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One of my old jobs I had a lot of facetime with customers and one of them had postpolio syndrome and was an advocate for others who suffered as he did. We may have postCovid syndrome in the future but the effects of this virus are so varied, it is going to be tough.

30 minutes ago, relapse98 said:

It's weird how a bunch of them focus on the death rate, and completely avoid the current hospitalization disaster and then the ongoing symptoms that some people are experiencing. Like - to them as long as you didn't die, it wasn't bad. Nevermind you may spend quite some time in a hospital or dealing with this shit for months (maybe longer).

kayleigh told me it was mostly elective surgeries.  she also told me she would never lie to me, so we're good.

3 hours ago, Bama Chick said:

These stations need their licenses revoked.


I added this to the media bias thread before I saw this posted here. But not SIAP.  This shit burns me up. Almost makes me wish there was a Sinclair station here in Houston so I could boycott them. Hell I still want to boycott all 4 majors in Houston because Sinclair has major channels in other markets even across Texas. 

i understand people have a right to say what they want, within reason. No yelling fire in a movie theater limitations but these stations have the privilege of using public airwaves. They shouldn't have the right to drag someone down and harm people’s health at the same time. 

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2 hours ago, Nice Guy Eddie said:

I added this to the media bias thread before I saw this posted here. But not SIAP.  This shit burns me up. Almost makes me wish there was a Sinclair station here in Houston so I could boycott them. Hell I still want to boycott all 4 majors in Houston because Sinclair has major channels in other markets even across Texas. 

i understand people have a right to say what they want, within reason. No yelling fire in a movie theater limitations but these stations have the privilege of using public airwaves. They shouldn't have the right to drag someone down and harm people’s health at the same time. 

Well, Mikovits and Sinclair are exposing themselves to real risk of a defamation lawsuit from Fauci.  I wouldn't blame him.

what is it with conservative people?  Do they enjoy being lied to? I keep waiting for them to finally say “Enough of this shit.”
One of the most common Trump Flags is "no more bullshit"

So yes they do. It's easier to blindly follow than to think critically. It's easier to blame the others for their own decline or failure to evolve with the times.
23 hours ago, JFKFC said:

The US and South Korea had their first Covid-19 case on the same day.

South Korea has more than double the population of Florida.

More people have died the last 2 days in Florida than have died through the entire pandemic in South Korea.


47 minutes ago, 4th&Five said:

I’m shocked. 


Selling after an public announcement shouldn’t be a problem. Problem will be when SEC sees that the announcements themselves were solely fabricated to increase share prices. 

This is what I think is happening, just puff pieces around vaccine research etc, share price goes up, profit. 

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4 hours ago, Nice Guy Eddie said:

I added this to the media bias thread before I saw this posted here. But not SIAP.  This shit burns me up. Almost makes me wish there was a Sinclair station here in Houston so I could boycott them. Hell I still want to boycott all 4 majors in Houston because Sinclair has major channels in other markets even across Texas. 





Posted (edited)
20 hours ago, babysdaddy said:

By age there have been 11 deaths under the age of 1 from COVID, 9 deaths between 1-4 years old, and 16 between 5-14.  So 36 deaths nationally for people under the age of 14. Total deaths this year out of that age group are 11,998. https://data.cdc.gov/widgets/9bhg-hcku

But to your point on percentages, deaths over known cases by age group, I can't seem to find data by age on who catches other than through the Texas website.  Extrapolating that data and applying to the 4mm number of national known cases, around 5% of cases are under 14.  That ends up being a death percentage of .018%. Or 1 out of 5,555.  Problem is, we know we have massively undercounted cases by 10x? 20x? so it could be 1 out of 11,000 to 1 out of 22,000.

To further that point, if 100% of the population got it and those numbers above hold, you'd have anywhere between 2500 and 11000 deaths of kids under 14 from COVID given we have about 61mm people under the age of 14 in the US.  

Thanks for the information.

I still get angry that discussion of this disease is limited to death statistics. I would like to see information about both the suffering the disease causes when someone has it and the damage done to the body even after a patient recovers. 

