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Security guard/cops assault 16 y/o mentally ill boy who was checking himself into a hospital- deny everything despite video evidence

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9 hours ago, futureman said:

the kid was assaulted after he assaulted his mother who carried him for nine months and risked death just to bring his worthless ass into the world.  fuck that kid, he got off easy. 

He got punched 2 x in the face while seated, and handcuffed, and the kid is mentally disturbed, so attacking his mother is probably in the range of disease affected behavior.

 Cops suck, there was no fucking need to punch a kid you outweigh by a hundred lbs.

Posted (edited)
3 minutes ago, futureman said:

meh, the kid will be fine.  probably won’t hit his mother again, either.  I call it a win-win. 

Are you mentally challenged ?  The kid has actual mental issues apparently, who knows what he will or won't do, least of all him probably.  The cop clocked him twice, because the kid spit.

The cop is allegedly the adult professional, with a gun on his hip no less, who had to be restrained from then attacking the kids mother.  Good thing there was another cop there or the mother would have been attacked by a cop.

Edited by Onboard 2.0
  • Like 1
10 hours ago, TwiceHorn said:

 LEO, who should be able to handle situations better and should be held to a higher standard.

I agree. I'd like an American version of the British Palace guards. It's what one does with toddlers when they act out of control, and let's face it---a large part of our adult population acts that way, too (mental health patients notwithstanding). Some law enforcement agents appear to have dehumanized citizens to the point that they do not see humans, they see perps and scum. Bad people doing bad things must be stopped from further acts, but they have rights.

4 minutes ago, Mrs Whiggins said:

I agree. I'd like an American version of the British Palace guards. It's what one does with toddlers when they act out of control, and let's face it---a large part of our adult population acts that way, too (mental health patients notwithstanding). Some law enforcement agents appear to have dehumanized citizens to the point that they do not see humans, they see perps and scum. Bad people doing bad things must be stopped from further acts, but they have rights.

Yep.  Unfortunately, I think it's a side effect of the job.  They see so much disgusting behavior that it takes a real strong person not to lose sight of humanity in it all.  And I'm not sure it's the senseless violence and depredation that causes it.  I think it's a vast accumulation of smaller things.

5 minutes ago, TwiceHorn said:

Yep.  Unfortunately, I think it's a side effect of the job.  They see so much disgusting behavior that it takes a real strong person not to lose sight of humanity in it all.  And I'm not sure it's the senseless violence and depredation that causes it.  I think it's a vast accumulation of smaller things.

This right here.  They do deal with a lot of bad elements daily. It must be hard to maintain an even keel, in a pretty thankless, and at times dangerous job


Spot on, both of you. But that is one of the realms that our society struggles with: mental health not just for the 'patient' that is being arrested, but also for the caregiver/public servant. I can't speak for all parents, but I can remember times when one of my children would do something and I would feel irrational anger welling up and have to mentally slap myself and say, 'woah there, calm down before you lose it.' You're aware of the techniques: step away, get a partner to help, take a deep breath and so on.  I can't imagine having to face long shifts that vacillate between boredom and blood pressure boiling situations day in and day out.

The whole system appears that it needs a reset, but I could not even imagine how that would be done.


Spitting is assault, no argument about that. But when somebody has been wrongfully slammed to the concrete, restrained, and then you get in their face while towering over them getting spit on is an expected development. Glad the meathead doesn't have a job anymore. Not glad that the meathead will just be working in another department soon.

20 minutes ago, Onboard 2.0 said:

This right here.  They do deal with a lot of bad elements daily. It must be hard to maintain an even keel, in a pretty thankless, and at times dangerous job

Thankless?  You haven’t read Surly police threads.

2 hours ago, TwiceHorn said:

Yep.  Unfortunately, I think it's a side effect of the job.  They see so much disgusting behavior that it takes a real strong person not to lose sight of humanity in it all.  And I'm not sure it's the senseless violence and depredation that causes it.  I think it's a vast accumulation of smaller things.

Pretty sure I’ve posted before that my brother was a sheriffs deputy for a decade or so.  This post is spot on.  You could watch his mental health and attitude decline over time. His views towards individual races, income levels, and people in general.  He left it a few years ago, and has reverted back to his old self. His buddies/partners have left it.   It definitely takes a toll if you let it.  I’m sure it’s worse for officers on shitty beats than someone patrolling a fancy part of town and hassling jaywalkers.  There’s definitely a culture issue brewing (I’m sure not everywhere) it seems. 

  • Like 1
16 hours ago, David Dennison said:

You mean before he was handcuffed and got jacked in the face when he posed no threat?

