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Here is a link to the HEROS study that Dr. Fauci mentioned in the interview:


This little bit below from the link was interesting. None of my children have asthma, but they have inherited my spouses allergies. That would be a small gift if it helped them avoid the worst of the virus.

"Preliminary evidence suggests that having an allergic condition paradoxically may reduce a person’s susceptibility to SARS-CoV-2 infection and severe COVID-19 disease. "

21 minutes ago, Beau Vine said:

Free markets do not work when there are externalities; if you took an econ class without learning that, you should have failed.  And there's pretty much no better example of an externality than an infectious disease.

Seems if you're in the business of manufacturing PPE to combat infectious diseases then an infectious disease outbreak would be a positive catalyst for your business.

3 hours ago, Continental Op said:

Hugo's new hard on for hating Fauci is weird.  

Are you new to watching him cape for one of his hero figures before he turns on them?  There is some definitely weird psychology involved, but it cycles fairly frequently. 


The Bahamas.  Residents of the United States are banned from the Bahamas.




Less than three weeks after reopening its borders to international visitors, the Bahamas on Sunday announced that it is closing all of its airports and seaports to tourists from the United States, effective Wednesday.

Bahamasair, the country’s national carrier, will cease all outgoing flights to the United States immediately, Prime Minister Hubert Minnis said in a national address Sunday.

Outgoing commercial flights will still be permitted to accommodate visitors scheduled to leave the Bahamas after Wednesday, he said. Visitors from Canada, the United Kingdom and the European Union will still be permitted to visit as long as they can show proof of a negative COVID-19 RT PCR test from an accredited laboratory taken within 10 days of their arrival. Also allowed under the new order: private international flights and charters and pleasure crafts.



8 minutes ago, Anastasis said:


Maybe it's idealistic purity.

Whenever one of his hero-types deviates from the ideal that Hugo has created, as in Mueller not going balls to the wall on Trump, or Fauci staying in the administration and not getting himself shitcanned, well Hugo gets a disappoint.

  • Like 1
2 minutes ago, TwiceHorn said:

Maybe it's idealistic purity.

Whenever one of his hero-types deviates from the ideal that Hugo has created, as in Mueller not going balls to the wall on Trump, or Fauci staying in the administration and not getting himself shitcanned, well Hugo gets a disappoint.

Flake was the best though. 

4 hours ago, jimmyjazz said:

Man, I gotta tell you, seeing Fauci throw out the first pitch would be a breath of fresh air.  I don't care if he plonks it into the dirt or sails it into the net.  It makes him human.

You seem to have a pathological need to find the most trivial things to get worked up about.

He’s not getting worked up. He’s trying to work others up. It’s been his MO all along


in case it hasn't been mentioned, trump is resuming his coronavirus briefings tomorrow at 5pm, because he likes that time-slot for ratings, etc.

i'm paraphrasing, but not really.  get your bingo cards ready.

7 hours ago, sheeeit said:

It is just getting really, really, hard to get accurate information from news sites.

The news silos have gone tribal. The algo's are working overtime to rally round the faithful to their media brands. This is supposed to be big money time for media. Silos are protecting their product (us) so the news gaps are widening. Differentiated product is the name of the game when the herds are spooked. 

Scattered media market favors legacy brands (and legacy may be all of 5 minutes old). 



Journalists need to put more effort into intelligent and objective reporting. Smart and calm. The media as a whole has a lot of explaining to do. Maybe its time for them to get back to their roots. Good old hard reporting - with no agenda. A slice of America. Find the commonality of us all and there lies the truth in this instance. Americans are weary of hate. We were tired of karens before Covid. No wakes up and wants to be mean and angry. Yet that is the destination of the day for many in this nation. Media sets that tone - intentionally - because that has been profitable for them. Journalism ethics needs a bigger - stick wielding - watchdog. Their experiment in self-regulation lacks teeth. We need smart and calm yet we receive mean and angry. That structure has failed the people it is supposed to support.

Has the profit motive gutted journalism's duty to report?  Or are the wrong people making decisions for journalism. 

There are still journalists out there. They are just harder to find - thanks to the dominant media in this economy. The antitrust investigations must give them pause. 