The president often says the disease for the young is a day long case of the "sniffles." This further gives the disease the appearance of either killing you or leaving you just fine. What percentage of kids (and adults, for that matter) who become infected get sick? What percentage recover but have verifiable damage done to their bodies? What can we guess about long term effects to health and the cost in care?

It suits the president and his shit posse to minimize the perceived impact of Covid. At different times I've read or heard different things about lung damage to those who are asymptomatic and wider organ damage to those hospitalized. So little ongoing coverage has been devoted to these aspects of Covid, that I wonder if they're true.

I've checked more often with CNN and MNBC, and it's always the same reports about new cases, deaths, and then a panel talking about how there's no national leadership. Show. After. Show. Because it's easy to keep doing the same thing. I guess I'll keep my fingers crossed that John Oliver picks up the slack. I've subscribed to Atlantic (after dropping long time favorite but now worthless Vanity Fair), maybe they'll clue me in.

ps I see I'm repeating what others have said. Well, at least I used a lot more words.

Edited by RomaVicta
too slow

SO by the President's outstanding logic, us adults should stay at home and send out our young children to buy groceries, fuel, liquor, and pharmaceuticals?  


Don’t forget KEYE here in Austin (our CBS affiliate). I’ve boycotted since the Sinclair acquisition, and told everyone I know about it as well. My folks moved here a couple of years ago, and one day mom mentioned that they liked that newscast. I told her the back story, and they haven’t watched since.
Don’t watch any KEYE local broadcast.

There was a Trump taintlicker on msnbc this morning. He said that Trump completely shut the country down in January, and if he hadn’t done that we’d have many millions dead now.

Man my memory must be going because that’s not really how I remember it.

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22 hours ago, henrygandorf said:

there isn't an issue as long as we keep all adults at home, and just let the kids handle this.

the 4th graders can teach the 3rd graders, and so on.  they're perfectly qualified and have just recently consumed the curriculum, so it's win-win. 

That sounds a little like the Montessori model, which I’ve heard is excellent.

33 minutes ago, Lobo said:

SO by the President's outstanding logic, us adults should stay at home and send out our young children to buy groceries, fuel, liquor, and pharmaceuticals?  

Also, young people are virtually immune on one hand but on the other hand, it was spread by young people protesting.


Young people didn't get it because schools were closed and they were at home during lockdown.  But then virtually every large get-together of young people once things reopened resulted in mass infections of those same groups of kids and their families.  But schools are fine to reopen because kids can't pass it to staff and teachers in at-risk categories because kids never cough or touch things they're not supposed to.  

I'm getting pissed at this idiotic mentality again because my little cousin's mom (I guess my first cousin) is a big Covid-19 is bullshit/Trump is a living God type.  Well, my little cousin is bored stuck at home this summer, she was supposed to be at summer school in Lubbock.  So she's decided she wants to go back to Chicago to visit family/friends.  She had the virus, last month, and was mildly symptomatic for a few days.  But as per her mother, they treated it like it was a hoax.  She went out and about almost every day without giving a fuck.  So now she's gonna be staying at mom's place up there for a few days during her overall two week visit.  She and her mother are trying to convince my mother that she's fine and can't transmit anything anymore because she's already had it, and it wasn't that bad (nevermind, my mother checks all kinds of boxes---Hispanic, over 70, overweight, former smoker, chronic respiratory issues for the last decade, two-time cancer survivor).  Even if that idiotic idea was true, my little cousin is still gonna be out and about with people not social distancing and not masking/sanitizing/washing/etc.  So she'll come back to my mom's place and cough or touch something or share a plate of to-go food or some other dumb shit and send my mother straight to the hospital.  

,Luckily my mom is an OCD germaphobe but she would never think of insulting her niece/niece's children beliefs system by telling them, "I'm at risk so maybe it's best you stay with other relatives in the area because you're fucking stupid and this virus is real."  So my little cousin gets to take her mom's idiotic mentality up to Chicago and go back to being flippant about this thing and all the while putting my mother at serious, serious risk of infection.  She'll go out every day with friends, and not worry about masks or large gatherings, and bring that shit home to my mom every night she's staying there. 

