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CR: COVID-19 --Political Talk

Mrs Whiggins

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40 minutes ago, Anastasis said:

The supplies at retail outlets have dried up.

and there's a reason for that


For weeks in June and July, workers at a Maine factory making one of America’s most popular rapid tests for Covid-19 were given a task that shocked them: take apart millions of the products they had worked so hard to create and stuff them into garbage bags.


what's the word for stupid feasance?  misfeasance?



30 minutes ago, Anastasis said:

Damn @staboner things kinda fucked up down under?



Residents in apartment blocks locked-down by NSW Health are having their alcohol deliveries policed as part of a policy to limit the number of drinks being consumed each day.

NSW Health has imposed rules limiting people in “NSW Health controlled buildings” to a certain amount of alcohol each day in a bid to “ensure the safety of health staff and residents”.

we were never really locked down here in the good ol' US but i quite casually became a heavy to very heavy drinker early in the pandemic.  can't imagine what people doing through actual lockdown would be doing. 



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1 minute ago, elfenix said:

and there's a reason for that


what's the word for stupid feasance?  misfeasance?

Wow, did not see that one.  Would have stocked on more of their tests.  As it stands now down to the last tesst after buying 3 boxes (2 tests each). Been using them with the kids and gave one away to someone that needed one.

There were people criticizing the prior admin for not deploying the WPA for vaccine production, which really wasn't tenable. Seems like that might be in play here though. This technology is not complex or constrained in many of the same ways.  

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11 minutes ago, elfenix said:

and there's a reason for that


what's the word for stupid feasance?  misfeasance?



we were never really locked down here in the good ol' US but i quite casually became a heavy to very heavy drinker early in the pandemic.  can't imagine what people doing through actual lockdown would be doing. 



Clearly the Invisible Hand at work.

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15 minutes ago, Anastasis said:

There were people criticizing the prior admin for not deploying the WPA for vaccine production, which really wasn't tenable.

IIRC, the criticisms were around not deploying the DPA for N95s and other basic healthcare items that were running short

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57 minutes ago, Anastasis said:

Damn @staboner things kinda fucked up down under?



Residents in apartment blocks locked-down by NSW Health are having their alcohol deliveries policed as part of a policy to limit the number of drinks being consumed each day.

NSW Health has imposed rules limiting people in “NSW Health controlled buildings” to a certain amount of alcohol each day in a bid to “ensure the safety of health staff and residents”.

thats crazy! oh wait, no really it isn't. considering all the other shit the government is taking away from people down here....not surprising at all. of all the western countries i would assume Oz is violating muh freedoms the most.

people are finally waking up to this shit. some boomers i ran into yesterday finally started to question this insanity. i had given up long ago thinking we were all going to be like those old school electric football games we had as kids - just vibrating in place like larry and hoping we ended up somewhere with a nice beach where beer was still allowed

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Just now, Bozo_Casanova said:

Do we have a shortage? Serious question.

Abbot Binax and most rapid POC tests are unavailable in retail settings.  I bought three boxes thinking to stock up.  Should have bought double that. They are not available anywhere.  Gave one of mine to a family member that wanted to test (they honestly didnt need to since asymptomatic, but gave them one of mine to set mind at ease). 

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1 minute ago, Anastasis said:

Do you think that Biden should invoke DPA for rapid test production capabilities? 

Is there a significant test shortage? Back then there were basically no tests. People were paying thousands of dollars for one.

I've been tested four times in the last month and haven't had any issues finding one.

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2 minutes ago, Anastasis said:

Abbot Binax and most rapid POC tests are unavailable in retail settings.  I bought three boxes thinking to stock up.  Should have bought double that. They are not available anywhere.  Gave one of mine to a family member that wanted to test (they honestly didnt need to since asymptomatic, but gave them one of mine to set mind at ease). 

Wow, I bought one on Saturday no problem. If there's a shortage, it's probably because of people buying additional tests they don't need to stock up.

