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Marijuana use among youth in Colorado has escalated since legalization. And the money from the Colorado pot tax earmarked for "education" has gone to marijuana education, not to the public school system. I support legalization but it has lots of problems, despite the financial benefits that can be realized. Maybe the next few states to legalize can see what mistakes have been made in the first few and do it differently. 

Both lies.

Teen use down, per JAMA: https://www.reuters.com/article/us-health-teens-marijuana-laws/legalizing-pot-tied-to-less-teen-marijuana-use-idUSKCN1U32HL

Marijuana sales tax money goes to the Public School Fund and Public School Capital Construction Assistance Fund, not drug education, per CO. https://www.colorado.gov/pacific/revenue/disposition-marijuana-tax-revenue

You don’t get to just make shit up. Support your claims.

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  • Like 5
9 hours ago, Hate said:

Legalizing alcohol doesn't help anyone, the state gets more $$$ to waste, more people devote their lives to booze instead of anything productive. If that is how you want to live I really don't care, but I feel sorry for people who promote drinking  culture and waste their lives inhaling a chemical to simulate the euphoria and satisfaction you would feel doing something great.

Would you agree with this statement as well? Would you argue for a return to prohibition?

  • Like 1
1 hour ago, Bob Lives! said:


Both lies.

Teen use down, per JAMA: https://www.reuters.com/article/us-health-teens-marijuana-laws/legalizing-pot-tied-to-less-teen-marijuana-use-idUSKCN1U32HL

Marijuana sales tax money goes to the Public School Fund and Public School Capital Construction Assistance Fund, not drug education, per CO. https://www.colorado.gov/pacific/revenue/disposition-marijuana-tax-revenue

You don’t get to just make shit up. Support your claims.

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Both links are dead, just like your civility. I'm not making anything up, but I'm also not interested enough to hunt down sources. Believe it or not, I don't care. I'm not spending more time on it than this post. 

I work in high levels of mental health and criminal justice in Colorado and have seen multiple presentations and streams of data from hospitals and juvenile detention agencies, with data being pulled from the entirety of the state. Stats are clear and consistent that youth in CO are using marijuana at higher levels than pre-legalization. 

The education info came from various news outlets; it was a pretty big story out here for a while and made its way to the legislature for consideration. 

Like I said, I support legalization but states need to be careful about how the tax revenue is used and about the potential deleterious effects it can have on other parts of the system. Not sure why that threw you sideways -- maybe you need to smoke more. 

  • Like 3
15 hours ago, smwhorn said:

not to de-rail the thread, but . . . 

he was fucking hilarious in Splash.

Not to sidetrack the derailed thread,  but Eugene did the best double-take in film history in Waiting For Guffman in the now-infamous "I had to have penis reduction surgery" scene with Fred Willard and Catherine O'Hara.  Bravo, Sammy Maudlin, bravo.

  • Like 1
Posted (edited)
15 hours ago, JFKFC said:

I've driven to El Paso multiple times. I've been on just about every mile of I-10 across this country. I've never seen or heard of an interior border checkpoint until this story broke. 

Once had a narrow escape at one of these checkpoints.  We were also in a Tahoe, as it were.  It was the Saturday after the 2010 Rose Bowl.  My wife and I and my wife's ditzy girlfriend and her husband were eastbound on I-10, having just passed through El Paso.  Guys in front, ladies in back.  Everyone euphoric but exhausted.  The 80-mph speed limit sign went by, I set cruise control and settled back for miles of mesquite scrub.  Suddenly brake lights were popping on ahead, traffic cones blocked the whole highway and all lanes had to exit.  Law enforcement vehicles were everywhere to prevent turning off or going aroung the cones.  We had no contraband.  

We were routed to a ten acre asphalt tract of painted lanes, stop signs, pullout and exit the vehicle stations, and dozens of guys in kevlar vests, fatigues and big submachine guns, sniffer dogs, guys with mirrors in sticks, the whole schmeer.  

We had nothing to fear but the whole scene felt like a Far Side trouble brewing moment.  I told my just awakening sleepy comrades, "Say NOTHING about the game unless you want to be here for hours having your cavities searched and repacking the car. Many of these guys are Texas fans or lost money on the game, so don't say anything stupid."

We pulled up at a stop point and one unsmiling officer/agent grilled us for a couple of minutes while his partner did a walk around.  I was worried about the Alabama plate and big crimson UA Alumni decal on the windshield.  I suddenly saw further scrutiny, i.e., unpacking the car, more questions, and a long trip growing longer.

