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CR: COVID-19 --Political Talk

Mrs Whiggins

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1 minute ago, Casual Encounter said:

Haha, every politician my friend.

Just catching up...who the fuck is this guy?

Obama literally created a group within the government to deal with these issues and Trump shut it down... because Obama...and you want us to believe things would be the same if we didn't have an idiot in the WH?  Get the fuck outta here.

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8 minutes ago, Casual Encounter said:

Haha, every politician my friend.

Fucking.  BULLSHIT.

Hell, here's one (GWB) who most folks around her agree wasn't a good president at all, but the motherfucker at least knew how to take his lumps at put someone before himself:


One mom and dad of a dying soldier from the Caribbean were devastated, the mom beside herself with grief. She yelled at the president, wanting to know why it was her child and not his who lay in that hospital bed. Her husband tried to calm her, and I noticed the president wasn't in a hurry to leave — he tried offering comfort but then just stood and took it, like he expected and needed to hear the anguish, to try to soak up some of her suffering if he could.

Later, as we rode back on Marine One to the White House, no one spoke.

But as the helicopter took off, the president looked at me and said, "That mama sure was mad at me." Then he turned to look out the window of the helicopter. "And I don't blame her a bit."

Trump doesn't have it in his body to take ANY fucking criticism.  None.  Zero.  From anyone.  He is utterly incapable of taking responsibility GTFO with your equivocating bullshit.  Stop digging.

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Trump made fun of the Chinese and their response. The Chinese actually bought us some time (not for our benefit) to get our shit together. We squandered that time under Trump when we could have been preparing. 

Now we are committed to a course where almost everyone will be exposed. 

That is a major error on his part. It should cost him re-election. 

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Just now, washparkhorn said:

Trump made fun of the Chinese and their response. The Chinese actually bought us some time (not for our benefit) to get our shit together. We squandered that time under Trump when we could have been preparing. 

Now we are committed to a course where almost everyone will be exposed. 

That is a major error on his part. It should cost him re-election. 

dumb question: impeachable?

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12 minutes ago, Casual Encounter said:

You know when you’re watching sports and realize how terrible the game is because both teams suck. I’m that guy.


You know that guy at the party that everyone is avoiding, and when you get stuck talking to them they pompously spout off of bunch of juvenile views that every adult has looked at and passed on in favor more refined and mature ideas? You're that guy.

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1 hour ago, Rockethorn1978 said:

I can say this if Obama was president it wouldn't be getting reported like it's fucking Ebola or like the movie Outbreak. I saw somewhere on FB the list of new diseases from 2000 until now and this one is getting reported like it's the end of the world. I always think I cant be surprised by the media but we live in a trumpcentered world where they always find a way to blame him for everything no matter if it started in the stone ages.


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“The liberal media is blowing this all out of proportion. I know this because Dr. Drew told me so. The brilliant medical specialists on The View should just zip their flappy lips,” said the old person, who normally posts about caravans of rapists reaching our southern border and Sharia law taking over our courts.

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1 hour ago, Casual Encounter said:

Trump is an absolute idiot and has handled this as we all expected he would. I’m not giving this dipshit a pass, just like the other half wouldn’t be giving any Democrat a pass. The point is, regardless of who’s in that seat, our government is incompetent. It’s easy for everyone to blame the president as if that position is responsible for all our government’s dipshitery. Anyone who works for the government knows it’s incompetent regardless of who’s “ in charge”.

Nope. You don't think Obama would have been handling this a 100x better? Take a look at 2008 and 2009. Friggin' cool as a cucumber. Obama had the steadiest of hands during crises.

You want a real time comparison, look at how then candidates Obama and McCain dealt with the economic meltdown in the fall of 2008. McCain, who was a good person and an honorable man, shit his pants and suspended his campaign. the electorate notices, or at least they used to.

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26 minutes ago, BradInATX said:


You know that guy at the party that everyone is avoiding, and when you get stuck talking to them they pompously spout off of bunch of juvenile views that every adult has looked at and passed on in favor more refined and mature ideas? You're that guy.


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56 minutes ago, Hugo Stiglitz said:

This isn’t wrong, Obama didn’t have a good answer for the Tea Party and Trump was that movement’s natural end game. We could see the train coming and the hubris negligence of Obama played a role. 

i love how some assign blame to those not recognizing the rise of the stupids instead of assigning blame to the actual stupids.

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29 minutes ago, BradInATX said:


You know that guy at the party that everyone is avoiding, and when you get stuck talking to them they pompously spout off of bunch of juvenile views that every adult has looked at and passed on in favor more refined and mature ideas? You're that guy.

