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Formerly DT: COVID-19 - Featuring Lots of Politics, now CR because political talk not going away

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1 minute ago, Js1 said:

The guy works for CNN.  You know, a national news media organization that reports on the news (such as....coronavirus deaths in the U.S.) 


HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA....HA !  That's some funny shit man, you going to the top, you the next Lenny Bruce.

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At least according to the CDC, presumptive means a positive test but without independent CDC confirmation. I would think pretty much everything reported is a presumptive at this point since the CDC has stopping doing confirmations as far as I know. The term probable is used when their is no testing, but all the hallmark systems. As far as death goes, you also have questionable and possible listings on death certificates that indicate a lower level of confidence. 

What happens when death tests have false positives and false negatives?
Posted (edited)
5 minutes ago, MNLonghornFUKM said:

What happens when death tests have false positives and false negatives?

Are you asking regarding a specific situation or in regard to general testing? The antibody tests are those that are somewhat unreliable at this point. We do have other reliable tests available. 

Edited by Dahobbs

SIAP, but does anyone have a link to a place that tracks Austin/TravCo hospitalizations and/or deaths by day?  

I looked on the TravCo dashboard and saw a lot of data, but couldn't find the above.


3 minutes ago, Js1 said:

The guy works for CNN.  You know, a national news media organization that reports on the news (such as....coronavirus deaths in the U.S.) 

And they are doing a strictly news Coronavirus town hall tonight:


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Just now, clapclapclap said:

And they are doing a strictly news Coronavirus town hall tonight:


One of the topics should be Fact or Fear:  The Chris Cuoma CV-19 saga.

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Are you asking regarding a specific situation or in regard to general testing? The antibody tests are those that are somewhat unreliable at this point. We do have other reliable tests available. 

In general, I don’t know if the dead would use the unreliable antibody or the reliable one
Guest Lobo
Posted (edited)
22 minutes ago, Pato del Muerto said:

Facts are facts irrespective of their source

Are you new to this thread?  Science is a bullshit agenda.  And don't even get me started on maths.  

I used to make a wisecrack in my class at McCombs, and then started using it at fundraisers, etc.  I prefer to work blue but for those of you who have to speak to huge groups regularly understand you gotta be corny and non-controversial   "People ask me why I am a Libertarian.  I studied a field dominated by Democrats and I work in a field dominated by Republicans.  Well, I noticed that Democrats are awful at math, and Republicans are awful at science."  

Turns out both parties suck at both fields.  And we're burning as a result.  I hope both these parties burn in hell.  The 80 million of us in the middle are gonna piss on your graves.  is that apolitical enough for you, you fucking children? 

Edited by Lobo
22 minutes ago, Pato del Muerto said:

Facts are facts irrespective of their source

No don't you see, people like Onboard hate CNN and therefore, the facts are biased facts. 

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2 hours ago, Onboard 2.0 said:

Why does anyone have an issue with Hugo posting the stats on deaths ?  I know what he's doing, but the info is the info.

Just that it should be deaths who were positive or suspected to be positive for CV-19, not necessarily deaths from CV-19.


Wait am I reading it right that some people are mad that Hugo is posting daily updates on death numbers, completely devoid of his own commentary, because he has a political opinion that they don't like?

What a bunch of pussies.

  • Like 6
1 minute ago, BradInATX said:

Wait am I reading it right that some people are mad that Hugo is posting daily updates on death numbers, completely devoid of his own commentary, because he has a political opinion that they don't like?

What a bunch of pussies.

And because the source works at CNN. 

2 hours ago, Trey3216 said:

It has absolutely nothing to do with that and everything to do with it being Hugo.  

this. I appreciate the stats.even though the deaths doesn't include the maybes.  the actual certified number which he won't post is 51K.  even his bogus 84K number is a victory.  this was going to possibly be Millions! and at least 500K!

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Just now, dcar00 said:

this. I appreciate the stats.even though the deaths doesn't include the maybes.  the actual certified number which he won't post is 51K.  even his bogus 84K number is a victory.  this was going to possibly be Millions! and at least 500K!