My mom has spent so much of her life not giving a fuck about the long-term health ramifications of her life choices, but I was really proud of her for taking Covid-19 seriously.  I think she knew that dying alone in the hospital and leaving my sister with Down's Syndrome largely alone in this world was a lot more than she could take, so she's been great about this thing.  She's stayed at home, sparsely grocery shops, been eating better, no smoking, goes on short walks in the park by her, and avoids people like the fucking plague. But she wants to be a nice auntie so she's letting in this pro-Trumper/Coronavirus is bullshit little relative of ours and that girl is gonna bring something bad into my mom's house.  I have an awful feeling about it.  So yeah, you thought Lobo was a beating before, this next week is gonna be pins and fucking needles.  And then another 10 days after that while I wait to see if my mom has developed symptoms.  For 50 years my mother smoked like they had vitamins inside them.  But she was really taking this thing seriously and taking care of herself.  And when she finally opens her home back up?---it's to my "fuck Covid-19 science" little cousin who thinks mass gatherings are a god-given right and sanitizing is for sheep.  FUCK!  


Be the bad guy on behalf of your mother and call the aunt and tell her that her daughter can't stay with your mom. Find a relative who will take her in so when you call your aunt you have that alternative offer. If she doesn't like it, the kid stays home.  Your piece of mind should be important to your mother and that is how you have to say it.  She is at HIGH risk because of pre-existing conditions. The end. The aunt should accept that and deal accordingly with it. Your mother needs to understand your love for her makes that more than you can handle with regard to worry. It is all out of loving concern so impose yourself in this ludicrous situation or the above pins and needles scenario or worse will play out. 

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What are the thoughts among those of you who are "podding" your kids this fall with regard to risk as well as potential liability incurred by the host family and the teacher?

20 minutes ago, jimmyjazz said:

What are the thoughts among those of you who are "podding" your kids this fall with regard to risk as well as potential liability incurred by the host family and the teacher?

We’re doing small pods with like minded parents. That means none of them are assholes (except on the internet). 

1 hour ago, burntorangebongos said:

Be the bad guy on behalf of your mother and call the aunt and tell her that her daughter can't stay with your mom. Find a relative who will take her in so when you call your aunt you have that alternative offer. If she doesn't like it, the kid stays home.  Your piece of mind should be important to your mother and that is how you have to say it.  She is at HIGH risk because of pre-existing conditions. The end. The aunt should accept that and deal accordingly with it. Your mother needs to understand your love for her makes that more than you can handle with regard to worry. It is all out of loving concern so impose yourself in this ludicrous situation or the above pins and needles scenario or worse will play out. 


4 hours ago, Lobo said:

So yeah, you thought Lobo was a beating before, this next week is gonna be pins and fucking needles. 

Completely understandable. She's your mom and you love her. I agree with those who suggest an intervention of sorts. Actions have consequences, and if little cousin is making poor choices, she doesn't get to bring those consequences back to your mom.

  • Hook 'Em 1

I almost forgot to post this after reading about Lobo's situation.

Herman Cain and Wilbur Ross: still hospitalized? Cain was for COVID, the other was for "something minor, not COVID" if I recall correctly. I saw something out in social medialand and it came up. Cain went into the hospital after the Tulsa rally, so if he is still there, he's approaching a month at least. Yikes.


Yeah, I don't practice law but I would think accusing in a public forum, someone of breaking the world would at least tarnish his professional license status.  

I think this was the Sinclair long game.  Now you'll have millions of stupid mouthbreathers clamoring to "Show the Tape, Show the Tape, Show the Tape!"  This thing will now get 5x the ratings it would originally have gotten had it just flown under the radar on 10:30p saturday night viewings on mid-major stations around the country.  Now Trump gets to say, "Well, I don't know all the facts.  I have a good working relationship with Dr. Fauci but if this broadcast got a 3.7 rating, there might be something there.  I don't know, we'll have to take a look.  I know ratings, I have the best ratings.  So maybe there's something there.  We'll see."  


