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1 minute ago, Bama Chick said:

I saw on Twitter someone speculate that he’s was trying to pull some Floridian stand your ground Zimmerman bullshittery.

he was absolutely ready to stand his motherfucking ground, because he was fucking THREATENED

dude needs an ass whipping

  • Like 3
1 hour ago, Anastasis said:

Agree that there are examples of all generations shitting the bed, but at least on social distancing measures there does appear to be a relationship with age.


ETA: SCAN survey results from 8097 respondents from King County for masking and distancing behavior while in public. Survey respondents were asked how often (always, sometimes, never) they did each of the following in the past seven days: “wear a face mask in public to protect others from getting sick?” and “try to stay six feet away from people who don’t live with you?” Image courtesy Public Health Insider



Sorry stepped away on teletherapy for my son... 

The point I'm making is you've got a bunch of fucking idiots running around calling this a hoax. And not too long ago when this all started, I saw it predominantly in the boomers. 

So now when shit's hitting the fan, every talking head and politician wants to look towards those under 35 as if they're the problem all of a sudden. Who's the adult and what leadership should we look at? 

Just saying. I'm seeing a lot of reports and mayors and whatnot "urging young people" to take this pandemic seriously. That's not to say there's plenty who aren't but it's not the only segment of the population perpetuating this fucking thing (virus and propaganda.)

  • Like 4
2 hours ago, Anastasis said:


The vax situation is a bad setup from a safety perspective in my opinion.  Bunch of companies developing novel vax technologies (not novel in the sense of COVID, novel in the sense the some of the vaccine types are unproven in humans), accelerated development timelines, unprecendented demand for rapid roll out. I don't like it at all. The vax roll out will need to be very thoughtful.    

i'm sure the trump admin would handle this well.

On 7/6/2020 at 9:38 AM, Goredho said:

This isn’t political, but Atria — the senior living apartments in Austin where my mother lives — just announced their first covid-19 case over the weekend.  It is a resident who is currently hospitalized.

In lieu of thoughts and prayers, please throat punch a denier, hoaxer, down-player or conspiracy theorist today on her behalf.


A follow up to this.

Atria opened up for resident guests sometime around June 24th, after cases and hospitalizations in Texas had started to spike again:


We did not receive an announcement, and there does not appear to have been a process by which that decision was made that involved residents or their families.  The first we heard about it was when we received a mail over the weekend informing us that the facility was shutting back down to visitors as it had its first positive case of covid-19 -- a resident who is now hospitalized.


I do believe that there was some announcement that we were not privy to or overlooked, as there is a woman on Twitter who has been clamoring for attention about Atria's reopening since June 24th.


Any ideas on how to call attention to this and to get fucking Atria put on notice that they need to do a better job ensuring for their resident's safety or face the wrath of God?

13 hours ago, RomaVicta said:

Attkisson has received criticism for publishing stories suggesting a possible link between vaccines and autism,[6][7][8] a claim that has been rejected by the scientific community

See, this type of human excrement is an example of how political hacks could cause a massive amount of unnecessary deaths/disability/human suffering. The assholes like this bitch that have cultivated the suspicion that vaccines are harmful were the reason that once "eradicated" diseases like smallpox made a comeback. Fuck her and the herd she eroded in on.


  • Like 1
33 minutes ago, BigHorn'13 said:

Sorry stepped away on teletherapy for my son... 

The point I'm making is you've got a bunch of fucking idiots running around calling this a hoax. And not too long ago when this all started, I saw it predominantly in the boomers. 

So now when shit's hitting the fan, every talking head and politician wants to look towards those under 35 as if they're the problem all of a sudden. Who's the adult and what leadership should we look at? 

Just saying. I'm seeing a lot of reports and mayors and whatnot "urging young people" to take this pandemic seriously. That's not to say there's plenty who aren't but it's not the only segment of the population perpetuating this fucking thing (virus and propaganda.)

It's mostly younger people that work all the service jobs that Republicans forced back to work. Then they get sick and Republicans blame them for being irresponsible. Fuck Republicans.

  • Like 3
5 minutes ago, wildcat09 said:

It's mostly younger people that work all the service jobs that Republicans forced back to work. Then they get sick and Republicans blame them for being irresponsible. Fuck Republicans.

Exactly. And don't even get me started on the dumbfuck logic in blaming the protestors...

4 hours ago, MC Fresh Breath said:

I am in no way an anti-vaxxer, but stories like this do give me (an admitted layperson) pause on the current process:





Do not judge all companies working on a vaccine by Moderna’s BS.  Read up on how they got funding.  They may get the vaccine right but they’re a bullshit company and enjoy lying.   

  • Like 2
1 hour ago, fattyflattie said:

This dude needs a good ass whipping.  That hook in the nose tells me he's had a few over the years.


Holy shit. Too bad his name is Daniel Maples and he's lost his job because Daniel Maples seems like an asshole with a big propensity toward violence and, with a name like Dan Maples,  it sure seems like Dan Maples might have a hard time finding a job. Fuck you, Daniel Maples and the Dan Maples assholery you rode in. If Daniel Maples has a brother with a name like Dave Maples or D. Maples, he's probably an asshole, too. 