Interesting, I’m not actually that guy. People, outside of those blindly following political parties and their chosen media outlets, tend to listen to me. They may not agree, since we are all different, but they listen to my views and respect my position. Immature people push out those with different backgrounds and opinions and create groups which don’t allow individual expression. Know of any Surly groups like that?

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2 minutes ago, Casual Encounter said:

Interesting, I’m not actually that guy. People, outside of those blindly following political parties and their chosen media outlets, tend to listen to me. They may not agree, since we are all different, but they listen to my views and respect my position. Immature people push out those with different backgrounds and opinions and create groups which don’t allow individual expression. Know of any Surly groups like that?

oh, I'm sure they listen. they probably also think "this guy is full of shit." maybe not enough people tell you that.

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2 minutes ago, Casual Encounter said:

Interesting, I’m not actually that guy. People, outside of those blindly following political parties and their chosen media outlets, tend to listen to me. They may not agree, since we are all different, but they listen to my views and respect my position. Immature people push out those with different backgrounds and opinions and create groups which don’t allow individual expression. Know of any Surly groups like that?


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23 minutes ago, Woland said:

“The liberal media is blowing this all out of proportion. I know this because Dr. Drew told me so. The brilliant medical specialists on The View should just zip their flappy lips,” said the old person, who normally posts about caravans of rapists reaching our southern border and Sharia law taking over our courts.

A reminder -- COVID-19 will likely kill several hundred thousand Americans when all is said and done, and send several times that number to the ICU.  Compare the response to this issue (both the building/destruction of infrastructure and organizations to handle it as well as the funding and execution of plans in real-time) with the kajillions of dollars and massive increase in bureaucracy and government apparatus to deal with the DEADLY PLAGUE of illegal immigration.  Which, even if you applied shitty but-for reasoning to it (that is, if illegal immigrant X wasn't here, than victim Y would be alive!), is responsible for....


According to a report from the the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) for fiscal year 2018, just over 1,600 homicide convictions were on the criminal records of people arrested by ICE for being in the country illegally.

We'll spend hundreds of billions and engage in systematic cruelty with a giant, bloated government enforcement apparatus to attack an issue that is responsible for -- at the high end -- 1600 deaths per year.

Something comes along that will likely kill 100X that (and almost certainly, that's a LOW number).....and we just step on our dick.   This admin and those who support it are fucking horribad at math.

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38 minutes ago, washparkhorn said:

Trump made fun of the Chinese and their response. The Chinese actually bought us some time (not for our benefit) to get our shit together. We squandered that time under Trump when we could have been preparing. 

Now we are committed to a course where almost everyone will be exposed. 

That is a major error on his part. It should cost him re-election. 

If you didn't watch 60 minutes last evening, there was a story on COVID-19. Dr. Anthony Fauci was interviewed as well as several people from JHU among others. One interesting tidbit was about a meeting last year where they did a simulation of a pandemic. This meeting had many people from different areas: airline industry, medical field, and so on. China sent people to this meeting as well and in hindsight, it seems they might have appreciated a few of the problems that the simulation revealed. Unlike the current Administration, former President Obama also learned from outbreaks that occurred on his watch which is why he began the interagency team that was dismantled after he left office.

9 minutes ago, yoladu said:

Nope. You don't think Obama would have been handling this a 100x better? Take a look at 2008 and 2009. Friggin' cool as a cucumber. Obama had the steadiest of hands during crises.

You want a real time comparison, look at how then candidates Obama and McCain dealt with the economic meltdown in the fall of 2008. McCain, who was a good person and an honorable man, shit his pants and suspended his campaign. the electorate notices, or at least they used to.

And you are correct in spades. Leaders who acknowledge their weaknesses and learn from their mistakes are to be admired. It is tempting to point fingers and cast blame, but the best leaders know when to be humble and frank in their failings.

Trump is a malignant insecure narcissist who can do none of these things: lead, admit failure, be humble, and lastly--tell the truth.

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2 minutes ago, Longhorn_Fan68 said:

someone please watch what is sure to be a shit show press conference that dotus is giving and let us know what he says.

I'd bet dollars to doughnuts that it's at least half an hour after its scheduled start time

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the rest of them are opportunists and deep down realize Trump is an idiot and this is really NOT a hoax, they're just going along with the party line, but push comes to shove they are taking it seriously...

Gohmert thinks it really is a hoax.

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24 minutes ago, Casual Encounter said:

Interesting, I’m not actually that guy. People, outside of those blindly following political parties and their chosen media outlets, tend to listen to me. They may not agree, since we are all different, but they listen to my views and respect my position. Immature people push out those with different backgrounds and opinions and create groups which don’t allow individual expression. Know of any Surly groups like that?

Better to be silent and thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt.

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