Navy.

User name checks out

  • Like 4
1 hour ago, iodeac said:

So what are you guys doing about haircuts because I'm about this close to texting my friend who cuts my hair in barbershop place to ask if I can go over to her house two miles away and have her do it there, Corona be damned

Enviado desde mi SM-G973U mediante Tapatalk

I taught myself how to cut my hair after spending $35 at a barber. Fuck that noise.

I have a cordless wahl trimmer. Shit is magic. Of course you need a handheld mirror to cut the back of your head. Fading has become so much easier......learned by following barbers on IG & FB.

  • Like 1
2 minutes ago, Js1 said:


I don't think the governor has the constitutional authority to do that.  I'd have to research it, and it's a different analysis depending on whether we're talking about a county, a home-rule city, or a general-law city.  But broadly speaking only the Legislature has that kind of authority.

1 hour ago, utee94 said:

No way man, you can have my  luxurious, flowing locks when you sheer them from my cold, dead, corona-infected noggin.


  • Like 3
9 minutes ago, Js1 said:



5 minutes ago, Ghost of LL said:

I don't think the governor has the constitutional authority to do that.  I'd have to research it, and it's a different analysis depending on whether we're talking about a county, a home-rule city, or a general-law city.  But broadly speaking only the Legislature has that kind of authority.

Sure as shit looks like he's trying to.

Nevermind the fact that we have DOCUMENTED PROOF of super-spreading events occurring at religious services in South Korea and Washington State already.  This is beyond stupid.

  • Like 5
9 minutes ago, Brisketexan said:


Sure as shit looks like he's trying to.

Nevermind the fact that we have DOCUMENTED PROOF of super-spreading events occurring at religious services in South Korea and Washington State already.  This is beyond stupid

Florida arrests pastor for having a big church service repeatedly. Texas reopens churches. 

we are dumber than Florida now 

1 hour ago, InkaUtexas said:

Then no mask for you! 

You can slather vasoline on your beard where the mask contacts to create a fit checked seal. Not sure that and having to clean out your beard later is worth keeping the full beard. I for one will go with the negative image of a handle bar moustache. 

  • Like 1
1 minute ago, Murfdogg21 said:

You can slather vasoline on your beard where the mask contacts to create a fit checked seal. Not sure that and having to clean out your beard later is worth keeping the full beard. I for one will go with the negative image of a handle bar moustache. 

Well and the vaseline can be used for other things right? Or it is contaminated? 


1 minute ago, Murfdogg21 said:

You can slather vasoline on your beard where the mask contacts to create a fit checked seal. Not sure that and having to clean out your beard later is worth keeping the full beard. I for one will go with the negative image of a handle bar moustache. 

What about a shit ton of beard wax? Asking for hipsters.

9 minutes ago, Js1 said:

Florida arrests pastor for having a big church service repeatedly. Texas reopens churches. 

we are dumber than Florida now 

Wouldn’t that mean less than 10?

  • Like 3
3 minutes ago, stork642 said:

Making fun of paralyzed people is badass.  I bet you got all the chicks in high school.  

Fuck that guy. Shit like that will get my God-fearing, 80 year old mom killed.

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