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Formerly DT: COVID-19 - Featuring Lots of Politics, now CR because political talk not going away

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Posted (edited)
13 minutes ago, David Dennison said:

CDC learned about the virus on December 31 and issued a public alert on January 8.

Yes they did. I've copied and pasted it for clarity. The CDC wasn't even discouraging travel to Wuhan on January 8.  they will simply urging people to "practice usual precautions".

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is closely monitoring a reported cluster of pneumonia of unknown etiology (PUE) with possible epidemiologic links to a large wholesale fish and live animal market in Wuhan City, Hubei Province, China. An outbreak investigation by local officials is ongoing in China; the World Health Organization (WHO) is the lead international public health agency. Currently, there are no known U.S. cases nor have cases been reported in countries other than China. CDC has established an Incident Management Structure to optimize domestic and international coordination if additional public health actions are required.

This HAN Advisory informs state and local health departments and health care providers about this outbreak and requests that health care providers ask patients with severe respiratory disease about travel history to Wuhan City. Wuhan City is a major transportation hub about 700 miles south of Beijing with a population of more than 11 million people.

According to a report from the Wuhan Municipal Health Commission, as of January 5, 2020, the national authorities in China have reported 59 patients with PUE to WHO. The patients had symptom onset dates from December 12 through December 29, 2019. Patients involved in the cluster reportedly have had fever, dyspnea, and bilateral lung infiltrates on chest radiograph. Of the 59 cases, seven are critically ill, and the remaining patients are in stable condition. No deaths have been reported and no health care providers have been reported to be ill. The Wuhan Municipal Health Commission has not reported human-to-human transmission.

Reports indicate that some of the patients were vendors at the Wuhan South China Seafood City (South China Seafood Wholesale Market) where, in addition to seafood, chickens, bats, marmots, and other wild animals are sold, suggesting a possible zoonotic origin to the outbreak. The market has been closed for cleaning and disinfection. Local authorities have reported negative laboratory test results for seasonal influenza, avian influenza, adenovirus, severe acute respiratory syndrome-associated coronavirus (SARS-CoV), and Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus (MERS-CoV) among patients associated with this cluster. Additional laboratory testing is ongoing to determine the source of the outbreak. Health authorities are monitoring more than 150 contacts of patients for illness.

CDC has issued a level 1 travel notice (“practice usual precautions”) for this destination. (https://wwwnc.cdc.gov/travel/notices/watch/pneumonia-china). On January 5, 2020, WHO posted an update on this situation, including an early risk assessment, which is available at: https://www.who.int/csr/don/05-january-2020-pneumonia-of-unkown-cause-china/en/external icon.

Recommendations for Health Care Providers

  1. Providers should consider pneumonia related to the cluster for patients with severe respiratory symptoms who traveled to Wuhan since December 1, 2019 and had onset of illness within two weeks of returning, and who do not have another known diagnosis that would explain their illness. Providers should notify infection control personnel and local and state health departments immediately if any patients meet these criteria. State health departments should notify CDC after identifying a case under investigation by calling CDC’s Emergency Operations Center at (770) 488-7100.
  2. Multiple respiratory tract specimens should be collected from persons with infections suspected to be associated with this cluster, including nasopharyngeal, nasal, and throat swabs. Patients with severe respiratory disease also should have lower respiratory tract specimens collected, if possible. Consider saving urine, stool, serum, and respiratory pathology specimens if available.
  3. Although the etiology and transmissibility have yet to be determined, and to date, no human-to-human transmission has been reported and no health care providers have been reported ill, CDC currently recommends a cautious approach to symptomatic patients with a history of travel to Wuhan City. Such patients should be asked to wear a surgical mask as soon as they are identified and be evaluated in a private room with the door closed. Personnel entering the room to evaluate the patient should use contact precautions and wear an N95 disposable facepiece respirator. For patients admitted for inpatient care, contact and airborne isolation precautions, in addition to standard precautions, are recommended until further information becomes available. For additional information see: https://www.cdc.gov/infectioncontrol/guidelines/isolation/index.html.


And the story link to the WHO recommendations about travel to Wuhan are pasted below.  They are linked in the CDC notice above.


WHO advice

Based on information provided by national authorities, WHO’s recommendations on public health measures and surveillance of influenza and severe acute respiratory infections still apply.

WHO does not recommend any specific measures for travellers. In case of symptoms suggestive of respiratory illness either during or after travel, travellers are encouraged to seek medical attention and share travel history with their healthcare provider.

WHO advises against the application of any travel or trade restrictions on China based on the current information available on this event.



