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1 hour ago, Bama Chick said:

Using current CDC recommendations to justify using lower grade PPE or rewearing PPE is absolute bullshittery.

The CDC has updated it’s PPE guidance 3 or 4 times as the virus got more widespread and stories of doctors and nurses going without went viral.

The changes were NOT made based on science or evidence of a lower rate of transmission - they were made based on availability.

Now hospitals and clinics can point to those recommendations from the CDC to keep staff in line and to try an avoid HCP walkouts and liability.

Reusing the same PPE on multiple patients much less for an entire shift is NOT normal and not fucking adequate.

It’s what we have right now and it sucks but it’s not the safest or best practice. Not even close.

The damage to the reputation of all agencies is quiet tragedy of this administration. 

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Posted (edited)

Just tuned into the shit show and he’s rambling about the Obamacare website, the stock market and the size of his rallies. Good info for anyone worried about the little virus thing. 

Here’s a good quote about reopening:

”You can get the same results by doing a lot less.”

Edited by 4th&Five
1 hour ago, Bama Chick said:

Thread on people taking Trump’s “liberate” tweets exactly how he meant them -


Well they took it that way because that is exactly what it is.

The President of The United States is publicly calling for his supporters to attempt take over states with armed weapons.

And if you're going to play dumb and try to say that's not what he is directly advocating, like the chick earlier said, go fuck yourself.

  • Like 1
2 hours ago, TexEx15 said:


This is interesting.  The previous update had Texas peaking around 4/26 I believe.  Today’s update now shows we are 2 days past the resource peak.  Also went from a projected death toll of about 2,800 to less than 1,000 with a peak in 2 days.  Also talks about relaxing social distancing after 6/1, which is a new element to this page I think. Anyone smarter than me that can add anything meaningful to this?

There wasn't anything showing in South Dakota until there was.   It's almost like it's a contagious opportunistic pathogen.

7 minutes ago, Gatorubet said:

There wasn't anything showing in South Dakota until there was.   It's almost like it's a contagious opportunistic pathogen.

An invisible enemy.

2 hours ago, burntorangebongos said:

The fucker doesn't care if it causes riots, more rona cases or anxiety and confusion among us. He only cares about how he can say he was FOR business and helping people financially. Oh, and that he saved so many lives from the initial 2 million projections with his perfect guidelines.

He doesn't care about any of that either. He cares about two things: holding on to power and being as adored as possible by the FOX News 40 percent. That's it. I am not sure which order. I think he views them as one in the same.

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2 hours ago, Brisketexan said:

Fucking Florida.

Fucking Florida.  Godfuckingdammit.  They are intent on making sure this fucking thing spreads like wildfire, aren't they?

I want to say let them go for it, but there are people in Florida doing what is asked of them by the CDC who will die because of being exposed to one of these morons. 

3 hours ago, TexEx15 said:


This is interesting.  The previous update had Texas peaking around 4/26 I believe.  Today’s update now shows we are 2 days past the resource peak.  Also went from a projected death toll of about 2,800 to less than 1,000 with a peak in 2 days.  Also talks about relaxing social distancing after 6/1, which is a new element to this page I think. Anyone smarter than me that can add anything meaningful to this?

Man this is some great news. It lines up with the SA data I’ve shared here. It should be celebrated. Lol who am I kidding? Here it’s an uncomfortable truth. 

Quite simply, we have the room to loosen standards and try to allow life to phase back to a new normal.

Things won’t go back to the same. People will still stay home more and take precautions like masks in gathering places. And we will see what effect that has. If it is bad we can walk it back. This is not hard. But to have orders for people to shelter in place after the peak, and heading into summer is silly. 

8 hours ago, RomaVicta said:

I can't keep my mind from conjuring punishments for these traitors and thieves. Mass hanging for those who can't be fit in the cage. For those who imagine others going to hell, let them end up in it themselves.


Cages in real Walmarts.  Let the peons have their way with them.  Start with the fucking Walton family.  

6 hours ago, Tuco said:

I don't think he is.  I'm not sure he has actually made that claim. 


He did make that claim a couple of days ago, but I have him on ignore, so I just saw it after someone quoted something from him that included his declaration.  No word on where, or what his field is however.  