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1 hour ago, Anastasis said:

So Biden gonna drop his plan tomorrow.  IMO, distribution of 15m point of care tests to every household in the United States should be part of that plan. The supplies at retail outlets have dried up.  It's amazing that still at this point in the pandemic we have not pushed out a nationwide distribution of rapid test capacity. If I was Bezos I would have mobilized on this and used my Amazon distribution network.  Might have had to delay my purple penis ride into space but it would be have been a good investment from a number of different angles. 

i don't understand this either. (with my limited understanding) the tech and costs have been there for a while, but maybe the accuracy was holding people back from wanting to do this?

why this isn't done to do shit like attending a large event like a football game is crazy to me. you would surely catch a few and be able to limit spread quite a bit, even if the accuracy was in question


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4 minutes ago, staboner said:

i don't understand this either. (with my limited understanding) the tech and costs have been there for a while, but maybe the accuracy was holding people back from wanting to do this?

Its relatively simple reagent impregnated pieces of paper that you rub some snot on and lines form like a pregnancy test. Compared to the vax production technology its like this.



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My understanding of the rapid tests is that they're basically a pregnancy test in terms of mechanism. Much like the rental car industry right now, it would seem the American™ way of never planning for more than a quarter in advance is continuing to bite us with rapid test production. 

That said, Abbott isn't the only manufacturer of those tests and I wouldn't be surprised if the shortage is due to a run on them ala the great TP shortage of 2020. See: buying tests just to have them because they're getting hard to find

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5 minutes ago, Captainant said:

That said, Abbott isn't the only manufacturer of those tests and I wouldn't be surprised if the shortage is due to a run on them ala the great TP shortage of 2020. See: buying tests just to have them because they're getting hard to find

IF you can point me to some POC tests available in retail settings so that I can have a few on hand to test my unvaxxed kids under the age of 12 woudl appreciate it.  Otherwise, doubt that you are really following the topic.  What kind of a dumbass likens a run on TP to people being diligent about rapid testing COVID cases.  Dipshit. 

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9 minutes ago, Anastasis said:

IF you can point me to some POC tests available in retail settings so that I can have a few on hand to test my unvaxxed kids under the age of 12 woudl appreciate it.  Otherwise, doubt that you are really following the topic.  What kind of a dumbass likens a run on TP to people being diligent about rapid testing COVID cases.  Dipshit. 

Man if only there were masking and vaccination requirements for participating in society so we didn't have to rely on reactive measures to protect our loved ones. Dipshit. 


Edit: the comparison to the TP shortage was moreso in terms of market forces, but your sensitivity is noted. Sure is frustrating when your loved ones need something and it isn't available to them, right mr healthcare insurance industry apologist?

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1 hour ago, Anastasis said:

So Biden gonna drop his plan tomorrow.  IMO, distribution of 15m point of care tests to every household in the United States should be part of that plan. The supplies at retail outlets have dried up.  It's amazing that still at this point in the pandemic we have not pushed out a nationwide distribution of rapid test capacity. If I was Bezos I would have mobilized on this and used my Amazon distribution network.  Might have had to delay my purple penis ride into space but it would be have been a good investment from a number of different angles. 


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51 minutes ago, Anastasis said:



Seems like the supply dried up pretty quickly.  We bought some last week as well.



No there's no doubt that inventories are low right now. That's not a shortage, and it's much more than we had at the beginning of the pandemic.

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1 hour ago, elfenix said:

and there's a reason for that


what's the word for stupid feasance?  misfeasance?



we were never really locked down here in the good ol' US but i quite casually became a heavy to very heavy drinker early in the pandemic.  can't imagine what people doing through actual lockdown would be doing. 



We would’ve had an actual insurrection if we were locked down like Australia.  

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Written after a particularly hard day....