You’re not helping the kid’s argument. Wow, this moron thinks having blood spit at you is not a threat. LoloL

Posted (edited)
8 hours ago, futureman said:

meh, the kid will be fine.  probably won’t hit his mother again, either.  I call it a win-win. 

yeah that's how mental illness works. we're all just out here waiting to have it beaten out of us so that we can learn to no longer be mentally ill. Hey, do you know anybody with diabetes? next time their pancreas doesn't work correctly, beat the fuck out of them. know anyone with epilepsy? next time they seize, beat their ass. know anyone with chron's? next time they have a flare, BEAT. THAT. ASS. that'll teach those fucking assholes to be sick. win-win! you fucking retard. 

Edited by Goo Punch
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Posted (edited)

also the kid don't hit his mom, he pushed her in the back and he was completely fine. i can guarantee you that she's been through much worse with her kid, and it is clear that even after being pushed all she was concerned about was getting her son some help. the mom was able to keep 100% cool and focused on helping her sick kid, but What's Eating Paul Blart and Deputy Rambo were jumping at the chance to ramp ump the physical violence as opposed to helping to calm the situation and get the kid admitted to the hospital. 

Edited by Goo Punch
19 hours ago, TwiceHorn said:


A possibly more complete video.  The kid was a little aggro with him Mom, but didn't deserve anything like the treatment he got.

Spitting is nasty business and probably deserves some kind of charge, a misdemeanor.

But deputy aggro was completely out of line.  And no longer has a job, according to that story.  The initial mall cop was out of line too.

A point of reference:  one can defend oneself, legally, with a proportionate response in an assault situation.  That is not an excuse of provocation.  Provocation is almost never a legal excuse for anything.  Cold cocking a seated cuffed juvenile is not justified, legally or any other way.

If this were in Texas (it's not):

It would be an assault by the kid on his mom (class C offensive contact or A for bodily injury if she suffered some level of physical pain)

It would be an assault by the security guard, aggravated assault if the kid suffered serious bodily injury, for which there appears to be no legal justification.

The kid spitting on the cop is felony harassment of a public servant.

The cop punching the kid in the face is in no way justified by what the kid did. He is sitting on the ground handcuffed and the force used cannot be justified as either self defense or force being used to make an arrest. He should be charged with assault and/or official oppression and lose his peace officer license. I've handled many harassment of public servant cases and never once has a cop beat the defendant's ass for it. That cop's behavior is inexcusable.

  • Like 2
Posted (edited)

Video: Shows cop throwing two direct punches to the kid's face.

Chief: "He did not punch the kid in the face"

Back the Blue People: "He didn't punch him in the face." CITE: Article quoting Chief.

This is today's CR America. Just say whatever you want, nobody cares anymore.

Edited by 'stache
  • Like 1
3 minutes ago, 'stache said:

Video: Shows cop throwing two direct punches to the kid's face.

Chief: "He did not punch the kid in the face"

Back the Blue People: "He didn't punch him in the face." CITE: Article quoting Chief.

This is today's CR America. Just say whatever you want, nobody cares anymore.

(rolling) Well to be fair to the Chief, he only threw one punch, and didn't have to be wrestled down to the ground by another officer...(eyes)


Let's get his lies correctly quoted here.

On 2/16/2020 at 1:42 PM, Goo Punch said:

get ready to be outraged:


That woman honcho, the cops, and the security guards should all be euthanized and then their bodies dumped in a sewer.

Save the lying Sheriff for something really special.  I don’t know, I’ll have to consult some Los Zetas vids to cobble a few ideas together.

1 hour ago, Goo Punch said:

Bill Beam, the sheriff who claims that no punches were thrown, is about to receive a strongly worded letter from me.


Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

You should include some baby powder in case his fingers get chapped opening the letter.

  • Like 2
1 hour ago, Goo Punch said:

Bill Beam, the sheriff who claims that no punches were thrown, is about to receive a strongly worded letter from me.


Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

You need psychiatric help, bro

  • Like 2
4 minutes ago, immortal13 said:

You need psychiatric help, bro

lol, this is always my favorite line from the cadre of posters who obsess over me. if i'm so fucked up and in need of psychiatric help, then why do you get so worked up over every single thing i post? what does that say about you?

also, a)i'm not just popping off online, i'm going to tell Bill Beam exactly what I think of him because that's my first amendment right, by God. and b)i'm sincerely interested in what kind of response, if any, i'll get from the honorable and scrupulous Bill Beam.  he doesn't strike me as the type of guy who can receive a letter like this (and i'm guessing i'm not the only one to send him one) and just let it go. so if the Pflugerville police end up doing a kick door raid on my place next week, we'll all know Bill Beam's the one that gave the order. 