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21 minutes ago, Dahobbs said:

Lock downs are only necessary when other measures have failed or are unavailable. And, at any rate, I'm not clear on what this graph is supposed to be showing. 

I think it's supposed to show that lockdowns may not be as necessary since countries with no lockdowns have less deaths/million of pop. I'm not sure that the cause/effect isn't the other way around though. Regardless, it at least shows a comparison of countries and their deaths per population, so more of an apples to apples than total deaths.

21 minutes ago, Dahobbs said:

Lock downs are only necessary when other measures have failed or are unavailable. And, at any rate, I'm not clear on what this graph is supposed to be showing. 

Yeah me neither. My first thought though is isn’t it easier to have enough supplies to track and trace if 1) you start early when there’s less to track and trace, and 2) there’s less population so its way easier and cheaper to test a statistically significant portion of your population?

for instance, what is the cost and amounts needed to test 1% of South Korea vs 1% of the USA, and doesn’t that figure in to the viability of track and trace?

or are the non lockdown countries on that graph doing neither?

2 minutes ago, Dr. Beeper said:

He’s not breaking any rules, but everyone knows why he’s posting this data.  His presence on this forum is toxic. The messenger matters. There is zero point in discussing any facts off of one of his posts in this forum. Shocking you’ve got 9 pos rep points from this post and strong suspect the typical cabal contributed to that. 

What utter bullshit. The messenger only matters if he/she has distorted the facts. 

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Those who ignore science are doomed to repeat it (thanks to thujone for retweeting this)

lol. Would you golf if science says theres a 10% chance of thunderstorms on a day that’s mostly sunny?
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I don't read Cloak Room and I don't follow twitter, so I'd have no idea what Hugo's intentions were, if you jackwagons didn't constantly overreact to him. 

The "no politics" shit goes both ways.  You're just as guilty of bringing it into this thread if you're dragging your biases and hatred over from the Cloak Room, because non-CR posters don't have ANY IDEA about that crap, and we don't want to.

Please just stop it.  If you don't like Hugo, ignore his posts.  The shit-posting that ensues every time one of you reacts to him is just an absolute beating.


  • Like 9
3 minutes ago, Dr. Beeper said:

He’s not breaking any rules, but everyone knows why he’s posting this data.  His presence on this forum is toxic. The messenger matters. There is zero point in discussing any facts off of one of his posts in this forum. Shocking you’ve got 9 pos rep points from this post and strong suspect the typical cabal contributed to that. 

Yeah, it takes 2 seconds for anyone that isn’t an idiot to look at someone’s posting history. He has 40 pages of posts, and pretty much the only posts that aren’t in cloak room are here.

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7 minutes ago, Viper said:

I think it's supposed to show that lockdowns may not be as necessary since countries with no lockdowns have less deaths/million of pop. I'm not sure that the cause/effect isn't the other way around though. Regardless, it at least shows a comparison of countries and their deaths per population, so more of an apples to apples than total deaths.

Yeah, that was sort of my point. Usually we don't see countries enacting lockdown until things get bad. It shouldn't be terribly surprising that countries that haven't seen a significant outbreak haven't locked down. Why they haven't seen a significant outbreak is much more interesting question. Japan in particular is very interesting case study in this regard. 

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Posted (edited)
7 minutes ago, Dr. Beeper said:

He’s not breaking any rules, but everyone knows why he’s posting this data.  His presence on this forum is toxic. The messenger matters. There is zero point in discussing any facts off of one of his posts in this forum. Shocking you’ve got 9 pos rep points from this post and strong suspect the typical cabal contributed to that. 

Yeah. And everyone also knows why dcar and Onboard constantly cry about Seattle and NYC for pages and pages, adding absolutely nothing to the conversation at hand. Everyone knows why people in that same orbit make constant references to city folk vs. country folk. And the difference is that those people are actually breaking rules, as their posts are overtly political and partisan. 

