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Formerly DT: COVID-19 - Featuring Lots of Politics, now CR because political talk not going away

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This will be difficult for a few posters on this thread to wrap their minds around.  You will be thoroughly scolded for such positivity.  
Of course we can. We haven't laid the groundwork to prevent or mitigate a second wave, though, as was alluded to in the post you quoted.

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The YouTube video that has been linked here multiple times makes a pretty compelling case that it originated in the lab.

The lab is in Wuhan and studies coronaviruses from bats. One of their researchers disappeared and has been removed from the website, and despite these allegations and despite China knowing where all of their citizens are at all times, she has not surfaced since November. She is thought to be patient 0 and dead. They also listed 2 job postings for the lab that were related to SARS-CoV around that same time. Lots of stuff that looks fishy, just watch the video.

The only conspiracy is that a Chinese lab made a mistake and China as a whole failed to admit it, which is extremely easy to believe.

Interesting. I'll have to watch the video tomorrow. I certainly wouldn't put it post the CCP, just a lot more assumptions have to be true in that scenario. Simplest explanations are usually true and all.
21 minutes ago, gmr548 said:



I have seen it reported that local officials tried to keep information from Beijing out of fear of reprisal/demotion/whatever. Doesn't that thought kind of go against the idea it came out of a lab though?




7 minutes ago, gmr548 said:

Interesting. I'll have to watch the video tomorrow. I certainly wouldn't put it post the CCP, just a lot more assumptions have to be true in that scenario. Simplest explanations are usually true and all.

Which is simpler:


1) virus in a bat 600 miles away hops a few mammals and ends up in Wuhan

2) virus in a bat in Wuhan ends up infecting a human in Wuhan


The idea that a totalitarian communist regime is more likely to lie in either # 1 or # 2 just boggles.

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49 minutes ago, ChiTownDoc said:

Thread still a clownshow.  Not sure why we can't shit on China for being complete and utter pieces of garbage while also admitting our response left a lot to be desired.  And if stating that is CR shit, then this place is lost. 

Anyways, it was good to see this thread isn't celebrating the end of C19 due to the emergence of Remdesivir...unlike Wall Street who is in full cocaine/hooker mode.  It may shorten the duration and help with severity but it's no cure all.  It likely has close to zero effect on lockdowns which are absolutely crushing the economy.  

It's very likely that prone positioning and not being overly eager to place pts on a vent has done much more good.  But a magic med always sells much easier...

this is the modern human condition I am afraid. Social media just took this 11. I have this exact thought daily. It even permeates simple meetings with my colleagues. Stating X doesn't mean Y and Z get a free pass. The further degradation of balanced rationale here has been a big concern of mine for some time. Internet Disease is what I call it. While its always been around, Internet Disease is now prevalent I guess because you can just keep barking and not listening. But hey, we know this.

It facilitates the Death Spiral I am afraid. No cr/

One thing you can do is get off the internets. 

Ya'll have a good weekend or whatever thing is called now. 

  • Like 6
holy shit! the pussification of humanity continues.  someone whined about a thread title?  maybe I can whine it back to Jap Plays: Chinese Oriental Wuhan Bat Virus no politics allowed.

The Shanghai Shivers

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
this is the modern human condition I am afraid. Social media just took this 11. I have this exact thought daily. It even permeates simple meetings with my colleagues. Stating X doesn't mean Y and Z get a free pass. The further degradation of balanced rationale here has been a big concern of mine for some time. Internet Disease is what I call it. While its always been around, Internet Disease is now prevalent I guess because you can just keep barking and not listening. But hey, we know this.
It facilitates the Death Spiral I am afraid. No cr/
One thing you can do is get off the internets. 
Ya'll have a good weekend or whatever thing is called now. 

It’s the weekend already?
8 minutes ago, MNLonghornFUKM said:

It’s the weekend already?

He's the real future man, living in Oz, where it's tomorrow or, to be more precise, much later today.

1 hour ago, dcar00 said:


No. This was gone over earlier.

Jump off the Brooklyn Bridge? Covid. Hit by a subway train? Covid. Meth/STD death in Lubbock ? Covid.  

EVERYTHING now is Covid. It's how we are curing Cancer, Heart Disease, and the Diabeetees.