They warned about Sinclair back in 2017 (Guardian article), and this almost had a feel of them 'auditioning" for Trump as if they felt threatened by OANN surging. They had already head down the propaganda and right wing path, but perhaps OANN getting some airtime and Biden poll numbers forced them more out in the open? I like your take on the long game, though. That is damn serious though.

3 hours ago, Anastasis said:

We’re doing small pods with like minded parents. That means none of them are assholes (except on the internet). 

The reason I ask is that my wife has the opportunity to lead 3-5 YO kids in art & other creative studies this fall.  Max of 8 kids per day, 15 different kids signed up across the M-F slots (all 9-1).  The thing is, compared to her last position, it's far superior -- higher pay, all kids are potty trained (as opposed to none) , and 40 hours per week (as opposed to 20), half of which are just cleaning and sanitizing after the kids leave for home.  The school's C19 practices seem as reasonable as one could expect, including daily temperature checks of all kids and all adults, masks, sanitizer, tons out outdoor time, etc.  Parents sign a commitment to inform school of any exposure, etc.  School shuts down if any kid tests positive, and class shuts down if any parent tests positive.

She had already pretty much decided to punt on the last job, but this is far more enticing, because of higher pay rate, twice the hours, same kid-facing hours, and these kids don't shit themselves twice a morning.  It's kind of her dream job.  I can't really in good conscience say "no way" when it's the kind of thing she's been looking for for years.  

4 hours ago, Anastasis said:

We’re doing small pods with like minded parents. That means none of them are assholes (except on the internet). 

or they're all assholes.  there are two kinds of pods.  just keep it consistent.


An acquaintance is posting stuff on FB from David Icke and Andrew Kaufman.   When I pointed out that Icke has some off the wall opinions (aliens, etc.) She lost it and accused me of telling her what to think and that her opinion is valid. I never said anything of the sort. 

Icke and Kaufman were also early in the 5g/COVID connection with Alex Jones. 

I really don't understand this level of ignorance.

5 minutes ago, Macanudo said:

An acquaintance is posting stuff on FB from David Icke and Andrew Kaufman.   When I pointed out that Icke has some off the wall opinions (aliens, etc.) She lost it and accused me of telling her what to think and that her opinion is valid. I never said anything of the sort. 

Icke and Kaufman were also early in the 5g/COVID connection with Alex Jones. 

I really don't understand this level of ignorance.

People want to feel like they're in the know and there is no end to gullibility.  It's not just Dunning-Kruger imbeciles, either.

Posted (edited)
1 hour ago, Macanudo said:

An acquaintance is posting stuff on FB from David Icke and Andrew Kaufman.

Oh man, I love that guy. “Tank you veddy much.”  Lol!

Edited by BrickHorn
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Posted (edited)

Lost a somewhat close friend from high school days today, not to COVID but to his belief that he, as a welder, understood the viral transmission ("ergo, my wearing a mask is pointless," - his mic drop line) better than almost every medical professional in the world (and 100% of medical professionals directly engaged with SARS-CoV-2). He was not this stupid, selfish, and proud of contrarianism in high school. It's fucking unreal what has happened to so many people in this country cognitively.  

Guess who he's going to vote for. A hint: telling him that he's wasting his vote is "the true fascism."

Edited by trauma babe
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Someone please explain to me what these politicians think is the political gain for demanding that schools reopen. The huge majority of people oppose it. I know that symbolizes "normal" but everyone knows that's not really the case. I get why Dotard is pushing it, but why are state leaders doing it, other then just sucking up to him? There is zero political gain, and tons to lose. Just crazy, imo. 

20 hours ago, Lobo said:

Young people didn't get it because schools were closed and they were at home during lockdown.  But then virtually every large get-together of young people once things reopened resulted in mass infections of those same groups of kids and their families.  But schools are fine to reopen because kids can't pass it to staff and teachers in at-risk categories because kids never cough or touch things they're not supposed to.  