Just as quickly the walk around guy gave the thumbs up to the interrogator, who had been leaning in through both driver side windows, looking and I guess sniffing while talking and listening. My three riders were calm and cool answering questions.  The guy was strictly business, mad or bored or both.  His hands were on his submachine gun the whole time.

Finally, he took a step back and without another word motioned me forward to freedom.  He and his partner turned to the next vehicle.  

I put up my window and put the vehicle in gear.  We had rolled about ten feet.  I was wondering why the ditsy friend behind me had not put up her window, when I heard a commotion in the back seat.  Then I saw movement in the left rear view mirror.  Then, I saw a lot of crimson and white.  Then I saw my wife's crazy ass girlfriend hanging the upper half of her lanky 5'9" self completely out the window with two Bama shakers waving wildly in each hand, yelling at the top of her lungs, "Rollllll Tide!  Rollllllll Tide!"  

My eyes went to mirror.  I saw the two officers' heads whip around.  My wife was cussing at her girlfriend, trying to pull her back in and the husband was making guttural, profane noises through clenched teeth.  I was saying SHUTTHEFUCKUP GODDAMMIT PUTDOWNTHE FUCKINGSHAKERS or words to that effect.

Just like the Tide, we were fortunate with the way things turned out.  The inspectors shrugged and went on to the next car, we pulled Ditzo back in and enjoyed the long drive back.  Ditzo and hubby divorced soon after, though.  I have to think the Internal Border Inspection adventure was a catalyst. 

It was stressful finding yourself under close inspection by guys holding machine guns, all without warning other than a portable sign a few hundred yards west of the exit.

Edited by Bama Llama
Both links are dead, just like your civility. I'm not making anything up, but I'm also not interested enough to hunt down sources. Believe it or not, I don't care. I'm not spending more time on it than this post. 
I work in high levels of mental health and criminal justice in Colorado and have seen multiple presentations and streams of data from hospitals and juvenile detention agencies, with data being pulled from the entirety of the state. Stats are clear and consistent that youth in CO are using marijuana at higher levels than pre-legalization. 
The education info came from various news outlets; it was a pretty big story out here for a while and made its way to the legislature for consideration. 
Like I said, I support legalization but states need to be careful about how the tax revenue is used and about the potential deleterious effects it can have on other parts of the system. Not sure why that threw you sideways -- maybe you need to smoke more. 

Both links are fine. Here’s two new ones that say the same:

Teen use down: https://kdvr.com/2019/07/09/study-recreational-marijuana-legalization-tied-to-decline-in-teen-use/

“Laws that legalized recreational marijuana were associated with an 8% drop in the number of high schoolers who said they used marijuana in the last 30 days, and a 9% drop in the number who said they’d used at least 10 times in the last 30 days, according to the paper published in the medical journal JAMA Pediatrics on Monday.”

CO spends marijuana money on public school system: https://www.vice.com/en_us/article/9kx8bd/how-colorado-spent-its-dollar1-billion-in-weed-money

“Of the Marijuana Tax Cash Fund’s budget, 16.4% has gone to education initiatives since retail sales were legalized, according to the state. That’s bankrolled school construction projects, youth literacy, and anti-bullying programs. Lawmakers even set aside $25 million in tax revenue to help school districts in the state set up full-day kindergarten programs, according to the Colorado Sun.”

I’m sorry that you don’t like my use of the word “lies” and see it as uncivil. I’m not calling you a liar per se, but the things you are repeating are in fact lies. They are harmful lies and they are used to perpetuate a war that is wasting taxpayer money and denying medicine to the sick.

I’m asking you civilly and politely to please stop repeating them. I’m asking you this as a person who pays 6 figures a year in taxes and donates >100 hrs/yr to a non-profit for foster kids all while using marijuana daily to prevent seizures caused by my golf ball-sized brain tumor (and b/c I’d want to use it anyways, regardless). I admit, remaining civil in the face of the propaganda from pro-drug war zealots (which I realize you are not among) is infuriating, particularly when MJ’s Schedule 1 status outlaws the testing we need to disprove their claims.

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@Zavala  that post was for you too. i won't be engaging you in the private conversation you requested in my DM's.  i don't consider a person that takes your stance to be worthy of such a conversation. i only engage in these conversations publicly in the hope of reaching reasonable minds who happen to be reading along. You accuse me of 'wasting my life' b/c I use MJ but in my judgment, DM'ing you is far more wasteful. 