6 hours ago, henrygandorf said:

"many people say..."

on last week tonight last night, there was a segment about conspiracy theories, and an accurate clip dropped in there from fuckhead rush limbaugh, about how trump always says crazy shit, but in a smart way, by labeling it "some people are saying" or "a lot of folks believe" and never really linking himself directly to the wacky shit he's legitimizing.

and now, of course, when it's something he actually should link himself to, he's still too much of a fucking pussy to do it.  in the middle of a pandemic, the president should say, "it's patriotic to wear a mask, and if you love this country, you'll wear a mask just like me."  but no, of course not.  he's too scared to alienate his idiotic base and their "freedoms" so he won't even take a fucking stand on this.  to say nothing of the fact that he's done a complete 180 on mask-wearing (like everyone predicted) but he'll never admit that either.

once again, joe biden's best political operative has been, and will continue to be, donald j trump.  keep it up, buddy.

Agree - Trump's a counterpuncher. Biden gives him no new material. Trump is consequently losing and he is taking the ship down with him. 


People actual need to watch Trump in these conferences - don't read what the interpreters say. Watch the show and then read the reviews. His policy proclamations are incomprehensible. He loses respect by the pounds every time he gets up there in front of reporters and talks. He makes policy pronouncements up on the fly during those sessions. He lost the suburbs with those news conferences on Covid. 

Posted (edited)
1 hour ago, henrygandorf said:

in case it hasn't been mentioned, trump is resuming his coronavirus briefings tomorrow at 5pm, because he likes that time-slot for ratings, etc.

i'm paraphrasing, but not really.  get your bingo cards ready.

We have the best response in the world. We only have more cases because we test.  I have a kid here today, Johnny.  Johnny caught it at day care a month ago and he is just fine.  No symptoms at all like most patriots. Johnny's grandma had some mild flu like symptoms shortly afterward. She got tested for covid and died from it a week later. Testing kills folks. Without the test, grandma would have just had a mild case of the flu.  And Johnny is ready to go back to school, aren't you Johnny?  He says he isn't contagious. So does Kelly Anne over there with him at her house.  Johnny couldn't come to the White House today because of covfefe.  Kelly Anne, I will see you after your two week vacation. 

Edited by FondrenRoad
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18 minutes ago, washparkhorn said:

People actual need to watch Trump in these conferences - don't read what the interpreters say. Watch the show and then read the reviews. His policy proclamations are incomprehensible. He loses respect by the pounds every time he gets up there in front of reporters and talks. He makes policy pronouncements up on the fly during those sessions. He lost the suburbs with those news conferences on Covid. 

every hour trump spends talking is another hour biden can spend in his basement. it’s really just about the math at this point. 

  • Like 1
11 minutes ago, henrygandorf said:

every hour trump spends talking is another hour biden can spend in his basement. it’s really just about the math at this point. 

Amen. And it comes from Trump's mouth - so there can be no argument as to the crooked media distorting what he says. The President is a mess in real time right now. I think most Americans would be unsettled watching him and his stream of consciousness. He has lost touch with America.

Posted (edited)
8 hours ago, BradInATX said:


I don't agree with all of this post, but I'm repping it just for some interesting and new perspective presented in a coherent manner.

Totally agree with your #2, though I have some pretty strong issues with your #1. I would not send a kid to school with a 1 in 333 chance of dying, which is what a 0.3% IFR would give them (assuming they catch it). 300 to 1 is roughly the same odds that Joe Burrow had to win the Heisman prior to 2019. No fucking way I'm sending my kid into a 1 in 300 chance. Yeah, it's extraordinarily unlikely, but 1 in 300 is not so near-zero that parents are going to be comfortable with it.

That said - I think the rate for pre-pubescent kids is probably lower than 0.3%. No idea what it is, though.

Also, the reasoning for closing school for older kids is pretty obvious. They're more likely to be successful at distance learning, their parents can still work with them at home, and there's a lot of data that shows that they spread the disease at a higher rate than younger kids do.

Eh,  the problem with this is his #1. I haven’t seen any of the studies showing IFR for kids, but the new .65% number, factoring in asymptomatic and untested cases from the CDC is concerning and I don’t think people readily translate that to real world numbers. It’s lower than the previous estimate and that’s about the only positive thing you can say about it.

