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CR: COVID-19 --Political Talk

Mrs Whiggins

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17 minutes ago, Brisketexan said:

Hey, "never let a crisis go to waste," right?  We are entering a period of chaos.  Time to take the fucking reins and make shit happen.  The people are going to be much more amenable to the shit they were stupidly calling "socialism" a few weeks ago.  Maybe the common good actually fucking matters, you know?

Unfortunately, human nature always falls back to it's base state after a disaster.  

The modern GOP is like the child who doesn't remember having his ass saved time and time again by his parents....he only remembers the times he was grounded.

Government = Bad*



* Unless it's helping ME

Edited by DixonHur
Changed GOO to GOP... although...
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Just now, Don Johnson said:

Why do we compare tests per capita* but don't compare cases per capita?  We chose the most negative ways to compare.  Not saying either looks great, but lets be apples to apples.

*except China, which only uses a province as total population.

Not an expert, but I think the correlation is that the more people you test, the more people you know to quarantine (or not).  If you limit testing to those with the most severe systems, you are missing those that want a test but whose symptoms aren't bad enough yet.  

So South Korea, with wider testing, likely caught folks with "walking" COVID-19 at a higher rate than Italy, better preventing the spread.  

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8 minutes ago, Don Johnson said:

Why do we compare tests per capita* but don't compare cases per capita?  We chose the most negative ways to compare.  Not saying either looks great, but lets be apples to apples.

*except China, which only uses a province as total population.

Because if you aren't testing then you don't know how many cases you have. Ask Russia. And West Virginia

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1 minute ago, A-Tex Devil said:

Not an expert, but I think the correlation is that the more people you test, the more people you know to quarantine (or not).  If you limit testing to those with the most severe systems, you are missing those that want a test but whose symptoms aren't bad enough yet.  

So South Korea, with wider testing, likely caught folks with "walking" COVID-19 at a higher rate than Italy, better preventing the spread.  

I'm not questioning the importance of testing.  It would be great if we could test everyone today.  I'm questioning why we chose to compare the US to other countries on a per capita basis when it comes to testing by date (it would look better if we used total) but when it comes to cases by date we use total (it would look better if we used per capita).

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5 minutes ago, Longhorn_Fan68 said:

him and Miller need to strung up by their toes

I'm very much afraid that we will require a leadership removal before November. Preferably a very non-violent one but if this thing gets really bad because of shoddy leadership the desperation make it to a point where radical things start happening. 

I don't think that's going to happen and I really hope it doesn't happen but I think it is probably prudent, no matter your preference on the matter in normal times, to arm yourself just in case. 

Edited by Junior Miller
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2 minutes ago, Junior Miller said:

Because if you aren't testing then you don't know how many cases you have. Ask Russia. And West Virginia

And you don't just test to test because your population is larger.

The only true measurement in all this will be deaths.  It won't be 100% accurate but it will be close.

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1 minute ago, Junior Miller said:

I'm very much afraid that we will require a leadership removal before November. Preferably a very non-violent one but if this thing gets really bad because of shotty leadership the desperation make it to a point or radical things start happening. 

I don't think that's going to happen and I really hope it doesn't happen but I think it is probably prudent, no matter your preference on the matter in normal times, to arm yourself just in case. 

I live in Austin in a large apartment with mostly millennials. I have a shotgun. I ain't worried.

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The markets crashed, we're bailing everyone out, have lines for basic necessities, and we're building emergency hospitals.
Today is the day Donald Trump became president.

More like, Today is the day Donald wishes Hillary had won. So he could be safe to golf and be an asshole on the internet without actually having to work.
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40 minutes ago, Brisketexan said:

We're going to have to radically restructure a shitload of mechanisms.  From infrastructure to unemployment to insurance coverages to healthcare systems to...keep going.  This situation is revealing gaping holes in our economic and social systems.  If we want to have a society and economy that are sustainable in the long term, we're going to have to start taking better fucking care of them instead of cutting them to the bone/bleeding them dry.