Edited by Hate
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Posted (edited)
1 hour ago, closetojumping said:

Just in the interest of watching you make more of a fool of yourself, what agenda do you think you think you actually “sussed out”? I don’t think I ever noticed you before, besides your random neg reps on this thread, but watching you pull the bookshelf on top of yourself repeatedly on this thread over the last 24 hours has been absurdly hilarious. 

I believe this post was where he finally tricked one of the many (probable since they disagree with him) right wingers on this thread into making a joke "saying the quiet part out loud", the mainstream political mastermind that he is.

19 hours ago, Cheeseweasel said:

It will tell us where to point our nukes.

now he's on his Herculean quest to get the rest of us to reveal our "vast right-wing agenda" behind wanting to discuss the origins of the virus, share information about how it was originally transmitted, along with wondering when the nation (the morons that they are) can start cautiously opening back up.

Edited by Viper
  • Like 3
2 hours ago, Casual Encounter said:

I wonder how weak our immune systems are getting as a result of all this social distancing and disinfecting we’re doing? We might all be getting sick as hell when this pandemic is over. Wait, what?


2 hours ago, utee94 said:

Yeah I've thought that as well.  We're all gonna get sick with some minor crap when we're finally interacting again.

And when kids go back to school?  Look out!

Honest question, do immune systems really regress that quickly, if at all?  Inquiring minds and all that crap.

7 minutes ago, Hate said:

Although the etiology and transmissibility have yet to be determined, and to date, no human-to-human transmission has been reported

I can’t believe the US didn’t sound the alarm and man all battle stations in response to this alert.

  • Like 4
  • Haha 1
3 minutes ago, SHOOTER12 said:


Honest question, do immune systems really regress that quickly, if at all?  Inquiring minds and all that crap.

I doubt it, but as I stated further down, I don’t think our personal practices are ending anytime soon. As someone else stated, unless she’s hot.

11 minutes ago, GreenspointTexas said:

I'm torn on watching that video. 

On one hand, father time takes no prisoners and you want to remember the great ones at their prime.  I wouldn't want to see present day Earl out there suited up trying to compete. 

On the other hand, it's a quarantine and Ive already lost billions of children to Ms. Brooke (sic).  Fuck it, I'm in.

1 hour ago, utee94 said:

Yup.  Shaking hands and hugging as means of greeting are long gone.  Unless she's hot or has a nice rack, of course.

Hot and nice rack calls for the 2 finger Biden greeting imo.

3 minutes ago, Not a cat said:

I'm torn on watching that video. 

On one hand, father time takes no prisoners and you want to remember the great ones at their prime.  I wouldn't want to see present day Earl out there suited up trying to compete. 

On the other hand, it's a quarantine and Ive already lost billions of children to Ms. Brooke (sic).  Fuck it, I'm in.

Better news than the stimulus checks, imo

  • Fuck You 1
8 minutes ago, Casual Encounter said:

I doubt it, but as I stated further down, I don’t think our personal practices are ending anytime soon. As someone else stated, unless she’s hot.

Username checks out.

19 minutes ago, Casual Encounter said:

I can’t believe the US didn’t sound the alarm and man all battle stations in response to this alert.

Yes, yes, yes, but please don't let that stop me from creating a totally delusional timeline of events in an alternate reality where contemporary knowledge and information is replaced with with perfect future hindsight. 

  • Like 8
Posted (edited)
10 minutes ago, Anastasis said:

Yes, yes, yes, but please don't let that stop me from creating a totally delusional timeline of events in an alternate reality where contemporary knowledge and information is replaced with with perfect future hindsight. 

Most people can acknowledge their real agenda when they post their bullshit like DD.  I'm not even sure he read that CDC statement or he wouldn't have posted it as some sort of "gotcha".  Yes, the US should have stopped all travel into and out of the US as well as mandated shelter in place for the entire country on January 8th based on the CDC and the WHO both suggesting that there not even be travel restriction into Wuhan and that said travelers should not take any extraordinary precautions when traveling there.

Edited by Hate
  • Like 4
49 minutes ago, Onboard 2.0 said:

Yeah, nothing would surprise me at this point, but I'm still a bit skeptical.  

And that has not stemmed the tide of yahoos all over the interwebz saying we should have known about this in January, and shut down our borders,  built a billion ventilators, implemented massive testing in Nov.  (they want to back date some of our precautions it seems).

Well, we did know about it in January, both present in this country and certainly in China, and didn't bother to do a whole lot. The debate around that isn't worth rehashing at this point. I was just providing an actual source for the conversation around how long the virus has been spreading here.

  • Like 3

#FloridaMorons trending nationally on twitter.