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FWIW. Guy who works for me in NJ has tested positive. He had a bad headache for a couple days and now has a minor cough.

He’s in his 40s. Non smoker. Like many his age slightly over weight.

For him it was basically no big deal.

6 hours ago, ChiTownDoc said:

Hoping we kickstart electives in May.  Let's get the fucking economy off life support.  We can do that and still treat C19 appropriately in many cities. 


6 hours ago, utee94 said:

From the White House's published guidelines for "Opening Up America Again" it appears that areas that within a 14-day period have a downward trajectory of people reporting ILI and COVID like symptoms, and a downward trajectory of documented cases or positive tests as a percentage of total tests, will be able to resume elective surgeries "as clinically appropriate, on an outpatient basis at facilities that adhere to CMS guidelines."



I’m planning on doing my part for the economy with a vasectomy scheduled on May 8.  I had a glimmer of hope that it won’t be postponed because the urologist’s office called yesterday and told me that my pre-op consult scheduled for April 23 is still on, but will be by televisit.  Shit, hope that doesn’t mean they’ll tell me how to do it myself at home.

  • Haha 3
7 hours ago, atomheartbevo said:

Are you talking abut Carole Baskin?

No, this was the Chinese woman who'd been conducting/heading the coronavirus research for a while.  Her name comes up in the video posted here from youtube.

7 hours ago, po elvis said:

Imagine a press conference on January 3 that we are going to shut down all non essential travel, non essential businesses, restaurants, bars, all sports, basically most of the economy. I am sure that would have been an easy sell in America. It would never happen. It wouldn't have been able to happen on February 3.

Oh the hilarity that would have ensued....

6 hours ago, bolverk said:

No one, not a soul in this thread, is defending China. What's lacking though is a collective lack of self-awareness and a refusal to take accountability for our own inactions. Sure, it's easier and more satisfying to point fingers everywhere else, but at the end of the day we're responsible for our own self-defense. And, yeah, fuck China. Once this is all over, I hope they'll have to pay for this.


6 hours ago, gmr548 said:

Interesting. I'll have to watch the video tomorrow. I certainly wouldn't put it post the CCP, just a lot more assumptions have to be true in that scenario. Simplest explanations are usually true and all.

So it ether came from the wet market in Wuhan or it was possibly an accidental release from a lab in Wuhan.

The wet market angle is worse IMO because they're still going full tilt , in spite of the lies from Chinese officials. So lets wait for the next one to come from the wet markets again or we tighten up protocol at already probably tightly controlled labs.  

There aren't a lot of assumptions in the video. The evidence is all culled directly from Chinese sources. This guy simply assembled all the sources, and shows them in the video.

7 hours ago, Bash Riprock said:

So Lubbock County has 28 deaths. More than Travis County?


Mostly caused by a rampant spread through a single assisted living facility.  That's where nearly all of their cases and deaths have happened.

8 hours ago, utee94 said:

From the White House's published guidelines for "Opening Up America Again" it appears that areas that within a 14-day period have a downward trajectory of people reporting ILI and COVID like symptoms, and a downward trajectory of documented cases or positive tests as a percentage of total tests, will be able to resume elective surgeries "as clinically appropriate, on an outpatient basis at facilities that adhere to CMS guidelines."



Cross posting from CR thread. 

From what I’m hearing here, Abbott today is expected to announce he’s letting the flat ban on elective procedures expire on April 21st. There will likely be some kind of phasing back in of what procedures can and will be done. Hospitals happy with that. One hospital I frequent has some service lines running at 20% of capacity. Essentially over prepared for Covid and it has under delivered here. As I stated earlier they’ve actually had to furlough some nurses because of the changes. 

20 minutes ago, VABuckeye said:

China has reported 1290 new deaths for today.  This after a month of 0,1,2,3 deaths a day reports.  Lying sacks of shit they are.

It will be interesting (frightening) when the actual numbers from China come out. 

26 minutes ago, VABuckeye said:

China has reported 1290 new deaths for today.  This after a month of 0,1,2,3 deaths a day reports.  Lying sacks of shit they are.

You don’t know that all 1290 were lying. 

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  • Haha 1
30 minutes ago, VABuckeye said:

China has reported 1290 new deaths for today.  This after a month of 0,1,2,3 deaths a day reports.  Lying sacks of shit they are.