  • Like 1
3 hours ago, Bama Llama said:

Once had a narrow escape at one of these checkpoints.  We were also in a Tahoe, as it were.  It was the Saturday after the 2010 Rose Bowl.  My wife and I and my wife's ditzy girlfriend and her husband were eastbound on I-10, having just passed through El Paso.  Guys in front, ladies in back.  Everyone euphoric but exhausted.  The 80-mph speed limit sign went by, I set cruise control and settled back for miles of mesquite scrub.  Suddenly brake lights were popping on ahead, traffic cones blocked the whole highway and all lanes had to exit.  Law enforcement vehicles were everywhere to prevent turning off or going aroung the cones.  We had no contraband.  

We were routed to a ten acre asphalt tract of painted lanes, stop signs, pullout and exit the vehicle stations, and dozens of guys in kevlar vests, fatigues and big submachine guns, sniffer dogs, guys with mirrors in sticks, the whole schmeer.  

We had nothing to fear but the whole scene felt like a Far Side trouble brewing moment.  I told my just awakening sleepy comrades, "Say NOTHING about the game unless you want to be here for hours having your cavities searched and repacking the car. Many of these guys are Texas fans or lost money on the game, so don't say anything stupid."

We pulled up at a stop point and one unsmiling officer/agent grilled us for a couple of minutes while his partner did a walk around.  I was worried about the Alabama plate and big crimson UA Alumni decal on the windshield.  I suddenly saw further scrutiny, i.e., unpacking the car, more questions, and a long trip growing longer.

Just as quickly the walk around guy gave the thumbs up to the interrogator, who had been leaning in through both driver side windows, looking and I guess sniffing while talking and listening. My three riders were calm and cool answering questions.  The guy was strictly business, mad or bored or both.  His hands were on his submachine gun the whole time.

Finally, he took a step back and without another word motioned me forward to freedom.  He and his partner turned to the next vehicle.  

I put up my window and put the vehicle in gear.  We had rolled about ten feet.  I was wondering why the ditsy friend behind me had not put up her window, when I heard a commotion in the back seat.  Then I saw movement in the left rear view mirror.  Then, I saw a lot of crimson and white.  Then I saw my wife's crazy ass girlfriend hanging the upper half of her lanky 5'9" self completely out the window with two Bama shakers waving wildly in each hand, yelling at the top of her lungs, "Rollllll Tide!  Rollllllll Tide!"  

My eyes went to mirror.  I saw the two officers' heads whip around.  My wife was cussing at her girlfriend, trying to pull her back in and the husband was making guttural, profane noises through clenched teeth.  I was saying SHUTTHEFUCKUP GODDAMMIT PUTDOWNTHE FUCKINGSHAKERS or words to that effect.

Just like the Tide, we were fortunate with the way things turned out.  The inspectors shrugged and went on to the next car, we pulled Ditzo back in and enjoyed the long drive back.  Ditzo and hubby divorced soon after, though.  I have to think the Internal Border Inspection adventure was a catalyst. 

It was stressful finding yourself under close inspection by guys holding machine guns, all without warning other than a portable sign a few hundred yards west of the exit.

That was a lot words to tell a lame ass story. 

  • Like 3
8 minutes ago, Bob Lives! said:

@Zavala  that post was for you too. i won't be engaging you in the private conversation you requested in my DM's.  i don't consider a person that takes your stance to be worthy of such a conversation. i only engage in these conversations publicly in the hope of reaching reasonable minds who happen to be reading along. You accuse me of 'wasting my life' b/c I use MJ but in my judgment, DM'ing you is far more wasteful. 

I didn't accuse you of anything, but if you would rather have a personal conversation with me that's the place. Maybe smoke a blunt and chill out dude, your holier than thou act is sounding deranged.


This post is for informational purposes only.

Interactive map showing the 100-mile border zone where the federal government claims the power to conduct warrantless searches:

List of the known Border Patrol interior checkpoints:

  • Like 1
Posted (edited)
22 hours ago, Zavala said:

Legalizing dope doesn't help anyone, the state gets more $$$ to waste, more people devote their lives to drugs instead of anything productive. If that is how you want to live I really don't care, but I feel sorry for people who promote stoner culture and waste their lives inhaling a chemical to simulate the euphoria and satisfaction you would feel doing something great.


13 minutes ago, Zavala said:

I didn't accuse you of anything, but if you would rather have a personal conversation with me that's the place. Maybe smoke a blunt and chill out dude, your holier than thou act is sounding deranged.


Edited by Bob Lives!

I think it's time for a bowl....  I like a bowl this time of day when I'm getting ready to do some serious design work. Weed helps me think outside the box a bit, breaks mental log jams, and is otherwise very enjoyable without all the side effects of alcohol.

