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Posted (edited)
8 minutes ago, jimmyjazz said:

Well, they caught it somehow.

Couple of possibilities:

1. We know they received the J&J shot, which isn't as effective against the variants as the mRNA options, and they got one of the variants that J&J isn't as effective against (even then only one is even showing symptoms, and is already recovering). 

2. They fucked around prior to being fully immune, and now found out. The Yankees offered the J&J to their team back in April, so I'd be curious when they got their shots and what they did afterwards. They would easily have been infected prior to full immunity and not showing a positive test until this week if they got the shot in late April. 


Edited by The Dog
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3 minutes ago, The Dog said:

2. They fucked around prior to being fully immune, and now found out. The Yankees offered the J&J to their team back in April, so I'd be curious when they got their shots and what they did afterwards. They would easily have been infected prior to full immunity and not showing a positive test until this week if they got the shot in late April. 

This was what I was alluding to when I said I'd like more information -- "fully vaccinated" doesn't mean much until one is weeks out from (at least) the first (or only) dose.

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"According to the Yankees, all of the infected team members had been inoculated with the single-dose Johnson & Johnson vaccine, which was found to be 72 percent effective at preventing moderate to severe covid-19 and 74 percent effective at preventing asymptomatic infection." — The Washington Post


Anything that's true ROYALLY pisses off 40% of our population, who are pointlessly defiant children.  Tell them it's hailing outside, and they should really stay inside, and they'll immediately run outside and claim that the sound of baseball chunks of ice cracking their skulls is "THE SOUND OF FREEDOM!!!!"
We are afflicted with 100 million oppositional defiant children.  It's fucking insane.
9 minutes ago, Neonmoon said:

Maybe they all got exposed to a big viral load 

Going with this.  Also mix in fecal-oral transmission potential as there is lot of ass-eating taking place in that clubhouse. 

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53 minutes ago, JimmyJames said:

So are the celebrating VM, victory over masks day on the DT thread or have they found something else to bitch about? 

I like how the CDC went from part of the Deep State plot against Trump to trusted provider of advice in a nanosecond.

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Isn't the Yankees all being asymptomatic and showing very low viral load what you would expect from vaccinated people exposed to the virus?  What is the point of giving such sensitive tests to asymptomatic vaccinated people? 

In overly simple terms, isn't the vaccine supposed to teach your immune system to destroy the virus?  But after it does there will still be a trace detectable amount of virus in your body?  Am I misunderstanding something here?

Posted (edited)

The J&J vaccine was 66% effective in preventing any infection, but 100% effective in preventing hospitalization. 

So you’d expect regular testing to show somewhere in the neighborhood of 30% of asymptomatic cases. I don’t know how many people are employed by the Yankees but 7 completely asymptomatic cases and 1 minor symptomatic case doesn’t seem wildly out of line with those numbers. 

Edited by heso
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1 hour ago, JimmyJames said:

So are the celebrating VM, victory over masks day on the DT thread or have they found something else to bitch about? 

Well, Rachel Maddow said she'll have to readjust to no longer consider unmasked people a threat. That statement was apparently deeply troubling and worthy of ridicule. I have no idea why. 

Posted (edited)


CNN: What do you think of the CDC's Thursday decision on masking?

Dr. Leana Wen: Frankly, I was shocked. For months, I've been pushing for the CDC to give clearer, more practical guidance on what fully vaccinated people could do. They've been moving so slowly and cautiously, and I expected for them to say something like, fully vaccinated people can now get together with other fully vaccinated people, not just in informal settings like small dinners at home but formal settings like workplaces — I was thinking a conference room where fully vaccinated colleagues can all take off their masks.

Instead, the CDC removed virtually all restrictions on fully vaccinated people. On the one hand, this is a great affirmation of just how effective the vaccines are. I do think there is a great story to tell, that the vaccines are so powerful at protecting against illness and preventing vaccinated people from spreading coronavirus. On the other hand, this is such a sudden reversal. I don't think people fully understand why the change was made — it feels like we went from zero to 100 overnight.

My concern is not for those who are fully vaccinated. Those people are well protected (with the exception of individuals who are immunocompromised). My concern is for those who are not yet able to be vaccinated, who are now potentially exposed to a higher level of risk because they will be around unvaccinated people who choose not to wear masks.

That's because we can't possibly know who's vaccinated and who's not. If you're in a grocery store, and most people aren't wearing masks anymore, what if some people aren't vaccinated? If you yourself are vaccinated and pretty healthy, this is not a problem for you. But what if you're not vaccinated — not because you don't want to, but because you can't?

I have two little children, ages 1 and 3, who can't yet be vaccinated. Or what if you're immunocompromised and the vaccines may not protect you as well, so you still have to be careful, even if you keep your mask on? I'm worried that the new CDC guidelines make it less safe for those who are already more vulnerable.




CNN: What if you still have unvaccinated children, including those under age 12, who can't get the vaccine yet?

Wen: This is a big reason I don't like the CDC guidance. It puts our children at higher risk to now be around adults who may or may not be vaccinated.