But I'm glad, after 835 pages, we've finally gotten some of you to admit that you simply don't want people who have different political views than you posting, even if their posts are not political in nature. You know what that's called? An echo chamber.




Edited by BradInATX
  • Like 5
Posted (edited)
8 hours ago, BradInATX said:

Yeah. And everyone also knows why dcar and Onboard constantly cry about Seattle and NYC for pages and pages, adding absolutely nothing to the conversation at hand. Everyone knows why people in that same orbit make constant references to city folk vs. country folk. And the difference those people are actually breaking rules, as their posts are overtly political and partisan. 

But I'm glad, after 835 pages, we've finally gotten some of you to admit that you simply don't want people who have different political views than you posting, even if their posts are not political in nature. You know what that's called? An echo chamber.




I'm sorry what post about Seattle, and or NYC have I gone on for pages and pages about ?  You're just full of a lot of shit.


EDIT:  I think we've found one of the snowflakes reporting posts that hurt their vaginas... BRADINATX....


EDIT EDIT:  BLKNSTY. Drive by sock.  Has this poster ever made an actual post ?

Edited by Onboard 2.0
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A viral video from Japan aims to show how easily germs and viruses can spread in restaurants when just one person is infected. 

The experiment simulates the atmosphere at a buffet restaurant or on a cruise ship. It was conducted by the public broadcasting organization NHK in conjunction with health experts. 

The video shows 10 people coming into the restaurant, with one singled out as the "infected" person. Each participant goes about the buffet as they normally would, not considering a potential contamination.


At the end of the video, the participants are cast under black lights illuminating where the "infection" has spread. 

The substance, used to signify the germs, can be seen on food, serving utensils and platters, and even on the faces of some of the participants.



Posted (edited)
3 minutes ago, Onboard 2.0 said:

I'm sorry what post about Seattle, and or NYC have I gone on for pages and pages about ?  You're just full of a lot of shit.

You literally were banned for making too many political posts on this thread. I don't know what exactly you're triggered by on any given day because you are largely forgettable as a poster, but you're one of a handful of people who have been so unable to follow the no politics rule that they've been banned from the thread. So you have no room to cry about other people's posts.

Edited by BradInATX
14 minutes ago, Viper said:

I think it's supposed to show that lockdowns may not be as necessary since countries with no lockdowns have less deaths/million of pop. I'm not sure that the cause/effect isn't the other way around though. Regardless, it at least shows a comparison of countries and their deaths per population, so more of an apples to apples than total deaths.

I think that what the graph needs is an aspect of temporality as well as a sense of what the case load was prior to the lockdowns being issued.  Temporality gets to the pre-post impact of the lockdown, and the case load at time of the lockdown is a strongly confounding factor associated with both lock down and the number of deaths ultimately. 

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7 minutes ago, UT_OB1 said:

Yeah, it takes 2 seconds for anyone that isn’t an idiot to look at someone’s posting history. He has 40 pages of posts, and pretty much the only posts that aren’t in cloak room are here.

Not true.  He also shit talked all of us during football season because LSU won it all. 

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2 minutes ago, BradInATX said:

You literally were banned for making too many political posts on this thread. I don't know what exactly you're triggered by on any given day because you are largely forgettable as a poster, but you're one of a handful of people who have been so unable to follow the no politics rule that they've been banned from the thread. So you have no room to cry about other people's posts.

Hey dumbass, I made one post that was deemed political, stop with your bullshit.  You're largely forgettable as sentient.

  • Like 1
14 minutes ago, Dr. Beeper said:

He’s not breaking any rules, but everyone knows why he’s posting this data.  His presence on this forum is toxic. The messenger matters. There is zero point in discussing any facts off of one of his posts in this forum. Shocking you’ve got 9 pos rep points from this post and strong suspect the typical cabal contributed to that. 

  1. VRHorn

    react_thanks.png 1 minute ago
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8 minutes ago, utee94 said:

I don't read Cloak Room and I don't follow twitter, so I'd have no idea what Hugo's intentions were, if you jackwagons didn't constantly overreact to him. 