And I can write off weed purchases as a business expense...

Seriously though, legalization is coming, and gov'ts getting hundreds of millions in additional tax revenue is a good thing for many reasons. How they spend those funds should be pretty hard line monitored, and verified.

  • Like 2
  • Haha 1
4 hours ago, Bob Lives! said:



You bolded the part you wanted to mind read into a an accusation. Read it again.


4 hours ago, Onboard 2.0 said:

I think it's time for a bowl....  I like a bowl this time of day when I'm getting ready to do some serious design work. Weed helps me think outside the box a bit, breaks mental log jams, and is otherwise very enjoyable without all the side effects of alcohol.

And I can write off weed purchases as a business expense...

Seriously though, legalization is coming, and gov'ts getting hundreds of millions in additional tax revenue is a good thing for many reasons. How they spend those funds should be pretty hard line monitored, and verified.

Oh I'm sure it's going to be spent wisely - just like the rest of the money they collect.

On 2/20/2020 at 8:38 AM, DallasHorn26 said:

BP says they also found 23 mason jars, a can sealing machine, an electronic scale, and $3,100 in cash in Bray's jeans.

Damn, he fit all that in his jeans? Must've been a tight fit.



  • Like 2
14 minutes ago, zzz said:

Damn, he fit all that in his jeans? Must've been a tight fit.



For future reference, you don't need an excuse to post that gif. Just post it whenever, and wherever, you please.

For future reference, you don't need an excuse to post that gif. Just post it whenever, and wherever, you please.

And any more you might have of her work.

I feel like Robinson was wearing some Hammer pants.
On 2/20/2020 at 10:59 AM, Bob Lives! said:

a) why is a guy worth 8 figs smuggling drugs to make an extra ~$200k?  

b) Hemp, now legal federally and in Texas, smells EXACTLY like illegal cannabis.  So...if a drug dog that's trained to smell marijuana alerts on a car, does that even give rise to probable cause anymore?  I don't see how it could.  It's no different than if the dog were trained to alert on tobacco.  The dog's alert is no longer evidence of possession of a controlled substance. 

Couple weeks ago at a party a Travis county sheriff deputy was telling us that they have basically moved on from weed since the passing of the hemp laws.  Said they have no reliable way to test (not actually true) for THC and that you could have a large bag of high quality weed in plain sight and it's no longer probable cause to search.  Also that dogs can't tell the difference therefore of no use in the matter.  

The checkpoints are federal, and federal laws still have marijuana classified with LSD, PCP, heroin, and crack cocaine as schedule 1 drugs with high addictive qualities and "no accepted medical uses".  Meanwhile.. a shit ton of opioids and cocaine are only schedule 2

federal .gov needs to get over it and move along, unfortunately there are a lot of lobbyists fighting against legalization (alcohol, pharma, private prisons, etc.)

1 minute ago, Jkwellborn said:

And any more you might have of her work.

I feel like Robinson was wearing some Hammer pants.

lol. I actually searched for 'parachute pants' on giphy and that was one of the results. Here's another sample from the search results.


  • Like 2
The checkpoints are federal, and federal laws still have marijuana classified with LSD, PCP, heroin, and crack cocaine as schedule 1 drugs with high addictive qualities and "no accepted medical uses”


Pretty sure the feds have the same probable cause issues as Texas b/c they also legalized hemp.


Of course, most of these guys never watched STFU Friday’s so they end up giving law enforcement probable cause by opening their big dumb mouths.



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All things considered, I'm guessing there was a vehicle with a large quantity of coke, a few cars back from Cheech and Chong - and their driver. With the wannabe and usetabe sojer boys and their dogs flapping around the Tahoe, they got waved right through...

All things considered, I'm guessing there was a vehicle with a large quantity of coke, a few cars back from Cheech and Chong - and their driver. With the wannabe and usetabe sojer boys and their dogs flapping around the Tahoe, they got waved right through...

I’ve faked to several people that have ran large quantities of drugs and that’s what they claimed they always did.
21 minutes ago, Jkwellborn said:

I’ve faked to several people that have ran large quantities of drugs and that’s what they claimed they always did.

The lead-car scenario is said by my acquaintances in the interdiction biz to be quite common. Next is the "u-turn" version, for not-so-busy checkpoints such as on 118 between Alpine and Terligua and on 67 between Marfa and Presidio - a car will stop and turn around within sight of the checkpoint, and the BP's leap into their vehicles and storm after it, while the next car gets waved through by the guys still left at the stop -  and the turn-around car turns out to have no contraband, just remembered they forgot to get momma's shopping list...