  • Like 1
Posted (edited)

At the same time, the governor said the lack of coordination at the federal level and President Trump’s reluctance to use the full powers afforded him in the Defense Production Action has resulted in higher prices for the equipment states need to combat COVID-19.

Had the president directed American companies to produce more masks, ventilators and other equipment, “we wouldn’t be paying $5 or $6 sometimes for an N95 mask that in a normal circumstance costs 85 cents or a dollar,” Pritzker said.


I keep seeing stuff about them having to get it on the sly. Dodging FEMA, or paying them off in the field. 


Edited by cactusflinthead

This is the real impact that people in this forum won’t talk about. All this suffering, and we’ve had (checking notes) 37 TOTAL DEATHS in fucking San Antonio. Yes distancing and all the measures have played a big part, but it takes an obtuse individual to claim there’s no middle ground to be found. Or one worth finding. Pull your heads out of your asses. 

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  • Fuck You 1
9 minutes ago, GRHorn said:

This is the real impact that people in this forum won’t talk about. All this suffering, and we’ve had (checking notes) 37 TOTAL DEATHS in fucking San Antonio. Yes distancing and all the measures have played a big part, but it takes an obtuse individual to claim there’s no middle ground to be found. Or one worth finding. Pull your heads out of your asses. 

Yes we realize the guy you voted for caused all of that. What’s your point? 

  • Like 1
11 minutes ago, GRHorn said:

This is the real impact that people in this forum won’t talk about. All this suffering, and we’ve had (checking notes) 37 TOTAL DEATHS in fucking San Antonio. Yes distancing and all the measures have played a big part, but it takes an obtuse individual to claim there’s no middle ground to be found. Or one worth finding. Pull your heads out of your asses. 

I know you will once again ignore this question but I’ll post it for the board anyway.

Still voting for trump in the fall? 

8 hours ago, Bama Chick said:



I think today’s the day when this - and the events of the last three and one half years - has finally broken me.


Fuck’em. Let them thin their gene pool. The country is better for it. 

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  • Fuck You 1
14 minutes ago, GRHorn said:
Pix of food lines
"there’s no middle ground to be found. Or one worth finding. Pull your heads out of your asses."

Or y'know we could have done the same thing as SK or Germany or other countries that are opening. Tests and good practices. We could have paid workers 75,80, One Hundo to tide them over. Like even the fucked up Tories did, but no you want a middle ground of freewheeling viral fiestas. Ok, you got it. Foodlines and fresh outbreaks. 

But, you dgaf. That's right. Sorry, I forgot. 

  • Like 1
31 minutes ago, GRHorn said:

This is the real impact that people in this forum won’t talk about. All this suffering, and we’ve had (checking notes) 37 TOTAL DEATHS in fucking San Antonio. Yes distancing and all the measures have played a big part, but it takes an obtuse individual to claim there’s no middle ground to be found. Or one worth finding. Pull your heads out of your asses. 

It seems most want an actual plan to move beyond SIP. Just opening up and waiting to see if people get sick is not a plan. That's just asking the poors to run out in the open to see if snipers are still shooting people.


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17 minutes ago, achooloco said:

Fuck’em. Let them thin their gene pool. The country is better for it. 

Problem is that is not how a contagion operates.

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Going earlier or finding this middle ground at the risk of our collective health doesn't guaranty that we will recover more quickly economically. It may alter our behavior going forward for a long time or at least until a vaccine is found. Don't believe me? Check out this article, are we going to act any differently? So grouse all you want about everyone having their heads up their asses, it won't make a difference. Shit has changed and no amount of pent up need to shop or party is going to override prudence until a vaccine is provided. 


  • Like 1
4 hours ago, Bama Chick said:

Thread on people taking Trump’s “liberate” tweets exactly how he meant them -



When I worry that these protests may gain steam and be perceived as legitimate political movements by significant numbers of the American public, I just look at what these idiots look like. When you look like you followed up a trip to the MAGA rally with a round of target practice with Cliven Bundy, I don't think your protests are going to hurt Whitmer's approval rating let alone be taken seriously by the majority of Americans.

At least the Tea Party dressed to impress a bit more back in 2009.

Posted (edited)

I had written out what I though was a damn good response to another one of GRU horns worthless posts here but, dab nabit, the iPad conked out on juice before I could post it.

Anyway since it’s late now, Ill just summarize it and try to post the full amount later.