Sidenote--just left Spec's where I overheard a guy ask where the tonic water was.  Specs bro told him where it was and said they couldn't keep that shit on the shelf.  Guy asking for tonic saying it was all over facebook.  I'm curious what "it" he was referring to?  Some madeup cure?

Posted (edited)
3 minutes ago, Pancho said:

#FloridaMorons trending nationally on twitter.


Sidenote--just left Spec's where I overheard a guy ask where the tonic water was.  Specs bro told him where it was and said they couldn't keep that shit on the shelf.  Guy asking for tonic saying it was all over facebook.  I'm curious what "it" he was referring to?  Some madeup cure?

Well tonic water has quinine in it which was an oldtime treatment for malaria.  

So yeah, google searching tells me people are now drinking tonic water with zinc to prevent contracting the coronas.

Gin drinkers the world over are now screwed.

Edited by utee94
  • Like 2
Well tonic water has quinine in it which was an oldtime treatment for malaria.  
So yeah, google searching tells me people are now drinking tonic water with zinc to prevent contracting the coronas.
Gin drinkers the world over are now screwed.

OG 4 loko has something with similar spelling to that quinine word you just said. Maybe 2 or 3 other things that would no doubt kill covid
27 minutes ago, gmr548 said:

Well, we did know about it in January, both present in this country and certainly in China, and didn't bother to do a whole lot. The debate around that isn't worth rehashing at this point. I was just providing an actual source for the conversation around how long the virus has been spreading here.

The CDC and WHO weren't making much of anything of it in January either.  Yeah debating it isn't gonna do anything, but it's amusing to see people posting on lots of social media outlets we should have closed down in January, That isn't going away.  

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Posted (edited)
6 minutes ago, Onboard 2.0 said:

The CDC and WHO weren't making much of anything of it in January either.  Yeah debating it isn't gonna do anything, but it's amusing to see people posting on lots of social media outlets we should have closed down in January, That isn't going away.  

And it's amusing to see people congregating at state capitols with confederate (double lol for northern states) and nazi flags under the guise of "liberation." The extreme nonsense caricature thing is a two-way street. I don't really know what your point is.

Edited by gmr548
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  • Fuck You 1
54 minutes ago, Anastasis said:

Yes, yes, yes, but please don't let that stop me from creating a totally delusional timeline of events in an alternate reality where contemporary knowledge and information is replaced with with perfect future hindsight. 

Or, you know, February.

5 minutes ago, gmr548 said:

And it's amusing to see people congregating at state capitols with confederate (double lol for northern states) and nazi flags under the guise of "liberation." The extreme nonsense caricature thing is a two-way street. I don't really know what your point is.

It's closer to the topic of discussion than what you just tried to do.  Back off with that please.

21 hours ago, justhookit said:

I don’t care if we have the capability to test every single person in the world right now. If people won’t stay the fuck at home when they feel sick, and healthy people stay away from sick people, and self quarantine if they have been exposed to a sick person, then it doesn’t matter. And that ignores the slow incubation/onset of symptoms. The fact is this virus is going to be around and we need treatments and then a vaccine. Until that happens we are pretty much stuck with dealing with it as we are now. 

So someone on here who is yelling about testing please explain how fixing that to even “perfect” fixes anything. You don’t have 1 or 5 or 30 idiots in your neighborhood who either won’t get tested or won’t stay home if they are sick or won’t stay home if someone in their house is sick?


Well, for starts, if you have widespread and near-mandatory testing, you can legally quarantine those who test positive and refuse to stay put.

Plus, without testing, no one knows whether they have been exposed to a sick person.

Because there seems to be a huge segment of the population that is asymptomatic, "sick person" is not a valid measure.  They don't even have to be idiots to spread it.

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Posted (edited)
39 minutes ago, Pancho said:

#FloridaMorons trending nationally on twitter.


And how fucking stupid is Twitter. 2 of tbe 3 trending photos show people clearly distanced getting some exercise. The other  is so far back it’s hard to telL what is going on, but while I’m sure it is trying to imply a party, but if you actually look closely it is mostly just people walking around. 

And while everyone loves to make fun of Florida, those morons have done the second most testing in the country, second only to NY, and one of only 2 states at 250k tests. The 4th, 5th, and 6th states in terms of testing are a step change down to 150k, and that includes Texas at 4. 

And the percent positive on those test?  Only 10%. A far cry from the 50% of NY and NJ. 

To top it off, the limited beach access hours (which is not all day and night) is only in the northern counties where there is a lower number of tests.

