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CR: COVID-19 --Political Talk

Mrs Whiggins

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  On 3/19/2020 at 4:00 PM, DixonHur said:

Go back and look at the posts...I was one of the ones throwing a shitfit.  

And that's why I'm no longer a member of the GOP.  

I'm against corporate welfare, and farm subsidies.  


Note: I am for Universal HC and free education because I think they're both net positives for the economy...not sure about basic income yet.  Still trying to learn more about how it would work in practice.


Kudos on you for seeing the economic positives of Universal HC. It's also a general quality of life positive. For the same reasons I've always compared it to basic education. I support UBI, but only if paired with universal HC and some other basic safety nets, like free substance abuse and mental health treatment. I suspect most of the people who would waste the UBI would do so for one or both of those reasons. Some would just be irresponsible assholes, but that's part of living in a society with lots of people. At least the kids of those assholes will still have access to healthcare and other basic benefits. 

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  On 3/19/2020 at 4:36 PM, 'stache said:

Kudos on you for seeing the economic positives of Universal HC. It's also a general quality of life positive. For the same reasons I've always compared it to basic education. I support UBI, but only if paired with universal HC and some other basic safety nets, like free substance abuse and mental health treatment. I suspect most of the people who would waste the UBI would do so for one or both of those reasons. Some would just be irresponsible assholes, but that's part of living in a society with lots of people. At least the kids of those assholes will still have access to healthcare and other basic benefits. 


I'm on board with all that...with the previous caveat applied to UBI.  

Trickle up is the only way forward.

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Update on my HS friend who is a Trumpkin, a director of an elder care facility in ATX and who was downplaying the outbreak.  I sent an email to her CEO, he responded with a thank you, and she changed her tune in less than 24 hours.  No more Fox news hoax, media-inspired panic, etc...  Just links to solid scientific and medical journals with the occasional post outlining what additional steps they were taking at their facility to deal with the threat that all seemed reasonable to me.

Today she posted this on FB.  I've reached out to her directly, but have received no response.  I don't know how much of a crisis she may be in at the moment.


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Jesus, that ending was just so Trump. Have an Alex Jonesesque reporter in there to ask the dumbest question ever and then rant for 10 min about how you should only trust him and not the press. 

I hope he gets corona and dies a painful fucking death, very soon. What a piece of shit. 

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  On 3/19/2020 at 4:47 PM, SmokeyTheBear said:

"do you consider the term Chinese food racist? Because the extreme left is taking Chinese communist propaganda and saying you are racist." 


@Pokoloco This is the type of shit that precludes him from obtaining the ordinary "leader in a time of crisis" bump from the electorate. Only his base cultists think it's presidential to shit on the press and liberals and to blame others at every corner. He blatantly fucking lied about the threat then lied about how serious he took it, and now is pulling this shit. He is not a leader. As much as I hated George W, he acted presidential after 9/11 even as I disagreed with his war decisions.

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  On 3/19/2020 at 4:54 PM, tx 3 putt said:

LuLz @ at liberal media working with Latin gangs and cartels bwhahahahshahhahs

this country is reaching a point where trumpers need to locked up, for their own good 


Judging by the observable preexisting conditions that the vast majority of his rally-goers have, I'm guessing that Corona might take care of a decent check of Trump's base. 

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"Mr. President, you've been doing such a great job handling this crisis.  Shown such leadership.  Why don't you head down to SE Florida and get some fresh air and play some golf."

"You think I should, really?  Right now?  I mean, I guess this is the longest I've gone in office without playing.  But isn't there a lot of lack of social distancing down there, right now?"

"Nah, Mr. President.  That's a hoax, it's fake news.  Your resorts and the surrounding areas are perfectly fine."


In all seriousness, he is due for a trip to Mar-a-Lago.  Why not send him now with all those dumbass spring breakers down there?  

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  On 3/19/2020 at 1:00 PM, Hiphopopotamos said:



I don't want this to get lost in the press conference discussion. 

Couldn't this be insider trading? 

I wonder if the whole Trump denial of the pandemic was to give the big money boys a head start on getting ready for the economic consequences. Who does the GOP serve if not the very rich? How valuable would inside information be on this coming disaster?

Wow, I found a way to hate these guys even worse. So what if a few hundred thousand people die because of lack of response. Our rich friends got their money right!

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Don't let Trump set the narrative.. The Press will lap it up and wait for the next "red herring" from the President - because meaningless gossip sells. Keep it on the issues. Don't fall for the "Chinese Virus" controversy. It makes no difference in the battle. Notice what the Presidnt does when he is asked concrete issues. He waffles, provides meaningless platitudes, makes inappropriate comments to generate outrage, and dodges the concrete issue under question.

We need concrete progress on a wide range of issues.  Deaths from the Coronavirus are ghastly when there is adequate capacity. When those deaths occur without adequate treatment due to shortages, they will be horrifying .