In the End written by Lauren B., BSN, RN, PCCN
On the day you die from COVID, many things will happen.
A colleague and I will enter the room to carefully prepare and clean your body.
We will shut off all the IV pumps.
We will turn off the ventilator.
We will silence and turn off the monitor that is screaming at us that something is emergently wrong.
We will remove the breathing tube from your throat.
We will pull out the intravenous lines.
We will remove the arterial line that monitored your dangerously low blood pressure.
We will remove the catheter that drained your bladder and measured as your urine output gradually decreased to nil.
In the end, they will leave the room and it will be just you and I.
The machines will be turned off.
The beeping will have stopped.
The alarms will be discontinued.
The room will be silent for the first time in days.
I might have music on, if your family told me what you like to listen to. I’ve listened to all kinds of music at the end.
Classic Rock. Big Band. South American flutes. Chinese ballads. Country and Western.
Today it was the Beatles.
“Yesterday… all my troubles seemed so far away… Now it looks as though they’re here to stay… Oh I believe in yesterday…”
I’ll cover your body with a sheet and try to position you so that you look as natural as possible.
I’ll dial the phone number or open the video chat and your family will pop up.
They will see you and begin sobbing uncontrollably.
They will tell you that they love you.
They will question their God.
They will tell you that they don’t know how they will go on without you.
They will thank you for being a great partner, great spouse, great child, great friend, great person...
They'll put the dog up to the camera so you can "see" them one more time.
Old grudges will be forgiven or put aside.
I will be privy to family secrets and skeletons that nobody else knows about.
I’ll never breathe a whisper; your secrets are safe with me.
I will listen silently as they beg and weep and plead and grieve.
I will close my eyes tightly at the scream that signifies pain so raw and deep that it stings even my numb and burned-out heart.
I will try to hold back the tears that gather in my own eyes as I empathize with the pain your family is feeling.
I will fail.
I will cry silently too.
I will wait patiently until their tears have slowed and they have told me that they are ready.
I will hang up the phone or shut off the video.
I’ll sigh to myself as I start to clean up.
The bag that your battered body lies in won’t be zipped up yet.
I know it sounds crazy, but I don’t believe in zipping up the bag until I’m ready to leave the room.
I can’t bring myself to clean your room while you lie there inside a dark zipped-up bag, ignored because you no longer breathe.
So, I’ll take down the drips.
It will take me a while.
You’ll have been on a lot of drips.
Pain medication.
Anti-anxiety medications.
A blood thinner.
I’ll take them all down and puddle the lines on the floor while I dispose of the excess contents.
I’ll gather the unopened supplies in the room and begin throwing them in the trash.
The new cardiac electrodes that don’t need to be placed on a chest that no longer has a beating heart.
The pulse oximeter that would read “zero” if I were to attach it.
The oral care kit that we used to try to prevent you from getting a secondary infection in your lungs.
The bags of dialysate that were used in a valiant attempt to preserve your kidneys.
The tubing that was attached to the ventilator to breathe for you.
The numerous pictures and cards that your family dropped off at the front desk of the hospital for us to hang in your room for encouragement and support.
All of it will go in the trash.
Nothing can be salvaged from a COVID room.
I’ll tidy up the many caps that have found their way onto the floor.
Caps from IV flushes. Caps from medications. Caps from IV tubing. Caps from respiratory equipment.
Caps that were opened and discarded so quickly as we worked so feverishly that they’ve long since been forgotten and relegated to the floor.
Finally, I will be done cleaning.
I will stroke your hair. I will hold your hand. I will position you so you look comfortable.
I will wonder why you didn't get vaccinated.
Fear? Conspiracy? Misinformation? Just never got around to it?
It doesn't matter now.
I will look into your face one more time.
I will zip the bag.
I will leave you in the room to be transported to the morgue.
You, however, will never leave me.
Memories like this are not ever forgotten.
Because in the end, on the day you die from COVID, it will be just you and I.
By LetMeGrabSomeGloves

Blah blah blah fake news hoax, COVID is just a cold, it only kills the super old and ill who we’re gonna die anyway. The person she’s describing probably died of something else, like scurvy.

That’s how this will be received by anyone who actually needs to see it.
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5 minutes ago, OneOfTheOutOfFocusGuys said:

Ivermectin has been used on humans for years.  Just not for covid.  Why would it suddenly cause sterilization?

Well the drug was initially developed to treat parasitic infection from drinking contaminated river water... Maybe it's just really good at killing swimmers?

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25 minutes ago, OneOfTheOutOfFocusGuys said:

Ivermectin has been used on humans for years.  Just not for covid.  Why would it suddenly cause sterilization?

Yeah I don’t think there’s been a ton of research on the matter. It’s just one study. That being said, it’s good lesson as to why we should not cherry pick one study or one doctor to base our decisions but instead on what 98% of studies or doctors report 

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