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Weighing public sentiment is actually a pretty important element of setting sound policy, particularly when it comes to public safety.
E.g., if we wanted to make driving SUPER safe, we'd set the speed limit everywhere for 20 mph.  Injuries and deaths would go way down if people would drive 20.  What a win!
Of course, balance that with 1) the economic cost of all transport and commuting being super-slow, and 2) the fact that a shitload of people just won't follow it.
Instead, we need to find a speed limit that will do a reasonable job of keeping people from very dangerous speeds, still allow for economic travel, and people will be comfortable following it.  Don't listen to the fringes -- I'm sure we can find people screaming that we should all drive 20, or walk, or what have you, as well as people who think ANY speed limits are fascist tyranny.
For the other 95% of us, a highway speed limit of, say, 65-70 provides a reasonable guide to our speed that we'll follow.   Maybe we go a few miles over, but we keep it below 90, mostly.
Our ultimate approach to COVID -- and we're getting there QUICKLY these days -- needs to take these into account.  We COULD tell everyone to stay home, get 4 shots, and wear double N95 masks everywhere they go.  But while that may reduce transmission and harm, it would be crippling economically, and people (even otherwise reasonable people) would bristle against it.
I think that you'll get buy-in if the long-term plan is:
1) stay home if you're sick, and get tested with an easy at-home test
2) get an annual COVID vax/booster around the same time you get your flu shot -- that is, in the fall, get your annual  "viral respiratory illness shots."
3) in periods of significant localized outbreaks resulting in serious illnesses/hospital pressure, contemplate short-term closures (seriously, schools have closed for a week before when flu is spreading badly in that school -- that's happened for decades), etc.
4) understand that some countries will have vaccination requirements for entry.  Don't get a COVID shot, you don't get to go.  That's not new, either -- nations have required immunizations and other health measures for entry for centuries.  Don't like it?  Stay in the USA.
With those four elements, we have a picture of what the world should look like going forward.
Well said.

What, I chose not to go to one bar, and went to another that didn't care? Seeing how I've already had it, and didn't use one resource then it seems you're wrong. Seeing how there is a pandemic of the vaccinated seeing from all your posts here that said you're vaccinated and got it. Your fear porn got us this. You're going to have to explain to me that this is good, because y'all are cult like.
What the fuck are you trying to articulate? -Me to most of your political posts. Not trying to be a dick, but wut?
3 hours ago, Celery Man said:

837,000 dead Americans and you dumb fucking idiots acting evolved and rational because now (due to the incredible selfishness and shitheadedness of people like you, the true plague on our nation) it really is too late to do anything but live with it is priceless. The only people you are fooling is yourselves, get fucked.

To be clear - the people I’m talking about know who they are, and yes at some point hopefully soon we move on. I’m all for insurance companies gouging the idiots and companies showing them the door.



What on earth are you blathering about?
I'm vaccinated, and haven't gotten it -- but maybe I will, I know several vaxxed people who have contracted COVID.
BUT THEY DIDN'T END UP IN THE HOSPITAL.  THEY DON'T TAKE UP PRECIOUS RESOURCES (unless they are morons like in the link you posted below -- I agree, those folks with no symptoms or no serious illness shouldn't clog up ERs either).  That doesn't change the fact that almost all of the COVID cases actually using hospital and ICU beds right now are unvaxxed.
Congrats, YOU didn't use a hospital bed.  But statistically, your unvaxxed brethren are the ones doing so.
Get.  The fucking.  Shot.  It is safe and effective at keeping people out of the hospital/morgue.  If you don't, and your illness takes a turn for the worse, don't use the resources needed by your fellow Americans (most of whom need hospital beds for non-COVID reasons; a man with serious heart issues may not get an hospital bed fast enough because too many are occupied at the moment by unvaxxed COVID patients).
I'm not pushing "fear porn."  The numbers on vaxxed vs. unvaxxed falling seriously ill and needing hospitalization aren't even close.  A single, simple step can make a difference.  But a shitload of people won't take it, 1) asserting their individual freedom, but 2) they're perfectly willing to put the costs of their "freedom" onto society as a whole.  That's not "liberty," and never has been.