Edit- it puts us at right around 250,000 expected deaths from the current assumed cases. If only 40 million have had it we’ve got a long, long way to go. I’m guessing they also are factoring in that we are undercounting deaths already. I don’t think either one of us want to revisit that conversation.

as a betting man, I’ve got IFR ending around .5%

Edited by justhookit
6 hours ago, justhookit said:

Eh,  the problem with this is his #1. I haven’t seen any of the studies showing IFR for kids, but the new .65% number, factoring in asymptomatic and untested cases from the CDC is concerning and I don’t think people readily translate that to real world numbers. It’s lower than the previous estimate and that’s about the only positive thing you can say about it.

Edit- it puts us at right around 250,000 expected deaths from the current assumed cases. If only 40 million have had it we’ve got a long, long way to go. I’m guessing they also are factoring in that we are undercounting deaths already. I don’t think either one of us want to revisit that conversation.

as a betting man, I’ve got IFR ending around .5%

My year-end over-under on deaths has been 240,000.  There's a lotta time between now and January 1....I am really concerned that I bid too low.

Posted (edited)
14 minutes ago, Brisketexan said:

My year-end over-under on deaths has been 240,000.  There's a lotta time between now and January 1....I am really concerned that I bid too low.

That sounds about in line with what I heard on NPR this morning about a new study concerning mask usage. In the study that was cited, they said at the current rate of mask usage we should expect to see about 85,000 more deaths by November. 140,000+85,000 = 225,000

The good news is that without any other changes in behavior except for near universal mask usage, we could cut that figure by 40,000 deaths according to that study.

Edit: After listening to the story, I should point out that the study is on the use of cloth masks and not the more effective N-95s or surgical masks.




Edited by bolverk
including link
26 minutes ago, Brisketexan said:

My year-end over-under on deaths has been 240,000.  There's a lotta time between now and January 1....I am really concerned that I bid too low.

Back when the Easter case count poll was started, I began posting the states with 100 plus deaths. I think when the poll ended on April 12, Easter, there were around 16 states maybe that had at minimum 100 deaths. I didn't go back and look for the thread to make sure, so it may be off by a state or two.

I wasn't trying to be macabre, it was a way of noting that each life taken is measurable in the collective loss to a family, a neighborhood, a town, a state, a nation.

It is something that the President (and I am going to lump Kudlow and Navarro in there too, because they are sick sonsuvbitchs) will never ever grasp. He cannot and it is futile to think he will. Hell, if his namesake died, do you think he would be sad? Or his wife? I don't.

I hope the toll is on the low side. Mask usage is increasing and that is positive and a few R governors are bucking Trump but there is school. School is going to be the big test and the results of the NIH study on children and spread will not have had much time for data.


4 minutes ago, Mrs Whiggins said:

Back when the Easter case count poll was started, I began posting the states with 100 plus deaths. I think when the poll ended on April 12, Easter, there were around 16 states maybe that had at minimum 100 deaths. I didn't go back and look for the thread to make sure, so it may be off by a state or two.

I wasn't trying to be macabre, it was a way of noting that each life taken is measurable in the collective loss to a family, a neighborhood, a town, a state, a nation.

It is something that the President (and I am going to lump Kudlow and Navarro in there too, because they are sick sonsuvbitchs) will never ever grasp. He cannot and it is futile to think he will. Hell, if his namesake died, do you think he would be sad? Or his wife? I don't.

I hope the toll is on the low side. Mask usage is increasing and that is positive and a few R governors are bucking Trump but there is school. School is going to be the big test and the results of the NIH study on children and spread will not have had much time for data.


Cosign the bold.

Look, I want the death toll going forward to be zero.  I have never wanted to be wrong about anything more than I've wanted to be wrong about this admin, and the evil, cruelty, and utter neglect that it would bring, and the devastation that would follow.  I really, really want to be wrong.  But every fucking day, this shitshow of an admin just makes us doomsayers more and more right.

After all the shitty legacies this admin will leave, the fact that it will leave a body count of around a quarter million is really just the exact punctuation we should have expected.  Shit, I'm still convinced that 250,000 dead from a virus is an optimistic death toll.  He still has time to panic and to try to have a wag-the-dog war against Iran or something like that.  We could jack up the death toll into the millions, easily.