It's why farmers have always set aside a percentage of their harvest as seed for next year.  Sure, it limits short-term profitability, but it provides long-term viability.  We need to start thinking of the big picture and long term, and set our institutions up accordingly.

When this is over, there is going to be a period of massive Reconstruction of our economy and institutions.  I pray that we end up with some leadership that's up to the job.

...maybe we shouldn't be so quick on this whole not letting all the olds just die thing. We might actually get some leadership with some good new ideas if we're forced to replace the geriatrics with a bunch of people in their 30s and 40s. 

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3 minutes ago, wildcat09 said:

...maybe we shouldn't be so quick on this whole not letting all the olds just die thing. We might actually get some leadership with some good new ideas if we're forced to replace the geriatrics with a bunch of people in their 30s and 40s. 

The olds are what brought us to this point.

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6 minutes ago, wildcat09 said:

...maybe we shouldn't be so quick on this whole not letting all the olds just die thing. We might actually get some leadership with some good new ideas if we're forced to replace the geriatrics with a bunch of people in their 30s and 40s. 

But that would wipe out the Trump and Biden base? We can't have that, can we? Good god, man . . . won't you think of the casinos and cruise ships?! 

4 minutes ago, Longhorn_Fan68 said:

Gov Hotwheels activating Texas National Guard (is that like the National Beer of Texas?). At least he's doing something?

Texas is turning blue (if the centrists get the fuck out of the way). 

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We're going to have to radically restructure a shitload of mechanisms.  From infrastructure to unemployment to insurance coverages to healthcare systems to...keep going.  This situation is revealing gaping holes in our economic and social systems.  If we want to have a society and economy that are sustainable in the long term, we're going to have to start taking better fucking care of them instead of cutting them to the bone/bleeding them dry.
It's why farmers have always set aside a percentage of their harvest as seed for next year.  Sure, it limits short-term profitability, but it provides long-term viability.  We need to start thinking of the big picture and long term, and set our institutions up accordingly.
When this is over, there is going to be a period of massive Reconstruction of our economy and institutions.  I pray that we end up with some leadership that's up to the job.
Damn. You can be my airline CEO anytime Goose.
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Meanwhile, . . . 

So I'm working from home, sitting at my desk looking out the front of my house.  Across the street are two houses with widows who are probably in their late-60's or early 70's.  And damned if I haven't seen them come and go from the house more today and yesterday than I've seen the rest of the street drive by combined.  It's absolutely amazing.

And needless to say, they're both fairly Trumpy.

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1 hour ago, Don Johnson said:

I'm not questioning the importance of testing.  It would be great if we could test everyone today.  I'm questioning why we chose to compare the US to other countries on a per capita basis when it comes to testing by date (it would look better if we used total) but when it comes to cases by date we use total (it would look better if we used per capita).

Not all comparisons are for the same purpose. We look at per capita testing because it tells us how vigilant we are being relative to other countries. We compare total cases and not per capita cases because (1) we want to know how many are known positives and what the trend line is day-to-day, (2) we aren't interesting in "looking better" as far as infections go and (3) comparing per capita for total known cases isn't generally a useful metric as it leads people to believe things are less serious than they are, and, in this instance, would be misleading due to the lack of testing. 

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If we don't start building thousands and thousands of temporary hospital beds, and purchasing similar numbers of ventilators, this is going to be catastrophic.  The inability of this administration to focus on the highest priority issues is fucking infuriating.

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2 minutes ago, jimmyjazz said:

If we don't start building thousands and thousands of temporary hospital beds, and purchasing similar numbers of ventilators, this is going to be catastrophic.  The inability of this administration to focus on the highest priority issues is fucking infuriating.

But if you say that anywhere but this thread, you'll get bitched at for "bringing politics into it"

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5 minutes ago, jimmyjazz said:

If we don't start building thousands and thousands of temporary hospital beds, and purchasing similar numbers of ventilators, this is going to be catastrophic.  The inability of this administration to focus on the highest priority issues is fucking infuriating.

i'm sure trump will start doing all that stuff in a few weeks and announce that he was the first person to talk about ventilators and hospital beds weeks ago.