Back in the day - and I wouldn't be surprised if still - the Chief would call Pablo and tell him "we need a bust", and Pablo would call back and say "Blue and white Winnebago RV, with Iowa plates, got 10 kilos under the bed." 

On 2/20/2020 at 1:36 PM, JFKFC said:

I've driven to El Paso multiple times. I've been on just about every mile of I-10 across this country. I've been on interstates all over, mostly Midwest & East Coast (not counting Texas). I'm not young, and I've never seen or heard of an interior border checkpoint until this story broke. 

Then you haven't drive to El Paso through I-10. The Sierra Blanca checkpoint has been there since I was a kid and is somewhat infamous due to Willie and Snoop's arrest.

Posted (edited)
3 minutes ago, GabrielsHorn said:

Then you haven't drive to El Paso through I-10. The Sierra Blanca checkpoint has been there since I was a kid and is somewhat infamous due to Willie and Snoop's arrest.

Went thru with the son in late September.  Kinda weird, felt like going thru a border check point.  We were waved right on thru in a U haul rental truck towing his car.  On a side note, if I had to live I El Paso, I'd do heavy drugs daily.

Edited by Onboard 2.0
1 minute ago, GabrielsHorn said:

Then you haven't drive to El Paso through I-10. The Sierra Blanca checkpoint has been there since I was a kid and is somewhat infamous due to Willie and Snoop's arrest.

Sierra Blanca checkpoint is only on the east-bound side - i.e., coming FROM El Paso. You don't stop if you're going TO El Paso, but unless you're beyond belief unobservant, you can't miss it.

There's also a nice for-profit jail prison "detention facility" in SB, complete with a nice expandable tent-city for housing illegal immigrants. They're really nice tents, though, and they can go up and down pretty quick. 

Posted (edited)
6 minutes ago, Tex Long said:

Sierra Blanca checkpoint is only on the east-bound side - i.e., coming FROM El Paso. You don't stop if you're going TO El Paso, but unless you're beyond belief unobservant, you can't miss it.

There's also a nice for-profit jail prison "detention facility" in SB, complete with a nice expandable tent-city for housing illegal immigrants. They're really nice tents, though, and they can go up and down pretty quick. 

I've made that drive my entire life. If you've driven through I-10 many times and had never wondered why all traffic was being diverted, everytime, to a single building that had numerous trucks that indicated that it was border patrol, I have some beachfront property to sell you in Terlingua. 

Edited by GabrielsHorn
9 hours ago, GabrielsHorn said:

Then you haven't drive to El Paso through I-10. The Sierra Blanca checkpoint has been there since I was a kid and is somewhat infamous due to Willie and Snoop's arrest.

I just Google'd Sierra Blanca checkpoint and saw this picture:


It looks like a truck weigh station on the side of the road. Are there times when they make regular cars, and not just 18-wheelers, drive through this?

10 minutes ago, JFKFC said:

I just Google'd Sierra Blanca checkpoint and saw this picture:


It looks like a truck weigh station on the side of the road. Are there times when they make regular cars, and not just 18-wheelers, drive through this?

ERRBODY got to exit and be checked. It's for your safety, sir.

5 minutes ago, Onboard 2.0 said:

They don't check everyone. They waved us right on thru. 

They DO check everyone. You had to pull off into the checkpoint. You had to drive slowly along the lane, through an array of cameras, scanners, and other sensors. Your license plate was scanned and looked up, and by the time you got "waved through", the agents knew who owned the vehicle and had the owner's drivers license and picture and any associated red flags. 

You can call that "not getting checked" if you wish. But you're wrong...

Just now, Tex Long said:

They DO check everyone. You had to pull off into the checkpoint. You had to drive slowly along the lane, through an array of cameras, scanners, and other sensors. Your license plate was scanned and looked up, and by the time you got "waved through", the agents knew who owned the vehicle and had the owner's drivers license and picture and any associated red flags. 

You can call that "not getting checked" if you wish. But you're wrong...

I figured that. I meant they didn't stop us. I had every suspicion there were cameras, and an array of other surveillance shit I can only dream of.  We talked about that  during the approach. 

3 hours ago, Onboard 2.0 said:

They don't check everyone. They waved us right on thru. 

The "wave you right thru" shit stopped after 9/11 in my experience. If you didn't see the cameras then they weren't there yet. You cannot fucking miss them.

16 minutes ago, GringoSalado said:

The "wave you right thru" shit stopped after 9/11 in my experience. If you didn't see the cameras then they weren't there yet. You cannot fucking miss them.

This has been covered above...

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