Ask anyone who lost a loved one to Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome. 

We need to start preparing to treat health care workers for PTSD. It is one thing to read about it in a textbook; it is quite another to see those deaths in real life. 



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  On 3/19/2020 at 2:05 PM, Bama Chick said:

Yep - used to be GRID, “gay related immune deficiency”.


Now it's going to be "gRay related immune defiency"

  On 3/19/2020 at 2:55 PM, Bookman said:

The National Guard and Army Corps are idle because this administration has no idea what to do. Unlike all his other jams, Trump can't lie his way out of this one (despite trying to), take control of the narrative, or file for bankruptcy.

He put Pence in charge for fuck's sake.


Nor can stall COVID19 in the courts, his usual go to.

  On 3/19/2020 at 2:45 PM, Stilicho said:

Exactly.  Fuck means testing.  Get the money in people's hands now.  If you don't need it, whether due to paid sick leave or personal savings or whatever, give yours to someone who does (like your local supermarket checkers).  This isn't difficult.


If more Americans were wired like this situation wouldn't be as grave.  But no, we have way too many "Fuck you, I got mine" running around.

  On 3/19/2020 at 4:20 PM, RomaVicta said:



No way Trump has the balls or honor to go down with the ship.  That's what Pence is for.  On the other hand, he might drown due to the inept tardy response.   

What's really amazing through all this, intensified by this CV19 response is how ONE person can be such as completely controlling asshole, and no one stops him.  But then we have had more in history (Hitler, Stalin, etc.).   Just seems positive leaders (ghandi, mandella)  that push humanity  in the right direction are so outnumbered by the anti-heroes.    Basic human nature of fearfulness and greed, I guess.

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  On 3/19/2020 at 4:02 PM, Brisketexan said:

It's 100% clear that this is the new GOP talking point and strategy: distract from how poorly Trump has handled flying the damaged plane to demanding -- WHILE THE PLANE IS STILL IN THE AIR AND NEEDS TO BE LANDED SAFELY -- that we must investigate the geese who hit our engines.

Fuck them.  Fuck their narrative.  Nobody should engage it.  I don't give a fuck who or what started the goddamned fire -- what are you incompetent jackwagons doing to put it out?  Oh, blowing each other about how awesome you look in firefighting gear?  GTFO.  Remove these clowns from office.  Now.


Crossing posting my thoughts on this from the DT thread:

While China certainly didn't act perfectly with regard to the virus, saying another country "caused this entire situation" is over the top. The virus caused it, not the country. China didn't cause SARS2-Cov anymore than we caused H1N1. Their reaction to the growing situation wasn't perfect and resulted in more infections and spread. Our reaction to the situation was objectively worse because we had China and other countries telling us this shit was real and didn't listen. 

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The press needs to stop live covering these press conferences.  No news is actually imparted to the public.  It's just a bunch of fellating to trump by his cabinet and OAN.

Cover what's going on in communities and hospitals across the country, and what medical professionals and governors are saying.  This is just pure nonsense that helps no one.

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Last night a suburban city counselor posted a bunch of nonsense boasting pride in their vote to not issue a shutdown order for restaurants, etc. The mayor of Tulsa today called them out for it, including that people who get sick there will be using the resources at hospitals within the city. Bunch of fucking yokels. I seriously can't understand why they won't take this seriously.

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  On 3/19/2020 at 4:50 PM, tx 3 putt said:




Holy shit - just got the video to come through with sufficient detail to confirm that OAN did, in fact, trot probably their only Asian reporter out there to ask that question.  "See - it ain't racist!  That was one of them thar O-reeee-ental types asking that question.  Caaaan't be racist now." 

I refuse to get sucked into the "racist or no" debate, but had to chuckle that their tactics are so fucking transparent.   

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  On 3/19/2020 at 5:19 PM, lemonlime said:

The press needs to stop live covering these press conferences.  No news is actually imparted to the public.  It's just a bunch of fellating to trump by his cabinet and OAN.

Cover what's going on in communities and hospitals across the country, and what medical professionals and governors are saying.  This is just pure nonsense that helps no one.


this is what happens when you starve the press and have only one voice coming from the administration - trump's.  they've gone over a year without a white house press briefing - something that has been a daily (or more) occurrence for decades.  now that they have something going on that the public actually needs constant updates on, of course they're fucking it up.  they don't know any other way to do it. 

if we had a president with any type of leadership ability, it would actually comfort the country.  he/she would say a few inspiring words, then turn it over to the experts.  then there would be actual updates and news vetted and presented by experts, who would take questions, and then it would end.  you wouldn't have the president popping back on and off, and you wouldn't have off-the-cuff declarations that turn out to be almost fucking exclusively incorrect.


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From French Medscape as translated by UK Medscape - https://www.medscape.com/viewarticle/927033 (paywall, but cached version may work for you):
  Reveal hidden contents
Edited by washparkhorn
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