We have to reopen slowly and in a planned way that is different for each location. I’d honestly say Florida is doing a goof job based on the info they currently have. As long as they are willing to respond quickly as the data changes (RE-close or shorten beach hours if there is a significant spike), this is what we need. 

Edited by UT_OB1
  • Like 7
1 hour ago, Onboard 2.0 said:

What was NYC doing in the way of preparing then ?

checking the backlog on the order for the EMERGENCY VENTILATORS to see if it had been filled, of course

And how fucking stupid is Twitter. 2 of tbe 3 trending photos show people clearly distanced getting some exercise. The other  is so far back it’s hard to telL what is going on, but while I’m sure it is trying to imply a party, but if you actually look closely it is mostly just people walking around. 
And while everyone loves to make fun of Florida, those morons have done the second most testing in the country, second only to NY, and one of only 2 states at 250k tests. The 4th, 5th, and 6th states in terms of testing are a step change down to 150k, and that includes Texas at 4. 
And the percent positive on those test?  Only 10%. A far cry from the 50% of NY and NJ. 
To top it off, the limited beach access hours (which is not all day and night) is only in the northern counties where there is a lower number of tests.
We have to reopen slowly and in a planned way that is different for each location. I’d honestly say Florida is doing a goof job based on the info they currently have. As long as they are willing to respond quickly as the data changes (RE-close or shorten beach hours if there is a significant spike), this is what we need. 

Florida Cali and Texas are saving the country to be honest. Imagine all 3 states who have substantially more people than NY and NJ were on their lines of growth.

I thought Florida would be bad but that isn’t the case. Hopefully weather has something to do with it. I was looking at something that says anything above like 40% humidity is terrible for the virus. Also sunlight really does wonders on it too. Needs a cool and low humid environment to be lethal
  • Like 1
2 hours ago, Dahobbs said:


Yes, we should have responded on a national level in January. That doesn't mean we should have shut down. There would have been no point to that in January as the virus wasn't widespread. 

Again, start with 1 case (person with the virus) on January 10 and then double ever 5 to three days through March 20 (when we really started shutting down). You end up with up to 10 million cases.  Based on the observed spread rate of the virus, there is simply no need for it to have been present in any significant level in January.  

apparently there wasn't a need at the beginning of March either...

  • Fuck You 1
Posted (edited)
11 minutes ago, UT_OB1 said:

And how fucking stupid is Twitter. 2 of tbe 3 trending photos show people clearly distanced getting some exercise. The other  is so far back it’s hard to telL what is going on, but while I’m sure it is trying to imply a party, but if you actually look closely it is mostly just people walking around. 

And while everyone loves to make fun of Florida, those morons have done the second most testing in the country, second only to NY, and one of only 2 states at 250k tests. The 4th, 5th, and 6th states in terms of testing are a step change down to 150k, and that includes Texas at 4. 

And the percent positive on those test?  Only 10%. A far cry from the 50% of NY and NJ. 

To top it off, the limited beach access hours (which is not all day and night) is only in the northern counties where there is a lower number of tests.

We have to reopen slowly and in a planned way that is different for each location. I’d honestly say Florida is doing a goof job based on the info they currently have. As long as they are willing to respond quickly as the data changes (RE-close or shorten beach hours if there is a significant spike), this is what we need. 


Where are you seeing Florida is doing the 2nd most testing in the country?  Is there a link for this? 

because a quick google search shows articles from Orlando and Miami stating Florida is doing one of the worst jobs when it comes to testing.  Per the Orlando Sentinel, Florida ranks 23rd per capita in testing.  As of 2 days ago, Florida has tested 1% of their entire state’s population. 

Edited by Pancho
  • Like 2
29 minutes ago, gmr548 said:

And it's amusing to see people congregating at state capitols with confederate (double lol for northern states) and nazi flags under the guise of "liberation." The extreme nonsense caricature thing is a two-way street. I don't really know what your point is.

Oh, mind sharing?

56 minutes ago, Pancho said:

#FloridaMorons trending nationally on twitter.


Sidenote--just left Spec's where I overheard a guy ask where the tonic water was.  Specs bro told him where it was and said they couldn't keep that shit on the shelf.  Guy asking for tonic saying it was all over facebook.  I'm curious what "it" he was referring to?  Some madeup cure?

As a reminder, the subways in NYC are still operating.

  • Like 1
10 minutes ago, Pancho said:


Where are you seeing Florida is doing the 2nd most testing in the country?  Is there a link for this? 

because a quick google search shows articles from Orlando and Miami stating Florida is doing one of the worst jobs when it comes to testing.  Per the Orlando Sentinel, Florida ranks 23rd per capita in testing.  As of 2 days ago, Florida has tested 1% of their entire state’s population. 