Posted (edited)
3 minutes ago, Goo Punch said:

lol, this is always my favorite line from the cadre of posters who obsess over me. if i'm so fucked up and in need of psychiatric help, then why do you get so worked up over every single thing i post? what does that say about you?

also, a)i'm not just popping off online, i'm going to tell Bill Beam exactly what I think of him because that's my first amendment right, by God. and b)i'm sincerely interested in what kind of response, if any, i'll get from the honorable and scrupulous Bill Beam.  he doesn't strike me as the type of guy who can receive a letter like this (and i'm guessing i'm not the only one to send him one) and just let it go. so if the Pflugerville police end up doing a kick door raid on my place next week, we'll all know Bill Beam's the one that gave the order. 

I'm not worked up at all, bro. So are you going to put a return address on that envelope?

Edited by immortal13
4 minutes ago, Goo Punch said:

lol, this is always my favorite line from the cadre of posters who obsess over me. if i'm so fucked up and in need of psychiatric help, then why do you get so worked up over every single thing i post? what does that say about you?

also, a)i'm not just popping off online, i'm going to tell Bill Beam exactly what I think of him because that's my first amendment right, by God. and b)i'm sincerely interested in what kind of response, if any, i'll get from the honorable and scrupulous Bill Beam.  he doesn't strike me as the type of guy who can receive a letter like this (and i'm guessing i'm not the only one to send him one) and just let it go. so if the Pflugerville police end up doing a kick door raid on my place next week, we'll all know Bill Beam's the one that gave the order. 

Casual observer observation.  1. I agree with your sentiments about the fucked up situation, and lying by the chief.  2.  A letter like that just might get you a visit from the local or state constabulary.

Posted (edited)
21 minutes ago, immortal13 said:

I'm not worked up at all, bro. So are you going to put a return address on that envelope?

you got the fire Shaka Smart thread locked like two days ago with your insane, obsessive, interminable post chain in reaction to one single post of mine. you made like seven ad hominem posts in row using all caps and exclamation points, and it was honestly completely typical of you. you need just as much help as i do if you are actually in denial about your obsession with me.

and yes. my full name and return address are on the letter/envelope, i just cropped them out of the photo for obvious reasons. that said, this discussion is quickly becoming tangential to this thread, and there's no need to keep posting about it. time to put the kabosh on this retarded back and forth and get back to the subject at hand. 

edit: lulz at your response- i made one single germane post about hoops that mentioned Tennessee, you then went completely off the rails like a psycho with countless ranting posts about me, and in turn got the thread locked because of it. but because deej, and herpa derpa, amd the rest of your crew gave you pos rep means you aren't the reason the thread got locked. ok. you are completely delusional. 


Edited by Goo Punch
  • Like 1
Posted (edited)
1 hour ago, Goo Punch said:

you got the fire Shaka Smart thread locked like two days ago with your insane, obsessive, interminable post chain in reaction to one single post of mine. you made like seven posts in row using all caps and exalarion points, and it was honestly completely typical of you. you need just as much help as i do if you are actually in denial about your obsession with me.

and yes. my full name and return address are on the letter/envelope, i just cropped them out of the photo for obvious reasons. 

anyway, this is quickly becoming tangential to this thread, and there's no need to keep posting about it. time to put the kabosh on this retarded back and forth and get back to the subject at hand. 

Oh I got it locked? Lulz. Why don't you look and see who got the most pos rep vs neg rep. Post results 


Oh....and you don't have the balls to send that letter anyway.

Edited by immortal13
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2 minutes ago, Bevo said:

I thought paraquat was an herbicide. Anyway, I hope goo isn't a UT grad. That letter is terribad.

Yep used to spray on Weed back in the late 70's early 80's to discourage people from smoking allegedly.

33 minutes ago, Onboard 2.0 said:

Casual observer observation.  1. I agree with your sentiments about the fucked up situation, and lying by the chief.  2.  A letter like that just might get you a visit from the local or state constabulary.

^^^This, I would give it a day or two to make sure you really want to send it, and whether it's worth the possible repercussions.

  • Like 1
3 minutes ago, SHOOTER12 said:

^^^This, I would give it a day or two to make sure you really want to send it, and whether it's worth the possible repercussions.

advice that has helped me out in the past, and advice that i will take right now. this is a hot button issue for me that hits close to home, and i've been pretty upset about it since seeing it. i don't always think straight when i get heated. hard to believe, i know. 

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Probably not a bad idea to write a letter.

However, in that particular context, you might want to tone down the obscenities.  A handwritten letter can be a powerful thing, but it loses a lot of its impact if it's full of juvenilia, even if said juvenilia includes Coen/Lebowski quotes.