America can’t open open because America has failed to test. Its unbelievable that the richest country in the history of the world is at that point, but its true.

Opening up without testing is like running out on the football field without ever having practicing. We have no idea what we are doing. Its insanity and that my friends, is the trump and trumpkin calling card.

While it seems new to you. Its not new to the world.  100 years ago we had the same thing. Just back then we were even bigger dumbasses when it came to science than we are now. 

Unfortunately int this case fucking up, well it doesn’t just lead to Alabama whoopin your ass on the football field, instead it that leads to thousand of deaths and further economic ruin in the order of trillions. 

Don’t want that now do we?

Edited by JimmyJames
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36 minutes ago, elfenix said:

it's really terrible how the seatbelt makes my clothes all wrinkly and i didn't even need it!

-GRHorn, probably


9 minutes ago, F250 said:

It seems most want an actual plan to move beyond SIP. Just opening up and waiting to see if people get sick is not a plan. That's just asking the poors to run out in the open to see if snipers are still shooting people.


First of all, as I’ve said maybe half a dozen times on this board, any opening is going to be phased as this one is. 

Secondly, let’s do some math people. I’m gonna walk you through it slowly. And I would question these numbers for sure but let’s go.  

San Antonio population, I’ll round up, 2 million people. The most aggressive estimates would say half those people could catch it in a big wave. 1 million people. Let’s say 1 percent mortality. 10,000 people dead. Again, I’d bet my left nut it wouldn’t come close, but still. 


I’m guessing some of those could be repeat customers, but again explain to me how there’s no room for a middle ground?!?! How we need to be locked down for another month. You are all out of your goddamned minds. Use your brains. Please. I’m just one fucking stupid poster coming here and saying hey we should open up slowly and y’all act like it’s the dumbest idea imaginable. Tell me how my numbers are wrong? I’ll hang up and listen. Ridiculous.

This board is beyond saving on this topic. Your hatred of Trump has blinded you like a bunch of lemmings. He has done nothing special handling this virus, but it doesn’t mean he and Abbott and others of their ilk are wrong to look at slowly transitioning back to whatever the new normal will be.

Get it together. 

  • Fuck You 4
Posted (edited)
20 minutes ago, F250 said:

Problem is that is not how a contagion operates.

I know but here is to hoping for a better USA if karma takes care of them first.

Edited by achooloco
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  • Fuck You 1
2 minutes ago, GRHorn said:

He has done nothing special handling this virus, but it doesn’t mean he and Abbott and others of their ilk are wrong to look at slowly transitioning back to whatever the new normal will be.

Get it together. 

But it won't be normal unless there is widespread testing in place. They are failing in that regard. Bigly.

9 minutes ago, GRHorn said:


First of all, as I’ve said maybe half a dozen times on this board, any opening is going to be phased as this one is. 

Secondly, let’s do some math people. I’m gonna walk you through it slowly. And I would question these numbers for sure but let’s go.  

San Antonio population, I’ll round up, 2 million people. The most aggressive estimates would say half those people could catch it in a big wave. 1 million people. Let’s say 1 percent mortality. 10,000 people dead. Again, I’d bet my left nut it wouldn’t come close, but still. 


I’m guessing some of those could be repeat customers, but again explain to me how there’s no room for a middle ground?!?! How we need to be locked down for another month. You are all out of your goddamned minds. Use your brains. Please. I’m just one fucking stupid poster coming here and saying hey we should open up slowly and y’all act like it’s the dumbest idea imaginable. Tell me how my numbers are wrong? I’ll hang up and listen. Ridiculous.

This board is beyond saving on this topic. Your hatred of Trump has blinded you like a bunch of lemmings. He has done nothing special handling this virus, but it doesn’t mean he and Abbott and others of their ilk are wrong to look at slowly transitioning back to whatever the new normal will be.

Get it together. 

That’s a lot of words.

Are you voting for trump again in the fall? Yes or no asshole? 

2 minutes ago, GRHorn said:


First of all, as I’ve said maybe half a dozen times on this board, any opening is going to be phased as this one is. 

Secondly, let’s do some math people. I’m gonna walk you through it slowly. And I would question these numbers for sure but let’s go.  

San Antonio population, I’ll round up, 2 million people. The most aggressive estimates would say half those people could catch it in a big wave. 1 million people. Let’s say 1 percent mortality. 10,000 people dead. Again, I’d bet my left nut it wouldn’t come close, but still. 