Worldometers backs it up. 

On 4/16/2020 at 9:57 AM, ABSR said:

I think this is it.   Guy lived in China for 10 years, speaks the language and I believe married a Chinese national.   All his info is from publicly available web sites (some taken down by China after the fact) and he makes a decent case for someone in a Wuhan animal research lab having been accidentally infected and spreading the disease accidentally.

Also, here is an AP story that talks about China's initial inaction and cover up that screwed the world.



To reiterate - Fuck China.

At this point there is overwhelming evidence that covid19 leaked from the lab.

theres another utube video called "The first documentary movie on CCP virus, Tracking Down the Origin of the Wuhan Coronavirus"

that goes further with research papers from the same lead scientist going back a decade and further evidence that point to a kid up scenario.  Something, something the S protein sequence of SARS was compared to Covid19 and the difference was Covid19 had 4 new sequences inserted in it.  Also, only 3 known viruses containing all 4 sequences-- HIV, covid19, and a different corona virus from bats that was previously discovered by none other than the same researcher.   Also, Sars1 and SARS2 share 82% same genome but the E protein that's 100%.

this thing is getting really tinfoily but damn.  There's a lot more down that rabbit hole with published research papers and speaking events, along with a spider web of PLA connections.   

Oh, and seriously fucking fuck the CCP right in their fucking face.

  • Like 3
3 minutes ago, akhornfan said:

Worldometers backs it up. 


So does the Orlando Sentinel. That’s not how statistics work, bruh. 

You have to take the total tests given as it relates to the population of said state.  That makes Florida 23rd on the list which isn’t very good at all. 

23 minutes ago, UT_OB1 said:

And how fucking stupid is Twitter. 2 of tbe 3 trending photos show people clearly distanced getting some exercise. The other  is so far back it’s hard to telL what is going on, but while I’m sure it is trying to imply a party, but if you actually look closely it is mostly just people walking around. 

And while everyone loves to make fun of Florida, those morons have done the second most testing in the country, second only to NY, and one of only 2 states at 250k tests. The 4th, 5th, and 6th states in terms of testing are a step change down to 150k, and that includes Texas at 4. 

And the percent positive on those test?  Only 10%. A far cry from the 50% of NY and NJ. 

To top it off, the limited beach access hours (which is not all day and night) is only in the northern counties where there is a lower number of tests.

We have to reopen slowly and in a planned way that is different for each location. I’d honestly say Florida is doing a goof job based on the info they currently have. As long as they are willing to respond quickly as the data changes (RE-close or shorten beach hours if there is a significant spike), this is what we need. 

that goes against the natiional fear mongering narrative though.  I'm just glad states have rights

  • Like 1

timeline of the testing and CDC fuck up

Jan 10 - China sequences the genome

sometime in between we decide to do our own test instead of using the german one which they had on Jan 17

Jan 24 - we announce we have a test and CDC releases details

Feb 4 - FDA approves the test

feb 6 we ship firsts tests(90 kits to key areas)

Feb 12 we announce the test is FUCKED UP

Feb 27 CDC relaxes the criteria

Feb 29 CDC allows some high level labs to do their own testing

March 1 - Fauci, lead scientist, says go on about your business for now but things may change

March 4 - we announce we are shipping 2500 kits approx 1.5M tests

We limited the testing criteria pretty extremely early and we had limited places that could confirm the result.

Just now, Sgt Hulk said:

that goes against the natiional fear mongering narrative though.  I'm just glad states have rights

I'm glad people in those states are free to cross open borders into states that have chosen to follow public health guidelines.

2 minutes ago, Pancho said:


So does the Orlando Sentinel. That’s not how statistics work, bruh. 

You have to take the total tests given as it relates to the population of said state.  That makes Florida 23rd on the list which isn’t very good at all. 

Lighten up Francis. He was giving total tests figures and you asked where the numbers were coming from. 

  • Like 2
Reacted in January doesn't mean shutdown. We should have reacted. We should have been preparing in January and February and early March.  We only had to shutdown because we didn't react properly. 
You can generate every single current case (reported and estimated) by starting with one case in mid January and doubling it ever 3-5 days (the observed doubling period). I doubt NYC had more than a handful of cases in January. 
I think we had more than we will ever know, California too. Chinese New Year. Folks from China were still coming in, and both NYC and the West Coast have direct flights from Wuhan.
2 minutes ago, akhornfan said:

Lighten up Francis. He was giving total tests figures and you asked where the numbers were coming from. 


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