Every family needs to decide the level of risk you are willing to tolerate for your children. It's true that kids tend to get much less severely ill from Covid-19 than adults, but children can and do get ill. For our family, we are fine with our kids playing outdoors with other kids, without masks, but indoors, they should still wear masks if there are adults or children around them who are unvaccinated. And we, as vaccinated parents, still take extra precautions that we wouldn't if not for the kids.

CNN: How much longer are we going to be in this strange state of not knowing what to do?

Wen: We are in this strange in-between place for sure. The CDC has made things clearer in some ways, but I think also more confusing in others. The way that I interpret the guidelines is that it's really now up to us. We have to decide what level of risk we are comfortable with for ourselves and our families. There is no one-size-fits-all answer. We need to decide what's most important to us.





Seems I wasn't crazy to wonder about all this.


Edited by MC Fresh Breath
On 5/13/2021 at 3:59 PM, Anastasis said:

Don't disagree with this, but with the caveat that we need to keep sufficient vaccines in reserve domestically for booster regimens through end of 2022. 

I'm a little ways behind on the thread, so forgive me for responding so late.

To your point, my sister (PA living in Denver) flew down to Austin last Friday, and we drove out to West Texas to see my mom for her first Mother's Day as a widow. Sis has now been vaccinated since December and is very accustomed to wearing a mask everywhere and at all times. Now, clearly, out there in the dusty wastelands, the good folks of the Permian Basin have never really taken to the whole mask thing and apparently never really abided by it even during mandates, which is funny because if you look at photos of cowboys from the Old West (a lot of good ol' boys out there fancy themselves as such) they all wore bandanas around their necks at the ready to slip up over their faces when needed, but I digress and fear I'm sounding like Lobo...

At any rate, when we went out for Mother's Day dinner Saturday night, we all dutifully wore our masks to the table and felt really out of place doing so. My mom did the same out of respect to our out-of-town customs but remarked about us being vaccinated. My sister responded that now that she's been vaccinated so long, she's starting to get a little concerned about needing a booster soon. For my part, I feel safe at the moment and thought she was being a little overly cautious with that concern so soon. From my layman's understanding, this shit works and will work for more than six months, won't it?

52 minutes ago, bolverk said:

. From my layman's understanding, this shit works and will work for more than six months, won't it?

Haven’t seen a whole bunch in durability, but I think that 6-9 months is in the bag at this point with more information on longer term coming. I think that we are looking at annual boosters with tweaks here and there to hit pop up variants. 

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3 hours ago, bolverk said:

 For my part, I feel safe at the moment and thought she was being a little overly cautious with that concern so soon. From my layman's understanding, this shit works and will work for more than six months, won't it?

I heard Dr. Hotez on the radio today, and he seemed to be agreeing with what @Anastasis is saying. I do believe you will see people still wearing masks, because if they have children at home, they may be concerned they could still bring it home to them.


Aside from Wal-Mart employees, I'd venture to say that 10% of Wal-Mart customers actually bothered to wear a mask since last Spring.
No, surprisingly pretty good usage for months and through last week from what I've heard down on the coast and from rural relatives. I wouldn't know.

I mean, how else can they prove it? An easily duplicated vaccination card? 

It’s full open for everyone now. Vaccinated or not. You either get the vaccine or risk the consequences 

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  • Fuck Around and Find Out 3
On 5/14/2021 at 12:41 PM, Beau Vine said:

I like how the CDC went from part of the Deep State plot against Trump to trusted provider of advice in a nanosecond.




  • Rage+1 1
12 minutes ago, Neonmoon said:

Israel posted a whopping 22 cases today. They have a 7 day average of 32 cases. 

And only killed 8 Palestinian children! Oh, wait, that was yesterday. 

39 minutes ago, WhatTheBuck said:

And only killed 8 Palestinian children! Oh, wait, that was yesterday. 

At least they're killing them the old-fashioned way.

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At least they're killing them the old-fashioned way.
I had not looked at it that way but raining fire and death from the heavens is Old Testament AF.

Far West HEB is probably having shortages from all this
28 minutes ago, HenryJames said:


I suck at posting graphs but the cdc website says 7 day average is down 85% from peak in January and down to levels from last fall

Guest Lobo
Posted (edited)

Nice of them to flatten the curve and make room in the Israeli hospitals for other types of injuries.  

Edited by Lobo
On 5/15/2021 at 3:24 PM, Sawbonz said:



Well did you know that they're just a propoganda outlet now??

59 minutes ago, Anastasis said:

The CDC has devolved into a propaganda outlet. 


14 minutes ago, Anastasis said:

Seriously NH is not fucking around. Good for them. 


11 minutes ago, Anastasis said:

Seriously NH is not fucking around. Good for them. 


You can say that again.

  • Haha 1

If you read through the tweet thread of the guy who made that graph it appears the NH numbers may be a reporting error. He thinks that the “fully vaccinated” numbers and “adults with one dose” numbers got switched.

Here’s the relevant tweet from his thread -

2 minutes ago, Hmbre97 said:

I was assured by@GRHorn that the vax hesitant didn't align to political parties but rather was across a broad spectrum of people. This graph must be fake news.

Wait until you see the numbers for white evangelicals.

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