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  • Haha 1
Holy shit. Too bad his name is Daniel Maples and he's lost his job because Daniel Maples seems like an asshole with a big propensity toward violence and, with a name like Dan Maples,  it sure seems like Dan Maples might have a hard time finding a job. Fuck you, Daniel Maples and the Dan Maples assholery you rode in. If Daniel Maples has a brother with a name like Dave Maples or D. Maples, he's probably an asshole, too. 

I wonder if Daniel Maples has killed any hookers?

The fact that Daniel Maples is carrying an unholstered pistol in his waistband into a freakin' Costco is something that I would think any future employer might consider, given the fact that he appears ready to snap at the slightest provocation.


2 hours ago, MC Fresh Breath said:

Just got off a small conference call and one of the people on the call was from Arizona.  Call had nothing to do with the virus, but at some point someone casually asked the team member about all of the news reports coming out about Arizona's infection rates.

And wow, was I taken aback.  Arizona team member said that it wasn't a big deal, the reporting is most likely exaggerated and based on politics, and while he "won't go into politics, its an election year."  Then he capped that thought off with "everyone might as well get sick and get it over with."   This is *after* he announced he was going to be a Grandparent soon for the first time.

Floored, as I had previously thought this guy one of the more rational, kinder types out there.  

If you get to see him in person, you should brag about your seriously fresh breath as you cough all over the old dumbfuck.  

  • Haha 1

No way this is possible. They're going to have to keep schools open at half capacity and shut down a lot of sports. The cafeteria will also have to be distanced and lunch will need to be split into groups. That's just my spitballing on the obvious problems. 

If schools open and kids attend one week then take online classes the next, how will parents be able to work? I've read a little about how Asian countries are handling school but it seems asinine to be thinking about opening schools with how the virus is burning through America. 

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31 minutes ago, Bama Chick said:



What are the primary mechanisms by which the federal government exerts pressure on the states? 

4 minutes ago, Anastasis said:


What are the primary mechanisms by which the federal government exerts pressure on the states? 

Funding, but I think this will be more in the way of political pressure 


I like how he tries to puff his feathers out to make him appear bigger and threatening. Too bad the phone holder did stand their ground.
1 hour ago, Anastasis said:


What are the primary mechanisms by which the federal government exerts pressure on the states? 

Can state level governments force local school districts to open?

1 minute ago, softlynow said:

Can state level governments force local school districts to open?

I think that they exert their pressure on public education through the same primary mechanism as the federal government, funding.

4 minutes ago, softlynow said:

Can state level governments force local school districts to open?

Abbott arguably didn't have the legal authority to countermand local emergency orders, but he did it anyway. It's not really a question of whether they're legally empowered to do so, but whether they will try to do so and, if so, who will stop them?

  • Like 1
9 minutes ago, babysdaddy said:

I keep seeing versions of this on various threads but it does not seem to be backed up by anything.  Kids are not drivers of the spread.  https://pediatrics.aappublications.org/content/pediatrics/early/2020/05/22/peds.2020-004879.full.pdf

So there won't be any adults in the school?

No adults driving the buses?  Running the cafeterias? 

Kids may not be the drivers of the spread, but you sure as shit will bring together a number of adults ranging in age from 20-70 and with varying degrees of health, with a fucking slew of kids going from one end of a building to the next.  

9 minutes ago, wildcat09 said:

They're also not all together in schools right now.

that paper is looking at data from schools outside the US and secondary infection spread.  Not here.  

2 hours ago, Goredho said:

A follow up to this.

Atria opened up for resident guests sometime around June 24th, after cases and hospitalizations in Texas had started to spike again:


We did not receive an announcement, and there does not appear to have been a process by which that decision was made that involved residents or their families.  The first we heard about it was when we received a mail over the weekend informing us that the facility was shutting back down to visitors as it had its first positive case of covid-19 -- a resident who is now hospitalized.


I do believe that there was some announcement that we were not privy to or overlooked, as there is a woman on Twitter who has been clamoring for attention about Atria's reopening since June 24th.


Any ideas on how to call attention to this and to get fucking Atria put on notice that they need to do a better job ensuring for their resident's safety or face the wrath of God?

This is terrible. The Texas Hotline for abuse calls is very responsive.


Call 800-458-9858 to report suspected abuse or neglect of people who are older or who have disabilities.

You can call this number to report abuse that occurs in:

Nursing homes

Assisted living centers

Day activity and health services


  • Like 1
3 minutes ago, babysdaddy said:

that paper is looking at data from schools outside the US and secondary infection spread.  Not here.  

What use is looking at spread outside of the US in predicting how things might play out here? Nearly every country in the world has carried out an exponentially better response than we have. We've done worse than every country except Brazil. We're not remotely comparable to most other countries. We don't even have any serious contact tracing. Looking at, say, South Korea and seeing that school hasn't been a problem for them isn't remotely useful to us.