You realize who you are talking to right?
3 hours ago, hobbes2702 said:

Seriously what reason is there not to? I truly don’t understand. 

I vote for irrational  fear. I raced to get my shots because my rational side told me that it could save my life, prevent needless suffering, or maybe protect my family and community. The entire drive to get the shot, my irrational brain told me that the shot would make my tongue would turn into a lizard, crawl out of my mouth, and eat my eyes out. I still got the shots, but I kept my mouth shut for a bit each time just in case — an ounce of prevention and all.

So much of vaccine resistance is built on crazy, irrational fears, but it’s really pretty normal and human. I teach my child that it’s ok to be scared, but being brave is still doing the right thing anyway. This whole experience has been weird and scary, including the shots. You can present all of the evidence that the shots are safe, but they still might not feel safe to that yapping part of my brain.

The pandemic deniers like to say “faith over fear” but they’re just peddling their own fears. The public health side seems to play up the reality that COVID is scarier than the shots. It is, but when faced with two scary things — even if one fear is irrational — doing nothing might feel the safest.

I wonder if making a greater effort to acknowledge and validate that fear (your fear may be irrational, but it’s normal and human) would have helped. It probably wouldn’t have, because nothing seems to help these days, but it sure helps my son be brave when I acknowledge that something is scary but we can still face it down.

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8 hours ago, Beantown Express 2.0 said:

So, I have to go to a work event in FL next week with 1000 people at it for 4 days.  I am guessing most won’t be wearing masks.  I am vaxed and boosted but still feel like I could die from this.  Thanks media.

think of the big bonus your family will get from the insurance company

3 hours ago, DigglerontheHoof said:

So they're drinking piss, suppressing their testosterone and taking viagra to combat covid.  

Seems Legit Martin Freeman GIF

Personally I’ve found that taking birth control pills prevents Covid. Manboobs are an unfortunate side effect but it’s better then having metal spoons fly into your face. Also my skin has never been softer. 


The whole drinking piss thing is funny. Stupid but funny. I remember Ghandi saying something about doing that (for ostensible health reasons) and even referenced the bible where it says to "drink from your own well" or something like that. 

The stupidity of people is boundless. 

40 minutes ago, 52-80 said:

You see, when a man and a pangolin loves each other very much...

You're discounting pangolin whores, who do it solely for the money.

You shouldn't do that.

Or so I've heard.

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Posted (edited)

Well, look at that. Mandates work.

United CEO says 3,000 positive for COVID but no deaths among the vaccinated

David Shepardson
Tue, January 11, 2022, 7:50 AM CST

  WASHINGTON (Reuters) -United Airlines Chief Executive Scott Kirby said on Tuesday that the company had about 3,000 employees who have tested positive for COVID-19 but its vaccinated employees had neither died nor recently been hospitalized with the disease. 

  Chicago-based United was the first U.S. carrier to mandate vaccines for its employees in order to facilitate travel and flight operations. Airlines have cancelled thousands of flights since late December, when the surge in Omicron cases and winter weather began impacting schedules. 

  Kirby said in a memo Tuesday that "since our vaccine policy went into effect, the hospitalization rate among our employees has been 100x lower than the general population in the U.S." 

  Before United's vaccination requirements were put in place, "tragically, more than one United employee on average *per week* was dying from COVID," Kirby said. "But we’ve now gone eight straight weeks with zero COVID-related deaths among our vaccinated employees." 

  United’s prior experience and nationwide COVID data suggests "there are approximately 8-10 United employees who are alive today because of our vaccine requirement," said Kirby. 

  He said the airline was "reducing our near-term schedules to make sure we have the staffing and resources to take care of customers." 

  Last month, Kirby defended the airline's vaccine mandate decision in the face of Republican criticism. 

  "We did this for safety," Kirby said at a U.S. Senate hearing. "We don't compromise on safety. 

  Kirby said last month about 200 employees did not comply with United's mandate and were fired out of its 67,000 employees. He added about 6 pilots were fired and 80 put on unpaid leave out of about 13,000. 

