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CR: COVID-19 --Political Talk

Mrs Whiggins

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10 minutes ago, Mdhorn said:

Remember when the Right was up in arms because Michelle Obama was demanding schools serve healthy lunches to students?  They really don't give a shit about their constituents. 

Government sucks. 



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5 minutes ago, texas08 said:



So dumb fuck here is just posting fake tweets and trolling.

When will this bot be banned?

I mean, just look at the fucking signs/brands on that fake ass tweet/pic.




Nah man. You know Zavala's hometown of Buttfuck, Arkansas always has Romanian goods displayed prominently.

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I am still debating whether the disinformation regarding COVID-19 is intentional w/respect to the GOP. What I mean by this is the politicians have access to healthcare and resources, plan on rigging the elections, and don't really care what happens to citizens because whatever happens they will be fine. I saw on the news this weekend a fundraiser BBQ was held to benefit the volunteer fire department (in a county without a hospital.) It was large, several hundred people in attendance but they figured since it was outside that everything was okay. Guess they didn't get the news about the fellow from the Houston cookoff in the hospital?

While many families that I've talked to (via text!) have stocked up with food and supplies, most of them are still going around town. We (or I should say, he) have gone out once this weekend-to gas up one of the cars since my husband is still required to work. I have hand sanitizer in the car I drive but use soap at home as it's more friendly to my skin. He noticed a lot of traffic though, and it is fairly obvious that people are still crowding into restaurants and such. What's the point of stockpiling food if you aren't at home eating it?


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8 minutes ago, Mrs Whiggins said:

What's the point of stockpiling food if you aren't at home eating it?

There is no point.  The late panic shopping wave was almost exclusively people who haven’t been paying attention, learning about the virus, and preparing.  They were just normal, blissfully unaware people who heard “HEB is out of toilet paper!” and immediately swarmed Costco to buy bottled water and canned goods.  None of these people intend to change their lifestyles until the hurricane or earthquake or What was the reason we were all stockpiling batteries and SPAM, again? hits.  As soon as they got home from TPocalypse 2020, they dumped their crate of canned beans and emergency box of merlot in the pantry and rounded up the family to go breathe in clouds of coronavirus over burritos at Chuy’s.  

tl;dr - people are stupid; welcome to The Lanai.

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11 minutes ago, BrickHorn said:

There is no point.  The late panic shopping wave was almost exclusively people who haven’t been paying attention, learning about the virus, and preparing.  They were just normal, blissfully unaware people who heard “HEB is out of toilet paper!” and immediately swarmed Costco to buy bottled water and canned goods.  None of these people intend to change their lifestyles until the hurricane or earthquake or What was the reason we were all stockpiling batteries and SPAM, again? hits.  As soon as they got home from TPocalypse 2020, they dumped their crate of canned beans and emergency box of merlot in the pantry and rounded up the family to go breathe in clouds of coronavirus over burritos at Chuy’s.  

tl;dr - people are stupid; welcome to The Lanai.

Yep. I think people are genuinely bored in life and when something like this happens they like to be a part of the panic because on some level it is just entertainment. 

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The TPpocalypse also feeds on itself. I went out and stockpiled yesterday just because all these other dumb fucks keep grabbing it up and goddamnit, I need to wipe my ass. I'm not going to resort to show-shitting and waffle-stomping. 

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37 minutes ago, Message Board User said:


He genuinely doesn't understand what's going on. He's impervious to facts. He believes whatever the fuck he believes and there's no getting through to him. No one could be more perfectly unfit to manage a national health crisis. 

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Party identification divide in changing behavior and attitudes. 

republicans less likely to take this seriously or behave differently. I absolutely certain some conservative friends of mine are complaining about how the sports leagues are acting like snowflakes. 

56% of Dems say coronavirus will impact their lives. 26% of republicans.  In fairness this poll is a couple of days old (Wed-Fri) so I would bet both numbers are higher today. 

Edited by Nice Guy Eddie
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58 minutes ago, Message Board User said:


What does it tell you that pretty much all of our society has chosen to voluntarily take the lead of  Italy vs the White House?  The American response to coronavirus is the biggest vote of no-confidence a leader has ever received, and Trump is too stupid to even realize it.

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1 minute ago, Nice Guy Eddie said:

If I were many countries I would ban travel to/from the US.   I know it might kill tourism but perhaps it can protect their country. 

we have expat friends in mexico, they said Mexican government is considering just that. 

now why do i imagine Trump's reaction being 'you can't break up with us, we're breaking up with you first!'

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12 minutes ago, Nice Guy Eddie said:

Party identification divide in changing behavior and attitudes. 

republicans less likely to take this seriously or behave differently. I absolutely certain some conservative friends of mine are complaining about how the sports leagues are acting like snowflakes. 

56% of Dems say coronavirus will impact their lives. 26% of republicans.  In fairness this poll is a couple of days old (Wed-Fri) so I would bet both numbers are higher today. 

There you have it.  Covid-19 has already impacted my family life, closed schools, made shopping more challenging, I now use those wipes at the grocery store for the basket, exercise is now outside (fucking trees) and not at the gym.  News is on more frequently and we are discussing how to make it work, how to ration food, how to receive goods from Amazon (put it away for 3 days, use a UV light to see it).   No Zoo.  No Museum.  Not visiting the park.   

26% of republicans can admit it has impacted them.  74% are pretending the stores have toilet paper, stores are operating the same, and when they show up at 10 PM to HEB/Kroger they will just pretend they went shopping.    Republicanism is a perception disorder, it is a cult.  

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5 minutes ago, Nice Guy Eddie said:

Party identification divide in changing behavior and attitudes. 

republicans less likely to take this seriously or behave differently. I absolutely certain some conservative friends of mine are complaining about how the sports leagues are acting like snowflakes. 

After a "whatever" comment from my Trumper Pumper cousin to a FB post of mine regarding the shortage of corona virus testing here in the US, I replied with a fairly extensive rebuttal including 2 links, picked out out the most persuasive quotes from the links and stuck them in my post in case he doesn't click on the links, and included an "I love you" sentiment in there, and the next morning got an "Ok. You win." reply from him.

Someone posted a link here the other day showing how much conservatives trust Fox News almost exclusively for news while libs and independents trust 13 or so sources. Throw in AM talk radio and conspiracy sites and some seem really in the dark about basic facts that is easy to assume is common knowledge here in CR. They really might be hearing unfiltered info for the first time from you. And that's not the first time I've gotten a Trump supporter to at least pause and reconsider their understanding of what's going on, and that doesn't take into account how many lurkers who may not be as engaged that are reading those exchanges.

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13 hours ago, UDontKnow said:

I don't think Fauci and Birx have the answers to that and as time goes on I am losing respect for them too.

Fauci has fallen in line. Someone got to him and convinced him to be more complimentary to Trump in his statements. He's still trying to speak truth but it's more carefully balanced. He's on MTP and he's saying how now that we've got the private sector involved, things are going to really get rolling. (Shouldn't have to wait for that, but whatever.)

Then Chuck shows him a tweet from a guy in Philly who got the runaround when he tried and failed to get tested. So Fauci said we'd here anecdotal stories like that but things are "going to" get better. Then Chuck shows photos of Americans, returning from abroad, packed like sardines in the terminal at O'Hare. Fauci was pretty dismissive of that like it was no big deal. Yeah, that's to be expected. 

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