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CR: COVID-19 --Political Talk

Mrs Whiggins

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That's a damned shame. 


During his tenure as chief executive, the company defrauded Medicare, Medicaid and other federal programs. The Department of Justice ultimately fined the company $1.7 billion in what was at the time the largest health care fraud settlement in U.S. history. Scott was not charged with a crime.


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I like Scott Dworkin, but he tends to be an alarmist. What does he mean "failing"? Like the tests don't work? There aren't enough? This sorta half information is more dangerous than it is helpful

I think I’ve mentioned what kind of place I work and I now have to be careful because me and some other folks on a committee that COULD be a Rapid Response Team MAY have been on a conference call yesterday with some folks that MAYBE work for what COULD be an important state agency MIGHT have had to sign a “Shut the fuck up so as not to freak people out” document.

I feel confident in GUESSING that some tests don’t work and that there COULD be an acknowledgement that cases are pretty much everywhere but the decision makers are POSSIBLY pretty much paralyzed about what actions to take because of lack of actual good options and political worries.

Let’s just say after listening to my daughter who is a senior freak out and cry about the possibility of no prom, no senior day, no graduation and after my last two days at work, my shoulders have been up around my ears in tension and I have a permanent anxiety headache.
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5 minutes ago, Bama Chick said:

I think I’ve mentioned what kind of place I work and I now have to be careful because me and some other folks on a committee that COULD be a Rapid Response Team MAY have been on a conference call yesterday with some folks that MAYBE work for what COULD be an important state agency MIGHT have had to sign a “Shut the fuck up so as not to freak people out” document.

I feel confident in GUESSING that some tests don’t work and that there COULD be an acknowledgement that cases are pretty much everywhere but the decision makers are POSSIBLY pretty much paralyzed about what actions to take because of lack of actual good options and political worries.

Let’s just say after listening to my daughter who is a senior freak out and cry about the possibility of no prom, no senior day, no graduation and after my last two days at work, my shoulders have been up around my ears in tension and I have a permanent anxiety headache.

I would take a 5% error rate on the tests, if they were actually available.  Hell, you run two tests, and that makes it 99.75% effective to signal for additional testing. But we don't have the tests, and are having to go to one test per suspected patient. 

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8 minutes ago, Bama Chick said:

Let’s just say after listening to my daughter who is a senior freak out and cry about the possibility of no prom, no senior day, no graduation and after my last two days at work, my shoulders have been up around my ears in tension and I have a permanent anxiety headache.

get yourself some of the white stuff.

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1 minute ago, Mo Horn said:

It will be a miracle if Trump doesn't get it. But then it's all a hoax, and just kinda like the flu, so he'll be fine. 

I edited my post because I don't really know shit about that account and I would think that news would spread like wildfire....  sorry, but it makes a lot of sense.

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37 minutes ago, Aqua Buddha said:

I like how Republicans don't believe this but do believe Obama was born in Africa, there are rapist caravans, and Hillary Clinton is running a sex ring.

Dude, do you realize you just brought any Trumpkin reading that to climax?

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1 minute ago, Gil Bang said:

This is big. 

In an era where expertise is quickly dismissed and used as a punchline, it's wonderful to see we still have smart people that aren't going to wait for the morons in charge to help with this crisis. 

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1 minute ago, Pig Bellmont said:

This here is Presidential. I forgot what that’s like

And this is exactly what every Democrat should hammer him on. Obama put shit in place for a reason. All these arms of the government are here for a reason. Weakening them is fine when things are going great. When you need them the most but you've whittled them down to nothing, well, this is where we are and why things are going the way they're going.  

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1 minute ago, mdmost said:

In an era where expertise is quickly dismissed and used as a punchline, it's wonderful to see we still have smart people that aren't going to wait for the morons in charge to help with this crisis. 

Are you referring to these ivory-tower coastal elites?   

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4 minutes ago, Chuckie Finster said:

No doubt.

Known exposure and "refusing" testing.

This is such bullshit. The president has been fucking tested. Either he doesn't have it, and doesn't want to admit he was tested when there are few tests actually available to the public, or he has it and is choosing to keep it from the public.

To show the American people that if they are exposed and should keep on with daily life without getting tested or quarantine is less than irresponsible. Everyone pissed at the JetBlue passenger should be apoplectic at pres.

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5 minutes ago, kevwun said:

I hope Trump and Pence also refuse all medical care since it's not a big deal and Jesus will provide.

You know, I had an uncle who was like that.  All you need is faith, evolution denier, climate change is a hoax,  etc.  He got cancer and was at MD Anderson within 24 hours.  When the end is near, those folks have their ‘come to jesus science’ moment pretty quickly.

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10 minutes ago, Pig Bellmont said:

This here is Presidential. I forgot what that’s like

This is where the things I hate about Biden in most cases become very helpful things in this case. He lacks any actual moral compass that guides his policy positions but instead basically just lets "the experts" tell him what policy should be. This is a bad thing when he identifies the wrong people as the experts he needs to listen to (only banks with respect to fiscal policy and student loan issues, only insurance executives with respect to health care policy, etc.).

But he's smart enough to know that medical scientists and doctors are the experts on this. And he would listen to them.

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And this is exactly what every Democrat should hammer him on. Obama put shit in place for a reason. All these arms of the government are here for a reason. Weakening them is fine when things are going great. When you need them the most but you've whittled them down to nothing, well, this is where we are and why things are going the way they're going.  



There's a real opportunity for Biden to effectively usurp Trump as the figurehead the majority of Americans look to for leadership through this.


No, he can't command federal resources, but he can use his platform to clearly communicate the messaging from the scientific and medical community, and call for both government entities and individual citizens to act. 55-60 percent of Americans would very much take notice of that. The election would be over before it started.


Edit: Yes, I know Biden clearly communicating anything is a stretch.


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7 minutes ago, Gil Bang said:

This is big. 

California should just go ahead and declare its independence. The infrastructure here is 10x what is available elsewhere (outside of DC). Its economy is bigger than India's and just behind Germany. Most in the US hates California anyway (an ignorant view in my opinion based on Fox News type gaslighting). Why stay when most of the US is so regressive. The US can keep its bases like it did in Cuba and California can continue using its money for the betterment of its people and humankind. 

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1 minute ago, washparkhorn said:

California should just go ahead and declare its independence. The infrastructure here is 10x what is available elsewhere (outside of DC). Its economy is bigger than India's and just behind Germany. Most in the US hates California anyway (an ignorant view in my opinion based on Fox News type gaslighting). Why stay when most of the US is so regressive. The US can keep its bases like it did in Cuba and California can continue using its money for the betterment of its people and humankind. 

Been championing Calexit for years now. Let's get this done

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48 minutes ago, Chuckie Finster said:

No doubt.

Trump is gonna stay true to the bit, even if it kills him. He has no choice. He painted himself into that corner. 

(FYI - I’m  sure he’s  been tested. He just can’t say so. But if he has it? What’s the play? He can’t be in public with others bc he might expose them. I’m sure the White House will say he’s gonna hole himself up for a few weeks to come up with a solution.)

Edited by Jive Turkey
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