  Rival American Airlines said on Friday that more than 96% of its employees have submitted proof of COVID-19 vaccination or a request for an accommodation. 

  (Reporting by David Shepardson in Washington and Abhijith Ganapavaram in Bengaluru; Editing by Ramakrishnan M. and Bernadette Baum) 

Edited by CooterBrown
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Quebec announces it will "financially penalize residents who are unvaxxed" and first-time vaccine appointments spike immediately after!



You're up, Joe!



(CNN) -- One day after the Canadian province of Quebec announced it would financially penalize residents who are unvaccinated, the province's health minister said Wednesday first-time appointments spiked in the hours following the announcement.

"It's encouraging!" Quebec's health minister, Christian Dube, tweeted, indicating that Tuesday's first-dose appointments were the highest in several days.

The fine for the unvaccinated would not apply to those with a medical exemption, and no details have been announced, although officials said the amount to be levied would be "significant."

The Quebec government says that while nearly 90% of eligible Quebecers have received at least one dose of a Covid-19 vaccine, the unvaccinated remain a burden on the province's public health system.

At a Covid-19 briefing Wednesday, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said he wouldn't weigh in on whether Quebec's financial penalty for the unvaccinated was good policy, saying he needed to see further details.

Trudeau underscored that Canada has strict vaccine mandates in place for airline and train passengers, federal workers, and workplaces regulated by the federal government.

"And for people who continue to hesitate or to choose not to get vaccinated, they are losing privileges to do certain things, whether it's get on a train or a plane, whether it's travel internationally, whether it's move forward with a job in the public service," said Trudeau at a news conference Wednesday acknowledging there is continued debate on how best to incentivize the unvaccinated.

Last week, Quebec, where nearly a quarter of all Canadians live, announced that residents would have to be vaccinated to buy alcohol or cannabis. Proof of vaccination is required in order to eat in restaurants, go to the gym or attend sporting events.

Canadian Health Minister Jean-Yves Duclos added that while the new penalty in Quebec could not violate Canada's health laws, vaccination is the way out of the pandemic and mandates have been a useful tool in Canada.

"We have also demonstrated at the federal level that vaccine mandates work, 99% of public servants, almost 99% of public servants at the federal level are either fully vaccinated or soon to be fully vaccinated," Duclos said at a news conference in Ottawa on Wednesday.

Public health officials say the vast majority of patients in Quebec hospitals remain unvaccinated. Officials have not said how many hospitalized Covid patients are unvaccinated.

1 hour ago, Anastasis said:



Need to focus on banning front running congress people from trading before we get to teh bureaucrats. 

Congress critters should not be allowed to trade stocks in any capacity. And if they do it should be 20 years in prison. I’d love to hear the argument against that. 

  • Hook 'Em 5
3 minutes ago, JimmyJames said:

Congress critters should not be allowed to trade stocks in any capacity. And if they do it should be 20 years in prison. I’d love to hear the argument against that. 


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34 minutes ago, WhatTheBuck said:

Looks like we’ve got another up and comer in the Republican Party.


Who else had vaccine cards? I'm guessing all the Allied soldiers who landed in Normandy to whoop Nazi butt.

And not to get all pro-Nazi before it's even the weekend, but you kinda have to sort Nazi behavior into harmless human and bad human behavior. Zum Beispiel: drinking beer, petting the dog, singing drunkenly without auto-tuning? Harmless. Massacres and wars? Bad. 

Moving on to the next point, Davidson is right that we should avoid dehumanizing others. I guess this is the end of talk of "welfare queens," "invading hordes," and whatever the hell people say about the filthy Dutch.

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1 hour ago, WhatTheBuck said:

Looks like we’ve got another up and comer in the Republican Party.


Before and After:


1 minute ago, FirstTimeCaller said:

Before and After:


Well, and I mean, other than these morons not getting the fucking difference between treating people a certain way because of what they ARE (their race), as opposed to what they DO/DON'T DO (get vaccinated).

Logic isn't the strong suit of the oppositional defiance disorder crowd.

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