Trump's America, 2020: It Always Gets Worse.

On 7/16/2020 at 12:53 PM, RDCanecutter said:

Meanwhile, to spread the love, after Guvnah Grammaw in Alabama duck-walked backwards into a mask requirement today (Leadership by catching up to what Birmingham and Jefferson County have been doing for a while,) I do my radio monitoring to hear 3/4 of the yokel callers bragging about how they shall henceforce DEFY this assault on their LIBERTIES, Sir.

Which is bullshit, but it makes em feel tough. I guess they could stand in the parking lot and barter with Mercury Dimes while polishing their pocket Constitutions.

I repped this even though I don't know exactly what it means. Silver standard and so-called strict constructionalists? No matter, it's an amusing turn of phrase as usual from RD.


Oh, definitely. IMO, 250,000 is a low number if you are talking to the end of January (by that time the virus was 'officially' here correct?). Unless mitigation occurs in the fall and if counts are assigned correctly, it will be higher.

Posted (edited)
11 minutes ago, Mrs Whiggins said:

Oh, definitely. IMO, 250,000 is a low number if you are talking to the end of January (by that time the virus was 'officially' here correct?). Unless mitigation occurs in the fall and if counts are assigned correctly, it will be higher.


also, 60% of the US doesnt get the flu vaccine every year. What makes people think that citizens will get this vaccine?

also we are very likely underreporting deaths

also january is EXTREMELY optimistic for a SUCCESSFUL, implemented societal vaccine.

I still think the overall death toll from this thing will be closer to 500k, especially considering it may kill people years from now based on the reports of having permanent, lingering effects. People who get it today and feel fine may stroke out in a few years randomly from this thing.. who knows?

Edited by GreenspointTexas
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9 hours ago, henrygandorf said:

every hour trump spends talking is another hour biden can spend in his basement. it’s really just about the math at this point. 

Except Biden is out there putting out bold policies and solutions. He’s giving speeches, writing op eds, and providing a stark contrast to our current president. Biden is defining what a Biden administration will accomplish and Trump is bragging about counting backwards from 100 by 7

every hour trump spends talking is another hour biden can spend in his basement. it’s really just about the math at this point. 

I don’t think that strategy worked well for Hillary last time.
22 minutes ago, RomaVicta said:

I repped this even though I don't know exactly what it means. Silver standard and so-called strict constructionalists? No matter, it's an amusing turn of phrase as usual from RD.

As a byproduct of buying and selling silver and gold, I happen across the folktales of survivalists who are unlikely to survive.

The "Mercury Dime, useful for barter when The Shit Hits the Fan" is a recurring favorite. Don't get me wrong, I love a Mercury Dime, sweet little fleck of silver, I'll buy them all day long if the price is reasonable. But in Prepper Fantasy Land, once SHTF, these dimes will be the most convenient form of exchange, even though the current US population barely knows we once made silver coins.

(To recreate the vibe of a coin collector message board, someone now must chime in "The only metals I'll need are lead and brass!")

So me being me, I wondered what a SHTF USA would look like? Somalia? Haiti? I dunno, maybe those are too harsh. So I went with Honduras, since Guatemala is the Mexico of Mexico and Honduras must be the Guatemala of Guatemala. I went on Mercado Libre (Honduras), a Latin American eBay.

They were selling everything you'd find down at Walmart, and taking whatever the local butt-wipe is as payment. Maybe somebody somewhere is in a back alley haggling with the Honduran equivalent of an old silver dime, but I didn't pick up on it.

Another tangent: The classic Morgan Silver Dollar was totally a gummint scam to prop up the silver miners. They coined three times as many as anybody wanted, and most of the "mint" ones are exactly that-- they sat in bags at the mint, untouched, for generations. Boondoggle.

Anyway, to bring it back around, a Venn diagram of anti-maskers, preppers, and coin convention attendees would be almost one circle.

tldr: old man ramble

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15 hours ago, Beau Vine said:

Schools are basically bars for liittle kids.  Opening schools is going o have the same effect as opening bars.