10 hours ago, Mrs Whiggins said:

I agree. I'd like an American version of the British Palace guards. It's what one does with toddlers when they act out of control, and let's face it---a large part of our adult population acts that way, too (mental health patients notwithstanding). Some law enforcement agents appear to have dehumanized citizens to the point that they do not see humans, they see perps and scum. Bad people doing bad things must be stopped from further acts, but they have rights.


10 hours ago, TwiceHorn said:

Yep.  Unfortunately, I think it's a side effect of the job.  They see so much disgusting behavior that it takes a real strong person not to lose sight of humanity in it all.  And I'm not sure it's the senseless violence and depredation that causes it.  I think it's a vast accumulation of smaller things.


10 hours ago, Onboard 2.0 said:

This right here.  They do deal with a lot of bad elements daily. It must be hard to maintain an even keel, in a pretty thankless, and at times dangerous job

Sorry, I think you have it backwards for shitwads like the brutal cops in the video. Too many join the force looking for opportunities for thrills and bullying. They usually do it to blacks on the bad side of town, and we honkys are convinced they're doing a tough job protecting us all. That's fucking wrong.

Further, cops have changed the rules for arrest in the name of protecting officers that everybody must lay on the ground like serfs before Cossacks and hope a knee in the back doesn't permanently damage them. Hands on the car and spreading your feet was plenty fine but not quite sadistic enough for some police and the lily livers watching our brave boys on TV.

The boy in the video is standing like a zombie, clearly unarmed, and clearly controllable, at least initially, by just getting between him and his mother. Big fat security cop pops a boner because he can do a take down. Then he and his fat friend nearly suffocate the kid as they wait for back up. You can see blood on the pavement.

After that, if that kid spit at his attackers, I feel more like applauding than justifying further brutality. After he's worked over, he is defiant. So, more beatings by the professional cops who then turn on his mother. It looked like roid rage.

Any sympathy for those cops and the liars who defend them on camera is beyond my comprehension. These aren't good men hardened by a tough job; they're bullying fascists wearing armor and carrying guns drunk on their own power. If we don't keep vigilant and hold these types of cops accountable, they will keep typifying police behavior so that the genuinely good cops will continue to be the once constrained. Defending the worst behavior is the blue code, and we have to break that code.

Fuck those cops.

Fire the security cops and the cop that hit the kid and the cop who had to be wrestled to the ground to keep him from going after the mother. The cop that tackled his colleague is the only praise worthy person on the scene.

  • Like 4
1 minute ago, RomaVicta said:



Sorry, I think you have it backwards for shitwads like the brutal cops in the video. Too many join the force looking for opportunities for thrills and bullying. They usually do it to blacks on the bad side of town, and we honkys are convinced they're doing a tough job protecting us all. That's fucking wrong.


Kind of a blanket statement, and I agree there are wannabe bad asses who do join for that reason.  I think it's probably a small %.

I do not give cops a pass today like I used to, but not gonna throw them all under the bus either.

17 minutes ago, RomaVicta said:



Sorry, I think you have it backwards for shitwads like the brutal cops in the video. Too many join the force looking for opportunities for thrills and bullying. They usually do it to blacks on the bad side of town, and we honkys are convinced they're doing a tough job protecting us all. That's fucking wrong.

Further, cops have changed the rules for arrest in the name of protecting officers that everybody must lay on the ground like serfs before Cossacks and hope a knee in the back doesn't permanently damage them. Hands on the car and spreading your feet was plenty fine but not quite sadistic enough for some police and the lily livers watching our brave boys on TV.

The boy in the video is standing like a zombie, clearly unarmed, and clearly controllable, at least initially, by just getting between him and his mother. Big fat security cop pops a boner because he can do a take down. Then he and his fat friend nearly suffocate the kid as they wait for back up. You can see blood on the pavement.

After that, if that kid spit at his attackers, I feel more like applauding than justifying further brutality. After he's worked over, he is defiant. So, more beatings by the professional cops who then turn on his mother. It looked like roid rage.

Any sympathy for those cops and the liars who defend them on camera is beyond my comprehension. These aren't good men hardened by a tough job; they're bullying fascists wearing armor and carrying guns drunk on their own power. If we don't keep vigilant and hold these types of cops accountable, they will keep typifying police behavior so that the genuinely good cops will continue to be the once constrained. Defending the worst behavior is the blue code, and we have to break that code.

Fuck those cops.

Fire the security cops and the cop that hit the kid and the cop who had to be wrestled to the ground to keep him from going after the mother. The cop that tackled his colleague is the only praise worthy person on the scene.

Agree that those three should/will be fired 

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