  • Like 6
7 minutes ago, babysdaddy said:

that paper is looking at data from schools outside the US and secondary infection spread.  Not here.  

From the study you linked:

"These data all suggest that children are not significant drivers of the COVID-19 pandemic. It is unclear why documented SARS-CoV-2 transmission from children to other children or adults is so infrequent. In 47 COVID-19 infected German children, nasopharyngeal SARS-CoV-2 viral loads were similar to those in other age groups, raising concern that children could be as infectious as adults.15 Because SARS-CoV-2-infected children are so frequently mildly symptomatic, they may have weaker and less frequent cough, releasing fewer infectious particles into the surrounding environment. Another possibility is that because school closures occurred in most locations along with or prior to widespread physical distancing orders, most close contacts became limited to households, reducing opportunities for children to become infected in the community and present as index cases."

  • Like 5
that paper is looking at data from schools outside the US and secondary infection spread.  Not here.  

Well, every other country has responded better than us to this virus so it’s not really relevant to compare how our schools will handle it.

We’ll cock it up just like everything else.
  • Like 3
Posted (edited)
29 minutes ago, babysdaddy said:

I keep seeing versions of this on various threads but it does not seem to be backed up by anything.  Kids are not drivers of the spread.  https://pediatrics.aappublications.org/content/pediatrics/early/2020/05/22/peds.2020-004879.full.pdf


29 minutes ago, wildcat09 said:

They're also not all together in schools right now.


18 minutes ago, Francisco 2.0 said:

So there won't be any adults in the school?

No adults driving the buses?  Running the cafeterias? 

Kids may not be the drivers of the spread, but you sure as shit will bring together a number of adults ranging in age from 20-70 and with varying degrees of health, with a fucking slew of kids going from one end of a building to the next.  

Again, here we have citizens sorting through the information trying to find out the best policy. All below a post quoting the president saying we should do it because everybody wants it. No explanation. Not even persuasion.

We're just adrift trying to muddle through while the elected leader and his incompetent appointees look out only for themselves.

Who knows or cares if Moms, Dads, and kids want the schools to open? It only matters that Trump cares and wants to do it to make sure there is childcare for people being forced to risk their lives to go to work in terribly dangerous conditions created by earlier bad policy to rush reopening.

For Trump and the GOP, what do they have to lose? They're in deep shit. They want to maintain control of government to stay out of jail.

Who cares if students get sick or carry the disease all around? So what if the hospitals overflow? We're already losing on that issue, so gambling on making it worse won't matter that much if we can restore the economy as a GOP positive! Sociopathy in high places.

I'm terrified of this disease. I'm lucky that I can work from home. I really feel for those whose lives have been crippled and whose government is using this as an opportunity to rob them.

I'm really starting to hate this country I was born in. And I've got all the advantages of being a white, male boomer.

Edited by RomaVicta
  • Like 2
11 minutes ago, wildcat09 said:

What use is looking at spread outside of the US in predicting how things might play out here? Nearly every country in the world has carried out an exponentially better response than we have. We've done worse than every country except Brazil. We're not remotely comparable to most other countries. We don't even have any serious contact tracing. Looking at, say, South Korea and seeing that school hasn't been a problem for them isn't remotely useful to us.

This is a paper that has been peer reviewed and pre-published by the American Academy of Pediatrics. The fact that kids have not spread it in schools elsewhere is relevant.  Everything else you are bitching about is not.

  • Like 1
  • Fuck You 2

Israel opened schools in May. Things have not gone well there since.


"Sadetzki praised Israel's nationwide lockdowns in the spring, which brought an initial wave of infections to as low as about 10 cases a day. She blamed the latest wave in large part on Israel's swift reopening of schools in May and wedding venues in June."


That study in Pediatrics was originally published on May 26. I wonder if someone can get the authors to update their findings to include the Israeli data.

3 minutes ago, babysdaddy said:

This is a paper that has been peer reviewed and pre-published by the American Academy of Pediatrics. The fact that kids have not spread it in schools elsewhere is relevant.  Everything else you are bitching about is not.

C'mon man, use your head. Think about it for like, five seconds. Covid has been pretty well contained in a lot of other countries, because they have rigorous testing and tracing regimes. That means the risk of transmission in any environment is substantially lower.

We've got basically nothing, in comparison. We don't even have universal mask use in public. We've got woefully inadequate testing, and effectively no contact tracing to speak of. The risk of transmission in every environment is substantially higher here, which is obvious if you just, you know, look around. Schools in normal times are petri dishes full of germs and viruses spreading, and good luck getting children to abide by social distancing requirements. It is actively dangerous to simply look at other countries, observe that they seem to be able to have their kids go back to school safely, and just assume that it will be fine if we send kids back to schools here without getting the virus under control first.

  • Like 5
2 hours ago, Bama Chick said:



If I'm governor my response is "then get your fucking shit together and get the virus under control if you want schools open you dumbfuck." I think I would've already lost my patience at this point.  Then I'd pray for him to attack me on Twitter so I could go off.  I would feel really really good about that approach.

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