When I was little, they were Irish bars for little kids, but then the Sassenach brainwashed them and they stopped fighting.

7 minutes ago, 4th&Five said:


Why the hell is he tested multiple times a day. If he's tested at 9:00, and sees someone at 9:30, the test at noon isn't going to be positive, even if he was exposed. JFC.

  • Like 4
Posted (edited)

Again, if you go by the IFR number from the CDC and their assumption that we actually have had about 10 times the number of reported cases, we are at 250,000 already (confirmed deaths + unreported deaths + expected deaths from current unresolved cases). Actually don’t do it that way because you’ll end up at 300,000. So more simply, 40 million cases * .65%.

Edited by justhookit
27 minutes ago, Nivek said:

I don’t think that strategy worked well for Hillary last time.

is this a joke, or do i have to explain the subtle differences between the 2016 and 2020 elections?

38 minutes ago, Mo Horn said:

Why the hell is he tested multiple times a day. If he's tested at 9:00, and sees someone at 9:30, the test at noon isn't going to be positive, even if he was exposed. JFC.

Because they're lying.

That's evergreen for everything anyone in the trump administration says.  Also, there's not a snowball's chance in hell that Donny Two Scoops endures having a swab stuck way up his nose multiple times a day. 

45 minutes ago, Nivek said:

I don’t think that strategy worked well for Hillary last time.

Huh.  Hillary never shut up. She fell right into Trump's gotcha traps several times because of it.  She also never shut up while campaigning in states like Texas when Michigan and PA were where she needed to be.

Biden will need to go on the offensive at some point, but he certainly shouldn't do it right now.  Trump is self immolating.  Biden may want to throw gas on the fire, but he'd be far more likely to accidentally throw water on it.  

Confucius Bonaparte once said never interrupt your enemy when he is rolling around in his own shit, or something like that.

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SIAP ... did y'all see this bitch? How is this not assalt?  Posting Clayton Gardner's words underneath:

Clayton wrote:

About fifteen minutes into the show, this random lady walked around all of my gear to sneak up behind me. She made a request for an artist and I asked her to please get away from me several times. She then proceeded to grab me by my bandana and cough on me.

I handled it with class and as much patience as I could. I have practiced very safe hygiene and socially distanced myself from the start of Covid to protect my 3 year old daughter. In a matter of seconds this lady took that away from me.

I was honestly shocked and pretty defenseless sitting there holding my guitar. The audience was equally as shocked. I’m outraged by her behavior and the behavior of many others in our world today. I would much rather be at home but unfortunately I have to play some gigs to pay my bills, just like the rest of you. I can’t even do that safely and that’s disgraceful. I choose to take this virus seriously to protect myself and the ones I love. That is my right, and I don’t give a damn what anyone else thinks about it.

I’m sharing this video so you’ll know there are actually people like this in our world. I honestly don’t even know what else to say. I’ll let the video speak for itself.


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It is assault, and she should be charged.  It's a pretty easy case, what with the video and the request that she get away from him, yet she intentionally and offensively touches him.

It's no different than if a female asked a guy to get away, and he got closer and grabbed her butt (well, it's slightly different -- that would also implicate a sexual component, but the point is, the basic elements of assault are met in both cases).


Sue that idiotic bitch. Looks like someone who's been taught that being cute means you can do whatever you want. Teach her aging, egotistical ass a lesson.

22 minutes ago, Brisketexan said:

It is assault, and she should be charged.  It's a pretty easy case, what with the video and the request that she get away from him, yet she intentionally and offensively touches him.

It's no different than if a female asked a guy to get away, and he got closer and grabbed her butt (well, it's slightly different -- that would also implicate a sexual component, but the point is, the basic elements of assault are met in both cases).

She not only touched him, she coughs on him.  FUCK that pisses me off. She needs to be doxxed.

3 minutes ago, Horn Under a Bad Sign said:

She not only touched him, she coughs on him.  FUCK that pisses me off. She needs to be doxxed.

Yeah I wouldn't have been as calm as that dude if someone was doing that to me

3 minutes ago, SubliminalHorn said:


Look son, she's a non-obese blonde. In the south that's more than enough for her to have been taught that she's cute, regardless of the truth. 

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