The "no politics" shit goes both ways.  You're just as guilty of bringing it into this thread if you're dragging your biases and hatred over from the Cloak Room, because non-CR posters don't have ANY IDEA about that crap, and we don't want to.

Please just stop it.  If you don't like Hugo, ignore his posts.  The shit-posting that ensues every time one of you reacts to him is just an absolute beating.

I'm reminded of the famous singer/songwriter, Glen Fry, with the band, I think it was The Beagles.  No, it was bird-themed, maybe it was The Falcons.  Anyways, they had a hit song about some motel in California that you couldn't check out of, I think maybe their booking system was busted or something, so it wouldn't let you check out.  Or maybe it was that you couldn't leave for some reason, maybe they had some kind of access gate that was busted, or they had installed those spikes wrong, the ones that will pop your tires if you drive the wrong way into a parking garage or whatever.

Anyways, Glen would fire bandmates because he thought they were assholes or had no talent, and it was like everywhere he looked, he kept seeing assholes with no talent.  Meanwhile, other people in the industry, as well as various roadies who worked for the band, had really nice things to say about those bandmates that he fired, and thought they were great musicians.  And you can go on YouTube and see how good they are.  Anyways, nobody ever sat him down to explain to him that if he kept seeing assholes everywhere, that perhaps he was the asshole.

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Posted (edited)
13 minutes ago, Onboard 2.0 said:

Wow, effective...

Yeah, have an in-law was is a retired doctor, for years he's told us to don't bother with sanitizer, that we are better off washing our hands thoroughly with soap and water, and that sanitizer gives you a false sense of security, particularly since most people just use a few drops and don't thoroughly rub it all over, and then wipe their hands off.

This could also give people an idea about how things like the flu, colds, etc. spread on surfaces.

  Even if covid wasn't a problem this fall, maybe people will wash their hands a little more often, clean surfaces a little more often, wear masks when they feel ill, etc., and cut down on the flu.  And colds.

Edited by atomheartbevo
Posted (edited)
3 minutes ago, Dr. Beeper said:

I’ve seen a shit ton of OnBoard posts in other areas. I’ve never seen Hugo post anything non-political. And when he does he wanders outside CR and therefore I ignore him. So, On Board has plenty of room to cry. 

Which one of the two has actually managed to follow the one single rule posted for this thread?

Also - let me add, I think Hugo's posts, whether politics or football, are generally as terrible as the people crying about him are thin-skinned pussies.  

Edited by BradInATX
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Posted (edited)
Just now, Dr. Beeper said:

I don’t give a shit. I’m not here to indict Onboard. 

Of course not. He's on your team. You're here to indict anyone who holds viewpoints that disagree with yours.

Edited by BradInATX
7 minutes ago, Dr. Beeper said:

You sure are a cockdaddy, Brad in ATX.

Thank you? That's pretty funny, though.

I despise Trump and will not comment on his leadership in this forum. I don’t consider Onboard a teammate. I know what Hugo is, and Onboard, sir, is no Hugo.

I disagree. They're both pretty bad. But I'm a cockdaddy and hate most of you.

  • Haha 1
28 minutes ago, BradInATX said:



They're even triggered by who reps who now.

Let's not bicker and argue about who reps who.  This is supposed to be a happy occasion!


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Austin Public Health talking about this chart



Austin Public Health held a briefing Thursday to explain a chart of newly-released COVID-19 risk guidelines.

The chart is to help people understand the stages of risk and what they can do to stay healthy during the COVID-19 pandemic.

“I know like many people, when I go home at night my wife and daughter every single day ask me, can I go shopping? Can I get my hair done? Can I get my nails done? And the answer to that question for people across the community is different,” said Dr. Mark Escott Interim Austin-Travis County Health Authority. “It is different based upon their individual risk it’s different based upon the risk in their household.”

Here’s the chart APH has released, and it details what people should do in the certain stages of risk. Escott said this current chart is only the first iteration and changes could be made in the future.


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