I’m guessing some of those could be repeat customers, but again explain to me how there’s no room for a middle ground?!?! How we need to be locked down for another month. You are all out of your goddamned minds. Use your brains. Please. I’m just one fucking stupid poster coming here and saying hey we should open up slowly and y’all act like it’s the dumbest idea imaginable. Tell me how my numbers are wrong? I’ll hang up and listen. Ridiculous.

This board is beyond saving on this topic. Your hatred of Trump has blinded you like a bunch of lemmings. He has done nothing special handling this virus, but it doesn’t mean he and Abbott and others of their ilk are wrong to look at slowly transitioning back to whatever the new normal will be.

Get it together. 

Using your own math...

U.S. population is 328 million, half of that is 164 million, 1% of that is 1.64 million human beings.

There will be a time to talk about going back to work and a balancing act of how to limit the damage for the most people.  It will be an uncomfortable calculus, especially with a narcissistic, money-obsessed sociopath at the helm.

But we are not to that time yet.

11 minutes ago, GRHorn said:


First of all, as I’ve said maybe half a dozen times on this board, any opening is going to be phased as this one is. 

Secondly, let’s do some math people. I’m gonna walk you through it slowly. And I would question these numbers for sure but let’s go.  

San Antonio population, I’ll round up, 2 million people. The most aggressive estimates would say half those people could catch it in a big wave. 1 million people. Let’s say 1 percent mortality. 10,000 people dead. Again, I’d bet my left nut it wouldn’t come close, but still. 


I’m guessing some of those could be repeat customers, but again explain to me how there’s no room for a middle ground?!?! How we need to be locked down for another month. You are all out of your goddamned minds. Use your brains. Please. I’m just one fucking stupid poster coming here and saying hey we should open up slowly and y’all act like it’s the dumbest idea imaginable. Tell me how my numbers are wrong? I’ll hang up and listen. Ridiculous.

This board is beyond saving on this topic. Your hatred of Trump has blinded you like a bunch of lemmings. He has done nothing special handling this virus, but it doesn’t mean he and Abbott and others of their ilk are wrong to look at slowly transitioning back to whatever the new normal will be.

Get it together. 

I’ll ask it one more time. Are you voting for trump again in the fall? Yes or no? 

5 minutes ago, GRHorn said:


First of all, as I’ve said maybe half a dozen times on this board, any opening is going to be phased as this one is. 

Secondly, let’s do some math people. I’m gonna walk you through it slowly. And I would question these numbers for sure but let’s go.  

San Antonio population, I’ll round up, 2 million people. The most aggressive estimates would say half those people could catch it in a big wave. 1 million people. Let’s say 1 percent mortality. 10,000 people dead. Again, I’d bet my left nut it wouldn’t come close, but still. 


I’m guessing some of those could be repeat customers, but again explain to me how there’s no room for a middle ground?!?! How we need to be locked down for another month. You are all out of your goddamned minds. Use your brains. Please. I’m just one fucking stupid poster coming here and saying hey we should open up slowly and y’all act like it’s the dumbest idea imaginable. Tell me how my numbers are wrong? I’ll hang up and listen. Ridiculous.

This board is beyond saving on this topic. Your hatred of Trump has blinded you like a bunch of lemmings. He has done nothing special handling this virus, but it doesn’t mean he and Abbott and others of their ilk are wrong to look at slowly transitioning back to whatever the new normal will be.

Get it together. 

Asking for an actual plan absent a vaccine is middle ground. A plan includes specific details with objectives and metrics not vague guidelines.

Just opening up and seeing if people catch it is not a plan.



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7 minutes ago, David Dennison said:

But it won't be normal unless there is widespread testing in place. They are failing in that regard. Bigly.

Some people think waiting until hospitalizations spike is a good test.


@GRHorn whatever. 

Trump can fix this with one phone call. But, he won't because he's afraid. He's afraid of testing and doing what SK did.

You got a number for SA? How about the number from SK? Per capita testing. Start there.

Or fuck off. That's cool too.

  • Like 3
1 minute ago, F250 said:

Some people think waiting until hospitalizations spike is a good test.

2,000 Americans are dying every day from COVID 19 and the president of the United States is playing politics because he's scared of being a one termer.

And people on this site continue to defend his sorry ass.

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