I'm getting pissed at this idiotic mentality again because my little cousin's mom (I guess my first cousin) is a big Covid-19 is bullshit/Trump is a living God type.  Well, my little cousin is bored stuck at home this summer, she was supposed to be at summer school in Lubbock.  So she's decided she wants to go back to Chicago to visit family/friends.  She had the virus, last month, and was mildly symptomatic for a few days.  But as per her mother, they treated it like it was a hoax.  She went out and about almost every day without giving a fuck.  So now she's gonna be staying at mom's place up there for a few days during her overall two week visit.  She and her mother are trying to convince my mother that she's fine and can't transmit anything anymore because she's already had it, and it wasn't that bad (nevermind, my mother checks all kinds of boxes---Hispanic, over 70, overweight, former smoker, chronic respiratory issues for the last decade, two-time cancer survivor).  Even if that idiotic idea was true, my little cousin is still gonna be out and about with people not social distancing and not masking/sanitizing/washing/etc.  So she'll come back to my mom's place and cough or touch something or share a plate of to-go food or some other dumb shit and send my mother straight to the hospital.  

,Luckily my mom is an OCD germaphobe but she would never think of insulting her niece/niece's children beliefs system by telling them, "I'm at risk so maybe it's best you stay with other relatives in the area because you're fucking stupid and this virus is real."  So my little cousin gets to take her mom's idiotic mentality up to Chicago and go back to being flippant about this thing and all the while putting my mother at serious, serious risk of infection.  She'll go out every day with friends, and not worry about masks or large gatherings, and bring that shit home to my mom every night she's staying there. 

My mom has spent so much of her life not giving a fuck about the long-term health ramifications of her life choices, but I was really proud of her for taking Covid-19 seriously.  I think she knew that dying alone in the hospital and leaving my sister with Down's Syndrome largely alone in this world was a lot more than she could take, so she's been great about this thing.  She's stayed at home, sparsely grocery shops, been eating better, no smoking, goes on short walks in the park by her, and avoids people like the fucking plague. But she wants to be a nice auntie so she's letting in this pro-Trumper/Coronavirus is bullshit little relative of ours and that girl is gonna bring something bad into my mom's house.  I have an awful feeling about it.  So yeah, you thought Lobo was a beating before, this next week is gonna be pins and fucking needles.  And then another 10 days after that while I wait to see if my mom has developed symptoms.  For 50 years my mother smoked like they had vitamins inside them.  But she was really taking this thing seriously and taking care of herself.  And when she finally opens her home back up?---it's to my "fuck Covid-19 science" little cousin who thinks mass gatherings are a god-given right and sanitizing is for sheep.  FUCK!  

Man, that is awful.  Think positive... maybe little cousin’s plane will crash.

13 hours ago, Macanudo said:

An acquaintance is posting stuff on FB from David Icke and Andrew Kaufman.   When I pointed out that Icke has some off the wall opinions (aliens, etc.) She lost it and accused me of telling her what to think and that her opinion is valid. I never said anything of the sort. 

Icke and Kaufman were also early in the 5g/COVID connection with Alex Jones. 

I really don't understand this level of ignorance.

I’ve resorted to telling people they are a fucking idiot then deleting them.

And these are people I’ve known since elementary school.  I would have never suspected they’d fall victim to the nonsense they hear.  And I can’t decide if it’s baffling, maddening, confusing, or what. 

33 minutes ago, Mo Horn said:

Someone please explain to me what these politicians think is the political gain for demanding that schools reopen. The huge majority of people oppose it. I know that symbolizes "normal" but everyone knows that's not really the case. I get why Dotard is pushing it, but why are state leaders doing it, other then just sucking up to him? There is zero political gain, and tons to lose. Just crazy, imo. 

It’s more than just symbolizing normalcy. People need to pay their mortgages. In addition to its education function, the public school system is government funded day care that allows us to manage the dual income household standard necessary to maintain The illusion of a middle class. 

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