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I didn't watch the presser earlier, but I'm guessing it went something like this:

Donald Trump says, "They say I am the shit.  No really, I am.  You are lucky to have me, or else you'd be up a creek without a paddle.  It was a mess.  A real mess.  Then I came in, and its, you know, not a mess anymore.  This could have happened to anyone.  Obama.  Bush.  But they couldn't fix it.  Only I could.  Have you seen the stock market?  It's up 10 points today.  Nobody could have done that but me.  Mike, can you fill them in on the details?"

Mike Pence says, "The Lord Trump Almighty, King of Kings, Ruler of Rulers!  He of the most divine genes, unfailing health, svelte yet muscular figure and brilliant wisdom!  It is He, Trump, that has delivered us from the most unspeakable peril heretofore encountered by mankind, and but without His divine wisdom and bold leadership, we would all have perished!  Whether to the bloodthirsty and brown horde from beyond the southern river or to this weapon of biological terror unleashed by the the Clintons and mainstream media, it matters not!  Without Him, you and all that you hold dear would have been lost forever.  Amen."

Donald Trump says, "Don't stop, I'm about to finish!"

Mike Pence says, "er... Fret not about the lacking of test kits!  Fret not about the woeful absence of respirators or ICU beds!  For Trump in His magnificent and benevolent glory hath recognized the threat, and He shall provide what America needs in the time that it is needed.  Not a moment too soon, nor a moment too late.  Not hours, minutes, seconds or even nanoseconds away from the moment of need.  For He is all knowing and all powerful!  And should you not trust in Him and recognize His glory -- well, the death that awaits holds no refuge for the vile, wicked and liberal that would stand against Him!"

Donald Trump grunts in climax and says, "Thanks, Mike.  Now, any questions?"

A reporter asks, "Did you really just masturbate on live TV to ridiculously hyperbolic praise from your Vice President?"

Donald Trump says, "No."

A reporter says, "Uh, we have footage."

Donald Trump says, "If I did, it was consensual.  Next question."

Another reporter asks, "Mr President, why did you fire the pandemic response office from the NSC?"

Donald Trump says, "Please, call me Bad Mother Fucker."

A reporter says, "Ok... Mr... Bad Mother Fucker... why did you fire the pandemic response office from the NSC?"

Donald Trump says, "That's a dirty question.  Very dirty.  Dirty, dirty, dirty.  Nasty.  Sexy.  Hot.  Mike, why don't you take this one."

Mike Pence says, "Before our Lord Savior Trump, there was but void and darkness.  Pitch black.  And it wore a tan suit.  And it erected vile obstacles of bureaucracy, red tape and regulation.  Then our beneficent ruler Trump, wielding a yuge sword of fire and retribution, road forth on a white horse fitted with gilded tack and harness.  He smote the democrats!  He laid waste to their laws and regulations that shackled our oppressed corporations.  He cut through their bureaucracy and red tape so that America could be free!  Free so that anyone might be able to fill the void once occupied by vile and wicked government."

Donald Trump says, "I'm getting hard again."

A reporter continues, "To make sure I understand, Mr Vice President -- you are saying that the President dissolved the government entity responsible for pandemic response so that the private sector might take up that responsibility?  And then no one rose to fill that void?"

Mike Pence nods and says, "Amen."

Donald Trump interjects, "No I didn't."

A reporter blinks and says, "But Mr Pence just said..."

Donald Trump exclaims, "I'm rubber, your glue, whatever you say bounces off me and sticks to you."

Stunned and uncomfortable silence.

Donald Trump says, "That will be all, no further questions."

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9 minutes ago, jimmyjazz said:

If we don't start building thousands and thousands of temporary hospital beds, and purchasing similar numbers of ventilators, this is going to be catastrophic.  The inability of this administration to focus on the highest priority issues is fucking infuriating.

This admin is plenty focused. They just have different priorities, namely re-election and avoiding accountability for the shit they've pulled thus far. Nothing matters more than their own narrow self interests.

Edited by Degenerate Gardner
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