Death due to coronavirus or trying to get on the internet to talk about their government lying?

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So what if China has had a vaccine this whole time and just vaccinated the shit out of all their cities except Wuhan.. like as a test subject city? They could've just told people it was a flu vaccine. 

15 hours ago, workswithseed said:

That would be too many to follow, and unfortunately I don't live in Texas any. :(

Just pick one. They're going to be here eventually.



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2 hours ago, South Austin said:


I’m planning on doing my part for the economy with a vasectomy scheduled on May 8.  I had a glimmer of hope that it won’t be postponed because the urologist’s office called yesterday and told me that my pre-op consult scheduled for April 23 is still on, but will be by televisit.  Shit, hope that doesn’t mean they’ll tell me how to do it myself at home.

Docs are busy these days. They will just give you a YouTube link to watch Julia Child cut up a raw chicken. Same thing, so don’t sweat it. 

19 minutes ago, NorthLoop said:

So what if China has had a vaccine this whole time and just vaccinated the shit out of all their cities except Wuhan.. like as a test subject city? They could've just told people it was a flu vaccine. 

They Chinese, they play joke....

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  • Haha 2
2 hours ago, Loco said:

The concept is not political, but it is absolutely a political talking point.   It's a mechanism to shift blame and attention.  Even in your recap China (the whole country) is phrased as the dastardly villain while our utter ineptitude and attempts to hide/ignore the rising risk for a much LONGER period of time are cast as simple missteps.  Who is the victim here anyway?

It's amusing to see some posters' thoughts evolve perfectly in line and in time with shifting talking points... 

-It's like the flu

-Everyone's panicking

-Warm weather bro!

-Quarantine China!  Italy, you cool bro

-Bat Soup!

-It'll never make it here to BFE

-Testing is ramping up

-Testing is overrated anyway, it's too late for testing

-Cases are under-counted, still just like the flu

-Deaths are over-counted, flu bro...

-My personal favorite...   buy the dip!

-They were going to die anyways

-I'm not saying it's worse than the flu, but the olds had a good run

-It's everywhere (I got the black lung pops)  Even here in BFE!

-Herd immunity... BINGO!

-Cure can't be worse than the disease!

-Open or riot!




It’s the Chinese govt.  Theres good people in China trying to get the truth out and risking their lives.  It’s sad that I would need to spell that out.  

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15 hours ago, 0xdeadbeef said:

I went to Home Depot yesterday to get some repair crap, and they were requiring a mask to enter the store.  A lot of dusty bandannas in that place. 

great the glass just fell out of my shower door yesterday and I have to figure out how to fix it. gonna have to find my old camping mask (that will block basically nothing) to be let into the store now?

This is what happens when you pop in and out of a thread this busy and assume you’re the only person seeing it straight. There’s been a ton of discussion about what has been done well or poorly here, down to a city by city level, as well as overseas. 
The difference between the discussions of such matters on this thread and what posters with this kind of take think, which shows up bizarrely regularly from the same old lot of them, is that no one here is cutting themselves in anguish of how terrible the United States is. Some of us don’t share the same perspective that we fucking suck as a country and are the dumbest pieces of shit on the planet. The whoa is me that we should be more like the fucking bawlers in Europe or the subverted and submissive in southeast Asia is a perverted tune sung by bitches self-selected into the Surly Chorus of Fates. 

Some people just really hate the United States. Oh well, it’s their constitutional right.
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  • Fuck You 2
2 minutes ago, Viper said:

great the glass just fell out of my shower door yesterday and I have to figure out how to fix it. gonna have to find my old camping mask (that will block basically nothing) to be let into the store now?

Just be like this guy. 


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6 minutes ago, Viper said:

great the glass just fell out of my shower door yesterday and I have to figure out how to fix it. gonna have to find my old camping mask (that will block basically nothing) to be let into the store now?

It's generally a bracket that's come loose over time and the parts to do the repair are right there.  Could be more but that is usually the case.

18 minutes ago, ChiTownDoc said:

It’s the Chinese govt.  Theres good people in China trying to get the truth out and risking their lives.  It’s sad that I would need to spell that out.  

Yep, it's not the people it's the mafia org. controlling the "gov't".

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